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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 320 KB, 1036x714, 100k-debt-wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50710458 No.50710458 [Reply] [Original]

"Nearly three-fourths of U.S. millennials (72%) have some form of non-mortgage debt, with the average millennial owing $117,000."


The AVERAGE is $117K? How the hell can this be true??

>> No.50710511

student loans

>> No.50710624

> One-fourth of millennials (25%) aren’t confident they could afford a $500 emergency expense out of pocket, and one-third (33%) don’t think they could afford a $1,000 emergency.
> Although millennials are at the age when they need to check their credit for major expenses, such as a mortgage or an apartment lease, about one-fourth (22%) don’t even know their credit score.
> 40% of millennials don’t know the interest rate on their student loans.

Numerous keks.

>> No.50710650

Kek. Millennial here, no debt. Didn't fall for the college Jew. Cant tell you how many of my co-workers who make the same amount of money have 4 year+ degrees

>> No.50710740
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Avocado toast.

>> No.50710814

Fuck that does sound good

>> No.50710818
File: 104 KB, 900x900, 1658880393494378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be NEET, got autismbux instead of falling for college meme
>Unironically have more savings and disposable income than most normies due to 0 debt
>Also have all the time in the world to pursue whatever hobbies I want
>So far have taught myself art, music and gotten /fit/
>In 1-2 more years will be good enough at drawing to start making mad Patreonbux on it
>Autismbux and crypto making me passive income even while I sleep

NEETpill is like having cheatcodes to life.

>> No.50710858
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Yes yes, well done NEET well done HOWEVER

>> No.50710870
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>b-but what about muh wet hole
>Ignoring the fact that even most wagies can't get gfs anymore

oh no no no no no no no look at the top of his head

>> No.50710877


>> No.50710889

I used to hate neets but Biden made me realize that if you weren't getting gibs, they would just be given to Ukraine, the Taliban, and China anyway so Godspeed

>> No.50710931

They'll be fine.
Most will just go live with their parents.
We aren't in post Soviet era yet, we aren't even in Weimar yet.
When your neighbor starts knocking on your door offering blowjobs for a credit card payment, then it has all really started.

>> No.50711106

>turn 35 this month
>4 digit savings
>0 debt

I'm probably in the top 1% of my whole generation, feels good man.

>> No.50711119

Nice job anon. Just having 0 debt and a positive net worth puts you in a much better position than most.

>> No.50711178
File: 76 KB, 775x1024, 1658951522060630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in $100,000 debt for mortgage related debt and a late millennial. I've been neeting for over a year.

>> No.50711199

Arhh, yes the cheat codes to life is to have no life. Take that Boomers.

>> No.50711242

No way this is true. $50k I could understand ($30k student loan debt + $20k financed car), no idea why the average would be so much higher. Especially since not everyone goes to college

>> No.50711248

>Take out student loans for 6 years
>Buy cryptocurrencies for 6 years
>Get degree
>Use degree to leave the country
>Never pay off student loans

Thanks for buying my bags, burgers.

>> No.50711257

> Especially since not everyone goes to college
Gen Z has named this phenomenon the "millennial path"

>> No.50711263

Going to college and getting into debt that is.

>> No.50711283

What type of average?

>> No.50711287


>> No.50711371
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having $1 in your bank account and zero debt is not a better position than having a $300k mortgage on a $500k house

>> No.50711450
File: 232 KB, 653x578, 1656718547559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just think: NEETs used to think their trump card was not having to go anywhere and being able to lie on their beds browsing 4chins etc. all day. Now thanks to Covid and WFH, the rest of us do that but also get paid vast multiples of whatever paltry amount they get in NEETbux. Think how fucking furious they must be, the dawning realization that they've wasted their prime years.

>> No.50711477

>not being in debt when rates are bellow inflation

>> No.50711486

My trump card is I get to whatever I want at any point of my day every day
>b-b-b-but so can I
I worked WFH for 5 years you can't bullshit me. Now back into your online cagie

>> No.50711541

That shit’s been going on for a lot longer than Biden, my friend.

t. makes a tax-free $2500/month from the DoD while living overseas, banging qts, going to the gym, and teaching English to supplement my income

>> No.50711552

Everyone I know got hooked on le free money and way over extended themselves

I know people with over 100k in credit card debt who are still buying luxury cars and going on nice vacations.

I would kms if I was in that level of debt.

>> No.50711582

>teaching English

>> No.50711625

Haha heckin awesome joke my guy!

>> No.50711716

I already made it, and I actually enjoy teaching English so

>> No.50711726

Those are rookie numbers, honestly.

>> No.50711947

I'm actually working on my move to SEA as we speak. Already got it approved by my boss and have a place to stay. Now it's just doing logistics.

>> No.50711968

Have fun and try not to be a degenerate coomer sexpat (too much)

>> No.50711988

> Midwit
he didn't go to college, so his mental capabilities are pretty poor

>> No.50712100

> Not wanting a good woman to father kids with
You'll either continue to repel women no matter how much wealth you accumulate, or you end up with some psycho gold digger while producing utterly depressed offspring.

Either way, you'll die alone.

>> No.50712230

Ill be fine. I mostly want to study Muay Thai. Laugh at me all you want but I did it for about a year and loved it and it's always been a dream to train it for real. I live in the middle of nowhere to reduce my cost of living atm so it isn't an option.

>> No.50712232

Any offspring you bring into the modern world are going to be utterly depressed.

>> No.50712315


>he still hasn't swallowed the black pill


>> No.50712334

>working is a life
only on good jobs

>> No.50712404

Everyone dies alone

>> No.50712430

>Student loans
Daily reminder that the Jews choose their children's education and pay for it.
That is the main reason why they are dominating the USA economy (the second is nepotism).

>> No.50712703


I agree with the black pill dogma. I’m just saying he’ll never know real happiness.

> ackchyually
Stop being a faggot with your literate bullshit. I will die as my father did; surrounded by family as I hold their hand one final time as we say our goodbye, knowing I left them with all the knowledge and wealth needed to care for their families as well.

>> No.50712816

Nice larp bro. Your family will forget about you in a nursing home

>> No.50712839

Your father died alone
You will die alone and i will die alone too

>> No.50713095

Not a chance.

> Muh autism
> Muh literal interpretation
> Muh cope
What a dickbag, holy shit.

>> No.50713133

So if this ignores mortgage debt, how can the average be that high? Even if you have student debt and a car loan that shouldn't be anywhere close to that.

>> No.50713136

>three fourths
one fourth
who the fuck talks like this?

>> No.50713629

Holy keks americans really live like the cash cows we think they are

I am lmaoing at ur lives

>> No.50713673

How the fuck is this possible

>> No.50714248

My friend has over 100k in student debt, from getting a degree in "3D environment artist"

>> No.50714670

How's it surprising?

>> No.50714902

>You will die alone

This is such a stupid response everyone ends up alone in the end you tard

>> No.50715097
File: 87 KB, 1200x1200, 63b0feccab4c4545a0b1c92d65ce7d87_xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-mortgage debt

>> No.50716828

I'm a millennial with no debt, a paid off house, a gf, and I live off my trading income.

>> No.50717045

I want some right now

>> No.50717877

Stop coping and get a gf
I literally know what you feel

>> No.50718016

If I racked up 100k worth of debt I would just leave the country. These people are willing slaves. Imagine if they could do it all over again. Banks will lend you money for school.. But they won't lend you cash. If you get 100k on cash loan, just fuck off and leave the country.

>> No.50718807

>Banks will lend you money for school.. But they won't lend you cash.

because student loans basically don't allow default and they're guaranteed by federal government. it's less a loan between individual and bank and more of a way of a money scheme for banks.

>> No.50719885

Get on my level, son.

>both I and the wife get disability, $3k CAD/month
>deliver pizza part time, take tips under the table
>have a wagie tenant, take rent under the table

Making 80k right now, 1/4 of which is going into crypto.

>> No.50719949

Since its an average, it can be skewed by outliers like individuals with hundreds of thousands of mortgage or education debt. I'd be curious to know the median debt.

>> No.50719958

Pretty sure it's nepotism and blackmail, if not outright stealing corporate/state secrets. JewIQ is not that high. If it was actually high they wouldn't fuck their cousins and make such mutant-looking freaks.

>> No.50720109

>This nigga is happy about delivering pizzas

>> No.50720401

Yes, it's an easy job and I made $50/hr on Monday.

>> No.50720518

Meanwhile I somehow have over 2 mil in equity and a 500k liquid stash.

All they had to do. Was BUY bitcoin.

>> No.50720710

>College is a meme meme
Just go to college and don't pay tuition yourself lmao. I just applied to grants and didn't pay a penny in tuition/books.

>> No.50720970
File: 130 KB, 684x457, Funko-Pop-Paul-Scardino-Worlds-Largest-Collection-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The AVERAGE is $117K? How the hell can this be true??
Dumb spending habits, lack of self-control. Millennials are just dumb and useless in general.

>> No.50721173

How do you explain that when the CRA ask? Or what's the plan?