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File: 63 KB, 1465x628, Currencies 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50659985 No.50659985 [Reply] [Original]

Would the world benefit from a single world currency?

>> No.50660028

The US and all the developed world , emerging markets would suffer the worst economic downturn due to expensive exports and the inability to print money to finance themselves.

>> No.50660080

The world will be infinitely better when its run by a singular system. I long for a world with no differences. A world where everyone speaks the same language. A world where the currency is the same all over the world. Where religion ceases to exist. When theres only 1 bank. When theres only one government. When theres only 1 united people. Through unity we will attain peace and prosperity for all eternity. We will be able to build a new tower of babel and attain that which is rightfully ours.

>> No.50660639

>inability to print money to finance themselves.
governments dont print money. private banks do. governments borrow from banks that is what causes inflation.

>> No.50660657

Then one day some deranged tranny weirdo hijacks the system and forces everyone to eat bugs, get sex change operations, own nothing, and mass misery.
Centralization, fuck yea!!

>> No.50660659


>> No.50660674

>A world where everyone speaks the same language.
Disgusting, you are equal to someone who swirls together various colors of paint and calls the resulting sludge an improvement. Language is the root of culture.

>> No.50660775
File: 1.22 MB, 1800x1802, 28OSCARS-BESTWORST-SLAP-mediumSquareAt3X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monopoly is tyranny.

>> No.50661381

Take your meds. Paranoia can be fixed by meds after all.
Culture is the root of conflict.

>> No.50661723

Fucking gas yourself.

>> No.50661735

He’s right though

>> No.50661740

You can gas yourself too, kike.

>> No.50661827

yes, but no jewish money printed fiat

and we should speak the same language like esperanto or just english since everyone that is not a bug already speak it
>inb4 muh culture
the whole point is to send and receive a message
if I send and you don't get it we both wasted our time

I could be fucking sweet asian assholes and spitting on latinas mouth after a rough sex session without learning their language instead I'm on this indonesian weaving basket forum

>> No.50661848

A single currency doesnt even work for Europe and now you want to make the same mistake for the whole world ?

The gold standard sort of used to be a single currency. Didnt work either

>> No.50661877

Funny thing, the arab word Dinnar means gold coin and actually derive from the latin denarius, probably imported into the arab language when the Ghassanide arab tribe started to work for the byzantine.

Thanks for hearing my Ted talk.

Anyway OP, historically there was just one currency and it was gold and silver, worked pretty well.

>> No.50661881
File: 37 KB, 226x200, 1633034752992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>governments dont print money. private banks do.

>> No.50661882
File: 31 KB, 640x640, 5713C5C9-E6D2-48D0-BAB1-619FF819D482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s called XRP fella look it up

>> No.50661884
File: 94 KB, 230x219, 1651120948397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>inb4 muh culture

>> No.50661898

You're an idiot

>> No.50661936

It doesn't work for Europe because European countries are all generationally fucked but in slightly different ways. Unless they print a bunch of euros and spread them around correctly a lot of old people are going to starve. The US dollar and cryptocurrencies are much more usable internationally because they aren't subject to the whims of a bunch of retards trying to bail out a boat full of holes.
>but US inflation
is mostly driven by supply problems rather than monetary policy at this point, and work is being done to reshore our supply chains.

>> No.50662010

yes the world would greatly benefit from gold that's right

>> No.50662081
File: 113 KB, 725x524, correspondent_banking_landscape_graph_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nations and banks don't trust each others
There is a global retreat of global correspondent banking
source: BIS report

It is therefore unrealistic after the coming fall of the US dollar to speak about a single world currency, or even another reserve currency issued by a single nation like today perpetuating the triffin dilemma.
They don't want to hold each others shitcoins and for very good reasons.
What you will probably see instead in the not so distant future are neutral bridge assets between the nations CBDCs.

>> No.50662082

You're missing the fact that all the problems of the euro appart from inflation won't exist if euro was the only currency there is.
Beside the fact that the euro is indeed "working", badly but it works as well and as bad as any local currency would

>> No.50662123

Its called Bitcoin

>> No.50662222

The Gold Standard.

>> No.50662228

Differs per country.

>> No.50662236

if it's going to be global it has to be decentralized, gold/BTC

>> No.50662308

he may well be, but he's not wrong.

>> No.50662385


>> No.50662405
File: 43 KB, 720x499, 1651178014618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would the world benefit from a single world currency?
Anyone who says yes is a brainlet and/or authoritarian. Everyone agreeing to a single world currency means everyone also gives up the idea of central banking or, to put in even more simpler terms, they would have to give up lying.

>> No.50662410

why do you retards always revert to your fucking desert book when talking about social phenomena, it's like you're completely incapable of having an original thought

>> No.50662422

>Anyway OP, historically there was just one currency and it was gold and silver, worked pretty well.
it worked like shit and was constantly cheated or abandoned because there is no magical property of a metal that encourages fiscal responsibility

>> No.50662429
File: 252 KB, 2048x2048, 1658724811622823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes being facetious and essentially making my point here >>50662405

>> No.50662505


>> No.50663482

okay MR gigakike schwab

>> No.50663501


>> No.50664705

>due to expensive exports and the inability to print money to finance themselves.
Can't they just price everything cheaper in the same currency?

>> No.50664719


>> No.50664989

This, diversity is weakness and only leads to strife and discord, we must stamp out diversity and enforce unity to bring peace.

>> No.50665033
File: 516 KB, 750x752, A5C68AD4-F0DB-4470-BEBE-475D9BFE8EBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger we as a species can’t even get ONE country to run right for long, what the hell makes you possibly think we could make the entire planet any different?

>> No.50665048

Only if it's something the government cannot fuck with and inflate, like gold or crypto.

>> No.50665069

The gold standard DID fucking work.
The government destroyed it for their own selfish reasons.

>> No.50665122

Dollar is literally derived from thalar