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50674143 No.50674143 [Reply] [Original]

Is moonbeam better than ETH 2.0

>> No.50674150

what's the average gas fee on moonbeam?

>> No.50674156

No, that's Makima

>> No.50674158

something like 5 cents per transaction on moonriver

>> No.50674164

No, that's my wife

>> No.50674168

binance says $6 glmr per transaction

>> No.50674171

nvm it charged me 0.5 glmr

>> No.50674173

0.00x glmr as far as I saw. Takes matter of second to settle transaction, pretty great and along the lines of the top of the line projects out there, that's a good start

>> No.50674176

moonbean not sneeded. The network capacity is total shit, when sushi came to moonbeam the network didnt work right for days and glimmer isnt any faster

>> No.50674181

Should be 12 seconds for parachains, but Rob recently mentioned upgrades will soon make it 6 seconds

>> No.50674186

No, that's the reason for taking meds

>> No.50674189

Didn't they rugpulled glmr 3 months ago?

>> No.50674197

when eth launched everything was shitty, nothing worked and vitalik needed two weeks to fix his mistakes, don't think baggies forgot because they haven't
the fact that there are wrinkles doesn't make moonbeam worst, it is a new coin after all

>> No.50674200

nah, that's moonscape kek

>> No.50674207

if they’re completely convertible I don’t see why eth projects wouldn’t start developing on DOT other than the massive different in active users

>> No.50674211

No, that's MoonElonDogObamaCoin100

>> No.50674231
File: 1.29 MB, 682x1024, 1624492302686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's literally irl nude Asuka laughing at your micro penis

>> No.50674232

Because ETH has more users and TVL. Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom etc. have way better performance than Ethereum, but their TVL is small compared to Ethereum. That's because when you are moving millions of dollars you don't care about 200$ in gas fees, you want the best security and Ethereum is still the most reliable and battle tested smart chain. It will take years, to flip Ethereum TVL for anyone.
Does that mean that any new coin that is seemingly better should be frowned upon and looked as pure shit? If you're plainly a baggy you would say yes, but rememeber that ETH was also considered shit before it became the alpha. I would say keep investing in eth but also keep a broad mind about new projects, who knows when the next king will appear. A big folio is the best kind of folio after all

>> No.50674238

spoken like a true whale

>> No.50674245

nah that was a binance problem, they fixed it some hours later

>> No.50674248
File: 801 KB, 984x1582, gamerl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what tf does the mc's edgy copy of a game no one remembers have to do with this?

>> No.50674252

I think we're underestimating how quickly mass enterprise adoption of a chain can change that. Crypto is still a relatively small chunk of the market. Some big companies are getting into NFTs, but most don't have the expertise and that is just dipping their toes into blockchain.

If DOT can prove itself as a more affordable and faster alternative, it will happen, that's why people are vouching for glmr, because it's literally eth 3.0

>> No.50674254

that's a man

>> No.50674260
File: 10 KB, 860x773, 1483480600442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that emerl from the niche gameboy advance game sonic battle?

>> No.50674264

>Asuka with ass length hair

>> No.50674279

That was an amazing game

>> No.50674284

There are dozen of EVM compatible high-performance chains nowadays. Being more affordable and faster than Ethereum is not enough, you need to do everything ETH is doing but x2. Fantom and Solana are already super fast and fees are almost zero. Ftm for example has 1s finality. Then you have Avalanche, Harmony, Polygon, Celo, BSC, Cronos and probably more will come. Ethereum is the original and it's the familiar and secure one, yeah, but if GLMR is doing everything ETH can do then the TVL will follow accordingly, that's just how the cake rolls

>> No.50674300

No, that's PresidentBumcrackOsama's dog

>> No.50674315

Im not saying that it can't happen, im just saying it will take some time. GLMR is relatively new so literally anything can happen. I say "give it some time" that's all. To clarify i do have some glmr bags on standby, i've been on the crypto game for a decade now, i know how this thing functions and you can be king one day and a loser the next, and the opposite is applicable as well

>> No.50674348

smash bros for people without an n64 lmao

>> No.50674598

still 14 years old

>> No.50674739

have sex you fucking loser, lmao