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50687352 No.50687352 [Reply] [Original]

If Chainlink is the cornerstone of the Fourth Industrial Revolution as stated by Klaus book why are they even allowing retail investors to buy in?

>> No.50687371

the door to the club is always unlocked. what's behind the door is the true barrier to entry. they want people who can aurpass the barrier

>> No.50687400

they subject holders to severe psychological torture

>> No.50687401
File: 389 KB, 621x411, 1636720935978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 7200 stinkers can I stay in the club?

>> No.50687413

assblaster described this early on
it's to give the perception of decentralization and fairness, that any one can be involved
if the elites controlled it all from day one it would look bad, but giving out 35% to the public gets them out of that

>> No.50687422

Cuz its all part of their master plan or something

>> No.50687434

linkies are front running the fourth industrial revolution by owning nothing before anyone else does

>> No.50687440

In time

>> No.50687442

The tech is absolutely revolutionary but the token is just really not needed, holding it doesn't do you much good as the devs have enough liquidity to keep oracle prices reasonable.

>> No.50687454
File: 392 KB, 967x672, 1658747143760348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if you submit yourself before celsius and leave the rest of nexo. bulgaria ahead my friend

>> No.50687465

lotta words there for tnn blogposter. make a twitter account if you want to larp as chainlinkgod

>> No.50687546

Because most normies will sell at a realistic local top - $200 or something - maybe even $1000. In a normal world that would have kept out most from ever really making it when it goes to $100k+ etc - but unfortunately 4chan heard about it early and bought in bigly so they're fucked. Hence the years of price supression and fud.

>> No.50687604

not so fast anon you imagine link becoming the most valuable asset in history?

>> No.50687610

Um duh
That goes without saying

>> No.50687980

All this NWO/WEF bullshit is not the point. It is a PoS network. They on boarded small node operators 1st with a smaller ecosystem to grow gradually in capability.

>> No.50688214

i don't know, time will tell
i've been granted the opportunity to meet, and accidentally fuck despite my autism, people on the periphery of "the club" and they are like another species.
their language is different, they code switch often and extremely subtly (between direct/explicit and indirect/implicit/plausibly deniable). they entrain you with a shared image vocabulary through repeated self-reference and emotional/subconscious priming (exactly like memes). consequently they can say and gesture things that will invoke deep, lasting emotions and thoughts you've never entertained before. they can inspire you to elevate your general way of being or make you feel like a complete irredeemable piece of shit with relatively few signals. it's a constant battle to be around these people and frankly i don't think most of the linkies who aspire to greatness through their bags would be able to handle it.

>> No.50688243

fuck this is the truth bros selling my linkes right now I'm an OG linky and I can't take this shit no more.

>> No.50688276

This. most marines will suffer ptsd after holding link

>> No.50688383

Link is tokenized objective truth

Of course it's the most valuable thing on earth

>> No.50689486

Please tell me more anon

>> No.50689508

Pure delusion. Maybe $100 in ‘25 bullrun if everything else runs.

Let me guess, you compare Link to Amazon? Broooo just wait ten more years and we’ll be just like the biggest tech company of all time, because WE JUST WILL ALRIGHT!!?!

>> No.50689544

Delete this

>> No.50689559

Question is how long are they willing to suppress it just to shake people out. Seems like there would be a point of diminishing return where everyone who would sell has and at that point they're just allowing autists to stockpile more.

>> No.50689598

Screencapped. I hope the link-colored id anon returns to drop some more wisdompills

>> No.50690169

no. you spring this on people unexpectedly and act like dicks when they signal awareness of, but inferiority at, the game. some of you are patient and helpful, but many of you are not and for no good reason except that you feel emboldened by the slice you've carved for yourself.
what more do you want to know?
they create wells of opportunity in relationships by using vague, unelaborative, evasive, or even subvocal utterances to maintain a low-grade, subconsciously traumatic sense of uncertainty. this shared sense speaks to the subconscious of both participants and results in the formation of new ideas that (your primitive brain hopes) could resolve the pervasive discomfort of all these manufactured "ifs"
why do you think Link was meme central for 2.5 years?

>> No.50690252

Chainlink and Kleros will enslave the humanity

>> No.50690317

Did you just find this board?

>> No.50690341

How did you meet (and fuck) these people? What exactly are these conversations that leave you in a state of fear, uncertainty, and doubt?

>> No.50690377

are you a schizo?

>> No.50690380

Anon is just venting about the ex he's not quite over yet.

>> No.50690388

Oh, that's unfortunate. Guys can take years to get over a breakup.

>> No.50690397

His earliest price predictions should scare the every living fuck out of everyone on this board

>> No.50690447


>> No.50690451

Data is the new oil, like oil today there are many giants that control the entire market share and it’;L be the same with companies like Chainlink. Companies like SupraOracles for example will take a big slice of the pie, people that think Chainlink will just be the only company that does what they do and have a global monopoly is retarded

>> No.50690489

People said this about API3, but it's just crickets and silence now.
Chainlink will dominate and be the standard.

>> No.50690518

everything is a test, even when it is not intended to be. "club members" that i know generally have excellent verbal and gestural recall, so they scrutinize how you react to their constant vibe checks. You know the meme "what did he mean by this?" it's the same idea. how far can i trust this person with my sincere opinion, with my fixer-upper vaction property, with a deposit for services, to interpret my vague statement accurately, to fuck me right, etc. all these questions are answered over time through a slow needling process that asks "what do you mean when you respond to x?"

this ties in with the aura of uncertainty i mentioned earlier because when you are put in a state of pervasive uncertainty, you are practically helpless to respond in a prefrontal, i.e. discretionary, manner. the involvement of your amygdala via uncertainty invites full participation of your mid and hindbrain in sharing what is most likely your true intention or belief. as a side note, this is the same process and function as shit tests when you're trying to game a woman, except honed for every domain of value, not just pussy access.

>> No.50690539

One question I have is are they fully aware that they're doing this when they do it or are they more like "channeling" it subconsciously. And how did they get to the level that they are at? What type of background leads to these knowledges/abilities?

>> No.50690555

Yeah it’s rough if you didn’t grow up in a Machiavellian household.
Doubly so if you aren’t used to the money this investment will provide.

>> No.50690574

Their intent is wrapped in NLP.
It’s like speaking a foreign language with absolute fluency.

>> No.50690610

Boring shit.
They’re going on the list on the assassination DON.
Bless us Ari let us cleanse this shit.

>> No.50690616

Have you ever read about the Harvest in the Law of One? I've always gotten the feeling they are basically agents of the harvest, hence why you say the door is unlocked but only a few will be able to make it past the barriers. I've noticed with crypto, it's like there is an open invitation for anyone (who can) to join them.

>> No.50690655

I've been there.

>> No.50690658


>> No.50690840

I'm not familiar with what you're talking about, but it sounds a whole lot like the "natural law" rabbit hole where any sort of misfortune or exploitation is ultimately your fault because, in some convoluted way, they offered you the opportunity to avoid it.

>> No.50690865

Can you share them? Its been a long time.

>> No.50690885

yeah sounds like satanist excuses

>> No.50690939

>are they aware?
you never get a straight answer if you ask for one (game theory says you should never get one either). it happens so fast that it seems reactive or "channeled", but it is often so precise and novel a construction that it feels deliberate. that said, it doesn't matter if it is or not; the two way uncertainty signal creates a shared reality regardless. i think of it like a well practices tennis swing; at one time it was conscious, now it isn't.
e.g. one of my friends is a bit paranoid and thought i stole something from him. he'd complained in the past about how this person had slighted him, or that person broke his trust, and when he confronted me about stealing (it wasn't me) he said out of the blue said a phrase he'd used before, like," feels bad when people break your trust" but with a very pointed glance in my eyes. i didn't understand what he was talking about but it made me feel like i had done something very wrong.
wrong. the two people i learned most of this from are men, and i learned most of it by watching how they do business and asking invasive questions. i fucked a couple of their female friends but never had relationships with them beyond text game and getting ghosted after the first couple meetings because i'm an autist. they did the same shit though, cryptic
vaguely accusatory statements, invitations for you to fill in the blank etc.

>> No.50690941

Isn't that basically the nature of all their NPL shit tests?

>> No.50690971

I remember it seeming like a mistake that 4chan got access to the pre-sale slack chat. Like they were a bit bothered we were there. Partially because we took it over and annoyed them, but maybe they wanted it more private.

>> No.50690981

Can you expound more on their "intent"? What are they selecting for and why?

>> No.50690988

>And how did they get to the level that they are at? What type of background leads to these knowledges/abilities?
forgot to answer this
growing up jewish will do this. their religion is built on pilpul. the mitzvah, the coming of age ritual, is an exercise in crafting an argument about a passage in the torah and justifying it with doublespeak. a common practice on shabbat is to submit a question about a passage to one's family and encourage ruthless argumentation. it's just constant verbal sparring and angling to win.

>> No.50690995

How do I meet these people? I feel these types of people would be genuinely intriguing. I am a super-brained Sherlock Holmes-style 150IQ autist that loves to watch/participate in these types of games with unflappable coolness. Kind of like the grizzled boxing coach that was never a good boxer, but has the kind of creative analytical 3D thinking mind that sees and exploits the slightest weakness.

I have had dinner with a Rothschild once, she was fun. Very much what you’re describing.

>> No.50691030

fucking kek

>> No.50691045

they're selecting for people who can communicate, aggress, and self protect, i.e. establish and maintain trust domains, at their level. it's an initiatory process like any other to fill in the next generation of elites. whether it's directed from the top down, or even if it's conscious, is up to your level of religiosity.

>> No.50691093

get uncommonly good at some collection of valuable skills and work your way up the ranks, meeting people who are better than you or rich enough to pretend. hang out where those people hang out, hit on the women there, bullshit with the men, prove you speak the same language, and provide unique value to the group. in my case, cryptocurrency knowledge and very specific hobby expertise let me ride on the coattails of big shot real estate developers.

>> No.50691197

Aha that's exactly what I was getting at when I mentioned the Harvest. And you're right, it's both mundane and muhlluminati simultaneously. I think that's the craziest part to me, is that we are going about this business in a very mundane way, but the pyramid of souls is being built at the same time through our seemingly mundane actions.

>> No.50691244

as above so below

>> No.50691296

Where does this fit on the dark triad personality traits? Why do they feel the need for engaging in or initiating a convoluted subtext sparing session.

>> No.50691330

I know people who are not in any 'club' and yet they never fail to sneak in a verbal probe whenever it comes to interaction.

>> No.50691367


Here anon

>> No.50691375

it basically is institutionalized dark triad. why? the same reason a dog bites someone who tries to take his food

>> No.50691393

i use the term loosely. birds of a feather flock together.

>> No.50691646
File: 244 KB, 1280x1943, 000F23CD-54BE-47F2-9891-5B90EFF0B0CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when should i buy link? what price should i buy at?

is it going lower? buy now? when’s staking?

>> No.50691648

It's all about protecting ones post and establishing a ladder. Violence is an explicitly extreme way to establish a pecking order. Subliminal channeling is an attractively discrete alternative, low risk for other people catching on, if accused can be easily be dismissed as miscommunication.

>> No.50691709

Go back, faggot

>> No.50691751

What the fuck is wrong with you you fucking Schizo

>> No.50691770

no u

>> No.50691815

what's wrong with you? powerful people hang out with eachother

>> No.50691838
File: 875 KB, 1170x1270, 1659401601636047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not gonna pretend this is bullish (its not), but for those of you that believe corporate partnership is essential to adoption this is a good thing.
Companies most likely have ESG requirements that push "diversity" as part of their mandates. Chainlink doing this stunt is to show theyve made a good faith effort and are ready for partnership. Or at least someone in charge hopes it will show that.

>> No.50691933
File: 1.37 MB, 400x254, 1659405464494030.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, ICP makes LINK obsolete. It removes the need to even have an oracle. It already fucking interfaces with your browser.

>> No.50692407

you guys read too much into a bit more complex nuances of interactions and tests which most people (not only elites) do, be it consciously or unconsciously. just makes you seem schizo as shit, especially with that pseudo intellectual way of explaining it. obviously powerful people will be more picky about who they are associating with, there is no fucking need to present it in an esoteric light. thats why the guy called him schizo

>> No.50692541

"more picky" doesn't tell you how. aren't you interested in hows?

>> No.50692585


>> No.50692856

not really, people consumed by power aren't a healthy environment, regardless of the perks. but to each his own I guess. and this is coming from an antisocial autist, not even larping

>> No.50692902
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>> No.50692903


>> No.50692915

antisocial the personality disorder or antisocial the misnomer for asocial?

>> No.50692948

why do you have the need to probe my response in such a way? its extremely transparent, trust me

>> No.50692951

Im not interested in joining this strange group of high power individuals and playing their game anon. I just want the freedom to explore the world I was born into and live for myself. Unfortunately you need money to do so. What do you think about that? Something tells me I wouldn’t get along well with these types of individuals anyway.

>> No.50692979

they would explode if they did that

>> No.50693014

it's because your response doesn't make sense to me. if you're an asocial autist you would likely not appreciate any social milieu regardless of perks. if you're an aspd autist i guess you might be able to operate in a high-functioning power hungry milieu, but if you could you, i expect would enjoy the gratification available.
idk what you mean by the question being transparent, it was asked in all sincerity.

>> No.50693019

>trust me
You’re an anon on an big baguette cultivation forum. You don’t even know the difference between antisocial and asocial.

>> No.50693138

I'm the same as you. I'm not one of those faggots who speak subliminally to assert power.

>> No.50693172

It's (not)

>> No.50693179

I wouldn't call it pseud, he's just describing normal interaction with >115 iq people. this is how normal cosmoplitan middle class white people behave. my assumption is the anon went to an ordinary high school and upon adulthood was shocked to discover human beings capable of interaction beyond slavishly talking about their wagie jobs, tv, drugs, and sex. It was understandably shocking to the point of needing to invent a superclass of humans composed of a small percentage of the population, which frankly is exactly what it is. That group is just much larger than anon believes. Of course, perhaps my perspective is biased because I'm ordinary middle class living in the center of it and it just seems normal to me

>> No.50693195

because the "and this is coming from" part emphasizes the antisocial thriving in that milieu answer. since you seem smart enough to understand that sentence formulation, I was pretty sure you just wanted to invoke an emotional response from assuming my lack of understanding of the difference between those two. I expected you to play the same game as you do in real life. I played those as a child, it usually comes with the environment which shapes us to become what we are. anyways, I just choose not to, simply because it is, as I said, a toxic environment and because Im tired of playing stupid little power games. those take me back to childhood, where I dont have many fond memories. anyways, was fun talking to you, but ill have to go to sleep. good night and I wish you lots of success on your path. I dont care about your actions toward other people, just be kind to your children if you ever/already have them

>> No.50693215

Kek linkies have to have weird convos with themselves to cope with this shitcoin

>> No.50693222

normal cosmopolitan middle class white people talk like they're in a sitcom and get bullied by the people i'm talking about just for the chance to maintain a business contract.

>> No.50693254

fucking schizos kek

>> No.50693276

pretty much this, many such cases

>> No.50693294


>> No.50693326

you have me pegged wrong. i'm a socially inept voyeur, not a game player.
sorry about your family anon. i hope you've found an effective cope, unironically.

>> No.50693340

I don't know where you're from, but practically every interaction in my area is layered with insinuations and intricacies of previously-established references and there is a kind of animal shrewdness feeling you out for allegiances and mistakes in conduct, to see if you will slip up and if that weakness can be exploited or that information used for even just a mild advantage. You have to armor up and play the game or put on the social mask and check out entirely if you want to get through it, it's exhausting

>> No.50693375

They weren't meant to. Link's price action is an attempt to shake out the weak normalfags. Still, the elites have timelines and goals that need to be met, so it will end soon.

>> No.50693567

Because they have to tell you their plans - no matter how obtuse the explanation is. Then its your fault for letting them destroy your nation with immigration. I would say they have told everyone about the fourth industrial revolution, the great reset and chainlink

>> No.50693583

lol this. All his ramblings boil down to normal ape communication described by a social autist. Powerful and wealthy people are genuinely as dumb as average people, but they do excel in putting on the appearance of being brilliant or talented. The leaders of this world are just narcissistic humans who managed to step on the right people on the way up.

>> No.50693807

maybe i'm in a town of dumbshits but conniving middle class strivers like my former boss get run around by anyone with real connections. a client once got that boss to lie and throw me under the bus in a phonecall, while i was in the room with the client. he just shook his head like it was so obvious.

>> No.50693860

I have 64 link am I gmi

>> No.50694222

Syscon's mass node network utilizes chain logs which fully protects against the threat of 51% attacks. Perhaps these days the main criticism being levied against proof of work security is the energy and efficiency.

>> No.50694287

>fully protects against the threat of 51% attacks
cool an attack that nobody ever attempts because there are easier methods to rugpull a chain you own, meanwhile it seems every other week there is a project that gets hacked due to faulty chainlink oracle

>> No.50694351

Post 3

>> No.50694419

>if the elites controlled it all from day one it would look bad

Bad to whom? Why should they care how it looks if they are planning to use Chainlink exclusively amongst themselves anyway? Current wallet distribution suggests they own pretty much all of it right now.

>> No.50694631

they already control it, this entire premise is pure cope

>> No.50694896

Man, I hate that shit. Especially when they have plausible deniability.
>X says something
>Hey, X. Why would you say that? You're being a dick.
>Whoa, bro. What do you mean? You gotta relax.
Then comes the paranoia and wondering if you over reacted or if they were seriously taking a jab for no reason. I do not tolerate the social maneuvering. or maybe that isn't what you guys are talking about, and I completely missed it.

>> No.50695411
File: 124 KB, 471x473, 0C70E20C-E13B-4DFD-B7D5-D3BA5B8B4C84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does 640.000 € in 2027+ sound like?

>> No.50695522

Exactly. This group described would be utterly tiresome. If we're going to make it, it will only ever be on our own
terms. Trying to play their game will only ever end in defeat. It's part of the reason we've been selected by fate to escape the pods. Do not perpetuate the game, change it.

>> No.50695632

lol ya got me

>> No.50695636

its collateral

>> No.50695645

glad to see my meme being put to use

>> No.50695976

I made that

>> No.50696011

Sounds like another day on 4chan, meh

>> No.50698141

someone post the last thing Assblaster said before her went the way of bizonacci

>> No.50698281
File: 55 KB, 656x679, 1609096300750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, my shitcoin will completely obsolete your shitcoin
>Listen it will literally do everything your shitcoin does + internet + computer + blockchain + ratiod + L + a dozen other usecases and also have super many connection with Fortune 500 companies and also appreciate VERY much in price
>Why? Because the CEO is based and really smart also the whitepaper looks impressive because it's internet + computer ok and the entire usecase of a token can be contained in only one of the cool things they call "cannisters"
>No they haven't implemented any of it yet and none of the partnerships have materialized but they will and you will seethe and I will be rich

>> No.50699459

Bravo anon

>> No.50699645
File: 2 KB, 124x98, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lay off that cope juice fren
and dont forget api3 is flippinf link before eoty

>> No.50700862

>This group described would be utterly tiresome.
Dated a jewish girl, from one of their families, for a few years. Every arguement she would have to win. Her memory was flawless. She could speak and write on a level far above the average person. Fiercely loyal. The only way to move through any issue was submitting. These people are winners, but they do it at everyone elses expense. They have empathy, but only for their own. Everyone else is cattle to be paid and used.

>> No.50700901

name a project that was hacked due to a faulty oracle, just one

>> No.50701230


>> No.50702103

I imagine a fun way to fuck with these types of people once you know their antics would just be saying, “Nah you’re wrong” in an argument repeatedly with zero explanation. Watching them seethe to get the upper hand but you just don’t let it happen.

>> No.50702178

They will confiscate all our possessions once they bring communism in.
You will own nothing and be happy.

>> No.50702296

no you didn't fucking fag i still have the goddamn photoshop file

>> No.50702458

That's why it's cheap anon.
Wtf did you miss how the fmneo feudal lords rejected mooning?
They just want a stable cripto. If you want to go back to Macdonalds keep buying link because it won't moon

>> No.50703773

I have the ms paint file check mate

>> No.50704127 [DELETED] 

Get BTFO. Cope, seethe, dilate.

>> No.50704305

already do and got some pretty sweet gov sponsored pills for it
can recommend to people with the same issues

>> No.50704365

Chainlink is going to zero.

>> No.50704431
File: 106 KB, 1280x640, 1658977908309847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope not. I just purchased my first bag.

>> No.50704449


>> No.50704583

well either through high level guidance at the earliest stages or through memetic self organizing structures fortune has become a pretty good training simulator to such behavior, with of course one giant flaw: an autist here would flunk out immediately on the body language parts for any irl encounter
but regardless of the origin the gleefulness and enthusiasm with which autists embraced to mode of interpersonal communication style implies an inherent affiliation and liking to it so now the phenomena is self reinforcing

i don't think the new world is such a problem for linkholders, with the options the modern unseen but seen world overs coupled with made it money they will probably create their own clusters within the large game that would be almost impossible to infiltrate as the technique works in both ways

>> No.50704612

yep. I'm never allowing my stack to go below 1000. Too bad globohomo.

>> No.50704673

This is my strategy as well, I'm keeping 1000 tokens regardless of what price we reach. I even put in my will that I don't want those tokens sold, ever.