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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50698674 No.50698674 [Reply] [Original]

Chinks didnt shoot down pelosi plane.
Chyna all bark and no bite. WW3 cancelled.
Bullrun slow recovery can continue. Have a nice day.

>> No.50698713

chinks are pussies who wouldve guessed it

>> No.50698720

A nothingburger.

>> No.50698734

Bruh I nearly bought into all the FUD lmao thank fuck I didnt sell

>> No.50698770

No shit. The market will crash though, for other reasons. The fed can't put off the recession with this charade forever.

>> No.50698782


This shit was literally already priced in last week fucking retards

>> No.50698807

Thank you president Xi

>> No.50698831

This was biden and xi's idea to pump the markets when everyone once again realizes nothing ever happens.

>> No.50698841

Chinks can still invade and take Nancy hostage tho. Like that hash-smuggling basketball negress.

>> No.50698896

They wouldnt get across the straits without getting btfo

>> No.50698952

LMAO how dumb are you people if you seriously expected something to happen.

>> No.50699037

>with two US strike carrier groups around

>> No.50699055

I've never been more disappointed in China being a bunch of lying, spineless bugmen.

>> No.50699081

Market highs and lows only matter to short-term traders. To big brains, there are only points at which you feel comfortable buying. Swingies are just gamblers. The only crash that matters is societal collapse, and if you think THAT matters, there are better places to spend your time and energy. The rest is just sound and fury.

>> No.50699090
File: 116 KB, 1000x1000, 0x3f5c18ed4a7ea28066949582200519ab68287b76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China's whole deal is Larping, also picrel

>> No.50699128

It Would take China 30min to sink every mutt ship.

>> No.50699136

>muh USA! USA!
chinks have got billions of themselves to throw at the problem. And, they could probably use a good diversion themselves round about now anyway. They can make a deal with Murica, tell them which buildings are about to fall down - have those bombed by burgers instead.

>> No.50699143

>China's whole deal is Larping
You're not wrong, but that does give me hope for the impending collapse of China's economy and everything that will come from it, because they're still larping as a functional country.

>> No.50699158

wow bears are retarded. who could have guessed?

>> No.50699179

Stop including me in your mass spam replies. I never believed that shit about China invading.

>> No.50699234

This fall, September, mid October at the latest. That's when the bear will leave its cave forever.

>> No.50699243

Now democrats will gain credibility as anti China, despite doing fuck all, and the mounting allegations of Beijing Biden will dissipate, right before the midterm election. Along with flooding the headline and social media, flushing out the terrible news cycle of inflation, recession, and gaslighting on redefining recession in one move.

>> No.50699317
File: 475 KB, 1200x1633, 994F2FED-6F68-46BE-9B07-75BEAB572F03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fed can't put off the recession with this charade forever.
We're already in one, smoothbrain

>> No.50699341

>2 digit IQ chink

>> No.50699354

Not according to Biden.

>> No.50699356

>chinks have got billions of themselves to throw at the problem.
This ain’t 15th century anymore retard

>> No.50699410

Everyone is still pretending we aren't in one.

>> No.50699426

As long as they pump my bags, who cares?

>> No.50699433

kek CCP more like ICP

>> No.50699436

>MoM change in homeowner vacancy rate:
housing crash CANCELLED

>> No.50699477

Well have our dose of fud next week. There's always something. Either inflation numbers, gas price, rate hikes, GDP numbers, the sec or a hacking or a cex sitting the bed

>> No.50699495

priced in cope. you missed the generational bottom

>> No.50699512

Shit is going at fucking hyper speed these days. Headlines getting printed for narrative of the week distractions

>> No.50699525

2 more months and then 2 more weeks!

>> No.50699527
File: 53 KB, 360x360, DBDC3FE2-B3C0-494C-B58C-EDB8EFE7066A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's retarded
Ya, it's funny

>> No.50699637

As much as I'd like to be a Chinese peasant, I don't think China has it in them to do conquest by any means except financial

>> No.50702065


>> No.50702086

>Chinks didnt shoot down pelosi plane.
bullish for insider trading

>> No.50702091

They are going to fuck the supply chain even further, leading to a resurgence in inflation. Buckle up.

>> No.50702098

why was this shit a big deal anyway?