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507015 No.507015 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone become rich through working through the military (I mean the army, navy, airforce, special forces)?

Do combat jobs pay a lot, especially special forces (e.g. SASR, DEVGRU)?

Are officer positions better in terms of making money? If you do go to the army whats the best corp (e.g. infantry, intelligence, medical)?

>> No.507030
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Military people are poor anon. Even the officers don't make shit until you get to the rank of colonel, but by that point you've probably put in close to 30 years, figured out the politics and how to play the game...just in time for forced retirement.

>> No.507036

The military hasn't been a viable career for attaining wealth since the era when Victoria had her fat ass on the Throne.

>> No.507049


Only if you are a general, and you kinda need to be born into a family with those connections and go to one of the 3 military academies

>> No.507050

You are also much more likely to get mental instability like PTSD

>> No.507095
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>Can someone become rich through working through the military

>> No.507097

In shitholes - yes
In developed countries- sort of

The opportunity to make money in western countries is not from the military work itself but from the exit opportunities (government contract work) available to highly skilled, experienced members

>> No.507103

I think private contractors do.

>> No.507167

Yes, you can. If you do something dangerous or something more on the special forces side ( Navy SEALs, EOD, ECT) you could make around 90k of tax free money per deployment. I'm in training right now for a job that's around that pay scale. The problem is, you won't make shit if you're not on deployment. A majority of your contract you won't be, but the real money comes in after you get out and go to a PMC. PMC's are the real money makers, you could hit an easy 200k per tour (which in some cases is tax free) if you're job is needed enough. It's hardly what I'd consider "rich" but it's definitely not a bad paycheck for what I consider a pretty fun job.

>> No.507319

What you want to do is join a mercenary corp. Many former soldiers do just this, using the skills they've acquired to earn >3 times more.

I'm not really for this, as our tax money is going to a lot of pockets for false operations. But this is the free market. Do as you wish.

>> No.507322

protip: prvate contractors make shitloads of more money, so jump the boat after getting trained by state military.

Also, depends on your lifestyle.
Seen guys who burn through huge cash after mission in really short time - new cars, party etc.

>> No.507342

This is stupid. Even a grunt in the military makes a salary a new grad from college could expect, AND has no bills. Fucking invest.

I have a friend who made 60k a year in some chair force IT job at age 19. Oh boo hoo no money in the military

>> No.507360

Yes. But you have to be smart because if you have bad spending habits you'll blow through your food stipend and housing allotments in no time and eat into the money that you have to invest.

>> No.507389

out of say.. 100 men, how many come back after 3 tours?

>> No.507452 [DELETED] 

I work alongside mostly enlisted military personnel as a contractor. The hate I get from 20+ year NCO vets because I'm 20 years old and make more money than them in my position is unreal. Most of them are kids a few years older than me. I make quadruple their monthly paycheck.

>> No.507583

1/2 Navy submarine nuclear operator here.

Here are some ways to get rich through the navy:

Enlist as a nuke. $25k starting bonus. You just have to live with a shit life for six years.

DO NOT RE-ENLIST! They will tempt you with $100k bonus for an extra 4 years of service, but you can make this as a civilian with nuclear training easy.

Contribute to TSP. Put as much money into it as possible, if not, then no less than 15% of your paycheck. I recommend the L2050 fund. It's extremely aggressive, but has seen great returns since its creation. Roll it into a Roth IRA once you get out.

Roth IRA: Contribute the max $5,500 per year, every year.

Deployments are great for not spending money. 6 months of paychecks you can't spend, much of it tax free if the sub goes to combat zones in the middle east, where the danger is about as much as it would be chilling off the coast of Florida. Have fun when you get to foreign ports but don't go ballistic. You should be able to save $10k+ easy over a 6 month deployment. Use the time wisely. Don't waste the entire time on movies and video games. Study, work out, read economics books, work on your degree.

Make friends with the officers. Submarine officers are typically down to earth and good guys. Half of my officers were e-con majors. They taught me a lot about finances, and I've met a lot of valuable contacts through them. It's not what you know, but who you know.

Make friends in general. The guys you work with will go into different fields in different parts of the world. Again, its not what you know, but who you know.

Because the paycheck is so low, you will be in a low tax bracket. But keep in mind your food and rent is paid for, a good portion of your check is untaxed, and military service provides other services for legal tax evasion (the term of which slips my mind at the moment) most guys are just to dumb/lazy to take advantage of free programs available.

With rent, the moment you're authorized to live off base, do it.

>> No.507599


...The money the navy pays you is significantly more than any housing will cost. Get a place with one or a couple of the guys from the boat, and you pocket a nice chunk. Move out and put all your stuff in storage for deployments. Paying rent for a storage locker is a lot less than paying for a house you won't be living in.

Consider buying a house. Ive thought about this many times, but never did it. Enlistment bonus could help pay down payment, and then BAH will cover your mortgage. Then you could always hire a property manager and rent it out to other sailors if you get stationed somewhere else or whatever. I knew a lot of guys who did this. They basically made other sailors pay the entire mortgage.

Make contacts overseas. You might be able to capitalize on the economic climate in the area. When beats headphones first came out, we hit a port that vendors were selling them for less than $10, official box and all. They were either stolen, or fakes. If fakes, they were extremely good replicas. If I had the foresight, I would have bought 10 of them and sold them in the states.

The engine room cannot be searched by customs due to security clearances. Drug sniffing dogs are not allowed back there either. Usually customs doesn't even bother, but those rare instances they do, leave everything you smuggled in the engine room for about a week, one day towards the end of the week, come in at like 3am, and take all your stuff out.

The navy itself doesn't pay a whole lot, but it definitely gives you the opportunity to start building a fortune if you've got the drive to do so.

And if worse comes to worse, sell secrets to the chinese/russians/north koreans.

>> No.508035
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I'll just leave this right here

>> No.508039

>hide all of the contraband in engine compartment
>come in at like 3am, and take all your stuff out.

dude you are allow to go into the engine room at 3am when youre not on the boat? officers are cool with that shit?