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50679682 No.50679682 [Reply] [Original]

How do Normies like travelling so much?

I hate the concept of paying 5-10k to get a taste of true freedom for like a week or two, only to have to return to wageslaving again for a year.

Id rather just grind 24/7, invest everything in shitcoins and try to make it out of this inferno existence so I never have to slave again and can travel for as long as I want.

Experiencing such a tiny amount of freedom and then returning to the wagecage is like giving a starving african man a feast treating him like a King for a few days then kicking him back out to starve another year.

It’s torture.

>> No.50679705

travelling is fun. well it used to be fun.

>> No.50679720

>frogposter has retarded opinion

>> No.50679779

Spoken like the average "I've never left my hometown" Amerifat.
Staying in your little shack with your 'make it money' will see you atrophy and waste away.
Go out, experience another part of the world and enjoy everything the local culture has to offer and make some memories worth looking back on.
Alternatively, wage slave, never make it and off yourself at 40 because you've never done anything mildly interesting with your life and suffer in midwittery

>> No.50679872


>work hard for 50 weeks
>i DESERVE a fancy vacation for 2 weeks
>no money so has to work another year
>repeat till 55+


>work hard for 50 weeks
>work on passion project for 2 weeks
>has money to take a gap or part time etc.
>dont even need a vacation since you dont hate your life anymore

>> No.50679888

It's overrated garbage. You can literally go to youtube, and search "tour bus to Hollywood" and you just saved a few thousand of scam.

>> No.50679919
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Everywhere is a shithole. What's the point?

>> No.50679935

You earn money so that you can build a life that gives you meaning or happiness. For many people, being able to see the world and experience other cultures is part of what makes life worth living.

>> No.50679945

Normalniggers convince themselves that if they get out of the house and blow a ton of money on a mediocre hotel in a foreign country for a week that they will get enough happiness and relaxation to offset and correct all the problems that will still be there in their own minds and back home when they return.

Also, retards don't understand that going on a trip and making it a big exhausting constantly active "gotta get my money's worth" series of tasks to do is more exhausting than if they just stayed home and let themselves sleep in for a few days and then have a few good meals.

You're only partially right. Going out to see the world because you want to see the world is excellent. Travelling because you like driving around or hiking in new places is different than the normalfag's idea of a vacation being good because they got out of the house and that somehow healed some condition caused by being at home and having to manage a normal life.

>> No.50679969
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You know you can travel and experience things profesionally/educationally where you get paid for it?

Travelling as an expense just seems like such a bad investment of time and money.

How do you even enjoy the pool knowing all the wageslave hours you’re paying to be there and that every tick of the clock is bringing you closer back to the cage for another year of slaving.

>> No.50680022

5-10k for a week or two holy shit
I just spent a month in Bali and paid 1k for a place to stay, maybe 600-700 bucks for random expenses and food, absolutely giga worth it, will be going back soon

>> No.50680093

Traveling is for fun
It is not an investment
I'd hate to be some boring 35+ Year old faggot who's never been anywhere, but you do you

>> No.50680100

Why do incels make this thread every week

>> No.50680128

What, you've never heard of the restorative nature of travel?

>> No.50680167

Unfortunately OP is 100% correct. We try to go to Mexico and sit on a beach for two weeks a year to try and feel like we are free. I spent 10k this year for two weeks in a shitty all inclusive and my god it felt great to forget my old life for two weeks. You really do get a taste of what is it to make it.

>> No.50680201

It's different things for some, being a ruralfag I dislike cities unless they're actually interesting with unique aesthetics and culture, I.E. Istanbul, Ostuni otherwise I just want to stay in the country, than go to any concrete and glass hellscape be it Oslo or Berlin, because I could just go to Manchester or L*ndon for that but for urbainte normies who think that getting McDonalds in Paris is being cultured because it has Brioche Buns and they saw the tourist traps just like every other midwit, atleast the lowest classes go to Bennidorm for 2 weeks and spend it in a drunken stupor eating and whoring for a £160 round trip and accommodation for £600 and everything is dirt cheap and they actually relax. But most normies travel because they were told to and so they can brag on social media that they stayed in some interchangeable, international, homogenised, capital city where everyone speaks english and wears blue jeans, but the tiles on the roofs are slightly different.

>> No.50680212

what a fucking gay way to vacation jesus christ you people are pathetic
its about activities and socializing

>> No.50680224

I feel the same way OP, it's annoying to just get a taste and act like it's something unattainable full time. Keep your eyes on the real prize

>> No.50680225

if your image of travelling is going to another country to just sit on a beach for two weeks you havent really traveled you have just been at resorts(which are expensive as fuck) and not really explored the country you visited

>> No.50680254
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I like travelling to semi-third world countries like korea, malaysia, ukraine (pre-war kek), usa, mexico or greece to fuck hot brown women. Other than that there is not much sense to travel except maybe mountain climbing and hiking.

>> No.50680380

Holy based colonizer

>> No.50680439

this is such a stupid way to look at it what if you never get to the real prize or you get it and then you dont think its enough?

>> No.50680490

We have been going for ten years now. We do lots of exploring.

>> No.50680684

And porn is better than actual sex right anon?

>> No.50680707

Sheep mentality.

Apex predators always go for the win.
You think young male lions will not try to take over a territory to start their own pride and just stick to scavanging because “What if you never make it in the take over?”

>> No.50680735

if you don't generate babies at all, unironically yes.

you're gonna waste a fortune and you'll get nothing tangible out of it.

the only purpose of sex is the generation of babies.

>> No.50680770

>Go out, experience another part of the world and enjoy everything the local culture has to offer and make some memories worth looking back on
>go out, and be an extrovert! what do you mean, you're not an extrovert? that's obviously incorrect!
Extroverts are the worst. Literal subhuman scum incapable of self-reflection.

>> No.50681018

Has anyone actually just enjoyed traveling? Like staycation or even weekend getaways where you're not using up PTO. I'm in Houston and there isn't anything really of note besides maybe galveston or I guess Austin but I'm getting tired of "Dude lmao bars" spiel.

Anons are right, wherever you go, you're there.

>> No.50681242

what makes you feel you have seen something on your tourist rails in another country. its all just a money extraction machine. it helps being born at a place where everyone travels to. most tourists are cancer and leave nothing but pollution and garbage at the last places i liked for many years. nothing is safe anymore and very few families are profiting from killing nature. i hope they get what they deserve. mass tourism how its promoted today is stupid and bad but you are to brainwashed to understand.

>> No.50681282

I went to Thailand for 2 weeks. Cost me 2k including flights, hotels, food and even a hooker.

I make 2k after tax in about a week.

>> No.50681305
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I only do solo-travelling which is relatively cheap and as a huge plus I only get to see the things I actually want to see. If it's a hobby it's fine, gamers spend hundreds of dollars on their videogames and merchandise, I probably spend less travelling

>> No.50681315

unless you're a rich college student or someone who gets unlimited or 6+ weeks of vacation per year, i don't understand this meme either. most wagies get between 2-3.5 weeks per year. i personally get a little over 3. i cna't imagine blowing an entire week traveling, 1 day of which is essentially wasted on waiting in an airport or in an airplane.

>> No.50681905

>Has anyone actually just enjoyed traveling
i can WFH from a condo in Galveston which is pretty kino

Any significant traveling I would want to be there for a while. Last time I traveled internationally I was there multiple months, enough to feel like I'm actually immersed in that world, not just paying $2k to go around sight seeing. With most wagie jobs I don't think this would be possible. Maybe a public teacher with summer off could do it

>> No.50681978

It's for socializing. Vacationing somewhere exotic gives you something other than sports or current events to talk about.

Think of it this way. If it became socially taboo to read books, most readers would continue to read, they just would keep quiet about it. They enjoy their hobby for its own sake. On the other hand, if it became socially taboo to travel to foreign countries, no one would do it. No one wants to spend $10,000 to stay in a ratty hotel, hike, sit shoulder to shoulder at an overcrowded beach, and buy overpriced trinkets from gift shops. You could do all of that closer to home, at worst a few hour's drive away.

>> No.50681989
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I like being at home, although it would 10/10 if I lived more remote. I like going to the places I know. Visiting my friends and family on my bicycle. I get panick attacks only thinking about standing in the row with hundreds of NPCs at the airport. Or trying to keep conmen away at tourist spots

>> No.50682054

The only purpose to sex is offspring, so if that's not your goal than masturbation is actually better.

>> No.50682098

>i cna't imagine blowing an entire week traveling
I've never been able to enjoy this either. I feel like I've seen everything in the first 2 or 3 days. This is why I've fallen back to just taking the weekends to go to the mountains and hike or rock climb while selling all my vacation days back to my employer.

>> No.50682127

It doesn't have to cost that much money you know...
I agree. The world has become very standardized. It makes it harder to experience a different lifestyle for a while. Plus it is easy to fall back into your comfort zone instead of discovering new stuff

>> No.50682141
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>tfw 39 yrs old and never did much of anything

>> No.50682145


>> No.50682162
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i would spend 5-10k on a whore-fucking vacation but that is about it. prefer east eu but since the whole war thing i suppose asia would suffice.

>> No.50682184

The one vacation I enjoyed was going to Russia (pre war obviously) but I mostly enjoy reminiscing about it. At the time it was pretty stressful navigating the language barrier and worrying if some government wagie would try to fuck me for being American.
Other than that only "vacations" I went on were cruises and Mexico and Florida with my wagie parents who just wanted to lay in the sun for a week. Even at like 8 years old I knew these were trashy vacation for lower middle class NPCs.

>> No.50682222
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That's a lot of whores anon.
You must be one hell of a degenerate

>> No.50682233

What are you even doing on this board?

>> No.50682267

>he doesn’t nvite bitches to go camping with them
>he doesn’t rape them in the wilderness
>he doesn’t dispose of their bodies to bears and other wild animals
>he doesn’t go back home and relish single life

>> No.50682280

Travel broadens the mind and makes you a more well rounded desirable person.
If you’re ugly it helps with hooking up girls love accents and guys that look exotic

>> No.50682301

Checked and whore pilled.

>> No.50682615
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>local culture
You all speak English, listen to American music, ape American fashion, and hold American globohomo cultural values.
There's no "local culture". You're just snottier and less secure versions of us.

>> No.50682683
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>hiking in new places
My biggest gripe with FL is that I have to travel to go hiking.

>> No.50682754

is there ship wreck scuba diving in florida ?

>> No.50682825

peak wagecuck
>be OP
>wake up at 430am to get a start on work, need to stop wasting time sleeping and build my wealth through grinding more hours of the day
>run everywhere at work, optimal speed for climbing the corporate ladder twice as fast
>ask boss for raise due to heightened productivity, get pizza party in my honor instead
>stacies at work think I'm weird because I run everywhere and won't talk to anyone because I'm grinding so hard
>get fired for not being a "team player"

>> No.50682843

When you are a normalfag wagecuck, you are pressured into a lot of stuff.
Now the pressing question is "Where are you going for vacation?". They will hear that question multiple times whenever they speak to a coworker, acquaintance, friend or family member. That same pressing question repeats itself throughout the year on holidays as well, Christmas/New Years etc. In fact on a smaller scale that question just in a slightly different form is asked after every single weekend, what did you do over the weekend did you go anywhere etc.
And even if you say you just chilled, that question comes again fast and suddenly you can't just keep saying I chilled. Now be aware that this goes for literally EVERYTHING, in such environments you are pressured into watching the popular Netflix TV show, the latest Marvel capeshit flick, commenting on whatever latest normalfag drama events it doesn't stop.

So you basically have to constantly consume the same slop as everyone and follow the same life narrative as everyone else in order to be accepted in such environments.
Same with "traveling", it's not that normalfags are passionate about other cultures or anything like that, they just go to place X, take the obligatory photo at famous Y thing for everyone to know they have been there, take the even more obligatory photo of a meal at restaurant Z and the they can go home fulfilling their normalfag "travel" duty.

>> No.50682850

>can travel for as long as I want.
Why do you like travelling so much? I'd rather stay comfy and use google earth to indulge my curiosity

>> No.50682857

There's tons of water stuff but wheb you just need to climb a moubtain you're looking at a 12hr drive. For water it's second only to CA and that depends on what you do e.g. surf in CA > FL but kayaking in FL > CA

>> No.50682892

Travelling was great until the TSA, then COVID...airports are literally torture. Also, the obese shouldn't be allowed to fly under any circumstances.

>> No.50682913

>you can travel and experience things profesionally/educationally where you get paid for it?
No you can't what the fuck are you talking about? I was lucky enough to have a gig just like that for like 5 years and honestly I was extremely lucky to stumble into something like that. It's not something a normal person can just find
t. worked as an editor in a magazine, travelled to promo events for all sorts of bullshit

>> No.50682928

I made enough money here where I can splurge on a vacation.

>> No.50682936
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>> No.50682946

I meet my GF in the US; she just happen to be Colombian. She went back to home for the summer. I flew out to visit her and her family for a week.
Bad Parts
>The roads is Mad Max but with 125cc motorcycles
>The women are still fat. just not as fat as American women
>A normal Colombian meal is bread and cheese
>half of my showers were cold
>Most of the cities are slums
Good Parts
>The women like gringos
>Every steak I ordered was great
>Country side was beautiful
Would I live in Colombian. Only if I had a farm out in the county.

>> No.50682983

>On the other hand, if it became socially taboo to travel to foreign countries, no one would do it. No one wants to spend $10,000 to stay in a ratty hotel, hike, sit shoulder to shoulder at an overcrowded beach, and buy overpriced trinkets from gift shops. You could do all of that closer to home, at worst a few hour's drive away
>just because I don’t like to do something means the entire world doesn’t like it either

Massive fucking cope from an introverted autist. As an introvert myself I can still guarantee you that even if traveling to foreign countries was taboo I would still do it because it’s fun and staying at home in your bubble 24/7 is boring as fuck and no way to actually live life

>> No.50682994
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>There's tons of water stuff
im asking specificly about exploring ship wrecks with sharks

>> No.50683008

Traveling is for fun, nothing more. It doesn’t enhance your personality or give you some valuable life experience that no one else has. It doesn’t add depth or complexity to who you are or make you more interesting. It is literally just something you do for fun. Every middle/upper-middle class family in my community has been all over the world and it means nothing.

>> No.50683035

>you're either at home where you know everything or you have to pay out of your ass to stay on the other side of the globe
Or you could just explore the place around you. I bet you haven't seen anything in your own country

>> No.50683076

It's fun to recount all the places I've been. Women especially seem to like it.

>> No.50683102

>the obese shouldn't be allowed to fly under any circumstances
And why the fuck are people flying with pets? First it is cruel and 2nd I don't want to listen to your dog bark for 4 hours on a flight.

>> No.50683104

Did you read my post? That’s what I said. Traveling is for fun. Also for clout too. Of course women like it they are the ultimate travooler meme.

>> No.50683176

some shitholes it's easier and cheaper to get sum fuck, especially if you're into shit like dickboys and little kids. for non-chad amerilards it's the only way to get any kind of pussy at a reasonable price

>> No.50683203

I’ve been to like 20 states, including all coasts. I’ve seen the west, south, north, northeast, southeast, midwest, etc. You see one of the states in those areas and you’ve seen them all. Meanwhile, going to Japan or Europe is a completely different experience than anything I can get in the states. It’s not even remotely similar to just traveling in your own country, you don’t experience different cultures that way and despite introverted autist anons saying that stuff doesn’t matter or is overrated, they’re wrong. Of course an autistic incel who doesn’t even like talking to their own family or people in their hometown won’t like experiencing another country’s culture. That’s like saying a deaf person doesn’t like going to concerts and finds them overrated, no shit

>> No.50683286

y'all americans and north europeans need do fuck off u don't know how it's like to live in like latin europe greece or cental and south america the portuguese minimum salary it´s like 4usd/h and the brasilian its like 2usd/h do u think we can travel?

>> No.50683311

Pretty much this. I've done the sex tourism thing a few times. Another plus is there's usually touristy stuff you can do for one or two days. That gives plenty of opportunity to take normie pics that you can post on dating apps or social media when you get back home so you can seem worldly and well-traveled.

>> No.50683324

I work so hard almost everyday. My apartment, my town, my state, etc. are all so ugly and frustrating. I just want a break. I want to let my mind rest for a few days, a week even. I want to not see the same depressing bullshit all day and night. I was to think about other things and experience something less stressful and more fun. I jist want a break from this.

>> No.50683362

>go on whore fucking vacation
>fuck plenty of good whores
>still get to enjoy new cultures and new experiences
>improve tinder bio to fuck more usa stacies
dare i say this is unbelievably based?

>> No.50683381
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When you've saved and invested enough that you know you're guaranteed to make it, then you get to just chill and start enjoying life. I technically don't have to work anymore. so I just use that extra money to travel. You'll know when you reach that status.

>> No.50683461

Depends where you go.

You can spend a week in some places (caribbean, mexico, jamaica. Etc) for less than $1500 including flight. This is not that expensive.

Its the retards who want to "tour europe" or some shit like that who are wasting money. Spending more than 3 grand on a vacation is absolutelu lly insane.

>> No.50683475

Traveling is very interesting. Everything is new, it's like being a child again.

>> No.50683500

Because they *don't* like travelling. They ensure luxury recreation. Spending exorbitant amounts of time and money.

If you dropped them in some non-tourist location they'd hate it. If you limited their budget they'd hate it. Travelling is inextricably linked to spending money to achieve luxury.

>> No.50683530

>less than 1500 with flight
how to do this in 2022 recession biden tier prices?

>> No.50683553

>It's for socializing
Not always. Poorfags gets really jealous if you can afford nice trips and they can't. Only discuss travel with other successful people.

>> No.50683630

I remember when I could fly round trip from Atlanta to Bangkok on Delta and Korean Air for less than $1200. Now the same flight is $2200+. The next best thing is booking multiple flights yourself through the individual airlines' websites. Don't rely on Expedia, Orbitz, etc. That's how I'm able to travel next month to Mexico City for $375 instead of $1000.

>> No.50683632

I fucking hate people like this, like really, you have enough money to have fun, and the way you decide to have fun is by going to a place.
Unironically rather be consoomer than travel.
I'm legit fringe, I could easily be doing this consoomer shit but I've set my standards of living so low that eating mcd instead of making my own food is a source of happiness.

>> No.50683647


Costs me £500 to get shitfaced in magaluf with the lads, can't understand wankers what pay more than that.

>> No.50683660

I could easily be doing this normie shit**
Sorry I'm enjoying my excess equity with alcohol and 5lb of grocery store sushi like a real man.

>> No.50683665

hmm, okay thanks fren i will give it a look

>> No.50683687

most normies (typically women) freak out if things slow down for one second- can't handle even two weekends without "going out"

so they literally go apeshit when they see their friends posting vacation photos and they MUST have something they can do that is equally as appealing

men who like to travel? you won't ever hear about em because their off in the fucking amazon somewhere with a backpack

women or couples who like to travel? they never shut the fuck up about it and are insufferable

>> No.50683742

go back

>> No.50683782

you can easily get paid to travel
just find a job in a location move there work and experience everything for 6 12 24 months and repeat
better than a week long vacation in some shitty 200 sqft box on floor 22 where half the time is spent waiting at airports

>> No.50683793

Lol you associate traveling with being interesting. Tells you right there what kind of lame ass person you are.

>> No.50683820

you are a literal fart-sniffing subhuman, lmfao

>> No.50683833

You could always get a remote job or become a freelancer/digital nomad.

Sacrificing yourself now so you can „live“ later is a bad idea. What about now anon? Life happens now anon. If you are unhappy you need to make changes now

>> No.50683838


>> No.50683859
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>I'm passionate about traveling

>> No.50683860

>5-10k to get a taste of true freedom for like a week or two

kek, when I was poor I went on amazing adventures for 1/50th of that cost, you fool.

Now that I'm rich I spent any stupid amount because it doesn't matter. But it doesn't make things better, that's for sure. Depends how old you are, I guess - simpler trips work when young but not when older.

>> No.50683906

It's not hard to chat with locals and other tourists.

>> No.50683978


You are a fag

>> No.50684008

>digital nomad


>> No.50684076

an amazing traveling story. What an adventure, you went to some foreign country and got drunk. You’ve truly lived your life to the fullest, faggot

>> No.50684105

Imagine spending money so women will like you

>> No.50684120


I also shagged some slags, lmaoing at your life virgin

>> No.50684126

Biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard unless by well rounded person you mean you are too much foreign slop and now you’re obese

>> No.50684159

not a single detail of my life was given, alcoholic bongnigger retard

>> No.50684231

It's something to do

>> No.50684237
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It is kind of incredible just how much you learn about yourself and what you want out of life by travelling even a little, NEET chuds will never understand

>> No.50684347

I’m miserable at work, miserable at home, and miserable on vacation. At least being at home is cheap.

>> No.50684387

so what did you learn

>> No.50684391

Everyone on /biz/ hates fun and makes $800k/year working 2 hours per week so that they can spend all of their money on digital chuck e cheese tokens that drop 90%. Asking here is pointless

>> No.50684509
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even just basic shit
The importance of having picrel
What kind of food and drink I like and don't like
The kinds of places I enjoy being in vs. the kinds of places I don't
How to get out of your shell and act around other people a little better
Presented with history and culture you'd have never known about and would have no way of knowing it even exists to learn about it remotely

fyi "travel" is not "vacation" and if you blow your savings to sit like a beached whale at a resort you will not get anything

>> No.50684610

>miserable at work, miserable at home, and miserable on vacation

There is one constant here my child. Look within yourself and understand your function.

Not the anon you asked but a few off the top of my head
> I like snow skiing as much as water skiing
> I know which beaches I like and which I don't
> I better know those who I travel with, than before

If you always take the same route to work, then one day take a different route, you should learn something from that whether it's a restaurant you didn't know existed, or something new about the neighborhood, or even "I didn't like that". But you learn something. Really more getting out of your comfort zone imo.

>> No.50684638

where do you go for this?
do they know english?


who takes the normie pics for you though?
you ask the locals? do they even know english?

>> No.50684655

>Not the anon you asked
duh we have ids here

no offense but you seem a bit slow

>> No.50684712

>I'd rather not travel during my youth so I can retire 10-15 years earlier and travel when I'm old

>> No.50684715

how the fuck is almost everyone in this thread so insufferable lol
>stay at home and trade shitcoins 24/7
>don't go outside, don't talk to another person, don't broaden perspective at all
> remember if you do go outside and do anything you enjoy you are a NORMIE and an NPC
really makes you think why everyone here is miserable

>> No.50684727

>who takes the normie pics for you though?
>you ask the locals? do they even know english?
I ask anybody. Locals or other tourists. Lack of English shouldn't hinder you from interacting in foreign countries. That's why God invented Google Translate. And everybody understands the word "photo"

>> No.50684771

>>dont even need a vacation since you dont hate your life anymore

hmm that's a good point. I will think about that to reconcile the fact I havnt been abroad in over ten years.

>> No.50684772

I struggle but I try my best
taking trips to places outside my flyover backwater helps a lot

>> No.50684834

Instead of traveling I just don’t go to work and live frugally, costs about 4k for 2-3 months as opposed to 1 week

>> No.50684976

open tinder... hundreds of 1:1 copys of whores with the exact same pictures and hobbys. guess what? its all about traveling and taking pictures of them fake climbing a mountain with a backpack full of trash they surely leave on that mountain where they are. makes me mad. no respect or knowledge about nature. zero individuality. its all about social media. take me back 100 years or cryofreeze me until the world turns normal again.

>> No.50684983
File: 6 KB, 249x157, 1657743932898s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, you can earn top cryptos without investing in shitcoin by monetizing your social influence with raiinmaker, regardless of your audience size.

>> No.50684994

difference in time preference and delaying gratification

>> No.50685106
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1658850084799893s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think It’s time to democratize the creator community and take back the value of our social capital.

>> No.50685174

>Seeing other places is so NORMIE ugh

>> No.50685222

very agree sirs
rain maker is prefect crypto servic that will avail you many rupee

>> No.50685285

I'll never forget drinking cheap Lambrusco wine on the Gianicolo hill overlooking Rome. Love that memory.

>> No.50685371

>You are a fag

I've done things that would scare you shitless, anon. There's more to the world than sitting in front of your laptop.

>> No.50685395

My function?

>> No.50685465
File: 66 KB, 800x400, dirt cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

travelniggers , it's OVER. you are based.
picrel is probably "interesting"

>> No.50685480

look into travel hacking
you can sit here all day and argue with anons about why you do not like new things kinda like arguing why you are satisfied with an 11.1% ROI over a 25% ROI because at least you feel safer or you can learn how to get those things on the cheap

>> No.50685939

i'm introverted and i agree with him
introversion =/= agoraphobia

>> No.50686345

yesterday i saw a tourist stealing fruit and running away. i swear i kick the next one in the nuts after let my staffy catch him.
now thats a travel experience to remember.

>> No.50686381

Why are you dummies assuming a vacation once or twice a year is breaking the bank for people. It honestly sounds like cope.

>> No.50686864

Each relationship and sexual experience makes you more jaded. If you ever want to be happily married and have kids you will need to confront that. You are also contributing to ruining women along the way.

>> No.50687289

I'm a jaded virgin at 28

>> No.50688105

spoken like a true american idiot

there's tons of countries that have their own languages and don't live under consumerism, can't even pass geography lessons laughable at best

>> No.50688454
File: 6 KB, 192x192, WTFWTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are fucking retarded if you are unironically expending $10k on a trip. Literally buy a normal ticket and stay at a comfy little motel and be FRUGAL, damnit. You don't need to spend more than like $2/3k on a vacation to have a shit ton of fun. Also since you are in the shitcoin biz buy $QOM etc.

>> No.50689243

>Staying in your little shack with your 'make it money' will see you atrophy and waste away.

OP literally says that if he makes it then he's going to travel around lots you retard.

>so I never have to slave again and can travel for as long as I want.

>> No.50689336

reread op's post. he wants to travel but wants enough wealth to do it frequently, instead of once a year, nigger,

>> No.50689362

This guy went all in on Hustle University.

>> No.50689418

If you live in a decent place, staycation is the move.
>no work
>can invest money you would have spent on hotels, plane rides, etc.
That said, I still go on a big 1 week vacation every year to someplace like Hawaii or Costa Rica