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50725459 No.50725459 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth it to rent a room in a house or an apartment, or should I continue living in my parents basement to save up for a down payment? I'm 29 (yea I know) and finally found a big boy job and will finally have secured incoming, but I haven't got a penny to my name yet.

>> No.50725697

Save up 10k then move out. I regret waiting so long til I moved out (was 30).

>> No.50725738

>save up $10K and move out
move out where? That's nowhere near enough for a down payment here in ontario

>> No.50725749

god I miss bitbean...

>> No.50725752

Live with your parents and save up for 2 years. Move to the US and buy a house in upstate New York or New Hampshire/Vermont

>> No.50725757

Rent somewhere? Idk use google. Figure it out.

>> No.50725766

I love my parents but I just can't live here anymore - it feels wrong to be almost 30 and live with them

>> No.50725792

I've been renting rooms from Craigslist since I moved out of my parents house 3 years ago. People on here lose their shit over "muh roommates", but I've had nothing but good experiences. Just don't be a fucktard and know how to read people. If you meet your roommate and like them and get good vibes, imo there's no downside. I only pay $600 a month all utilities included.

>> No.50725812

But if you can stay with your parents, do so as long as possible. The independence meme is overrated, as long as they're not abusive and you don't hate your life living with them it's worth it.

>> No.50725838
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Separate suite in parent's house is actually the best arrangement. Keep it for as long as you can.

>> No.50725841

>but...muh freedom
In all honesty I want to move out for the independence. I've lived on my own before and it's great. I will probably do my best to try and stick it out at least until the new year. But $700/month for a room doesn't seem THAT bad either. That would just be 1/5th of my paycheck

>> No.50725853

Don't worry, save up 40k and you'll have enough to buy your own house or condo (outside of Canada)

>> No.50725872

Stay with your parents, why spend money when you don't have to? Are you literally retarded?

>> No.50725878

>People on here lose their shit over "muh roommates", but I've had nothing but good experiences
That's because they're autistic retards. With good roommates, life is better than being alone. Along with that, once you find a few good roommates, you can keep living with them in different apartments or renew your lease.

>> No.50725898
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>wide shoulders
>flat ass
>big feet
>no hips

>> No.50725908


damn that faggot probably does a lot of pullups

he's got a v taper

>> No.50725910

because having independence is liberating my bloody bastard

>> No.50725923

Better to give some money to your parents than some retarded landlord

>> No.50726004

I'd rather see my kid grow than earn money off him.

>> No.50726023

>29 and just got a real job
kek, you're ngmi

>> No.50726044

Leave Rand Paul alone you bastard

>> No.50726083

So your parents make you follow their itinerary? How are you not independent? You sound dumb and illogical.

>> No.50726097

Are you white? I think it's a white people thing. Kind of like climbing a mountain.

>> No.50726128

No, but there are lots of cons like the fact that I can hear everything whenever they're on the mainfloor - and as you could have guessed, they wake up super early and wake me up almost every morning.

>> No.50726149

>they wake up super early and wake me up almost every morning.
Just wear earplugs. The same problem exists for me despite living in an apartment. The trucks outside my window are loud as fuck.

>> No.50726181

i wear silicone putty ear plugs every night to bed and even that doesn't do it

>> No.50726424

whereabouts in Ontario OP?
I'm 30 and just moved back in with my parents for a month or two, kek.

>> No.50726516


>> No.50726722

The fuck is KW? Kitchener? I'm in Peterborough, the housing market has been so fucked by toronto trannies moving up here

>> No.50726745

kitchener waterloo
and yea fren, the exact same story here
the fucking pajeets have taken over in a big way to the point where I've seen the chang population dwindle

>> No.50727806

yeah it's fucked up. what job did you get? I haven't worked since December thanks to crypto but I'm running out of money.

>> No.50727884

What are your parents doing? Blending smoothies when they wake up?

>> No.50728533


I hated renting a room out of someone's house. You have to live by their rules and tiptoe around. I rented a room from some old boomers and was never really comfortable the whole time I stayed there.

>> No.50728545

Dayum I'd eat both their ass

>> No.50728546

Who the fuck cares, Im 30 and still live with parents

>> No.50728584


>> No.50728650

Living alone is a great luxury. It is a huge jump in quality of life to control your own space. I think it is more important to establish your complete independence than save aggressively, as youth passes quickly.

>> No.50728776
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Sure, but not insurmountable. Either adjust your schedule to theirs or install some sound proofing materials on your ceiling. Still cheaper than renting a place in this crazy market. Having parents you can just live with is such a great privilege you'd be an absolute mouth breather to squander it. Use the money your saving on rent/mortgages/electric/water/insurance/furniture/and all the small odds and ends that comes from living on your own and invest it.