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50675899 No.50675899 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want shitcoins or shady projects. Solid use cases and fundamentals. Go!

>> No.50675907
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Nice digits, now grab a bag of BITCOIN and join the cult.

>> No.50675914

how did you conclude that the bsc casino open? I don't really get the same feeling,

>> No.50675927

LCX. hub for tokenized securities aka next generation goldman sachs. haters cope seethe and dilate your asshole for this WEF cock

>> No.50676488

BTC remains the king

>> No.50676502



>> No.50676571

shit coin

>> No.50676606

BTC is King, but you're not about to get the heavy pumps that come from projects with utility. I'm currently looking into payment processing projects.

>> No.50676642

rubic and lcx are my bigger shitcoin plays

>> No.50676650

The project you are looking for is Dfinity's token called the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP).
>blockchain singularity
>...bitcoin integration on the way (just 2 more weeks)
>no reliance on aws
You get the picture. Now head on down to your exchange of choice such as Coinbase or Binance, and purchase some ICP. Not financial advice (probably).

>> No.50676661

>ICP will integrate bitcoin
>ICP will integrate ethereum
ICP is the endgame of crypto. So help me god.

>> No.50676715

What make's you think such projects got utilities anon

>> No.50676735

In crypto majority like you act before they think then wonder why their portfolio is down 90%. I think you should research on payment projects. That's the future

>> No.50676754

what project do you suggest then ranjeet? let me guess, some bsc shitcoin right?

>> No.50676788

UTK, DYDX and XPRESS. they look good. though I'm not expecting a massive pump in this market. What I do, however, is stake XPRESS for some good apy

>> No.50676842

>Solid use cases and fundamentals

i wonder how many people got fucked buying coins that fit this criteria during the last bear market to then see fucking shib and tons of shitcoins make 1000x+ gains while their bags barely moved or even dumped.

>> No.50676874

These are mostly payment processing platforms. Looks like there's something for them in the coming bull market

>> No.50676883

Don't be fooled, the bear market is not ended just yet. You need to look at the level of traction that payment projects are getting atm.

>> No.50676899

Oh yeah, I believe they will survive the tension. It's safe and wise to bet heavily on them while the major caps take a few bucks.

>> No.50676954

Looks like we might be having more of those in the coming days. Competition is good though.

>> No.50676973

Perhaps a time will come when crypto would become a completely accepted means of payment

>> No.50677005
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Dope Wars Paper

>> No.50677108

I'm glad I slurp in just in time. I appreciate that they provide a solid strategy for staking with no risks.

>> No.50677127
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I can't wait for that. Let me first receive some early bird bonuses.

>> No.50677146
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That's it anon. BTC is a commodity. The ETH merge is coming with eventually sharding and Polygon is dropping their zkEVM by the end of the year. That's it baby.

>> No.50677192

Nobody gives a fuck about utility anymore. Everyone just wants to make profit and fuck off

>> No.50677230

BTC, ETH, ADA. Looking at others as well, not sure where to buy XMR but I would have that as well. For me web3/"utility" is a scam. Mainly I like scaling and privacy in the case of monero

>> No.50677239

No doubt, but you should know that utility birth adoption and adoption is always followed by price action. This is where true sustenance lies, not some shoddy project often regarded as PND.

>> No.50677272
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This seems like a payment gateway except for Dydx. What makes you think this will be exceptional from the likes of Coti?

>> No.50677353

There are a lot of great projects out there with features that ETH would envy. But laziness and lack of will keeps them down. I already picked the ones to DCA into this period, and they all seem to have payment processing features.

>> No.50677373

Well, already have learned that they're currently building a metaverse bank. Not to mention the robust utility payment features. But the active community is the secret ingredient for me

>> No.50677390

The only early bird bonus that makes sense to me is buying when the project is virtually unknown and cashing out at a 50-100x

>> No.50677419
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There's always a risk in staking. But to mitigate the risk, you've got to get into a well-funded, and high-utility project. Also, flee from APYs that are too high

>> No.50677524

kill yourself normie loan shark will eat you. Utility of a project makes it worthwhile

>> No.50677618
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Those gateways need to be built hence the traction there. Put the fire on them and see who wins.

>> No.50677702

Crypto banks with cards? How many countries are we talking about here anon?

>> No.50677735


>> No.50677764

Based. No way those can be sustainable. You get rekt before you even start. Fundamentals matter.

>> No.50677884

This thread reeks worse than my favorite designated shitting street in dharavi

>> No.50678187

Tech that doesn't perform is vaporware. Have you though about that anon. Why should I listen to you?

>> No.50678199

Based. Don't forget good passive income yields. You can't rule that out in this market.

>> No.50678625

Payment systems might likely emerge if crypto is legalized, but as it is, this might not come through due to a lot of factors, including government impediments.

>> No.50678669

Don't be deluded. This is a concept that may not likely see the light of day. It will remain as a concept, nothing more or less.

>> No.50678794
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The crypto payment gateway market is rapidly growing. CoinPayments, CryptoXpress, Binance Pay are fucking smooth. Don't need to elaborate more.

>> No.50678812
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Feds will have no choice soon. You can stop a moving innovation. You can only work around it.

>> No.50678925

Smooth you say? What about restriction and chargers anon? Have you thought about that?

>> No.50679054

Most are vaporware, granted. Don't be fast to conclude tho. DYOR

>> No.50679084

Growing without mass adoption doesn't make sense. This is the more reason why offchain payment gateways will always be at the top.

>> No.50679140

I wouldn't use a service that offers higher fees. Binance Pay has zero charge and been using it since last year and 0.5% for Coinpayments. Even Coinbase offers free of charge. Don't deal with idiots that offers more than 10% like Coins.ph offers. Only retards will use that shit. Restrictions are normal as each country has different laws and regulations. Go study first anon.

>> No.50679174

National monetary sovereignty is of optimum interest to them. Cryptoin general serves as a threat. No doubt, crypto has its own risk, which is considered as an entity that needs to be regulated.

>> No.50679193
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Growth brings adoption jeet. There won't be one without the other. Payment solutions are becoming too much that I smell vaporware. We've seen it happen a lot of times.

>> No.50679301

Most countries outside eu are mostly restricted. At the end of the day, it doesn't still serve its purpose. And yes, fees are another thing to be considered.

>> No.50679408

Do you hear what you're just saying? Don't be a fucking idiot. Off-chain are for older people like Saylor and Charlie Munger.
This depends on the project if people will continue to use the service or not. There are many fishes in the ocean. Don't be a limited ugly duck.

>> No.50679433

You have a point there. Favorable restrictions are out of the equation here tho. They impose what they can benefit from.

>> No.50679461

small bag of kromatika

>> No.50679563

I hate restrictions.

>> No.50679571

Tfw bag holder

>> No.50679584

Yes. So many to choose from so why waste my time with that? Come back when they've delivered then maybe we can have a conversation.

>> No.50679868

This has been the case. It is not as if they fail to recognize the importance of utilizing some of those products from the crypto industry.a They know all this, but it will uncovertheir shit.

>> No.50679918
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You hate restrictions? Come on jeet, laws protect our general safety and ensure our rights as citizen. Are you a human? Your statement is dumb.
That's it anon. You can always rely by following them closely to avoid things like this. Products are the backbone of the project.

>> No.50679942

>BTC: controls the entire market

>ETH: best platform for decentralization

>MATIC: already the best scaling solution on the market and will soon launch the first ever open source zkEVM

Will i make it biz bros?

>> No.50680074

Yeah go for it anon

>> No.50680227
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I love to buy shit on pancake. I'm not going to make excuses. I won't brag them, either.
Great stuff. A poorer, but better version of Cardano. The ecosystem is very broad, they have ICOs, mixers, and nfts there. Also keep quite a bit in their subsidiaries like ERgopad.
A long time fan, but I can't give much praise lately. Sasha is a genius, but a bit of a jerk.
The best ICO in recent times. It's too early to judge, but the guys are doing something interesting.

>> No.50680391
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all their "bonuses" are useless, and even if they start working, it won't be soon

>> No.50680534

>Off-chain are for older people like Saylor and Charlie Munger

Snap off such arcade brainless thought.

>> No.50680635

Banking in the metaverse is new to me. I saw Vitalik statement regarding the Facebook Meta business will misfire. Wondering why...

>> No.50680926

Still undecided on metaverse

>> No.50680950

They're oldie billionaire

>> No.50681346
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There are too many things to explore on metaverse just like the blockchain that it can contribute different ways to achieve people's flexible needs.

>> No.50681747

Still metaverse is scam

>> No.50682004

where is your brain?

>> No.50682712

Don't conclude without any supporting documents. Vitalik is giving the best possibilities on metaverse. That's something we can consider in the long run.

>> No.50683353


>> No.50683777

The token burn is not implemented for xpress and don't know if utk did it. Not gonna make it

>> No.50684230
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Patience is a virtue. There will be a perfect timing for that. Market is still declining but I think they're planning for big things there.

>> No.50684906

Shitcoins are trash. Only doge for meme is working

>> No.50685237
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I agree, Anon. I'm stacking some with Raiinmaker by creating content, sharing it on social channels, and earning BTC and other cryptos.

>> No.50685331

Create2Earn will be huge in the near future. I liked how the raiinmaker democratized creator communities by allowing us to reclaim the value of our social capital.

>> No.50686094

In times like this, only utilities will get a token over the line. Start bagging cheapies like Lox with good real-life utilities or have getting rug pulled.

>> No.50686222


>> No.50686401


>> No.50686409
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Forgot my pic btw

>> No.50686487
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No doubt Anon. got it stacked on the web 3 Sylo wallet alongside ETH XTZ and SYLO.

>> No.50686704


>> No.50686984

Take a peek of how much necessary functionalities btn.group project provides to Secret Network ecosystem.


>> No.50687078
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Cat Yacht Club is an exclusive NFT and event access token. Token currently below 50k, dev Prince doxxed and safu, has already launched several 30 mil mc projects so expect easy 200-400x within the month
Partnerships with Matt Damon.

>> No.50687228
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>Solid use cases and fundamentals. Go!

Imagine a world where you could instantly find consensus on any decision, no matter how large or complex. That's what we're building at IDNI.

We're developing a logic-based AI system that will allow humans to communicate, collaborate, and make decisions more effectively and efficiently. The system will be constantly evolving, learning and improving based on how users interact with it.

This has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses operate, as well as the way people communicate on a day-to-day basis.

We're now raising a XXXXXXX round to bring our product to market.

If you're interested in investing in a project with the potential to change the world, I'd love to send you more information.


They will feature so much sick shit it's not even funny.
Provable correct smart contracts 2.0
Proof of execution instead of POS
but the main focus they have seems to be on scaling discussions, collaborative decision making, and automatic code production

Their website is Tau.net and their coin (apparently trading since 2015 or so) is AGRS.
This is all the alpha I can give you. Other than that I would shill Monero but XMR is not going to give you 100kX.
Good luck.

See you in the citadel.

>> No.50687344
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6.4Million market cap
I did DD on their team and most of them are full-time and they have enough PhDs to pull it off.

>> No.50688612
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If zhao ain't the next Shib then gosh darn I'm goin to blow some kids' head this time for sure...