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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 110 KB, 1200x1200, typicalarkie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5070080 No.5070080 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone else noticed a disturbing trend of ark followers displaying similar trends with cult followers? i used to think stinky sergei apologists were bad but arklets just take the cake. from finding whores to post things ark related and then uploading it to biz to making a shrine of bizclassic and jerking off on it, last but not least anytime you try to have a fucking conversation with them they interrupt you mid sentence to mutter out PUSH BUTTON BLOCKCHAIN and MOBILE WALLET 98%. if people think other coins are a bubble ark is a hot air balloon

>> No.5070151

>to making a shrine of bizclassic and jerking off on it

>> No.5070156

I bet you buy into erc20 scams faggot

>> No.5070184

yeah theyre like the dash cult. they will probably commit mass suicide once aion takes their whole marketcap

>> No.5070249

listen here you room-temperature IQ faggot. I'm going to prove you wrong using science. (i know they probably don't have that in your country) so try to keep up. I just got my wifes sons bubble toy out and blew a shitload of bubbles in the back yard. I also launched a hot air balloon simultaneously. Guess which one went higher? That's right you fucking douchenozzle. You keep talking shit, once the MOBILE WALLET reaches 100% i'm going to finally have enough money to build that man cave in the garage I wanted, and you'll still be here on 4chan posting wojacks and begging for shitcoins while you bathe in the ganges.

>> No.5070282
File: 162 KB, 204x1844, bizclassic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only on this board. We have one of the most active and rational discord groups with plenty of discussion (200-300 daily active users and >800 in the group).

The biz shitposting is just that - shitposting.

>> No.5070914

erc20 is a scam

>> No.5070933
File: 48 KB, 466x376, 1511321786580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]