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50704125 No.50704125 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here calling China's bluff?

They've been selling their people unbuilt houses for god knows how long and are now seeing massive defaults across their property sector, homeowners refusing to pay their mortgages on their unbuilt homes and huge protests because of it. They are literally seeing daily bank runs. You're telling me this fucking country, with it's head so far up it's own CCP ass that it has no idea what's up or down anymore, which is on the precipice of a massive housing crisis and ergo a massive financial crisis, is about to go and attack a sovereign nation with ties to the world's largest military, all while their economy collapses? The fucking Pooh Bear is full of shit, they're definitely bluffing.


>> No.50704218 [DELETED] 

one country is racially homogenous and actually makes things of value

the other country is a morbidly obese muttified abomination that makes nothing except jewish pedophile groomer multimedia and do-nothing email jobs.

militarily it's a draw. china has shittier equipment and worse training but at least they don't let trannies serve.

>> No.50704244

Braindead financier parasite still refuses to understand the simply fact that war is good for economies. Recessions, poverty,wealth inequality, inflation, disease, pollution, slavery, conflict and most importantly wars are fundamental and necessary functions of capitalism not glitches

>> No.50704265

Using foreign enemies to distract from domestic issues is literally a 2000+ year old play.

>> No.50704406
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>unbuild houses
>one country is racially homogenous and actually makes things of value

>> No.50704469

>Own almost all of the wests manufacturing
>B-but america is stronger!! We’re the best!!

>> No.50704512
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>> No.50704578

China is a shithole. At least Japan was innovative when they were a manufacturing vessel of the west, China can't make anything besides plastic peices of shit.

>> No.50704602

Are you retarded?
they already closed air space, they closed tawian's economy

>> No.50704632

You have no clue what you're on about, you start saying that war is good for economies but that war is a function of capitalism? Does economics = capitalism now? And how in the name of all that is holy is a war good for an economy? It's only good for the elite you moron, by any other metric (real GDP, purchasing power, government spending balance, taxes, consumer/investor confidence etc.) it's the worst thing an overall economy can undergo. Your post screams "I watched one YouTube video about Karl Marx so I'm an expert on these things" get your head out of your ass you ignorant swine

>> No.50704702

You've completely missed the point of my post. I'm not even American lol, I think America is an incredibly pathetic country desu, but I still would not wanna fuck with their military and political might, guarantee nor does China.

>> No.50704736

Yeah no shit, they look like they're ready for war but no way are they that stupid to actually go for it, especially not with the current state of their economy. That's what a bluff is retard

>> No.50705260

You will perish alongside your parasitic blockchain and stock market putrid 4chan boomer wannabe parasite

>> No.50705311

Suck big balls, socialist swine.

>> No.50705343

China has said they're gonna invade Taiwan every year for the last 50 years. They aren't going to start being truthful now.

>> No.50705468

This guy has never been to Taiwan lol

>> No.50705495

Your line of thinking is rational but the thing is, is Xi rational? Xi is basically a king of china now and not just a premier anymore since he removed the term limits on himself. Kings don't act rationally. They act egotistically.

>> No.50705517

Calling chinas bluff. They're not gonna do shit. At most they will try to scaremonger

>> No.50705601

I want to see if their aircraft carriers are actually made of paper mache as I expect or not. I dont want to be wrong about it though. Thats the problem - I dont rate the bugs - but I dont want to be wrong in underestimating them because the stakes are fucking high.

>> No.50705654

I guarantee you this anon here spews talking points from poltards without understanding what he's really talking about and also watches anime with characters that resembles children and thinks that's totally fine