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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50720141 No.50720141 [Reply] [Original]

> money weren't suppose to be easy in free market society. Smith invisible hand yada yada

1. buy property
2. do repairs/upgrade.
3. rent property
3.1 rent cover mortgage with a premium
4. be rich and awesome.

I know this is true I saw it with my own eyes. Know people irl who did that. Their loaded. Not flying private jets or anything but they will enjoy a really decent and fulfilling life. Financially and hence otherwise. All they did was work hard in the beginning for down payment. The rest is good life.

Knowing the theory is one thing but when you personally know people who got rich by simple means it hits you really, really hard.

>> No.50720143

Did these little waters get fucked up when I was sleeping?

>> No.50721158

Renters are some of the worse people on earth

>> No.50721194

That's over now with interest rates rising.

>> No.50721227

Just don’t be poor or white.

>> No.50722555

> having a roof over your head

such a mayor market distortion. Such a sensitive issue on so many levels. So little care. Some of us are truly alone in this world.

>> No.50722626
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it’s just a scam
but the thing is, it’s all this way
make a crypto coin yourself
sell software
run any business
it’s always easy when you make others do the work, and all it takes is some initial effort
most are not willing to do this

>> No.50723244


fascinating read btw

>> No.50723336
File: 76 KB, 850x1201, __hu_tao_genshin_impact_drawn_by_whitestonenari__sample-6fa31572c0f72cfb43ac761db5ff3d8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 23. I sold the top back in may 2021 and never looked back. Own two houses. I have a couple of college cucks paying my mortgage (lol I dropped out fuck computer science) and a 40yo boomer and his wife and their teenage daughter renting from me. I make sure he gives me the rent in person so his daughter knows he's a bitch who can't afford a mortgage and has to rent from a chad like me that's half his age. I pretty much just browse /biz/ and play videogames in between checking my zillow, shit is cash.

>> No.50723362

The average renter fucking deserves it. Demanding free repairs RIGHT NOW despite paying the lowest rent in the county; then moving not long after you fix it. If they want to inconvenience you by making you find a new tenant, inconvenience them by keeping that security deposit.

Always make sure you keep the security deposit. When renters move out, there's always 'something' you can use as an excuse to keep it. Scratch on the hardwood, mark on the cabinets or walls, etc. Technically they can try to argue their way out of it if they have some jew attorney who will find a technicality to weasel them out of it, but most can't afford it or don't bother and give up.

>> No.50723418

i say this as a european
you guys like to hate on women
but man, do i hate americans
love from kazachstan

imagine this cum guzzling retard saying this
imagine this 23 yo worthless nobody who can’t even get through college CS
flaunting about being a useless sack of shit, and not feel a terrible sense of shame and regret
guenon was right

>> No.50723449

> jew attorney
but my dear
YOU are the “jew”

>> No.50723467

>all you need to do is buy into a line going up
Yeah the trick is knowing which line will go up. I know you think this line will go up forever but it won't

>> No.50723486

>feel a terrible sense of shame and regret
This is exactly how they want you to feel, because they want to be the ones pulling those tricks on you

>> No.50723515

I am a White man; you are the one siding with literal communist 'tenant rights' jew attorneys. Post nose. Kill the kikes, I don't care, more cheap land for me to buy up.

>> No.50723524

because big land owners are parasites who monopolize a resource. that everyone needs despite what lolbertarian kikes believe, the founder of capitalism adam smith viewed them as parasites. if you could buy up all the water in a town the same thing would happen

i have never rented in my life btw (neet) but i would gladly execute them in the event of a commie revolution

>> No.50723533

Is this bait? Paying for repairs is part of the cost of being a landlord, that's why you charge over the cost of mortgage and insurance. Also just use a longer lease term if you're concerned about losing a little profit between tenants

>> No.50723536

but my dear
YOU are the jew
you are NOT european
you do not have the slightest grain of european soul in you even if you shared some genes
you are a rentseeker
a scammer
a merchant
what you deflect to others
a jew!

>> No.50723559

see >>50723536
you are a merchant, not a european
> white
my good man, it doesn’t exist
i am a pureblood flemish
and after weeks on this board
i think i am going to call it a day
this truly isn’t a place for healthy european souls to dwell

>> No.50723574

I'm not the retard that broke shit in the first place. Tenants are genuine fucking retards and don't report shit like infestations, mold, or broken plumbing until it becomes a huge problem instead of a minor, cheap one to fix. Why should I pay for their negligence? They fucked up MY property.

>> No.50723660


well but that's just a harsh reality of it all. what a cruel joke. And the joke is that it's not a joke it's just how life is.

I was always so naive cuck that I never realized how gamed reality is. My parents are near pension and they've been ''moral fools'' all their lives and will die this way never realized the truth. Imagine that for a moment.

>> No.50723758

Im a zoomer zoomer wtf does this mean

>> No.50723917

that's not correct at all. in a free-market society, money is supposed to be easy (low interest rates) when the majority have been stuffing money into their savings, delaying consumption. because of these low rates, very long and capital-intense projects become possible; things that will not be ready to generate revenue and hopefully profit for many years. this is exactly in sync with this consumer behavior, both supply and demand sides are putting off exchange into the future.
in contrast when consumer spending is more aggressive, and savings dwindles, banks need to start raising rates. higher rates should begin to entice spenders to cut back on their consumption, so that these long-term projects may have a chance again. the banks see that rates are too low and that the market for capital will bear paying higher ones, because the projects themselves are more short-term oriented. when consumers will pay lots of money for something, and you can get it produced quickly, you actually owe a higher rate of interest on borrowed money needed to make that thing happen, because that's a larger and more immediate risk for the bank.
again this is perfectly in sync on both demand and supply, and it happens naturally when there is no interference. and different parts of the economy stay in different duration regimes: toilet paper is never going to be a particularly long-lived R&D project. constructing a gen 4 nuclear power plant takes 5-8 years. and so different banks are going to be offering different rates, based on what they have available to them in terms of depositors and investors and opportunities to lend, themselves.
why would you say thing fucking one about the free market if you don't even know that?

>> No.50723931
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>muh parasites
>founder of capitalism

>> No.50724114

You're either a jew, or you're getting jewed. Don't be a victim, your god won't help you no matter how much you whine