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File: 282 KB, 602x417, hacked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50707117 No.50707117 [Reply] [Original]

I said it wasn't your bitcoin because it's not your keys, and I made a bunch of thread about it I truly tried hard to warn you about this.
And what did you do? You laughed at me and called me a "maxi in cope" and said that you and only you knew the truth and that you could never be wrong about this.

You deserve everything for using "wrapped bitcoin" or whateveer third party to store and trade around your so precious Bitcoin.
Not your keys, not your bitcoin.

>> No.50707177

cope maxi. one bridge exploit doesn't mean anything.

>> No.50707202

Yes it doesn't mean anything when it wasn't your bitcoin that was lost in the bridge right?
Imagine actually using a bridge at all when you can just use bitcoin directly.
Stupid brainlet.

>> No.50707218

that wasn't an issue with wrapped bitcoin though

>> No.50707307

Do you know what this means? wrapped bitcoin.
Search up about things before opining my dear naive honey bee..

>> No.50707356
File: 6 KB, 250x228, 1635285225474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't understand what a bridge is or what it actually does obviously. cringe.

>> No.50707528

But do you?

>> No.50707622

>tax id
top kek, taxcuck btfo

>> No.50707688

Stfu op. You don’t understand what WBTC is. WBTC is unhacked.

>> No.50707897
File: 667 KB, 2000x1838, Ascariasis_LifeCycle_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is wrapped bitcoin an actual bitcoin that has been captured by another blockchain somehow? And the owner of the wrapped bitcoin somehow holds rights to the actual bitcoin? (Kinda like gold paper certificates)
Or is it a fake bitcoin token that tracks the price of bitcoin, and diverts money away from buying actual bitcoin. i.e. it is counterfeit bitcoin that is diluting the value of real bitcoin by increasing apparent supply?

I don't know how it works. Someone explain.

>> No.50707905

Oh yeah I specifically remember YOUR thread you're such an important figure in the /biz/sphere what would I do without you?

>> No.50707935
File: 130 KB, 500x335, paranoid-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is a bunch of autistic maxis arguing amongst themselves

>> No.50707950

yeah it has nothing to do with the function and origin of wrapped bitcoin tokens. the nomad hack was the equivalent of an exchange hack.

>> No.50708000 [DELETED] 

a wrapped token is practically people who promise they back the token 1 on 1.

on whether you trust them: is subjective; it's exactly the same mechanism with USDT and USDC by the way (they promise to hold the dollar).

I think the best of all worlds are the fully collateralized tokens like DAI or whatever luna and others do in a similar tech; those basically put people to stake any assets for some benefit but they threaten them with liquidation if the token is in danger; it's practically impossible to go wrong unless there's an apocalyptic event that makes everything go to 0 in seconds but that's extremely unlikely (especially if the tokens backing it are a basket).

>> No.50708028

a wrapped token is practically people who promise they back the token 1 on 1.

on whether you trust them: is subjective; it's exactly the same mechanism with USDT and USDC by the way (they promise to hold the dollar).

I think the best of all worlds are the fully collateralized tokens like DAI or whatever aave and others do in a similar tech (NOT luna); those basically put people to stake any assets for some benefit but they threaten them with liquidation if the token is in danger; it's practically impossible to go wrong unless there's an apocalyptic event that makes everything go to 0 in seconds but that's extremely unlikely (especially if the tokens backing it are a basket).

>> No.50708305

Do you know why WBTC exists?
Because BTC is a piece of shit dinosaur network which takes hours for confirmations and is completely closed off from the rest of the network.
It also has shitty UI and chain explorers and is literally inferior to ETH in everything.

It would be better to just cancel BTC and either make a new version which is closer to ETH or to replace BTC completely with ETH.
But because this dinosaur coin attracts other dinosaurs the best workaround that was found to keep it relevant was WBTC to make it usable on other networks.

Instead of criticizing the attempt to make your shitcoin relevant, you should criticize those who are unable to improve it and forced others to find solutions.

>> No.50708889
File: 2.66 MB, 853x480, india clean sirs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wake up sheep they are here already
Learn how to make your own private key and store it offline godamnit
how brainlet you gotta do


>> No.50709557

Didn’t think someone could be dumber than OP

>> No.50709563

Shut the fuck up asshole

>> No.50709649
File: 962 KB, 1326x1690, ama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>29 January Qubit bridge hacked for 15.7k ETH, 767 BTC, and $9.5M stables
>2 February Wormhole bridge hacked for 93k ETH
>23 March Ronin bridge hacked for 174k ETH and 25.5M USDC
>24 June Horizen bridge hacked for 86k ETH
>1 August Nomad bridge hacked for $190m

>> No.50709735

From what I understand Bitcoin is a microwave and Ethereum is a spaceship.

>> No.50709764

Based on what?

>> No.50709778

bitcoin actually exists

>> No.50709798


>> No.50709842

Did you look into a mirror?

>> No.50709885
File: 5 KB, 205x250, 1653422201506s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf claims wrapped Bitcoin is saving in Bitcoin, kek fucking insane.
I do have it for the sole aim of partaking in sylo liquidity mining pool for over 60% APR. Possibly a delegated staking might come up before EOY, but easy does it so I only use it for that purpose.

>> No.50711086

I am still waiting to see Chainlink's solution to this.
The only idea I have to prevent this 51% attack issue would be to use the Chainlink off chain node network as the source of truth which could invalidate a 51% attack by defining the real chain state outside of those attack vectors.

This would be an extended version of fair sequencing.
Fair sequencing allows the Chainlink nodes to order the operation flow to the blockchain and ignore MEV attacks.

By extending it and creating an official off chain state for all the chains which have Chainlink nodes the Chainlink network could keep an off chain version of all the blockchains and define the real verifiable truth of operations in case of a network attack.

DONs and high staking collateral would ensure this would be done properly and all the L1s could be part of this DON node network too because they have a stake in the proper operation of this.
In that case even if a 51% attack occurs on a L1, the Chainlink network would instantly decide which state is the correct one because it is insensible to 51% attacks, the Anti Fraud network would detect the attack and in case of a decision conflict the DONs would decide as they would in this case be composed of the L1 chain delegates.

>> No.50711103

you are just giving away your BTC to someone else that is free to use it as they wish
and in exchange you get some shit-token
not smart, huge counterparty risk
aaaand it's gone

>> No.50711130

Not your peas, not your corns.

>> No.50711148

Icp solves this. No wrapped btc, never give up your Keys, just move btc faster and for much less

>> No.50712717
File: 37 KB, 689x683, you_will_own_nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a maxi retard
it wasn't wrapped BTC that got hacked
it was a bridge that bridged tokens that got hacked
one of those tokens was wBTC

>> No.50712756

You are just giving up your crypto to some centralized solution and that bridge will "mint" an erc20 token on the eth network called wrapped BTC with the promise of it always being backed 1:1.