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50690469 No.50690469 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please fucking explain to me what the long-term plan is for realty in terms of societal stability? I've never understood it, even when I was a kid, I heard my parents say "home prices always go up", and I remember in my kid brain going, wait, how? Forever? How is this system not destined to cause massive societal problems? People buy houses for 500k now, and they do this because they expect it to go up to 800k by the time they sell it, or something like and then those people that buy it expect it to go up more, don't they? Or what's the point? Just fear of homelessness and starvation?

>> No.50690490

We’re already experiencing those problems
It keeps going up because they keep printing money faster than they can build homes

>> No.50690524

It's not that complicated when you realize it's just a global ponzi scheme that's unironically too big too fail.

The massive increase in homelessness and the growing gap between the have nots and haves don't matter as long as the green line goes up. There will be a reckoning, just not today.

>> No.50690543

I don't hope for a reckoning because it just seems so retarded and avoidable, but even in the US, I don't see it happening. Everyone's too spread out and their literal lives depend on supply lines and cheap gas and transportation, they're not self-sufficient.

>> No.50690556

Homes are a real tangible asset and the money printing has to go somewhere
They 4x’d the money supply in a month during Covid and they do stuff similar every few years
Where do you think that money would go? The markets don’t just raise their prices all at once in response
It takes time for money to find its level
High fiat inflation does create high volatility though so there will be times when we dip

There’s many other macro factors at work here too. Including the 08 crash where banks were bailed out and foreclosed on homeowners and kept a large chunk of the nicer homes, millennials struggling to find affordable housing, companies like blackrock and Zillow buying up home inventory
All these things factor into it
Don’t base your decisions off gut feelings or even previous home prices without taking into account the overall macro picture

>> No.50690572
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The Yuropoors and Japs are gonna really feel the heat from the weakening global economy very soon. They're gonna need more access to USD so that means more money printing, cheaper credit, and therefore higher house values. Rentcucks are outta luck lol

>> No.50690587
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Post WWII America is a historical anomaly. Everyone getting their own nice house on a high school diploma job is unfortunately an aberration. Soon enough America will return to multi-generational housing (everyone under one roof) like most of the rest of the world. We're already seeing it start to happen

>> No.50690589


You're describing where Burry gets it wrong. He's completely right in his autistic way that things are fucked up but he's not factoring in the boomers and government doing everything possible to keep this ponzi going. Market fundamentals don't matter when you rig the game.

>> No.50690595

You WILL live in the pod at work.
You WILL get in the wage cage.
You WILL eat the bugs.
You WILL own nothing and be happy.

>> No.50690604

This, I forgot about this, okay

>> No.50690672

The standard of living decline was predictable when you consider an insanely wealthy economy, with an incredibly productive workforce and technology (machine manufacturing etc) producing an abundance of stuff, housing, cars... and then consuming it all to the point that two generations later we're still benefiting from the credit and surplus of that generation.
We're going back to normal and that sucks lol

>> No.50690811

Homes really only became investments in the mid 20th century. This is all fairly new and I'm not sure how it will end.

>> No.50690955

You can hardly do anything without a place of your own.
At 20 it's the Chad with his apartment in the city that will be hosting to the party with hot girls.
It's not the poorfag living with his mom and dad and grandma.
If Chad wastes his 20s and future on rent and parties that means he is personally fucked but that won't unfuck the young women he was pulling and it won't make your life better.
You listened to /biz/ neets and spent your twenties at home saving and bought at your early 30s? Congrats.
You can pull some quality pussy or do some partying if you have normal fag friends. But your 20s are over.

You can have a poker night with the bros.
You can call hookers.
You can get some woman over at any time and not fear she will find your old man shitting in the bathroom half naked.
Or your half dead sick grandma sleeping in your bed.

What happened to losers that never had their place? That wasted half their income on rent?
They never had kids. They died alone.
Or had 1.4 kids and a divorce when their woman whored out because she hated his loser ass and had better and worse offers.

>> No.50690976


>> No.50690993

there's literally nothing stopping hobos from just burning neighborhoods down

>> No.50691020

Literally all 7 billion of the earths population wants to own their own home, including you. Supply and demand, you do the math (not to mention exponential population growth)
tldr is buy while you still can

>> No.50691156

Nice projection, fag

>> No.50691180

Children don't.
And some elderly are in nursing homes or in old smaller housing unsuitable for modern young man. For young women it's not as relevant as for men.
But you're in the right.
It's even worse but I am not good with words and putting things in perspective.
As above anon said demand is huge.
But what about supply?
Well some have 2 or 3 houses. Or an entire floor in the apartment building.
Or a seaside summerhouse and a house in the city suburbia.
But then there's real estate corporations owning and renting hundreds of apartments. There's government owned public housing issued to random immigrants and people.
So the supply is fucked as well.

And for a man if you rent and do the same job as a homeowner, you will be set back in any endeavor behind him by the amount you pay in rent.
And that can be the difference between making it and not.
He can follow some woman to a seaside vacation town and be in the place to be, while you are short just that amount of money.
He can afford to go clubbing 4 times a month and you only two.
He can be more casual with spending on clothes...
It's a dark world out there.

>> No.50691183

Yea this did suck

>> No.50691203

Yeah I cant argue.

>> No.50691270

So why are home prices not 4xing every few years.

God people are fucking uneducated retards that don't understand basic economics. No wonder this place is full for retarded baggies.

>> No.50691290

nice cope you embarrassing incel, true chads bring sluts to their parents house without giving a shit

>> No.50691293

I guess it's less of a problem in richfag countries because people are wealthier on average and in poorfag countries as there's less stigma to living with family as everyone else is doing it.
Where I am it's the middle ground.

People won't take you seriously if you don't live on your own.
Women will think you're manchild if your living with your mother.
When some activity is planned by friends your place will be disqualified from the start. Be it a simple barbecue or a LAN party or just a chill evening of music and drinks. Not to mention some other stuff like when coke or weed or E is involved.
Or more fun activities.

>> No.50691307

It's retarded, houses cannot "go up forever". houses are like a car, they will fall apart eventually since ameriburgerclap standards are builidng with cardboard and popsicle sticks. A 70 year old boomerhouse is not worth as much as a new house, by logic, but by the market they both line go up. the market is not wiling to admit an older house has decreased in value with age until it is visibly falling down and the city slaps a pink paper on the door.

>markets are efficient
my asshole
>nooo it's the land that's valuable
most of them are built in a godforsaken housing development 30 miles from the city along a crappy stroad that no one wants to live on, and demolishing costs $200k

>> No.50691310

>a LAN party
lmao imagine taking life advice from this virgin faggot. Unironically touch grass

>> No.50691324

During their teens.
When he gets to university or into work he loses his chad card by doing it.

>> No.50691342

Eat shit fag

>> No.50691389
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I wouldn't worry about it. The government is going to step in and do something about it. Most likely making it worse for renters and home owners. Housing is a big issue for voters.

In fact as property owners I would be more worried about the rent voter base out growing the land/home owner voter base. Corporations and politicians will have the perfect scenario to save people from not owning a home soon.

>> No.50691417
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Same for the notion of retirement. It was always a bullshit Keynesian pipe dream that they sold out the entire nation trying to achieve for a generation or two.

>> No.50691588

>It just goes up forever?
The reasons are pretty simple:
>population growth
>USD decline/inflation
>scarce materials
>Interest rate manipulation causing all asset values to multiply
There are also secondary factors like increasing standards/regulations, increasing home sizes and luxury features, and a society that's become increasingly useless at the same time that globalization reduces our outsized relative worth. Too many people working bullshit office/administrative jobs that add no real value.

Obviously it makes no logical sense for home prices to rise in real value. One house is worth one house, and with technological efficiency improvements, one house should become cheaper in terms of individual time and effort to produce.
But the problem is no one really benefits from that efficiency because of the factors listed above. The reality is that in normal times people pay the same percentage of their income towards a mortgage as ever. It's just that the face value of the asset is higher so it's harder to purchase in cash outright. It's harder to really get ahead. The yield you can get putting your money to work is much lower than it used to be - in fact, you may even be losing money after inflation. That's the real change. For whatever reason, we live in a society where it's no longer worthwhile to save your money. So no one does. They spend it all. They live paycheck to paycheck. They stack up debt.
I don't know what the solution is to this - it's hard to see anything changing unless the whole system falls apart and all current wealth is reset to zero. We've become over-financialized.

>> No.50691879
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Look kid i will summarize it all right now, you will invest in champ (be aware of the listing soon so you can buy at the cheapest) because its made by the ubisoft CEO so its unruggable and it will most likely pump soon. That's your long term plan right there

>> No.50691893
File: 1.60 MB, 3548x3820, All money is created by borrowing from banks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All prices must go up continually due to the bank-controlled money system.

Banks create all of the money, NOT government. Banks create this new, digital money when they issue loans. They only create the principal amount, but never the addition interest that is due.

To keep the scam going, the money supply must always increase, year-after-year. And when the money supply increases, we get inflation.

Proofs available at:
bank LIES dot ORG

>> No.50692009

This really is the smartest place on the internet

>> No.50692061


what don't you understand? They are literally telling you you're future. Homes have huge carbon footprint. you are going into the pod. If you're lucky you get an apartment

>> No.50692122
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>long-term plan
>societal stability

>> No.50692293

People don't really have bargaining power or knowledge to negotiate pricing so the pricing of a home will be driven by real estate companies and realtors looking to scalp and builders will price in based on what the sellers are doing.
I've been trying to figure out how much it would actually cost to build a home and the first thing that comes up is information from banks, REITs and builders.
They're also big enough that they'll lobby for schemes to keep it from declining and keep people buying.
They're already working to make subprimes government backed so it can never fail like 08.
We don't have the common sense of Japan where homes depreciate over time, like they realistically should, and the value is in the land.
Instead we get shit like HOAs which exist to take your money to act like a protection racket for your home value.
The real kicker is when the multifamily loan crisis comes home to roost next. Everyone is building and renovating old shitholes into 'luxury' apartments that are going to sit empty and crash like a stone because the people that can pass the income requirements and move in costs can just buy a fucking house.

>> No.50692299

I don't know; cheap energy, abundant land and resources, having the most desired non-backed currency in the world, highly productive workers etc makes a lot of wealth possible. Cheap energy is the biggest factor I think. The fact that that I can buy a pound of grapes grown 7,000 miles away for just a fraction of the lowest legal wage is kind of crazy.

>> No.50692300

Since everyone who took the jabs now has VAIDS, am I going to be able to become a real estate jew like boomers were? I just want to keep collecting properties for rental income. But if blockcock is going to walmart me or jabtards are all going to die of heart implosions, how am I supposed to retire and live off investment income? Will even REITs survive?

>> No.50692367

And don't forget we're still riding the effects of the eviction/foreclosure moratorium so everybody is going to be trying to recoup their losses for the next 5-10 years. Even if they go bankrupt the banks are just going to be incentivized to recoup their own losses.

>> No.50692424

how is that shit working by the way? are the deadbeats going to just get away with not paying rent for 2 years, will they be forced to pay it back? is their credit ruined now so they can't get a mortgage? if those asshole can take 2 years of unpaid rent and buy a property with the savings and get away with everything i'm going to feel like a sucker for paying rent this whole time. but mostly i'm wondering are they knocked out as competition to buy? if these niggers are banned from getting mortgages then there is less demand on buying and my price will be lower.

>> No.50692478

It only covers preventing eviction for non-payment. The rent just accumulates and everything else happens as normal.
>if these niggers are banned from getting mortgages
If you're going into non-payment with no intention of paying you probably weren't in the running for a mortgage anyway or are in a rent to own trailer park scam.

>> No.50692665

>muh life ends at 20s cope
I'm glad faggots like you filter yourselves out of a long, fulfilling life.

>> No.50692790

For most of history, housing has only paced inflation. It is normally a horrible investment asset because of the high upkeep, taxes, and insurance. These are not normal times. We are like Japan in the late eighties. That shit was just due to money printing and so is the current situation. (granted, the money printing in japan was due to the high level of business success leading to high levels of bank loans, not pure central bank printing like now)

>> No.50692848

god i hope they're forced to pay it all back. tired of these smug crusty assholes bragging that they didnt pay rent for 2 years.

>> No.50693114

where is this house located, i've seen this house posted at least once a week

>> No.50693682

Why do you think the currency is most desired? Could it have to do with the fact that whenever a country wants to trade oil for anything but USD they get liberated like Libya? That can't last long/

>> No.50693767

That's why loans shouldn't exist, the concept is purely exploit to make others pay for your parasite lifestyle

>> No.50694018

>bro just wagecuck until you are 60 and then you can live to the fullest
I pity the miserable elderly German tourists and boomer US expats that come to my country and think they can make up for a lost life in their retirement age.
And in the twenties is when the strongest relationships are made and if you miss out on that you will not have anything but scraps

>> No.50694195

why are mcamerican roofs so retarded

>> No.50694279

In short, massive population growth creates the demand. Higher population means a higher number of wealthy people. Limited houses in "desirable areas" go up in price.
Only way around it is to control population growth, or found new cities that can attract businesses. Western countries only have giant population growth due to all the third world imports.
Thank the governments for creating overpriced properties and not building enough infrastructure

>> No.50694337

It isn't sustainable. We're locked into a system where really rich people store their wealth in real estate, and total plebs that have real estate are happy to see their equity grow like crazy. If thing don't change, tents will outnumber tenents, and the buble will burst.

>> No.50694591
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>At 20 it's the Chad with his apartment in the city that will be hosting to the party with hot girls.
Failed Chad here, I am going to fuck girls at my grandmothers house or my mothers places and there is nothing you can do about it.
>If Chad wastes his 20s and future on rent and parties that means he is personally fucked but that won't unfuck the young women he was pulling and it won't make your life better.
Chads will bang bitches behind dumpsters.
>Or your half dead sick grandma sleeping in your bed.
Yo, for real, DEAD ass, if some sluts is gonna cry about MY nana living in MY home, imma drag her bitch ass out to the curb using her hair like a rope.
Dont be dissing my Gran you little sluts.
>What happened to losers that never had their place? That wasted half their income on rent?
>They never had kids. They died alone.
Or you know people have friends and they buy land and some cheap trailers/mobile homes and thats that.
Why do you niggers Americans need a large house? Just get a trailer, mein gotten helm.

>> No.50694604

spambot thread
non of the posts was made by a human
not worth reading

>> No.50694607

>But what about supply?
Build Commie blocks, Hitler did it, Stalin did it.
Amerimutts wont though.
>And for a man if you rent and do the same job as a homeowner, you will be set back in any endeavor behind him by the amount you pay in rent.
>And that can be the difference between making it and not.
>He can follow some woman to a seaside vacation town and be in the place to be, while you are short just that amount of money.
>He can afford to go clubbing 4 times a month and you only two.
I do not care what another man is doing, you fucking faggot.
Just deal drugs, lmao.

>> No.50694874

It's not home prices going up. It's the currencies going down.

>> No.50694904
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their entire networth is tied up in their house so they'll go to any mental gymnastics necessary to envision a scenario in which housing prices go up forever. the only thing that could shake this belief is if the masses were telling them different but the masses are all in the same boat and confirming each others optimistic beliefs.

basically what we do with crypto

>> No.50695290

>I don't hope for a reckoning because it just seems so retarded and avoidable
if you dont hope for america to collapse in its current state, youre a shitty american. go outside and look at how far, brown, disgusting, and ugly your citizens are. they should not be alive.

>> No.50695432
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>Can someone please fucking explain to me what the long-term plan is for realty

>> No.50695448

big brain take

>> No.50696253

Two more weeks.

>> No.50696272

prices are going up everywhere, even in my flyover hometown of 2k people with a declining/aging population and a lack of jobs that pay a livable wage. to me, this indicates that inflation and an over-abundance of credit are the main drivers.

>> No.50696391

it's already not avoidable anymore
if you realize how it works you also realize it's a ticking timbe bomb that cannot be defused normally anymore

only options at this point are catastrophic crash or slow hyperinflation

>> No.50696439

> Wants to be a landlord
Hope you die

>> No.50696445

I’m not talking about people itt when I say this, and I’ve always known nearly the entire population is stupid as fuck, but that last two years a proven to me that everyone in America is completely fucking retarded to a level which I never thought as actually possible.

>> No.50696485

normies waiving inspection and bidding 10-20% above list price with a 30 year, 50% debt to post-tax income, heavy six figure loan is one of the funniest things i've ever seen.

>> No.50696520

try again sweety
we have an answer for everything

>> No.50696559
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this all ends with a giant rezoning of the suburbs

>> No.50696573

My landlord waived inspection. Within 4 moths he had to pay to get an entire external wall replaced, 5 months after that the ceiling is leaking and he has to get the roof redone.
These retards push up the price.

>> No.50696597

my old landlord sold the complex to some kike real estate investment group. they literally bought the top and jacked up rents 40% over the past 2 years to offset their bad investment. luckily i still manage to put away quite a bit of money toward a down payment, otherwise i'd consider vandalizing the property in creative and anti-semetic ways that cannot be traced back to me.

>> No.50696942

Look up the French revolution, it was a nothingburger that snowballed out of control
They went for the 3 estates being called so the king could secure some loans to the reign of terror in a few years

>> No.50697116

The treasury was spending 50% of tax revenue on interest to service debt.
USA not far from this, but the cirumstances are somewhat different because of petrocurrency and the fact that such a vast number (0ver 80%) of transactions worldwide are settled in USD. Now that seems impossibly high but don't forget it is the americans who get to control pricing, so naturally 10 coffees selling for one dollar in italy is equivalent to a single coffee selling for $10 in LA.

>> No.50697209

The important part is that thousand year old emprires can collapse in a matter of months due to almost random circumstances
There doesn't need to be a huge revolution or civil war, The Bolsheviks took over Russia with only a single regiment of sailors

>> No.50697239
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>It keeps going up because they keep importing immigrints faster than they can build homes


>> No.50697258
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I just closed on a refi and the notary said he's been closing 5% for weeks, I had the best rate he's seen in months

>> No.50697299

I dont lmao
I rent out the house two doors down from my parents house

>> No.50697497
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Swiss economist Peter Bernholz studied every 20th century hyperinflation (there were over 20). He concluded that excessive government debt caused hyperinflation. Bernholz says that if a government spends 40% or more of revenue on debt-servicing, hyperinflation is almost a certainty.

This raises an important issue: Since all money is created by private banks, and this system causes hyperinflations, why isn't the bank-created money scam abolished and replaced with a debt-free, interest-free money system?

>> No.50697530

Because it's just not electable until it is jack

>> No.50697609

> Long term plan
In white nations, they're going to keep on bringing blacks and POC in until whites are reduced to 10% of the population
This is why housing prices always go up despite the fact that fertility rates have been below replacement for 40-50 years.

it's one of the biggest scams in recent history

>> No.50697649

American suburbs are the most god damn retarded thing ever

>> No.50697711

Not everyone buys a home as an investment. Some people buy it to, you know, live in it? And this population of people that want to live in a home and don't care if the price rises or falls, is increasing, and the supply of houses is not increasing because land is limited. Therefore, number will keep going up for some time.

>> No.50697718

Go look at Brazil or South Africa. There you go.

>> No.50697758
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>> No.50697886
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this is me. i did get an inspection, though. paid 530k for a 2.5/3 in SW FL. put 20% down and now i can't even sleep at night knowing my equity is going to vanish and if i lose my job im going to be fucked. i did get a 3.5% 30yr fixed rate, at least. i fomo'd like a retard because wife and i had a kid on the way.

>> No.50698010

>why isn't the bank-created money scam abolished and replaced with a debt-free, interest-free money system?

hey, cool it with the anti-semitism.

>> No.50698186

housing is going down where i am, no idea what you all are moaning about

>> No.50699254

>Everyone is building and renovating old shitholes into 'luxury' apartments that are going to sit empty and crash like a stone because the people that can pass the income requirements and move in costs can just buy a fucking house.
I noticed this too since I am looking for a new place before the end of the month.
One place I looked at looks on the verge of colapce, yet the renter wants verified income to be 4 times the monthly rent plus $2000 down, and the person renting is responsable for fixing up the place to make it livable.
And I am just thinking
>why the fuck would someone who could actually afford all that rent your crap shack when if they had that much money they could just buy a house in better condition.
The whole market has lost it's damn mind.
People asking for over a thousand a month just to rent a single room in a house.
Asking half a million for trailer homes.
Yet wages haven't gone up and people in general aren't earning more money.
So all this bloat is basically built on credit and debt, with the average person being overleveraged to own, or spending 70+% of their monthly income renting.

I am starting to wish I had the option to move back in with my parents and just try to inherit their house.
I don't think I will be able to afford one as a wagie.

>> No.50699277

retarded but necessary for any sort of standard of living

>> No.50699320

cost of building material is still up, that's not helping
also remember you're actually buying the land under the house and they can't just print more of it

>> No.50699335

The only reason you think it is overpriced is because most homebuyers are actually dual income couples. Just get a wife so you double your money if you want a house.

>> No.50699473


I think people started going to FB/Twitter for news in 1820, so that dip is a statistical anomaly, rather than a true drop in search engine queries for retirement.

Also, iirc they banned Google around 1940-1945 for the Nine Years War.

Just fyi

>> No.50699533

you're very close, the 80s Japan phenomenon was because of "window guidance," which is a slightly different form of central bank fuckery than raw printing

>> No.50699839

>tfw spent 20s in grinding poverty trying to get degree and then initial work experience
fuck you dude

>> No.50699883

Who wouldn't want to be a landlord?
>sit around do nothing, let the management company handle the actual property management and renter interactions
>have some poorfag zoomer pay your mortgage off for you
>get $500 a month in free money on top of it
>in 20 years the house is paid off by rentoid and belongs to you
>either sell it or rent it out for passive income stream
>can buy a new property every 2 years or so, can scale this scam infinitely
>if you own enough houses you can retire early and live off the rental income

It's the ultimate scam.

>> No.50699901

Ideally, home prices shouldn't go up more than the cost of inflation (due to replacement cost).

What's happening now is demographics. Millenials are a huge generation, and have finally come to home buying age. Boomers, also a huge generation, are refusing to downsize into smaller homes. So millenials are fucked and buying the demographic top. Millenials will be left holding the bag due to the demographic timebomb and there will be nobody for millenials to sell to in 30 years when they reach retirement age.

In 30 years, DEFLATION will be the problem, not inflation. All because boomers have economically strip-mined the millennial generation with housing and the national debt. Millenials will be left holding the biggest bag of human excrement ever assembled in the history of humanity.

>> No.50699949

this. it all revolves around the car. so if gas goes up $1 everyone is crying that the sky is falling and they can't afford to live. wowwoowowow i really love being forced to drive 40 minutes to buy milk.

it looks like they're going to upzone all the sfh. developers will rip out 10 boomers houses for 500k each, put another 5m into construction, and end up with 60 apartments/townhomes to sell for 350k each. it will be an unstoppable money printer.

>> No.50700067

You are what we call an hero

>> No.50700093


As long as the 3conomy keeps expanding a % of that growth will trickle into houses. Stupid biz niggers will never understand. Doom is always next door according to biztards. Imagine wasting your life fearing for something that doesn't happen? We're still going down, but after that we'll recover.

>> No.50701494

>I do not care what another man is doing, you fucking faggot.
>Just deal drugs, lmao.
You dont care but you will be unwittingly competing against them.
Bitches care and will compare you to men usually from the same or higher class that are in her life.
And you will lose out against the men doing the same job, putting in the same effort, earning the same.

>> No.50701541

You were never a chad

>> No.50701874

>Don’t base your decisions off gut feelings or even previous home prices without taking into account the overall macro picture
This... I want the housing market to fall apart so much. In my area I've seen home prices go up by 100% to 150% in just 2 years. And it sucks because in the last 2 years is when i got my first well paying jobs. I have an amazing gf and we want to start a family. So yeah every little piece of information that points to a collapse I blow up.

BUT!!!!.... There is fuck ton of money printing still going on. The increase of homes on the market is not more people who need to sell. They are people who are testing the market seeing if they get any bits. And there are lots of institutions that are waiting for a crash. Lots of people have been preparing for a crash for years. When the market does fall apart assists such as homes will be bought up fast. So yeah the macro picture is everyone else is sitting on their hands waiting for a crash which makes it completely different from any other crash.

>> No.50702052

BUT BUT Butt.... What if there is a bull whip with everything????? What if the institutions waiting on the side lines create buying everything up drive up the price for 6 months then there is another crash???

>> No.50703703

True. Financialization is also a historical anomaly, however.

>> No.50703745
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>he isn't holding REITs in his roth ira for that sweet tax free dividends

>> No.50703758

Amount of land stays the same, but population keeps going up. Those at the bottom get squeezed.

>> No.50704035

This is a misconception. American population growth is anemic, soon to run in reverse. Housing units per person has been increasing for decades (see FRED data, can't be fucked to dig it up now). Even global population will peak before the end of this century- much sooner if there's a mass death event.

Certainly more people are living alone or otherwise in excessive digs, as mentioned ITT, but that's not a population growth problem. Urbanization still increases, which IS a growth problem, just highly localized. At least in the US, the rise of remote work ought to have diminished the latter factor. Ultimately I think money printing and speculation are the strongest explanations.

>> No.50704515

US don't officially keep track of illegal immigrants population. Only those with birth record or official documents. This has been the biggest source of population growth for a long time.

>> No.50704691

The FRED series for population I compared against is from the World Bank and includes illegals:
>Total population is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship

Illegals fueling population growth is another misconception. The first generation's birth rate rapidly reverts to the US mean, and in any case, LATAM's birth rates aren't even that high.

>> No.50704733

It does not. These people have no record at all. Their birth rate drops once they become Americanized from second generation onward. I'm a landlord whose area has been completely taken over by illegal Hispanics, they have driven up rent price here significantly.

The best you can do is an estimate based on secondary data as such energy usage and other metrics.

>> No.50704905

Sure but they are constantly subsidized by a feed the world mentality that allows them to come here with a 3rd world fertility rate, just wait until we have to accept Nigerians in the millions within 50 years because of muh slavery.

>> No.50704911
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>there's nothing more to life than having sex

>> No.50707136

No way. Single family suburbia is not necessary by any means. In fact it is so unnecessary it has to be preserved via ordinances and zoning laws to keep it the pavement jungle that it is. The market doesn't actually want units with a required 30 feet from the road and dual front facing garages.

>> No.50707289

That’s completely irrelevant. A 6k mortgage is still a 6k mortgage and nobody should have that even split 4 ways

>> No.50707902

this. units in walkable areas and near train stations especially sell for massively more money than similar units in 'burbs. zoning regulations are not the free market. developers build sfh because they legally cannot build anything else.

>> No.50708878
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They say that shit so people will buy a house. They also tell you all your life that it's your dream - the American Dream. What they don't tell you is that when you buy a house, you also buy the bank a house. And that unless you have 'allodial title', you don't really own the house, and you have to pay rent on it, even after paying off the mortgage. They don't call it rent though; they call it property taxes. If you don't pay your rent, the owner will kick you out.

>> No.50709856

Does anyone truly ever own anything if death owns all by the end?

>> No.50709952


>> No.50709968
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Today I will remind them.

>> No.50710045

>That can't last long
It certainly can, but more importantly the US dollar is used as a reserve currency, and until we have a crisis and foreign companies DON'T buy USD there's no worries. What happened with inflation this year? People bought USD, including china and europe lmao.

>> No.50710094
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based hypersexual hoard of frustrated latino malechildren. uvalde was just the beginning.

realtalk they are frustrating to deal with in real life but it is, at times, quite the reassurance to see that all peoples flow to the same autistic dead-end as my people. Like we really are more the same than we are different.