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File: 2.40 MB, 3623x2396, pelosi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50684581 No.50684581 [Reply] [Original]

What's so good about Taiwan that she's willing to die?

I can't scalp no more, I'm down hundreds of dollars and have been bagholding because of this corrupt POS.

>> No.50684602

Chinks aren’t going to do shit. They’re even bigger pussies than North Koreans

>> No.50684624

taiwan owns about 30% of chink economy

>> No.50684651

governments don't do retarded shit to other governments' officials because that can be seen as an act of war and can lead to the targeted country doing the same thing to you

would you provoke a war with the world superpower?

>> No.50684980

She wouldn't visit if she believed she would come even remotely close to being in any sort of danger.

>> No.50685434

either blackmail or unbridled hubris
she is 82 years old and has probably done all the degenerate hedonism that being an insider gets you
then you can either wither away and die miserably or go out in a blaze of glory
i'd do it if i was her, you die instantly and will be remembered for centuries, your family (5 kids) will be american royalty and you will be taught to all the school kids as the martyr that stopped the red dragon from devouring the world
to their kind its the equivalent as being the dude to declare war on germany back in the day

>> No.50685502

She sold her chip shares at the top

>> No.50685667

She’s China’s puppet who will drag us into war. If not for her trip, China would’ve attacked Taiwan unprovoked. She is just preparing the excuse for China to attack

>> No.50685704

Shits wild bros, hope you're prepared. Gotta say, Dems grew some balls over the last few years

>> No.50685714

I just saw Kirby, I don't know if he's a faggot or normally has a high pitched voice but that briefing showed the US is pissing their pants they do not want to escalate this and hide behind Pelosi now lmao I smell fear.

>> No.50685729

China isn't going to do shit.

>> No.50685738

>I'm down hundreds of dollars
Rookie numbers.

>> No.50685804

this, just two more weeks, hope you bought ammo and guns, bros, any minute now

>> No.50685843

Kiev will fall in just two more days then the west will see.

>> No.50686070

It manufacturers 60% of the wests chips.
An invasion from China is basically the same as them invading Germany or Texas.

>> No.50686089

They have TSMC, they're the only ones who can make the top tier chips, if China gets it then Apple and Nvidia and AMD will all have to switch to Samsung which hasn't been as good, because the chinks would copy the designs 100%

>> No.50686273

>God forbid you would just buy them off the Chinese you know, like a peaceful nation.mtdva

>> No.50686601


>> No.50686679

Yeah except you guys would tripple the chip prices overnight.

>> No.50686717

Kek I didn't know this was a thing

>> No.50686815

It’s a stunt bro, it achieves nothing and just pokes the chink hornet nest. She is trying to cover up her dirty political past with muh-bravery with taiwanese as the sacrifice

>> No.50687841

Putler will die of cancer in the next two hours , Slavaukraini kek

>> No.50687863

Also there’s no way she goes there personally instead of sending a bodydouble , unless its all a satanic ritual and she accepted her fate as the sacrifice

>> No.50687941

These cryptokikes don't care at all about honor or legacy or whatever. She knows nothing will happen tomorrow. It's all orchestrated.

>> No.50687985


>> No.50688026

Estonian here. Never heard of this.

>> No.50688073

she's not going to taiwan you fucking retards, she's 98b years old and can't fucking think straight

>> No.50688094
File: 139 KB, 1170x2532, juliarose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the doomers are the most annoying incestant cunts on this board. every fucking week "its happening". pelosi will fly her big balls across the ocean, go visit taiwan, china will mansplain about it and nothing will happen because theyre a bunch of pussies. the USA, if it came to scorched earth policy, is unmatched on the world stage.

>> No.50688289

You mean the koreans that did not want to capitulate to jewmerica's demands with nonstop bombing, shelling, burning their crops, killing off 1/5 of their population? A bunch of farmers with no training or weapons told the great ol usa to go fuck itself. You call those people pussies? The second a fat donut handed cop raises a taser to you you'll piss your pants

>> No.50688343
File: 139 KB, 1200x1200, 1659090006362395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true, the Chinks are almost as big of pussies as Currency Cattle...i mean Americans. Neither will do shit

>> No.50688451

Bros, just thinking of the adrenaline rush one must get going into a country where another much bigger country is threatening WWIII over if you go there. Then imagine the feeling when they do nothing about it. Fuck, my heart's racing just thinking about it.

She's chasing the dragon, she's an adrenaline junkie looking for a fix

>> No.50688756

Can I possibly help you?

>> No.50688817
File: 132 KB, 400x400, 165805934861129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, have another helping of ranch or mayo or whatever fat you guzzle down before and after meals so you don't waste anymore air

>> No.50689101

how's the weather in
>N Korea
>Communist China
why do shithole posters even come here.

>> No.50689182

Lmao not even close. Did i hurt your feelings? Can't beat a bunch of poor rice farmers and now mad someone pointed it out? Grab a 3 gallon milkshake, make yourself feel better

>> No.50689199

Ranch will do thanks and god bless.

>> No.50689239


>> No.50689245

Who’s the one on the left? Mubarak?

>> No.50689308
File: 42 KB, 736x552, 1637994142357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek you don't know shit do you. Carry on then

>> No.50689481


>> No.50689661

This. You think she got to live this openly corrupt for free? It's just time for her to pay up and this is where the ritual will be.

>> No.50689777

body double assumes there's an original and it isn't just a role to be filled

>> No.50689925

>What's so good about Taiwan that she's willing to die?
TSMC and a lot of chip infrastructure.
Her husband dumped $4mil in Nvidia stock this week so whatever she's doing over there is gonna tank the chip industry.

>> No.50689982

When China invades we are going to completely cut al ties (sanctions) and it won't just be chip manufacturing it will be everything. 90% of the shit you see in stores in person or online won't be able to be purchased anymore.

>> No.50691724
File: 113 KB, 1024x632, e16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I can't wait.