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File: 580 KB, 1052x1104, 1656615663260 angryboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50718527 No.50718527 [Reply] [Original]

I signed up for a job 50k a year as a research assistant after finishing my masters of biochemistry and I can't believe work like this. Are they even human?
How can they expect me to work 8 hours a day working so hard and using my brain? I've never tried that hard at anything what the fuck?
This is slavery.

>> No.50718551

Wtf :(

>> No.50718563
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welcome to that GRINDSET brah
only 50 more years hahaha, maybe I'll be able to take a 3 day vacation next year

>> No.50718568

modern slavery

welcome to capitalism....
but you chose your career?

>> No.50718581

research assistant based

>> No.50718584

Get in ze cagie und toil vagie

>> No.50718595

meanwhile I got a degree in computer science and make $80k for a job that I'm "working" from home for right now

>> No.50718626
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Nevar forghetti you’re an expense to the company. The assets are the desk and cage they keep you in.

>> No.50718659

>tfw work like a dog for 9 hours a day
>tfw actually enjoy it
>tfw volunteer for OT
>tfw make employee of the month 8 times in a row
>tfw promoted twice in a single year
>tfw pay tripled in 2 years

>> No.50718882
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After 3 days of this bullshit I'm seriously about to quit

>> No.50718900 [DELETED] 


>> No.50718940

what is it abut 40 hours that is so special?

>> No.50718962

That anime girl is so cute.

>> No.50718964

You live in a time of being able to sell something to the whole planet with only a computer. Put together a product and get some retards to buy it. You can sell mit licensed shit too

>> No.50718994

>yurop moment

>> No.50719008

Intelligent companies treat employees as assets.

>> No.50719036

don´t be dumb, you are supposed to work less than that, nobody is 100% productive the 8 hours, it´s more about you being there the 8 hours

>> No.50719075

Listen to lofi or podcasts while you work. Helps to keep from feeling too bored to function.

>> No.50719086
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>> No.50719101

Boomers sold battery tech to china for free because they didn't want to pay for it. In a society run by spoiled adult children things will never make sense.

>> No.50719161


>> No.50719702
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How do I wake up tomorrow and do it all over again just for 50k?

>> No.50719933

>masters of biochemistry
The life sciences are one of the most overworked under paid careers you could go into. You're on your feet most of the day and have to do very cerebral work on top of it. My advice is to unironically learn to code. The work is still cerebral but at least you're sitting in a comfy chair in a nice air conditioned office instead of running around a lab breathing in fumes that other places would get sued for exposing their employees to.

>> No.50719976
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You should quit then (:

>> No.50720084

The pay is the same even if you're code monkeying the bio data in R

>> No.50720205

I worked in biostat out of my M.S, as an RA. it was usually about 70hr/week which involved presenting weekly to people across the world who have their own wikipedia pages
my pay was around 30k/y
i switched to industry as a "data engineer" for 80k/y and havent presented any updates to anyone in 8 months

academia is a fucking MEME, they want $200k worth of work for mcdonalds wages

>> No.50720302

I work under a world renown professor of bioinformatics, who has his own Wikipedia page and his house is near the foreign embassies in the city.
I'm making 35k a year after taxes as a RA. I won't be doing a PhD. I'm gonna get out of here.

>> No.50720346
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this, i don't get to wfh, but nobody really cares wtf i do here, as long as physically seen here the full 8 hours (i hate that part but what can ya do)

>> No.50720378

cope slavie wagie

>> No.50720390

What cerebral work? It's not like you create life like Frankenstein. Checked btw

>> No.50720458

Sounds like you may be trying to be productive the full 8 hours.
Remember to take regular breaks like a smoker would for fresh air, a full lunch period ect.
The first hour of every work day is actually set up and emails, you shouldnt be productive at exactly the start, there's maintenance and catchup to be done.

Work at 65% capacity unless there is an emergency then boost to 90% for the emergency period. Never actually give 100%, its a trap.
Work life balance is important, don't do over time. You may need the money, but you need your mental health more.

Remember that getting a coffee in the break room and taking a shit are to be done on company time.

>> No.50720492

followup here, Socializing with coworkers and chit chat regularly, 4-5 times a day for 5 ish minutes.

>> No.50720546

You faggot can't last more than 2 hours even under socialism.

>> No.50720716

>masters of biochemistry
>a research assistant
places aluminum foil on test tubes before they go into the autoclave.

>> No.50720733

isnt this the fucking truth LOL
what area are you working in?
i was in scRNA and spatial sequencing techniques (in-situ seq, spatial transcriptomics)

>> No.50721163

Toxicogenomics rna seq microarray etc

>> No.50722480

very cool, just be prepared for how mundane the real world is. kinda sucks to be paid 3x as much to do one fifth the work

>> No.50722512

And modern American corporations are rarely intelligent.

>> No.50722538

>Masters in Biochem
>research assistant
The fuck are you doing? You should at least be Scientist I tier.

>> No.50722662
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As opposed to...?
Do you think food just magically appears at the supermarket? That electricity, water, and internet magically get to your home? That roads get built, mail gets delivered, trash gets taken away, feces gets flushed away into the void, for no other reason than the universe wills it?
Every modern convenience that you have only exists because there are millions of people working to enable it every single day. And even if you go full hermit and hide away in the woods, you work to grow/hunt/gather your food, you work to build shelter, you work to simply survive.
Shut the fuck up and get back into the cage.

>> No.50723220

he said dog

>> No.50723578

People only worked 31 hours a week maximum 800 years ago.

>> No.50723645
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