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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50688345 No.50688345 [Reply] [Original]

Uh, so in the end what is better: a centrally planned economy or a non-centrally planned economy? Whole life I've been hearing that the latter is better, but a lot of left-wing people recently say the opposite. What's the truth?

Same with Stalin, I've been hearing my whole life he's been a brutal dictator. These days I'm hearing he did nothing wrong. So which is it in the end? Can we have a civilized discussion?

>> No.50688508

nobody understands the market, it's beyond the capability of any one person or administration to manage the complexities of an entire national economy. the people who say they can are liars or are lying to themselves, but will be too arrogant to ever admit they can't do it.

so we get dangerous shit like trying to lower food prices and in the process the farmers can no longer make enough profit to stay in business so the farms collapse and the country runs out of food (venezuela).

>> No.50688513

centrally planned but with market mechanisms is best. so like 2022 China.

>> No.50688552

letting bureaucrats and politicians micromanage a national economy is simply madness, it's beyond the capacity and capability of mankind to do this.

>> No.50688603
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>> No.50688694

In germany we had something called "Social market economy". This means a free market but the state would intervene to protect the people from monopoles or bad working conditions etc. State controlled economy never works but 100 % free capitalism is bad for most people. Sadly we don't have social market economy in germany anymore, only normal capitalism with retarded politicians.

>> No.50688719

Decentralization has never really been tried en mass but the examples that do exist were mixed. I mostly believe this is due to the fact that technology had not yet advanced to the point where decentralization and planning could really be achieved.

>> No.50689008
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Organization/ planning should not exist above the village level. The only authority above this level should be The Church. Nation states were a mistake.