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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50728022 No.50728022 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50728053

It’s real whereas stocks are nothing but boomer pyramid schemes

>> No.50728094

>boomer pyramid schemes
what the hell are you talking about?
Dividend paying stocks are at least paying out in fiat ponzi that is accepted world wide.
Only thing that is real in crypto is fair launched PoW coins/projects, the rest are premined scams and turd tech.
>t. it's not, except btc/ltc/xmr

>> No.50728233

Higher risk higher returns, almost completely unregulated which either good or bad depending on your pov. I think btc/crypto is fucked due to the futures etf look at how the paper market has completely fucked gold and silver prices, they will use an unbelievable amount of resources to keep people out of real money and keep the cattle in their fiat debt based system

>> No.50728292

they are both total scams that will steal your money and leave you with zero control. they are both total jewish fraud that no one will help you with after they rob. they are both jewish l;egalized theft. the jews would be rounded up and exterminated tomorrow if there was an American government, there is not., there is only jewish central bank, media and courts and until men organize to exterminate the jew, the jew will use the media courts and any and all investment to rob you

>> No.50728308

checked. money. and cold storage.

>> No.50728311

Bitcoin can't be debased unlike stocks

>> No.50728320

Crypto is just stocks on crack.

>> No.50728321


>> No.50728339

idiotic. every cex, leverage trade, and futures trade is a debasement.

bitcoin is infinitely debased and a total scam fraud controlled 100% by jewish NGO and gov orgs mostly via the cme in chicago. home to jewish gangsters and retarded niggers as the front fake gov

>> No.50728435
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It's not. Realistically speaking, the crypto market as a whole will not and can't logistically significantly outperform the stock market as a whole over the next few decades. There is more risk, but it's not necessarily all compensated risk. Regulatory risk is there and for projects that are prepared for it you could say that risk is compensated. For whatever dog coin or erc-20 shitcoin /biz/ is shilling, not so much. The relatively low market caps of everything outside of the top 10 could be considered an edge as well, as just like in the stock market smallcaps tend to outperform.

Most of the people you see on here have sub five figure portfolios, stocks and crypto combined. When you have almost nothing to your name you need a moon shot to "make it" and it makes it really easy to believe "investing" in crypto is a free lunch and that an "easy 10x" is just around the corner. And every successful investment or trade is a result and reflection of your own personal skill whereas every failure is bad luck or a result of unforeseen circumstances.

>> No.50728461

the kikes are only going to regulate non jews and non catholics. they use bitcoin to rob people of course its not going to be regulated. its their fucking tool to rob people just like wall street. do they regulate proshares or direxion for robbin people? hell no they let kikes rob people in america. thats why they have to die, to free america and the earth from being born into a jewish crime spree. kill them all not one on earth no jews on earth at all. none

>> No.50728480
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>want to buy some stocks
>research how it works
>bought bitcoin instead

>> No.50728483

Post hand

>> No.50728503

Crypto is leveraged stocks but you're mostly competing against other retards rather than Jews with Bloomberg terminals and insider knowledge. In crypto it's much more of a free for all

>> No.50728505

king of hearts, king of diamonds, king of clubs. my hand has no king of spades. not a nigger or akike or even brown eyes or hair. what cards you got?

>> No.50728517


>> No.50728521

lmao holy shit

>> No.50728528

Crypto doesn't close. And all of the customer protection 'memes' like stock market circuit breakers are only to protect the (((big))) investors, not you.

>> No.50729351

Go back to pol

>> No.50729372

You can more easily evade taxes in crypto than stocks

>> No.50729376

This. Which is why I buy options.

>> No.50729393

/biz/ can't seriously be this retarded can it. Crypto is backed by nothing, stocks are ownership of a company that reimburse their profits to you (dividends). There's nearly no way you could be down investing in stocks over ten years unless you are total retard buying bankrupt companies. I get my solid -5-20% a year investing in SPY over the last ten years but most people don't like slow and consistent growth and want to get rich quick or go broke

>> No.50729399

Where do I store my stocks?

>> No.50729440

>can easily transfer/travel with crypto easily
>can evade taxes / anonymize yourself easily
>hardware wallets ensure true ownership
>can exchange crypto for physical goods & drugs

>american boomer ponzi scheme

>> No.50730566

Based. Crypto gives users full control over their assets and the liberty to do what they want at any point in time with instant transactions. Anonymity can even be amplified with privacy solutions which would make your transactions unseen even on a public ledger.

>> No.50731690

There are a lot of things to consider anon. First off, a good investment could make you millions in a matter of hours.

>> No.50731702

how much does it cost you anon

>> No.50731733

in the stock market, market makers exploit the settlement system and its timings to borrow out and leverage shares at an unlimited amount. so they can print shares out of thin air from the borrowing system and get away with it because DTCC is compliant in the fraud and all the loopholes they used have been legalized specifically for them. if you tried it then it would be illegal, but for them it’s literally legal

>> No.50731937

Kek, Well deserved.

>> No.50731997

Which cold storage are you using

>> No.50732022

way higher returns thanks to skeptical people like you—please don't change. don't buy crypto, it's a scam. every single cryptocurrency is a ponzi that will go to zero, trust me bro. only buy AAPL

>> No.50732250

>make your transactions unseen even on a public ledger.

>> No.50733940

Okay. By using zkSNARKS cryptography, privacy protocols can proof transactions without revealing any identifying information thus making users anonymous.

>> No.50735832

Ease up on the seething chad

>> No.50736662

I guess not too many people have had luck with stocks so far

>> No.50739263

pretty much this.
If you want to make a stock more real, don't forget to direct register your stock with the companies transfer agent - that way the stock is in your name, and not the streets name.