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File: 127 KB, 1920x1152, vectorial-illustration-of-the-flag-of-portugal-free-vector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50682639 No.50682639 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck does one get ahead in this shithole country? I'm fresh out college and with a Master's degree and a 9 month paid internship and will soon get my first job in Data Management. Its the same company as I did my internship and proved to be 10x better than all my coworkers. They are now offering fucking 1200€ euros (w/o taxes lmao) for an entry level position and wont raise the salary because "we never gave special treatment in entry level salaries". Why the fuck should I try hard if I'll get paid the fucking same as a faggot who does the bare minimum? Why does this disgusting excuse of a country promote complacency? And lets not discuss that this barely is enought for renting + food costs since a 1 bedroom apartment in the middle of nowhere is 100000000000€ per month.

Should I just rope?

>> No.50682674

Do like the rest of your educated countryman and move to Ireland

>> No.50682698

Just head to an Anglo country already idiot. London is full of Porto's for this reason

>> No.50682727

i'd swap places to any first world country
t. spic :'(

>> No.50682743

All the smart Portuguese leave

>> No.50682757

Is that really the only fucking option? Because I'd love to stay here if it wasn't for the fucking shit economy

>> No.50682766

We call them portagees over here stateside

>> No.50682769

Take to the seas and regain your birthright my Iberian brother.

>> No.50682812

It's in built into your system. You can't change it. Get out make your money go back when you're rich.

>> No.50682814

Portugal has it easy for a 3rd world country, just get move to Switzerland, US or UK and there you go.

The only other way to succeed is to climb the ladder on tech support jobs, suck tourists asses year round, or outright scam people.

After you make it get a cheap house in Alcobaça or something like that.

>> No.50682837

T/mumu id

>> No.50682869

As with other EU shitholes (Eastern bloc, Greece etc.) the only solution is either leave or stay there and cope.

>> No.50682883

Find a remote job in USA/UK/Switzerland.
Enjoy high salary with lower costs of living in rural Portugal.

>> No.50683047

If they purposely outsource to that country via a branch office then they will pay them the national minimum. Reason why they outsource.

>> No.50683119

>go to switzerland or france
>work like a slave
>live in the slums and save money
>come back to Portugal in the summer with your rented BMW or a chav Volkswagen and larp has a richfag
>repeat this process every year untill you rope

>> No.50683149

Is that 1200 per month? That's ridiculous. Find a better job if you can.

>> No.50683180

Then just look for companies that don't have a branch/are not outsourcing to Portugal.
Thanks to covid you can easily get the remote job at target country and negotiate a rate pretty close to that country's standard. You just need to do some research to find domestic (for that country) job offers and spend some time applying, as not all of them will be willing to contract foreigners.
t.living in eastern europe shithole and working remotely in Switzerland

>> No.50683214
File: 416 KB, 445x335, 1515277880468.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the real world faggot

>> No.50683271

This is what happens when you become a boomer retirement home country with an average age of 53.
Of course boomers are going to vote for socialist policies that subsidize their diaper changes at the expense of throttling business productivity and wages.

If I were a pt I would do this >>50682769 and adventure around the lusoverse. Seems like the only way to "make it" in stale countries like pt is to leave, live a high T high risk life, get an asymmetric payout (luck), and then move back to pt to retire and become a boomer.