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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50669331 No.50669331 [Reply] [Original]

>Crypto hype is over.
> Shitcoin scams are dry and done as a 50 year old hooker.
>2-5 threads/day tops that actually related to business or finance.
>General threads are full of pathetic bagholders and contain nothing of value, just shitposting

>> No.50669355

Extremely autistic economics discussion on a high level would be nice for a change.

>> No.50669486

It's over, not saying 2017 etc was good but, there's too many normies diluting everything now.

There were more lottery threads than actual business threads the past two days. Really tells you about the nature of the people here.

>> No.50669511

I like my crypto ponzis how I like my hookers, wrinkley and old, crusty, worn out and feeling disgusted afterwards.

>> No.50669540

this is the real problem, they invest in nothing but scams like doge, shib, ada, sol...
Those coins have no reason to be near the top and they make crypto as a whole look like a joke

>> No.50669554

>keynsian circle jerk


>> No.50669592
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I trade forex and have done so successfully for a decade now and when I start threads to discuss it, they constantly get derailed by 'everyone loses money in forex' or 'forex is a scam'. Years ago I even showed my trades and such and only got replies like 'fake' or 'demo'. I said fuck it and don't start any threads at all because this place now is only good as a contrarian place where many pink wojaks equals time to buy (i'm dead serious about that).
Just embrace the monke.

>> No.50669614

Would be fun if people got autistic on PDE solutions of options buying and selling. That shit can be quite beautiful when you make a 3D graph of it.

>> No.50669617

It's not even that they buy these things, it's that they have no reasoning as to why because le epin meme I'm gonna be rich.

It would be a different thing if they shared opinions or reasoning and argued with each other but the the threads now are literally all cope (why haven't you bought, why aren't you holding, I'll be rich if).

These words literally mean nothing and ruin the board.

>> No.50669627

Show some recent good trades. What is your opinion on the RUB?

>> No.50669698

>I'm a stupid tourist who hasn't noticed that biz is at all time lows for post frequency and that the board barely crawls anymore
>please spoonfeed me on how to make money, the funny line isn't going up anymore.
>WAAAAH too many normies are ruining this place, I am one of those normies and I don't recognize this.

Everything goes up in a bull market you fucking clown, I could tell you what's going to happen in the coming months but knowing you're gonna miss it will be sweeter. You have to go back.

>> No.50669716

Riches are made in bear markets

>> No.50669797

Don't know if I qualify as a tourist, I am genuinely interested in economics.

>> No.50670174

The worst in this is that no one is looking for the next Chainlink after it failed hard.
/biz/ became Chainlink cultist who can't accept their mistake and stopped looking for new opportunities.

>> No.50670621

I'm not sure if markets will dump since recession will happen but is just starting, or pump since the damage has already been done. Either way I'm going to kick myself later.

>> No.50670696

Idk I literally only come here to talk about my coin collection on /pmg/

>> No.50670792

>start a crypto early
>take out loan
>buy 10k worth
>normies give you money hand over fist
>pay off 10k loan
>literally live off zoomies and millennial bag holders

People like hoskinson, buterin and heart are the only ones that are gmi at this point

>> No.50670848

Yes! Nice! Insightful! I thought the anons who posted this (rephrased) in 2018 were really smart guys but you’re clearly even smarter! Way to go!

>> No.50670970
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kek you faggots actually think we're at the bottom. this is the calm before the pink wojak storm that is coming. maybe after that /biz/ can heal. the r*ddit normies who come here to drain our autism will be shook off

>> No.50671037 [DELETED] 

im diagnosed with severe autism and im aping $LSVR u cucks can fade now and fomo later