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50682930 No.50682930 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the worst timeline?
Violence masked as peace, love and understanding?

>> No.50682958

When will the next riot be
And what will it be over?

>> No.50682977

Shut the fuck up, hateful chud

>> No.50682982


You left out how the Federal government is going to chop off your children's genitals without telling you about it.

>> No.50683064
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yeah I can't believe mainstream culture got shit enough that I actually miss the plebeian excess and idiocy of the 2000's. this must be what excessively "christian" eras felt like - sickening hypocrisy, poisonous ressentiment masquerading as moral enlightenment. fuck everything.

>> No.50683094

I don't understand why people have a hard time grasping this can ncept. Satan's goal is to invert everything God made.
Men are women
Men can marry men, and women marry women.
Degeneracy is good
Virtues are bad.
Tolerate evil
Worship at the beginning of the week, not the end
Etc etc. This is literally all spelled out in the Bible yet people still say there is no proof.

>> No.50684333

Shut the fuck up, hateful chud.

>> No.50684399

there was a lot more war and burning at the stake back then. the plagues were also way more fatal

>> No.50684418

the bible itself is a scam, the apostles killed jesus and rabbis wrote a deepak chopra novel for goyim

>> No.50684441

>le timeline
This word is the fastest way to spot an election tourist.

>> No.50684801

Trying to explain to people why veganism is satanism is fun.

>> No.50684839

good post. the 2000s was idiocy idolized but now its idiocy flaunting itself as intelligence and that's much worse

>> No.50684860

what about le incel furry frogerino?

>> No.50685065

wtf i love satan now

>> No.50686019

>Worship at the beginning of the week, not the end
7th day adventists are retarded

>> No.50686051

this is the fastest way to spot a reddit fag