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506851 No.506851 [Reply] [Original]

how fucked am I in the job market if I had a DUI a few years back? do employers actually google the applicant's names?

>> No.506855

Depends on the job. My coworker has been busted for drug trafficking twice & she's still employed with me.

>> No.506857
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Well, ya dun fucked up cause most mid-sized and large employers do search for your online presence or at the very least, if you have a criminal record. Even if they don't have big HR depts, hiring agencies can do that work for them. That being said, if you let that stop you from applying to places you want to work at then you are a quitter.

>> No.506894

>DUI a few years back
>do employers actually google the applicant's names

They do a background check. They don't google for your driving record. Also any company that doesn't do a background check most likely isn't worth applying for.

>> No.506900
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Yes they do.
But any scouting agent worth their salt won't not hire you based on some trivial charge alone.

>> No.506907

I was only convicted of the DUI. there was actually a lot more involved which the google search reveals unfortunately

>> No.506908

because you work at McDonalds

>> No.506977

Give us the details and we'll tell you how fucked you are.

>> No.506992

I had one (No injuries), be honest, disclose it when they say they will do a background check and admit you fucked up and were young and stupid (whether you believe that or not.) The responses ranged from, "I don't think that will be a problem, but have to check with HR" to "Doesn't everyone have one nowadays?" It never killed an offer or hurt my opportunities as far as I am aware.

>> No.506996

FYI - STEM major salary range from 50K/year to well into the 6 fig range. Comment added because of

>> No.507033

Differentfag here, what happens if you've made a shit ton of politically motivated conservative posts in various places? The sort of stuff that /pol/ would think of?

Do all workplaces have a policy of being SJW's with affirmative action and support of immigration?

Wish I was a liberalfag, shit'd be easy then.

>> No.507094


But job applications usually from what I recall only ask youif you've been convicted of any felonies or misdemeanors. I think sometimes they even ask you if you've been arrested(regardless of conviction).


Would you think they're attitude would have been different if your convictions had been aggravated assault, rape and robbery? I ask this because stuff like DUI or driving with a suspended license just sort of happens where the people doesn't really mean to harm anyone around them.

However aggravated assault and battery might mean that you have a habit of randomly beating up people around you over disagreements. Same with rape and theft even if the person has totally reformed?

>> No.507185

To put this simply, say it comes down to the last two applicants, you and John.
You're basically equal, but John isnt a drunk driving fuck up, who gets hired?

>> No.507190

Get it sealed or expunged bruh. All my law mishaps happened in my teenage years so everything comes back clean unless it's a government employee because juvenile records are automatically sealed.

>> No.507253

My thoughts exactly

>> No.507304

If the person in charge of hiring doesn't understand 'getting the right people on the bus' then that's their loss.

If, however, you are 'not the right person' or if you carry an unsavory character, that's something you would need to work on.

>> No.507307

That's a sweeping judgement. Some of the 'best' in business had their faults. Everybody has something, but that doesn't mean that they are disloyal or lack integrity.

>> No.507308

Who's to say that John doesn't touch little boys in his spare time?

>> No.507356

who says the drunk driver doesn't touch little boys in his spare time.......

>> No.507401

Related question: is there a way to make search results less prominent? For instance, when I was young I was stupid, got in a fight, and it was put in a newspaper. If I google my name it is on the first page of results. Is there a way to make it show up farther down the list? I know it will always be on the internet but there are PR companies that help people with this so there has to be a way.

>> No.507516

My only guess would be to saturate the web with your own name a bit more...perhaps LinkedIn profile, personal blog, shit like that. Or just contact the newspaper site and ask them to remove it. Not sure.

>> No.507653

Contact newspaper, contact Google. It's pretty dumb but Google may actually remove the hit on your name.

>> No.507669

Belgian here. Applied for a job as private banker with DUI and insane speeding on my record (as in doing 130 km/h where you can drive 50 km/h and driving while insanely drunk).

The long story makes it less extreme though but still the numbers are like that on the record.

No one even blinked and I got hired.

>> No.507729

youre over thinking it. people say employers do that. but meh.

>> No.508011

Every company has its own culture, how else will HR justify their jobs if they dont keep some level of a PC presence. Honestly though, who cares if some companies search that shit out as long as they tell you. I would respond with "This isnt going to work, save yourself the effort. Im not accepting a job with a company that would hang me for not being liberal."

>> No.508019

Some ask about convictions, others ask about arrest. Public record is out there and they can find it with a background check so you might as well be honest.

Yes, totally different attitude for violent crimes. A DUI with death or injury may also get a very different response

>> No.508020

Statistically - whoever is more physically attractive.

>> No.508024


There's SEO and marketing companies that specialize in this. It's called "reputation management", I think PIs might be able to help too as well as lawyers.

>> No.508215

I don't see any reason I can't do this stuff myself though. I don't think I could sue the paper. It is perfectly legal for them to have that on the internet. Honestly, if I worked there I wouldn't remove it if I was them.

Google is another story. They might be willing to do something.

I was just hoping someone would have some experience with this or maybe some kind of idea where to start.

>> No.508232

So I googled a bit and it looks like the term I am looking for is SERP. If you control those you control your search results, or professional brand. It seems like it is important to have all of the major social media sites under control and up to date. That will keep most of your results under your control.

>> No.509449
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>I don't see any reason I can't do this stuff myself though.
>I was just hoping someone would have some experience with this or maybe some kind of idea where to start.

>> No.509493

>It seems like it is important to have all of the major social media sites under control and up to date.
This. This is what rep management basically is. The easiest way to control a keyword for your name is to make a site on every social media site you can find. Keep them updated and actually use them for a few months and they'll rank to page 1 and bury the article on page 2 or 3.

>> No.509653

Every employer worth your while will require to see your criminal record before he hires you.

>> No.509726

How long ago is "a few years back"? Does the job involve any driving like a delivery guy?

>> No.509953
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I wish this was the case but that kind of shit does count against you, especially if it's for a really competitive position (read: 1000+ applicants, hell, even 100 applicants).

Hiring managers and agencies will look for any excuse to pare down a group of qualified applicants just to make the "soft" hiring deadline especially if it's to fill a position that the previous guy just quit on short notice from.