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50726438 No.50726438 [Reply] [Original]

It is impossible to make it as an independent creative in 2022 regardless of level of skill or quality of ideas, every single creative market is oversaturated, boom time was the 00s and 10s.

Time to work in an claustrophobic, artificially lit, buzzing light, stale coffee smelling cubicle-prison office for the rest of my life.

>> No.50726810

be more specific

>> No.50727054

>implying a great work in your field wouldn't stand out in the ocean of piss that is modern media
Guess you really weren't that good after all.

>> No.50727154

NFT have created a direct pipeline from artists to consumers with no gallery middlemen gatekeeping.
This is literally the gilded age for independent creatives.

>> No.50727163

>independent creative
you mean a barista?

>> No.50727192

No one will pay you to do what ever you want. Get some shitty easy design job, phone it in and do fun hobbies on the side where you can be as creative as you wish.
I regret doing good work for companies when I was younger. They're still profiting yet all I got was $20 an hour.

>> No.50727200

Nobody swims in a piss ocean.

>> No.50727304

Everyone in any creative field that actually earns money, does.

>> No.50727411

I was talking about consumers. These days without marketing, it's almost impossible to distinguish yourself and reach the consumers you want to. Any medium of distribution is grossly bloated with titles, even when you isolate the good ones, there are too many to compete with and ultimately the one backed by big money will win. You can't even win over influencers because they're doing under the table deals to promote stuff.

>> No.50727438


>> No.50727449

There has never been an easier time to self publish. Get fucked pleb.

>> No.50727657

Yeah which leads to oversaturation, but I'm going to stop arguing at this point since you don't seem to know what is