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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 253 KB, 1080x961, Screenshot_20220804-003121_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50728594 No.50728594 [Reply] [Original]

You've got nothing to hide, right?

>> No.50728612

I am being lazy procrastinating telling them they owe me money. I gotta file soon.

>> No.50728642

i dont respect that headline at all
why do they get money for checking for money anyway? the middle class pays for that

>> No.50728643

Its a good thing I'm ceasing to be American soon.

>> No.50728651

Where you going?

>> No.50728664
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imagine living in burger shithole

>> No.50729381

Free gibs for the useful idiots and rob the middle class yup sounds about right.

>> No.50729385
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Land of the free imarite.

>> No.50729404

Democrats and liberals hate the poor and middle class.

>> No.50729437

I have nearly 0 dollars anyway

>> No.50729452
File: 214 KB, 894x1024, taxes .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck the IRS kikes

>> No.50729460

This. I already own nothing. Until the create FEMA 2.0 and start hauling me off to my assigned pod there's nothing else they can do to me

>> No.50729463
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>The gov fucks up the economy
>Time to squeeze every citizen out of their last penny

this planet has no forms of intelligent life on it. ayy lmao's are studying us from far away

>> No.50729467
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Is this what being boiled slowly feels like, they're going to go after the rich right right

>> No.50729476

How does some debt sound

>> No.50729566

LOL fuckem all.

>> No.50729618

i am jealous, i want to leave too. This country is fucking bad.

>> No.50729803

i love america, file your taxes the way obama does and you have no problems

>> No.50729862

>You've got nothing to hide, right?
You are being directly targeted for state-sanctioned lawfare and you think being clean will help you? kek. The middle class is to be wiped out - crushed between the twin wheels of high inflation and taxation. Bullied by the power of the state at all times. Threatened by the lawlessness allowed by that same state to its orc classes (niggers/spics) which act as free terrorisors, designed to keep you frightened and helpless, and ideally to pick off a few of you now and again, whilst you get engaged with the lawfare of the state against you if you complain because you are then racist. You cannot overstate how much the state hates you. They want you dead, your kids drugged and sissified until you white middle class people become a subservient slave class

>> No.50730140

GME must surely be going for moass soon, tonne of new millionaires they'll need to hunt down and tax.

>> No.50730846

I hide a lot of things, like my past with my ex, how I finished high school and that one time I drunkenly bought champ nfts because my friends said I was bragging about how one day I won a soccer game without wearing shoes

>> No.50731149

good for you. it’s too expensive for me to renounce citizenship at this point, but definitely seems like having american citizenship is more of a burden than being advantageous.

>> No.50731269

jews are descended form the ayy lmaos

>> No.50731332

Perfect example of a GPT-3 post on /biz/

>> No.50731395

>Audit the White gentile middle class
Another screw tightened

>> No.50731411

There's some cute hijab women here tho

>> No.50731417

This is why people need more powerful weapons and both cops and politicians should be banned from using any kind of body armor.

>> No.50731420

what the actual fuck
this is actually masonic symbolism

>> No.50731424

I have only bought and never sold any crypto for this very reason.
So I'll be fine.
Anyone who bought and sold anything is fucked though.
You should have waited for clarity while holding XRP.

>> No.50731444

Amerigoyim better start learning to appreciate bugs because you will own nothing soon.

>> No.50731512

And that is why is shit, like the autopilot crap, trained with pajeet trash tier code.

>> No.50731736

I killed a MASSIVE cricket in the bathroom, and I was thinking, damn this big bug must have like 5 grams of protein on him

>> No.50731758

But the question is why?

>> No.50731795

I simply won't pay and have nothing to take or wages to garnish

>> No.50731847

>throwing money and manpower at a processing speed and correctness problem with zero architectural considerations.
>100+ new shitcoins are born everyday.
The writing is on the wall. The only question is how long we play this game.

>> No.50731907

You're paying for your own raping.

>> No.50731933

Whites are the only people capable of standing against them. So they must undercut and attack whites as hard as possible do they don't organize.

>> No.50731945

nice, I too filed for an extension and haven't delivered.

>> No.50731949

Wrong. The taxes are only there to stabilize so that hyper-inflation doesn't kick in, cycling existing volume back into the state, but what's paying for this is just magic fed money created out of nothing.
The 'ima tax payer im paying x y z' is such an outdated shitty way of thinking about what is happening. Are you 65?

>> No.50731974

Yeah, the one thing that really bothers me about my generally ultra smart, ultra competent, normie coworkers is that they completely miss the malicious intent of the government. Like, how do you not see it?

>> No.50732221

Not hiding anything, but the process of cryptoaccounting for turbotax is ridiculous. "where did you get the money to make this transaction?" on every single fucking purchase.

>> No.50732254

Having a job.

>> No.50732293


i made a good bit in the crypto and stock market the past few years and recently quit work and now am on food stamps. its better to detach from the system and hide in plain site as a poor. transfer your money and wealth into assets that are not directly tied to your name, or abroad, you can figure it out.

>> No.50732318

imo a lot of it is demoralization from realizing september 11th was an inside job but choosing to lie to themselves about it. then they just continued doing that for every other government abuse after which was never as emotionally impactful. black magic, mass hypnosis.

>> No.50732341

because they are Jews and they are born of Satan. Whites are the ancient Israelites, the descendants of Adam.

>> No.50732379

Gotta make sure your fiat was properly taxed prior to using it to make this other potentially taxable situation. No one seems to care where I get my money when I buy stonks or primitive shiny rocks.

>> No.50732406

>babbys first red pill

>> No.50732437

the thing I don't get is do the kikes that run this country not understand their power dependent on the people they are trying to exterminate? The obvious decline on the US on the world stage is a result of the decline of the White population, a majority non White USA is not going to be able to exert control around the world assuming it can even maintain itself as a nation. I fully expect the US to balkanize within the next 30 years and am making plans to jump ship within the next 5.

>> No.50732441

No return there.

>> No.50732492

This is why so many people are accelerationists. The sooner gentile whites are exterminated, the sooner the unwashed mud blooded rest of the world exterminate the kikes. The white gentile's last hope of defeating the kikes died in 1945. Verification not required

>> No.50732575

you're a retarded fool if you think the shit skins of the world stand a chance against the kikes.

>> No.50732597

>Beast Mode
What's up with these shitty opinion piece titles?

>> No.50732605

You have just explained MAGA.
USA Jews realized that destroying the place 95% of them live might be retarded.

The psychopath Jews are hell bent on that very thing.

>> No.50732692

The jew has a fatal flaw which is why the 109 countries meme exists. They can't control themselves when it comes to hatred of the goyim. It's like they're a program that just runs its code only in this case the code says "destroy the goyim at all costs". I think eventually there will be some real shit go down. A type of final solution if you will.

>> No.50732878
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The Jew always jews himself in the end.

>> No.50732928

Because they see what happens to people who step out of line.
If 'elites' started getting knocked off they might suddenly find their balls

>> No.50732947

>The conservative right thinks the liberal left hates the white middle class because they choose different options in dealing with the undesirable brown population.

>> No.50732974

Actually it's the hourly stream of anti white media and news articles the left has been putting out over the decades that have convinced us they are anti white.

>> No.50732995

That's exactly my point. You can't see how putting out anti-white propaganda can be used as a mechanism to enact pro-white policy.

>> No.50733020

Everything about the American left is anti-white

>> No.50733034

Is it their propensity for segregation that makes them anti-white? Or perhaps their bloodlust for enabling access to abortions in predominately black areas?

>> No.50733077
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he noticed boaz and jachin lol cute goyim
now go back to work!

>> No.50733092

Yeah flooding the nation with non white people (90% to 60% in a generation) and settling them specifically in places like Maine and Minnesota is pretty obviously anti white no matter how you try and twist it

>> No.50733125

That happens with both parties becuase it's been decreed as needed by the oligarchic elites. Not an argument.

>> No.50733169

>the middle class
Then they will go on camera and whine about the decline of the middle class lmao

>> No.50733178

>hurr durr look at these cherry picked context ignoring statements

>> No.50733214

Maybe it's their drive to disarm the majority of the black population. Is that evidence of their anti-white plan?

>> No.50733297

>You can't see how putting out anti-Tutsi propaganda can be used as a mechanism to enact pro-Tutsi policy.

>> No.50733303

>it’s too expensive for me to renounce citizenship

>> No.50733340

Everything according to plan

>> No.50733359

They’re not smart

>> No.50733363

The taxes are there to ONLY KEEP THE WORLD RUNNING you utter fucking idiot, you really think printing money ALONE can solve anything except making dollar worth less than toilet paper?

>> No.50733391
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>> No.50733417

As long as any vestige of jewish culture is with aryans, be it Jews, international organizations or Christianity there’s gonna be Jews and there’s gonna be aryans letting them back in. You might exterminate 99% of them but in 500 years your grand grandchildren will let them back in after a political of religious rebellion

>> No.50733454

>oligarchic elites aka anti white jews
It literally is an argument idiot

>> No.50733466

Same. Where are you going?

>> No.50733475

>he thinks I'm middle class

>> No.50733485

>we turned white females into whores, destroyed white family, killed tens of millions of white babies, caused skyrocketing divorce rates that ruin men, created a population of single mother children that are either whores or incels
>but it also affects blacks so we’re not anti white

>> No.50733513

They print money and you pay the tax through inflation. Money supply is a number on a screen anyway these days

>> No.50733538
File: 2.68 MB, 1645x1645, Dollarnote_siegel_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've never seen a dollar bill, have you?

>> No.50733549

The alternative to not doing so may have been worse. Again, the premise that they're anti-white is flawed; Just because you don't agree with their subversive method of controlling browns along with some white casualties does not explicitly make the policies anti-white.

I did some quick reading on the subject. You're not wrong. Who's in power now?

>> No.50733567

this is another big nail to stifle dissent. Put it all in a row, I'm sure you can add to it. Covid - Climate - gas up mobility down - CBDC - Domestic 'terrorism' - BLM/Newspeak - Replacement - fiscal police as a political weapon.
No connect them try to extrapolate in your head. is the noose loosening or tightening? What must you do?

>> No.50733569

lmao, there is no right in America.
But Democrats have publicly said that “White people don’t vote in their own best interests.” They would never say that shit in a million years to Blacks. It’s amazing how much disdain they have for Whites and other minorities who don’t vote for them, even independents. Obama outright said they were wasting their votes if they didn’t vote Democrat and tried to talking to crowds of Blacks in 2016 using fake ebonics. They also still support segregation and practice it themselves in how they live, whilst also pretending to praise Black leaders and not allowing any minorities any real power within their party. They are some of the most racist scumbags on Earth that make /pol/tards looks amicable by comparison.

>> No.50733593

Oy vey goy
Looks like you will be paying your fair share now
Good luck

>> No.50733597

Thanks to the internet the world will know of the Jew's crime against humanity for all of history.

>> No.50733601

you won't solve this riddle until you decide to replace 'democrats' with 'jews' in your musings.

>> No.50733619
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>max out dependents on W4
>no fed tax
>don't file return
simple as

>> No.50733620

Everyone and their grandmother knows that Schumer and Pelosi are Jews, that doesn’t need to be stated.

>> No.50733632

No, the original statement made was that Democrats and liberals hate whites. The policies surrounding immigration are pushed by, allowed by, and treated as a given by both sides of American politics. If you look at immigration numbers whether the right or left is in power, they don't change. That's why it's not an argument.

>> No.50733647

no they won't unless we take them down. Go ask your average Jan 6 tourist.

>> No.50733667

'keep the world running' lmao, ok TVbrain boomer faggot
and I said in my post that the way taxes are, are to stabilize and keep control and avoid hyper-inflation, even though they are multiplying the money supply. You inject, and you extract.
You tell me then. The US is always increasing the deficit. But is also printing printing printing more out of nothing. What does this new money pay for? The answer is: Exactly what the fuck they need it for.
There are no rules to these people. And the 'taxes' (many ways to do taxes they do it their way for a reason) are only used as a stabilizing mechanism if you were able to extract some truth out of the international bankers. Not to 'keep the world running', that's some naive shit.

>> No.50733673

it does. The jew recoils when he's called out for his race. See this is why you never managed to kick them out unlike 109 tiny fucking countries even.

>> No.50734028
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Funny how the Ripple court case takes two years since they dont know if it's an unregistered security or not.. But they already know how to tax it ;).

>> No.50734120

based. always name the jew, brother

>> No.50734190

They have their own ethnostate to flee to.

>> No.50734192

Yeah but people in the 20 or 50's would riot immediately if they know what we know today. Meanwhile all we can do is meme EPSTEIN DIDNT KILL HIMSELF EGGS DEE and see the crazy aventures of Hunter Biden.

>> No.50734260

True. It's because people's lives are comfortable but also because we lack the faith in God that people had just a few decades ago. If this life is all you have then it becomes super precious and priceless, and you will endure tyranny and hardship rather than give up your one and only precious life. Atheism is one of the strongest tool of the commie/jew.

>> No.50734384
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Your ability to recognize patterns is broken

>> No.50734419
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you will always be a shit colored parasitic dumb creature

>> No.50734430
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Cool story, so the US federal government is an openly jewish uniparty. Where to now?

>> No.50734462

Everywhere else: This is how much you owe
America: Guess how much you owe and if you're wrong we will put you in debt, take your home, and potentially imprison you

>> No.50734511
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>45b to audit middle class
just guessing here but i'm going to assume this expense is larger than any money they might extract from the middle class at this point, and i wouldn't be surprised either if that was known to them. very cool glow niggers.

>> No.50734559

That stops working when people stop holding their wealth inside dollar

>> No.50734560

I'm not subhuman mutt so I really dont give a fuck what kikes at the IRS do

>> No.50734590

If you owe anything in first place then you're already the problem, gov baby. How much money you borrowed to live above your competence?

>> No.50734623

It’s another day of “/biz/ gobbles up bait opinion pieces made by fat kikes”
How unexpected

>> No.50734660

Stop being naive. If they were really anti-white, they wouldn't allow 90% of democratic leadership to be wealthy white men.

>> No.50734879

the jew has found many ways to part you with your money

>> No.50735046

>democratic leadership
You mean the puppet show? Yes generally if you're oppressing a people you have a local as your figurehead so the natives don't get restless, the British learned that one when they had an empire
Not to mention look at all the junior congressmen, at least in the USA - it's gonna be a stinky, fat brown and female wave in D.C. in the next decade

>> No.50735058
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Thanks Jews

>> No.50735078

yes we just need more heckin based rekikelicans to give multi billion dollar tax cut gibs to corporations to encourage low wage job creation™

>> No.50735205

Jews are not intelligent, the high IQ jew is a meme. They are blinded by their ancient hatred of European peoples and are unable to think ahead to the logical conclusion that wiping us out leads to. Besides, most of the key Jews doing it will be dead soon enough, and they know they won't have to live in the world they created.

>> No.50735408

I assume all attempts by the IRS to contact me are just jeet scammers impersonating the IRS

>> No.50735823

they are jumping ship and selling the farm, liquidating the US to establish their place of power once things go under. Make business deals with the Chinese etc., be allowed to be lords. The US is a resource to be traded and sold to them, they won't go down, they're securing themselves.

>> No.50735993

you vill eat ze government cheese goyim

>> No.50736228

*Land of the freaks

>> No.50736384

It makes no difference. Government spending isn't free.

>> No.50736562

fr no cap

>> No.50736786

Ha ha a lot of stupid Amerigoys who thought they could make money in Crypto without paying taxes are going to learn the hard way why Monero is, was, and will always be the only crypto worth owning.

>> No.50736894

But why?

>> No.50736986

Imagine thinking public facing, elected officials actually hold any significant sway

>> No.50737846


>> No.50737903

>1 post by this ID.

>> No.50738034

>1 post by this ID.

>> No.50738118
File: 179 KB, 894x266, oppressive system against george floyd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't obligated to tell them at all. If you are liable that is the U.S. Treasury's job, not yours.


>> No.50738150

Hallo Folks, dont let those spamers fool ya. Invest only the trusted systems! Like Yopi Network.

>Fastest and cheapest payment option in the world
>Highly scalable, community driven
>Full-stack system with all crypto possibilities and techs
>33%-49%-66% APY / 30-60-90 days lock

>> No.50738905


>> No.50738919

Why doesn't the American middle class want to pay their fair share?

>> No.50738934

What exactly do they get for it? everything local is paid for by salt

>> No.50738964

It's not gonna pass anyways

>> No.50738988

>Wall Street Jewrnal opinion page
Stop subjecting yourself to retarded propaganda.

>> No.50738989

Your overlords thrive on your misery. You aren't supposed to get anything out of it.
America openly hates its citizens.

>> No.50739049

>i dont respect that headline at all
It really upsets you, doesn't it Rabbi? Or if you're sincere, take note this is what happens when your democrats get in charge. "We gotta go after the rich! Like teachers, nurses, tradies, and small business owners! Not the actual rich, that's anti-semetic."

>> No.50739297

You christkikes what brought the world to this place, defeat jewish power by worshipping a jew god?

>> No.50739969

no they wouldn't, they fought a ww over ze jews, they were even more cucked
the jews and their pets basically control the flow of information and it's no different then and now.
go back and read about the history of places like charlestown and other jewish american nests they've been there since the 1700s

>> No.50739970
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>he thought the statue of liberty was given by France the country instead of the French freemasons

>> No.50740042
File: 56 KB, 600x900, paris-france-may-marianne-bronze-statue-national-symbol-french-republic-place-de-la-republique-paris-marianne-bronze-185189511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not true. Most of the shit started after the "enlightenment" and French revolution.
All your -isms and fake history were made up after that to "make the world a better place".

Marianne (pronounced [maʁjan]) has been the national personification of the French Republic since the French Revolution, as a personification of liberty, equality, fraternity and reason, as well as a portrayal of the Goddess of Liberty.

Marianne is displayed in many places in France and holds a place of honour in town halls and law courts. She is depicted in the Triumph of the Republic, a bronze sculpture overlooking the Place de la Nation in Paris, as well as represented with another Parisian statue on the Place de la République. Her profile stands out on the official government logo of the country, appears on French euro coins and on French postage stamps.[1] She was also featured on the former franc currency and is officially used on most government documents.

Marianne is a significant republican symbol; her French monarchist equivalent is often Joan of Arc. As a national icon Marianne represents opposition to monarchy and the championship of freedom and democracy against all forms of oppression. Other national symbols of Republican France include the tricolor flag, the national motto Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, the national anthem "La Marseillaise", the coat of arms, and the official Great Seal of France. Marianne also wore a Cockade and a red Phrygian cap symbolising Liberty.

>> No.50740071
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>> No.50740139
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>paying taxes to pay for the salaries of people that take away even more of your money

>> No.50740369


>> No.50740503

>august 5th

>> No.50742579

we aren't jews. it's not used for pro-white policy, it's actually just used for anti-white policy and to promote white guilt.

>> No.50742609

accelerationism is retardation and literal suicide

>> No.50743127

Nicely spotted anon
And hmmm interesting

>> No.50743710

It's okay as long as they don't go sicko mode

>> No.50745499

Or you could just keep on living your life and use privacy solutions to keep your transactions hidden and untraceable.

>> No.50745738

if u look at history they just align themselves with the power at the time. the roman, the arab, the turk, the frank, the american. they will just go on to the next

>> No.50746031

What Middle Class?

>> No.50746093

epic social commentary, anon

>> No.50746201

Three types of people:
1.) Those who see
2.) Those who see once shown
3.) Those that do not/will not see

>> No.50746540
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>> No.50747287
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>> No.50747300

Let's get kuh-razy

>> No.50747526
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I have nothing to my name.

>> No.50747566

>the irs is about to go BEAST MODE because of "xxx" moneys
Imagine thinking more money = more efficiency in fucking government of all things topkek. What planet are these "journalists" smoking

>> No.50747597

>audit the middle class
Guess I'm safe.

>> No.50747726
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>> No.50747731

Sorry mutts, you're not allowed to make it in crypto without the government stealing half to export kike globohomo wars overseas and inject your children with pharma profit juice.

>> No.50747765

Think of thr whole of history. It was the lite few ruling over everyone. The past 100+ years has been an aberration, and they must seethe thinking about it. They're going to attempt to reinstall feudalism.

>> No.50747810

>he thinks they will stop at middle class
If you earned over 15k last year you will be looked at.

>> No.50747882

kinda based

actually just considering not paying next year, but it makes more sense to become financially independent and shoot any glownigger who dares tread

>> No.50747909
File: 38 KB, 444x612, gettyimages-96844478-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck the IRS and the government - support your local black market

>> No.50748034
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I've paid taxes on every crypto-crypto trade, and I hope the IRS descends on all you freeloading parasites like the wrath of god

>> No.50748074
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>I've paid taxes on every crypto-crypto trade, and I hope the IRS descends on all you freeloading parasites like the wrath of god
Thanks Mr. Shekelberg, now post nose

>> No.50748076

More like 3g. Bug protein isn't as bioavailable as regular animal products.

>> No.50748091

Thank god Im a NEET with no income

>> No.50748144

They used the word beast mode unironically

>> No.50749229
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>not understand their power dependent on the people they are trying to exterminate
You have a misunderstanding of the plan. The goal is to genocide whites/asians, then use niggers and spics to do any labor.

Niggers are docile and subservient when given drugs. The niggers you know are that way because they have been paid to be that way. Essentially once the whites are gone, they will just use the rest as slaves.

>exert control around the world
It isn't the 80s anymore. The USA has almost zero control and very little power. If it did then I assure you Iran and Syria would be liberated. The power they wield is a complete illusion and fabrication backed by the promise of money.

The reason you feel like they have power is because in their system, they do. The TLAs can nab you at anytime, anywhere. They don't have that capability in most of Europe, Asia, Arabia, etc.

>> No.50749844


>write bot to do micro trades for you, pennies at a time, thousands of times a day
>end of year, refuse to file online and send the IRS a pallet of your tax return
>when you get your tax bill, pay in loose pennies

>> No.50750823

There's never been a better time to start using 0xMonero. 0xMR recently released 0xTIP, which enables private bridging, mixing, and off-chain storage and transfers. How can you tax what you can't see? Plus, unlike Monero, 0xMR can be traded on decentralized exchanges without KYC and farmed on DeFi platforms.

>> No.50751323

>sic the irs on my employer because they witheld too many taxes.

>> No.50751336

They will do all the paper work but shoot you for paying woth pennies.

>> No.50753408

Based. This is the time most privacy solutions would come into the limelight. Especially the ones that integrate with defi and smart contracts.

>> No.50754879
File: 220 KB, 792x797, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope. 0xmonero is still vaporware bullshit
just like the last hundred times you spammed it
it has no privacy features of any kind
stop trying to steal from people by lying to them about the capabilities of the project