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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50719977 No.50719977 [Reply] [Original]

why not just write down your keys on paper and store them safely? you have to keep this usb stick safe anyways, might as well save the $50...

>> No.50720022

Checked, but you can't store crypto on a piece of paper RETARD!1 It's digital money and therefore has to be stored electronically, like on Ledger or Google Drive (:

>> No.50720031

It's very convenient

>> No.50720042

you cant show off to women

>> No.50720079

>Google Drive

>> No.50720086

>has to be stored electronically, like on Ledger
It's not stored on the device, that's not how hardware wallets work. Do you even crypto bro?

>> No.50720098 [DELETED] 
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>store your keys on google drive

>> No.50720106
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based checked and witnessed fellow kekistani. i can text myself my keys on my iphone and back it up to clouddrive

what exactly is convenient about it? like, why cant i just fetch my keys from my safe, access myetherwallet, and do transactions then?

>> No.50720126

>you cannot write down your seed phrases on a piece of paper
are you actually illiterate or just completely retarded?

>> No.50720146

>why not just write down your keys on paper and store them safely?
in case you cant enter them into a PC safely

>> No.50720179

actually a good bait post on /biz/? I must be dreaming

>> No.50720187

problem being you're to low iq for this to be safe method, of storing your keys.

>> No.50720230

you need a wallet address and can't just write that and do a transaction on paper.. this stick provides that address

>> No.50720235
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everything you say in this thread is automatically filtered because you cant recognize bait

>> No.50720257

makes sense. so 1 ledger = 1 address, so you can plug it in to your comp and use a ledger-native UI to send?

>> No.50720263

Yes! iPhone or iPad works too.

>> No.50720624

it's more than just writing your private key on a piece of paper

the private key can never touch the internet; that means no metamask.

you have to create the wallet in pure web3 over an airgap, or an extremely limited setup with your own node (the wallet can only communicate with your node and not the general internet) and heavy firewall or some shit.

ledger's are expensive and limited, you can replace them completely with an old shit airgapped laptop with reliable HD and it's the exact same concept.

ledger isn't exactly airgapped either it's using bluetooth; the most secure of wireless standards

>> No.50720736

essentially you can just make your own ledger with whatever bullshit you already have and some code.

do you really trust someone else's code over your own right now?

>> No.50720864

>getting scammed into leaving your coins on the block chain and having a """"paper wallet"""
If you can't download your coins then they aren't yours.

>> No.50721069
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>> No.50721145

holy shit /biz/ is so poor they're concerned about saving $50...it really is over

>> No.50722104
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ffs.. because you will need to expose your private key to a computer, which most likely is online or it will need to be to broadcast a transmission to the blockchain. Using a hardware wallet you prevent your private key from being exposed to an online computer which may be hacked. The hardware wallet processes the transaction and forwards the results. The private key is never exposed.

>> No.50722479

physical key on the hardware wallet to confirm transaction is what you are paying for

>> No.50722534 [DELETED] 
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>> No.50722546

Majestic bait

>> No.50722904

How are you faggots buying and moving crypto onto hardware wallets and back onto exchanges to conduct trades ?

>> No.50723029
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well done anon (:


alright, but you can also do that with any air gaped device. first duckduckgo result https://www.cryptocompare.com/wallets/guides/how-to-make-a-bitcoin-offline-transaction/

>> No.50723048

nobody does that
who would you rather trust a exchange with billons on the line or some adhd nobody with a gambling addiction

>> No.50723231

This anon get it, the purpose of a ledger is to have a hot wallet that is secure. Cold wallet is ideal for long term storage, but when you store on a cold wallet your funds are not easy to access. Ledger gives you the benefits of a cold wallet with the accessibility of a hot wallet... its not fucking rocket science.
>but you can also do that with any air gaped device.
Yes, but is it more cost and time efficient to maintain a known clean of malware air gapped PC that you have to continually have to install new and different blockchain software on for every different chain (Bitcoin wallet, ETH Wallet, XRP Wallet, ADA wallet, SOL wallet, DOT Wallet, DOGE Wallet... Etcetera) .... rather than spend the $50-$100 just to buy yourself a ledger and not deal with the hassle?

>> No.50723310

i agree it seems less of an hassle if you send cryptos often and not just store them for a long time

>> No.50723351

>what exactly is convenient about it?
You can enter a code on your ledger and access your wallet. It's all hardware-side as well. While it's always actually "hardware-side," your device is less vulnerable when it's literally only used for the one purpose of storing your private keys.