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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50665939 No.50665939 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously wtf. I have an idea for a website but no clue how to make it and just enough knowledge to know I'd never be able to make it if I tried. Is that it then? Try again?

Or can you pitch it to someone who will give you money to hire people who can do it? Who are these leopard? Angel investors? Do you need to know them? Seriously how the fuck do you start a business. What if you had a cool design for something on Blender. How do you even make said design and mass produce it and sell it. Shits hard fr

>> No.50665957


>> No.50666001

Take webdev courses on codeacademy and udemy and then come back with your heckin shiny website.

>> No.50666036

Make a prototype then go looking for funding. Practice your salesmanship then go to entrepreneur meetups and try to convince someone it's a money spinner.

>> No.50666081

if you're rich you can get a loan
if you're poor you get nothing
so step 1 to getting rich is to already be rich in the first place

>> No.50666160

anyways websites are easy as piss to make these days unless you're trying to make some new kind of website thats never been done before. if you're just trying to make a blog or something there are all kinds of templates and drag and drop services like wix and squarespace you can use.

if you're trying to make some complicated website on a budget i dunno maybe fiverr to hire some jeets. put your wagies into hiring jeets and neets on fiverr to write the code. sure they might just steal your idea as well and then you're competing with them but i dunno them the shakes.

then you need a plan on how to market it. you can't just "build it and they will come" so maybe you buy ads, that takes more money. maybe you leverage your social media presence if you have one, maybe you buy off an "influencer" to leverage his social media presence.

i have no idea just spitballing ideas ive never done anything like this before. i can make simple websites cause i learned some html and can copy and paste code but thats it

>> No.50666193

maybe to reduce odds of theft on fiverr you give the jeets a kind of fake website to make. where the code is what you want but the content is a bunch of bullshit. then you learn just enough to switch out the text and images on your own once they deliver the website.

just putting out ideas im not qualified or experienced enough to actually know what i'm talking about but my two cents is free

>> No.50666481

Thanks anon, its like a netflix tier site though with thousands of content streams, user profiles that connect to a complicated dashboard. I have the whole thing mapped out on XD but I just know you need to be much better than I am to do it how I envision it. I have xp in javascript, html, css and have made basic sites before too but this is bigger.

>> No.50666726

as long as you're not trying to host the content yourself because that shit is expensive as fuck. if that's your plan just forget it.

also these kind of sites have, i assume, pretty complicated algorithms in regard to recommending content.

seems to me people whp want youtube style user created content go to youtube. people who want twitch style content go to twitch. etc. and youtube alternatives are largely ignored and a drop in the bucket of total content so putting them all in the same place meh.

i guess id go to your website if the recommendations weren't comped and cucked and sus like i assume youtubes are. and then i would watch youtube vids through your website i guess. i dunno

>> No.50666780

but people grow comfy in the bubbles youtube creates for them. i go to youtube i see the kind of videos im looking for without much digging around. i also see bullshit like john oliver and mainstream media and whatever the latest fad narrative is shoved all over the page. youtube operates at a loss in terms of ad revenue actually so i assume they make a lot of their money under the table from shady western deep state paying them to push whatever agendas. but maybe im just being paranoid

>> No.50666870

maybe it would be cool if there was a website that aggregated youtube style content and organized it in such a way that i could browse the kind of videos i want and find new things i wasnt looking for while browsing around WITHOUT algorithms watching what i do and recording personal information to create recommendations i guess that would be cool. but only a paranoid fuck like myself would care

>> No.50666901


Look up Newpipe. Don't know if they steal data but it's algorithmless youtube.

>> No.50666929

at that point it might as well be a browser extension

>> No.50667046

I dont want to give it away but yeah I'd pay for hosting, maybe through amazon like netfliz does. Users get paid to make content, but in a collaborative way that celebrates unique skills and what each person does is broken down into small parts. They all then get paid back through whatever numbers the content they worked on is pulling.