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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50680723 No.50680723 [Reply] [Original]

If your business is understaffed, that's nobody's fault but your own. Businesses should take accountability for their failures instead of blaming workers for not wanting to work slave wages with no benefits that will take 10 years before they can even buy a house.

>> No.50680746

Dunking Dez Nuts was fucking shit before the scamdemic. What was their excuse back then?

>> No.50680771

You actually think people can buy a house within 10 years with those wages
You are giving companies far too much credit

>> No.50680780

Profit margins on most retail and food services are so razor thin and inflation has raised the prices of everything, so hiring a single extra employee at minimum wage would likely bankrupt the location. Blame the government for taxing the shit out of every business.

>> No.50680786

That's the thing. All these businesses say they're understaffed because of COVID, but they were understaffed long before then.

>> No.50680812

do you think that in addition to there some with not as under would such as never to this?

>> No.50680823

>so hiring a single extra employee at minimum wage would likely bankrupt the location

If that's the case, then it doesn't deserve to stay in business. Adapt or die is the way of the business world.

>> No.50680899

>we REALLY need people
>please upload a copy of your resume to our online job application portal, manually re-enter all of the data from your resume after the automated system fails to parse it correctly, and then spend half an hour taking an online wagie personality test for an 80% chance of being ghosted and a 20% chance of being asked to interview for a job that will pay $15.25/hour with no benefits on a 20-30 hour a week schedule with hours that change every week, including mornings, afternoons, evenings, nights, weekends, and holidays

they get what they deserve.

>> No.50680957

I manage a liquor store. It's hard to find good people who are willing to work at a part-time, minimum wage position. Most of the applicants are retards. Occasionally, I get a decent hire who is simply desperate for money.

>> No.50680979

>It's hard to find good people who are willing to work at a part-time, minimum wage position.

Then you're not paying enough

>> No.50680982

>It's hard to find good people who are willing to work at a part-time, minimum wage position.
Well no fucking shit.

>> No.50680998

literally the only people willing to do that would be college students. i worked in a grocery store when doing my undergrad, it paid shit but they worked around my schedule so i tolerated it. i worked in a restaurant when i was in grad school and the managers were dumb niggers who would schedule me to work when i had class so i quit with 0 notice. if your job pays wages so low that only students living at home or in the dorms (on debt) can afford to work there, you have to work around their schedules.

>> No.50681008
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there's supply chain issues!

>> No.50681105

Maybe it isn't economically viable to have 4 fast food restaurants on every block of every town.

>> No.50681141
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>> No.50682541
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Checked and bone cutting truth pilled

>> No.50682774

Based, unfortunately we still have boomers who blame it on stimmy checks and avocado toast instead of admitting businesses can do wrong.