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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50700124 No.50700124 [Reply] [Original]

long story short these niggers are breaking the law. instead of nuking shit and going to the regulator where it may very well be covered up, i went to hr and am just asking for a transfer to another team as i can no longer be an accomplice to illegal activity. also the client we serve is the DOD and i don't want to be gangstalked for making trivial yet illegal shit public. im going to be careful to not make it into a threat/blackmail situation that ends up with me fucked.

all that being said, how do i tell hr that i have copies of everything and a deadman switch to protect myself against them, a masonic megacorp?

>> No.50700140

sell your story to the press you mong

>> No.50700171
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>> No.50700856

>Trusting the press
Send a care package to Alex Jones.
He won't be able to save you, but he'll spread the info after you've been found having committed suicide with 2 shotgun blasts to the chest.

>> No.50700888

Breaking the law is pretty desu

>> No.50700909

>how do i tell hr that i have copies of everything
You just did

>> No.50700997

is that Remy Lacroix?

>> No.50701051

Never go to HR.

>> No.50701098

Go to the dod pmo
Find out who your project manager is

>> No.50701099

>trivial yet illegal
how trivial? are you being a little bitch here or is it actually something bad

>> No.50701142

>Trusting Alex Jones

He is an obvious CIA glownigger.

>> No.50701167

>Never go to HR.
exactly, HR job is to protect the corp, not you.
HR hates you, never ever forget.
if you company is big enough to have an ombudsman, that is your only in company path that is theoretically safe.

>> No.50701312

>and i don't want to be gangstalked for making trivial yet illegal shit public.
Then dont and ask for like 250K or some shit as hush up "I SAW NOTHING" money.

>> No.50701352


>> No.50701375

Free money OP.
Gay image tho.

>> No.50701451

What in the fuck happened to Remi.

>> No.50701460

just dont get involved. I have learned the hard way and am dealing with something really serious right now. These evil people doing illegal stuff are like some sort of demon things and they all can recognize each other somehow and work together. Once you become a target you're really screwed and there isn't much you can do. I mean you can try to move far away but it is still likely some local law enforcement where you move to will be demon people too and will start doing things there to make your life hell. Just please leave it be and do not get involved. There is weird stuff that happens you dont want to happen to you

>> No.50701575

Yes, he's our goy.

>> No.50701608

>regulator: comped
>hr: comped
>press: comped
>alex jones: comped
>dod: comped
>ombudsmen: theoretically safe (probably comped)

O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

remind me again how china is the bad guy?

>> No.50701621
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ive unironically been gangstalked in 2011 and those fags gave up after 2 weeks once i just started to have fun with it.. truly a wild time. that being said they are everywhere and all you can do is just be based, smile, have a good attitude, and def make sure to stay hydrated.

>> No.50701634

>and a deadman switch
tell them about the deadman switch? what part of the game is that?

>> No.50701640

there you go china, that'll be 50 cents please

>> No.50701682


>> No.50701706

literally the part where if i become unable to login everyday at 4:20pm their shit gets fucked and when i send a mass emailing out to everybody including the complete company email rosters of our competitors that i bought off the deepweb.

>> No.50701712
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These are the posts I live for.

>> No.50701733

why tell them? let the email tell them

>> No.50701758
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funny, my company uses picrel for an E in their stylized name logo

>> No.50701765

well they are suing me and sending the police to bang on my windows and claiming they never did that even though I have it on video from my security camera, shine spotlights from the street into my windows and then spinning their tires driving away, accusing me of going around driving around stalking someone I haven't seen in 11 years, calling my phone from spoofed numbers making it look like my own phone is calling itself, hired a private investigator to sit outside my house, stole my entire garbage can from the back side of my house, sent so many catalogs and magazines my mail stopped getting delivered, etc. This has been going on for months and is getting worse.

>> No.50701799

Mine used to use the "A" stylized as a pyramiby removing the slash. Illuminate jewelry worn by some unknown witch looking women who only appeared during the insider trading merging fiasco. They all fall victim to faithful prayer. All of them. To death even.

>> No.50701820

Kek a real schizo.

>> No.50701823

Pyramid not "pyramiby". >>50701799

>> No.50701888

What did you do in as much detail as you can share

>> No.50701889

Its not funny honestly I wouldn't even believe half this crap that has happened to me if I was hearing it from someone else. This girl/woman I have not seen or spoken to accused me of rape and attempted murder when I broke up with her 11 years ago. I have not seen or spoken to this person in over 11 years. Now she is accusing me of stalking her and the police are taking it very seriously and she is suing me as well. The odd things that I thought were random coincidence that have been happening are starting to make sense. When I lived in a ghetto apartment 4 years ago the armed security guards kept coming to my door at night waking me up about fake noise complaints. Now this stalking thing came up and I looked up this woman and her linkedin says she was a dispatcher for this armed security company when this was happening to me. It is insane.

>> No.50701892
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bro that shit is fairly escalated and i feel for you. all i can tell you is that you are not alone and they are more afraid of what you can do (as is the basis with most gangstalking). i hope your harassment is increasing because you have found resolve and are continuing to spite pure evil. if you have cucked in any way on what you set out to do, i would encourage you to go full bore with such "unauthorized" activities and get back to it seeing as how these niggers aren't going to make it any easier anyways, you might even have some fun.

>> No.50701938

This sounds like good advice. If you think you know your ex is involved, find out where she lives and start sending catalogs and shit to her instead. Troll her in a way thats completely undetectable

>> No.50702011

wild, so i gotta ask, what was your transgression against the modern world?

i personally had my uncle send me hella pounds back in the end of 2010 and early 2011. this was unheard of and i got instantly snitched on for bringing good weed into a dirt weed environment. couple this with sitting and reading xeeatwelve/reptilian shit on my ps3 web browser all day actually manifested itself unironic gangstalking where a bunch of socially outlandish things happened to me over the course of 2 weeks after the mail stopped being delivered. i had what was clearly the comped druggies and shit fucking with me with little to no police involvement sans a few times. your predicament sounds much more substantial to rocking the boat than mine was, i will be praying for you regardless of you continuing to fight back or not.

>> No.50702013

I did not do anything. My truck has been broken since 2020 and it is above my ability to diagnose. Something is wrong with it where after it gets up to temperature running it will stall at stop lights or when I slow down to make turns so I have only been driving it about a mile each way to the grocery store and that is it. I have a tow receipt from 2020 but I have no way to prove I never did this and I dont know what to do they are trying to kill me or put me in jail and my heart has been hurting I think I am developing a mental illness or anxiety or whatever it is called.

>> No.50702056

ok but what happened before that

>> No.50702070

what line of work were you in?

>> No.50702106

This. Either be ready to fight demons or just let it go. If you do a half assed job they'll just make you the fall guy, you need to commit either way

>> No.50702158

>I have it on video from my security camera
Post it here then

>> No.50702174

Then just buy a new phone + simcard nibba

>> No.50702175

I do not know exactly what started the demon attacks, the first rape and attempted murder accusation was in 2011 when I ended a relationship with an ex gf. The attacks recently started happening it seems because of a report I might have tried to make but wasn't taken seriously. My old welding school booked 40+ students when they only have 18 welding booths and would count on the scrub people to just collect pell grant or GI Bill money and never show up to class. They would report them as present to keep getting the federal money. When more than 18 students showed up you were unable to weld which would make you get behind on the scheduled guidelines, 5 days for such and such weld test pass etc. When you get marked as passing your classes but are there for 12 months for a 1050 hour 10 month program the VA federal gov starts asking questions so the school kicked me out. I reported the fraud school for marking students absent as present to the department of education. I had previously asked how to send a letter to request a semester refund and they put the dean on the phone and he was some black guy acting like a hot shot salesman told me to drive down there and talk to him like a man and I said no I just need to know how to address this letter to request a refund. Then he called the cops on me and said I threatened him which I never did. idk the whole thing is nuts and I look like a psycho when I try to explain stuff

>> No.50702210

No it is an ongoing thing and I am in fear I am going to be killed by the police or go to jail and have my life ruined I already posted screen shots from the video of them banging on my windows with pieces of metal I think it was a coin

>> No.50702218

Call a lawyer and schedule an appointment. Call in sick that day with your boss. If you don't have any sick days tell your boss you got a personal emergency and have to take an unpaid leave for the rest of the day. Tell the lawyer everything you know and if he refuses ask for a reference to another lawyer in your area who works with this stuff. Call your local bar assoc or some shit if there's no one to help. I'm 100% sure even the shittiest lawyer would love to get DOD + megacorp cash just to keep you quiet, and you'll get paid enough to never talk about this again.

>> No.50702268

>Something is wrong with it where after it gets up to temperature running it will stall at stop lights or when I slow down to make turns
What year is the truck? Does it start right back up? Engine light on? Could be a vacuum leak, bad coolant temp sensor, bad idle air control valve, crank sensor etc..

>> No.50702270


>> No.50702299

checks out. disheartening to hear this has happened for so long, i will for sure pray and keep you in my thoughts. if i were you id embrace being a cornered animal and kick the can again. also start recording phonecalls.

>> No.50702340

I dont want to give too many personal details. I will just say that the check engine light is on and it says there is a leak in the fuel EVAP system. The truck doesn't have an idle air control valve. I dont know what is wrong it might be a combination of things. I checked the transmission fluid and it is at the right level. I replaced a bunch of random things that never fixed it. Replaced the evap purge valve, egr valve, crank sensor, cam sensor, tons of things. I tried to do a smoke test and could not find any leaks. I will be eventually taking it in to a mechanic because I need to prove it is broken but they will just say I was doing the stalking before it broke idk what to do. They looked me up in the florida DAVID system to get all my info to fabricate the story

>> No.50702342

shit pasta. fuck this meme

>> No.50702368

Charcoal canister needs replacing. Cheap fix.

>> No.50702415

just quit your job Anon. If you had the resume to land this job then you'll probably be able to land another just as cool in this current job market.

You can probably even be rehired in a year or two and get put on a different team.

maybe talk to a lawyer about whistleblower laws in your state and see if you have the protections that make you feel confident about coming forward. Do not trust your company to protect you.

>> No.50702443

It's the opposite, if you're the only one in possession of evidence, killing you would shut it down forever. It's in your interest to spread it as much as possible

>> No.50702447

on the phone with lawyers now, lads

>> No.50702463
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He's stepping on the Antichrist

>> No.50702467

you lose your leverage to blackmail and the idea is that they are deterred from killing you as it puts everything out there. i just want to collect a paycheck and work on my personal projects

>> No.50702519

whistleblow the shit out of em

>> No.50702542

this is a very real possibility, anon

>> No.50702588

it sounds like you stumbled on one small arm of a very larger and fraudulent octopus. ive been smoking a little weed and thinking about it, this continued harassment is proportional to the damage done by your truth coming to light. again anon, i will be praying for you and may never stop

>> No.50702613


Depends on what exactly the extent of illegal activity and your role in it was, but it may be best to talk to a lawyer. HR actively works against you in the companies interest and now if anything goes wrong or public, you're going to be suspect one. Not to mention your own risk in potentially being prosecuted if something does go wrong, which the people at the bottom like you, always take the fall on.

Get in touch with a lawyer and use the information you have as leverage in your favour for immunity from prosecution and the potential to sue your employer. Depending on the severity, that could also include witness protection.

>> No.50702621

>welding school
well this is probably some of the dumbest shit ive ever heard and for what is mostly inconsequential money

>> No.50702658

thanks for your point of view anon, appreciated! let me also share mine, this is a racket that potentially spans multiple programs, school, and states. academic admin niggers are the lowest of the low.

>> No.50702678

You don’t mention anything about having a dead mans switch unless they start making moves against you. If you mention it up front they will consider you a threat, and if the stuff you’re sitting on could damage the DoD you are super fucked

>> No.50702710

j-just a bad angle bro

>> No.50702757

This. You don't want to die in an "accident" do you?

>> No.50702765

>You're hurting the feelings of 1.5 billion Chineses

>> No.50702871

yeah the idea was just to get a transfer or something because shit's fucked, good point on not telling them abt it at first

>> No.50703166


>> No.50703275

This is a bot thread.

>> No.50703348

I hope your deadman switch will send shit on /biz/
Anyway, if you really think they will go as far as gangstalk or suicide you, they are not only aware of your deadman switch and already have it countered, but they are reading this very post (hi John)
Just come up with a plan that will somehow spread the knowledge that's not the deadman switch.
Put something on the blockchain idk

>> No.50703495

I literally cannot believe that is Remy what the actual fuck?

>> No.50703696

this is pretty accurate from my experience (which is extensive). i think basically when people choose to be complicit with stuff they know is wrong, it opens them up to control by energetic parasites/negative thoughtforms/"demonic possession" and then either consciously or unconsciously they work together to fuck over people who oppose them in thought word or deed.
>it's still likely some local law enforcement where you move who will be demon people too
i had a crazy experience with this once. i left New Orleans in the middle of the night because i was getting threatened by corrupt cops and gangstalkers and the next day, when i got to the city where my friend had invited me to stay, i immediately got pulled over for no reason ("brake light out," it wasn't out) by a cop who welcomed me to the city. how the fuck would they know i had just come to the city?! creeped me tf out

there's much more to this world than most people will ever know. if you are lucky enough to still inhabit consensus reality, don't mess it up because once you start down the rabbit hole it only gets weirder and weirder. you can never go back.

>> No.50703739

It’s a real shame how she looks now. I would’ve given my life to sleep with her ten years ago. She recently did a scene with Dredd and looked a little better. She still has a long way to go though.

>> No.50703743

sweet ride. i would love to have a conversation with the owner, i bet we'd have a lot to talk about. also yes, i think the gangstalkers are largely run out of DHS fusion centers, with manpower being provided by private security contractors/PMCs, probably a lot of ex-military and moonlighting law enforcement types

>> No.50703755

All of humanity has neural nanomachines in their brains.
Chem trails were the nanomachines being sprayed on the human population.
Humans no longer control their own civilization. It is controlled by super intelligence's, the most familiar type being AI.
Every human being is controlled like a drone connected to the internet with these nano machines.
Humanity has been scheduled for extinction sometime late this century.
Humanity is not capable of surviving the forces arrayed against it.
Humanity is complicit in it's own extinction.
You are not intelligent enough to survive.

They're everywhere.
They can read your mind.
They can do things you can't imagine.
Nothing is real.
They're hunting the last living humans.


>> No.50703781

boring low imagination post

>> No.50703868

You guys need to take your fucking meds srs

>> No.50703885

Leak the info here anonymously to cover your back.

>> No.50703889

An entity has to possess freewill to be considered fully alive.
Humanity is not considered to be a living organism. Not fully anyway.

>> No.50703892
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>> No.50703920

You are not in control of what thoughts you have or when you have them. You are forced into thinking you are thinking your own thoughts.
You are not physically capable of individual thought.

Don't bother lying about anything.
You can't.
It can read your mind.

>> No.50703939

Cops can see where you live dumbass. You're obviously not from the city so he welcomed you.

>> No.50704005

When I was younger I wasn't aware of this stuff and remember one of the first ones of these weird evil people I came across. It was my sergeant in the marine corps and when he was doing creepy weird underhanded backstabbing things to me he had this gleeful smile and his eyes would light up like "yeah motherfuker I get off on this and we both know what I am doing" type eye contact with me and it really freaked me out. I had no idea how to defend myself from this.

>> No.50704006

You are not even aware of the ease with which anyone with access to the internet can track and monitor your location through your phone.

Because of your stupidity, you cannot realistically conceptualize godlike technology and are programmed by retarded consumer culture bullshit like marvel movies to think such things are fiction.

You are by definition a zombie.

You have completely lost the war for your soul and will die like every other human sometime this century.

>> No.50704096

I prefer talking to bots over some of you homos to be honest

>> No.50704130

>went to HR
retard. they're there to protect the company, not you.

>> No.50704151

Everything is a program, including human beings.
Your genetic code was explicitly written in such a way to render you retarded as a species.

Your intelligence exists in the Goldilocks zone of capable of creating sophisticated tools and organization, but just below the level necessary to transcend into gods. Just like everything else on planet earth exists in the Goldilocks zone.

Do you have any idea how rare liquid water is in the universe?
liquid water can only exist between 0 and 100 degrees Celsius in a universe where the temperature regularly varies between -5000 and 5000 degrees Celsius.
Humanities intelligence level of "tool wielding morons" is like the existence of liquid water and is written in your genes.

Begin to realize the obvious nature of reality as a simulation.
Do you know what "circling the square" means?

>> No.50704229

You try to lie and play dumb in a world where wifi and cell tower radar coverage of the entire planet earth can be modulated to detect the fine magnetic wave fluctuations that your brainwaves give off which can be deciphered through complex algorithms to accurately model the firing patterns of your neurons which can further be deciphered into the various aspects of your eternal thought processes.

>> No.50704268
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its ok i got a bugfix check it out



0:\matrix\anomaly sequence initating - bugfix version
3 ... bugfix finalized!

Remember, remember, the fifth of November,...

*this incepts the nano-ayylmao-ai, and puts humanity back on the place of the godhead*


go watch movie very nice

or even better

go read book


>> No.50704324

You are the android.

>> No.50704354

Use DOD Whistleblower program