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50687848 No.50687848 [Reply] [Original]

So I failed the Hobby Lobby math test during an interview. You are supposed to get 8/16 questions right. I got 4. Should I kill myself? This is what the math test is like if you did not know.


>> No.50688154

>Failed at basic math

>> No.50688572

The only adult I know who would fail that test is retired on SSDI.
You should apply.

>> No.50688741
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Don't worry, people who are worse at math tend to care less about making money.

>> No.50688753

I got my Linear Algebra results back, i got an A.

>> No.50688791

I actually don't know how to long-division or multiplication, but I can just do those questions in my head. Any time I have had to do long division or multiplication as an adult, I've always had to study beforehand to relearn how to do it.

>> No.50688810

>needing to pass a math test
Ayo dats racist af frfr

>> No.50688863

"muh racism" is literally why jobs can't give IQ tests
imagine how much smoother everything would be if we could just give IQ tests for jobs, college, immigration

>> No.50688880

Oh shit, as an employer I can give a math test to applicants?? That is a game changer!!

>> No.50688902

damn. should have used a calculator/a register

>> No.50689133

I give employees an excel math test, they have to be able to at least do simple formulas like adding or multiplying. Maybe I'll do something like this as well.

>> No.50689155

>college admissions based solely on IQ test
>free tuition available because less people going to college
>jobs actively seek out smartest individuals
>companies can be aware if there is a management problem if a high IQ individual cannot complete work
god it would be paradise

>> No.50689226

The redpill is that college isn't needed.
Just let corporations hire based on IQ tests when a kid turns 18.

>> No.50689242

>37 x 98
Who the fuck is able to solve this? Some fucking engineer or some shit who I guarantee isn't applying for a job at fucking hobby lobby.

>> No.50689248


>> No.50689265

You solve it In 2 different parts lmao, I’m American and learned how to do it in common core math

>> No.50689270

I'd pull my phone out for multiplication and division shit. If they said something I would question on that seeing as we always have technology. Then I would just leave and tell them I don't want the job anymore if they put up a fuss about it. Fucking retards.

>> No.50689269
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>> No.50689275

You can do it in your head nigga. 100 x 37 is 3700. 2x37 is 74. 3700 - 74 is 3626.

Mathlets... you aren't going to make it. Step it up.

>> No.50689282

Math test to get a basic job.
These faggots deserve to go broke, 2022 not giving employees access to a calculator.

Tills have calculated transactions more advances since the late 90s.

>> No.50689302

you'll fit right in at the DMV

>> No.50689307

ah shit i got 3624, i need to go to bed

>> No.50689309

Very true but assuming OPs not applying for the regional manager job this math is NOT required for a basic retail job.
This is boomer gatekeeping and progressive credentialism for entry level jobs.

>> No.50689331

> 8th grade level math
> boomer gatekeeping
Waited just can’t recover

>> No.50689366

Dude you're really dumb if you failed that. There is a website called modernstates where they will give you free classes and pay for you entry to do a CLEP test so you can earn real college credits. You should go on there

>> No.50689397


This is who you browse 4chan with.

>> No.50689711

I can't figure out any of these problems. Having dyscalculia sucks.

>> No.50689752

3700 - (2 * 37)


>> No.50690960

Easy bro

7*8 = 56
30*90 = 2700
8*30 = 240
90*7 = 630
Add them together

6 in the ones place
12 in the tens place carry the one
1+7+2+6 = 16 in the hundreds place carry the one
2+1 = 3 in the thousand's place

and yes I'm so autistic I would solve it and check it this way, I would likely fail the hobby lobby quiz because I would take too long.

>t. 24 years old, engineer, learned before common core, but during no child left behind (trial run common core)


(To check 2*32

>> No.50691184

No don’t kill yourself OP
Get a job at mcd’s though you’ll fit right in

>> No.50691575

>>college admissions based solely on IQ test
Bad idea. You need more than just pattern recognition, you also need motivation and drive to grind knowledge. A combination might work for some studies because sometimes people have the knowledge, but not the problem thinking capabilities, and sometimes people have neither or both.

>> No.50691690


>> No.50691734

I actually never considered that method, I always went the long way of

maybe common core isn't so bad after all

>> No.50691794

The idea of common core is basically how the smart kids in math implicitly become smart on their own. I was essentially doing common core in my head without ever thinking about it. The problem is that teachers are fucking retarded and often implement the common core teachings terribly and end up bricking kids. Essentially common core brings up the shitter kids but doesn't do much for the kids that were already going to do well anyway and has more a chance of bringing them down.

>> No.50691808

You need to train your mind on abstract / spatial thinking.
>teaching yourself algebra again in the middle of a college entrance exam but you score high in reading / writing due to shitposting

>> No.50691849

37 x 98 = 37 x 100 - 37 x 2 = 3700 - 74 = 3626

That's like math 101

>> No.50691860

>You need more than just pattern recognition
Another hidden problem with modernity is that IQ tests have, of course, gone woke.

They used to include logic problems, special reasoning, puzzles, reading comprehension, things like that. You know, things that smart people are good at but dumb people are bad at.

Of course, niggers would fail all of these HARD. Like their average score was 2sd lower, putting like 40% of all black people into the disabled retarded category. So naturally they called all those parts of the test racist because solving problems or thinking things out is whipepol bullsheyiiit. The only tests where whites and blacks scored anywhere near each other were the stupid non-numerical pattern things, the squares where you are supposed to “feel” what comes next or whatever. It’s also the test where mega autists do well.

This should explain to you why every year or so you see a mass media fluff piece about some 9 year old black child that “has an IQ score higher than Einstein!!!”

The best IQ test is literally, simply the verbal section of the SAT, given unprompted and surprise, and not studied for, outside of a professional psychological array. Here is a list of tests that are of good quality:


>> No.50691871

You might be mentally retarded, therefor entitled to disability. Do what you must with the info.

>> No.50692209


>> No.50692332

Literally 3700 minus 74 you absolute nigger

>> No.50692821
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Guys am i smart for investing in $CHAMP? I-It has ubisoft's ceo's son. I-it's unruggable right? right?

>> No.50692909
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>> No.50692926

Emily told me her family owns Hobby Lobby, and I think the Blderberg families have a problem with my authority in general, so maybe.

>> No.50692930

IQ is retarded pseudoscience even less reality based than phrenology
>Who the fuck is able to solve this?
An average 7th grader

>> No.50693180
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>you also need motivation and drive to grind knowledge

nope first gen engineering student here. Extremely lazy I passed by skipping every optional class & just cramming before tests. around 135 IQ not even that high

>> No.50693203

Cramming isn't lazy. You can have high IQ, not give a shit, not cram, and fail because you think it doesn't even matter if you drop out and live on neetbux.
You're efficient, not entirely lazy. Skipping optional classes is just reasonable, no point wasting your capacity on things you don't need.

>> No.50695995

I've got 12 years experience as a physical chemist, my life is differential sums.

I wanted to look at this and be like "lol OP is a retard", but no. I'm not doing that maths without a calculator.
If I have to multiply 3 digit numbers together, it takes less time to pull my phone out than to work it out.
Fuck that dumb shit; and fuck any employer making you do that dumb shit, OP. You're better off.