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50659904 No.50659904 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we appreciate landlords

>> No.50659916

did landlords build all that ??

>> No.50659924

Landleeches should be killed tbhdesu

>> No.50659947

Based. Just evicted a single mother last Friday, now that she's gone I'll be jacking up the rent of that unit by 25%.
Head on back, folks.

>> No.50659976

Next time consider evicting them in the dead of winter for maximum suffering inflicted on renties and their future rentie children.

>> No.50659990

I don’t understand the logic of banks to provide money to landlords to buy investment property….if the landlord relies on a renter to pay his repayments to the bank, why doesn’t the bank just give the loan to the renter instead?

If you can pay the rent you can pay the mortgage… so why is renting even a thing?

You can’t tell me it’s simply just because someone saves money to put a deposit down…. And that’s literally the only difference.

I see often on local news programs landlords complaining about having to sell their property because the renters didn’t pay them, if that’s the case why did you even get the bank to support you if you can’t make the repayments without a renter?

IMO if a landlord isn’t able to make the repayments himself then they shouldn’t qualify for a loan to buy another property.

>> No.50660014


>> No.50660018
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>> No.50660047

Because niggers ruin everything.

>> No.50660065

But the collateral is like the bank being a casino and picking a lucky person to be their winner, at the threat of them liquidating the winner if anything goes wrong

The example being articles like

>meet the 26 year old McDonalds worker who has 26 properties, here’s how he did it!

And then you read the article and it’s just each property leveraged against the next one, with millions upon millions of debt.

If it was that simple everyone would do it, but they don’t, which makes me think the banks select a random person to be like this.

Just how many people would a bank actually allow this situation for its clients? Why don’t they just do it for every single client they have? Because like I said, I think it’s some kind of algorithmic lottery the bank runs where it will randomly select 1 lucky person and allow them to take on endless mortgages leverage across properties, or they have some friend at a high at place at the bank who just auto-accepts all applications made by these specific individuals.

>> No.50660087

people often fail to realize the immeasurable value landlords provide to society. just think about it for a second: what if landlords never existed? what if nobody bought the home you're living in with speculative purposes to rent it out and wait for its value to appreciate? what if your landlord stopped existing tomorrow and there'd be noone to collect your rent? not so cocky now are we

>> No.50660110

Landlord bros what are my first steps into the field?

>> No.50660121

This is also the backwards logic landlords use

>b-but if landlord didn’t exist then the house wouldn’t exist!!!

No, actually the house would still exist, and it would cost at least half the price, there’s no benefits being provided other than short-term housing, at the cost of pricing out a large % of the population out of owning a home, for the benefit of landlords long-term wealth.

>> No.50660129

Is there any way I could get my tenants to pay for my plumbing? Had to get it fixed and the mexican guy charged me the same as he would them. Could I add it to one of their rents and claim it was an issue with the external pipes?

>> No.50660132

Buy some kneepads, you'll need them when you go to the bank.

>> No.50660174

>did landlords build all that ??
They provided the investment capital for the building.
>Landleeches should be killed tbhdesu
This is a commie train of thought that never reaches its final destination - if there is no private ownership, then the Big Daddy Government controls everything.
>single mother
Single mothers are the absolute cancer and the reason of like 50% of all evil. How hard is it to think NOT with your vagina and find a decent man to be the father of your kids?
> what if landlords never existed?
The government would build all houses, charge you arbitrarily rent and evict on arbitrarily basis. For more see Klaus Schwab's "The Fourth Industrial Revolution".
Just buy any property that you can rent. Private parking lots, small apartments, or just farmland.
Don't be a Jew, just read what's in your agreement. If there is nothing about plumbing costs, then you do not charge for it.

>> No.50660192

After being approved for a loan, should I get a real estate agent or a lawyer?

>> No.50660218

It's much easier to have a real estate agency working for you. Basically, if you do everything by yourself, you will just spend a lot of time and receive less money than just from working your main job the same hours.

>> No.50660250
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Farmland honestly doesn’t pay that well. I inherited some sections out in KS that I rent to farmers and it isn’t that much that I get. I feel like parking lots may be better but you have to have staff members to watch it and I don’t want to hire anyone for such a low paying property. Storage units are best imo since you cannot eviction moratorium a storage unit.

>> No.50660285


Landlord provide liquidity to the market. This is how the process works. Developers and builders finance their project with short term construction loan, typically under 2 years in length. So they don't have time to sit on the house and wait for a prospective family to buy the house to live in. So there are now two method of doing things, either build to meet the exact demand, based how how many people you expect to move in, and most likely undershooting the target, to prevent inventory buildup. Or you build more than expected and allow landlords to use their capital for the builder to cash out, while landlord deal with the management aspect of the property until they decide to sell too. Technically landlord are in competition with the buyer, but without landlords, the supply will adjust downward too.

>> No.50660333

Renter might pay 1 or 2 years. Landlords pay the whole loan. The landlord can change rented if they dont pay banks cannot give the loan to the next person.

>> No.50660436

Landlords do nothing besides make the price of property go up by FOMOing into property as speculators

Your logic is completely leaving out this fact

The sole reason why property values exploded is because of speculation from investors (landlords)

Without this there is no property boom, there is just slow growth and reasonable growth and it remains affordable, but that is not the case.

>> No.50660480

Speculation is not landlording. It is speculating. However speculator also provide liquidity to the market. The mere act of buying, allows someone else to cash out. They then shoulder the risks of speculation and if they succeed, they make a profit, if they fail, they eat the loss. Speculation is part of the underlying process of price discovery, which exist in all market, not just real estate.

>> No.50660500

the 40% downpayment lowers the monthly mortgage. Think of it as an amortized loan at 0% down; but you've made dozens of mortgage payments upfront. If you put down 0%, the mortgage would be very high for many years.

>> No.50660537

>they eat the loss
The tax payer golem does

>> No.50660539
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>le based percentage jokerino, 200% tip single mother kek and... wait for it... mandatory 9001% tip.
>It gets better - ready? Le 400% mandatory increase and 125% tip (the tip is mandatory, despite the conventional notion of a "tip" meaning optional gratuity that is the joke and it is 600%, an unconventionally large percentage (this is the joke)).

The loveforlandlords meme was funny for literally 30 seconds until you reddit brained faggots beat the horse into the ground.
>inb4 assmad rentoid, own 46 acres and a nice brick house on a waterfront

>> No.50660540

My landlord is family so pretty comfy

>> No.50660541

I bought my first two properties together with five of my relatives (not counting spouses); personally holding a 12.5% stake in each of them.

>> No.50660552

>i luv massa

>> No.50660586

That a different problem, I'm against bailouts. And another problem is market manipulation, when the same people who speculate also set your national policy (ie, immigration), then it's rigging the game.

>> No.50661289

Sussy bakka. At least this rentoid admits his love for landchads

>> No.50661500
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>> No.50661534

How much do you guys tip your landlord? I know 20% is standard but he hasn’t fixed my shower in a month, so I only tipped him 15% on my last months rent.

>> No.50661576

he's lucky i don't tip him with a bag of burning dog shit on his doorstep

>> No.50661578

what the fuck of course they can. You don't pay your mortgage the bank takes the house from you and then just mortgages it again to the next schlub.

>> No.50661635

are you retarded anon, a bank offers a loan because the landlord puts up a deposit, basically ensuring the bank could sell the house at any time if needed to get their money back, along with making money off interest repayments.

How the fuck do you expect the average wagie renter to be able to afford this? why would a bank offer a loan to a renter who leaves the bank with all that risk?

>> No.50661644

Anybody can do it. The bank doesnt choose specific people for it. Most people dont bother to do it however mostly because they cant be fucked or dont know how, the risk being only a smaller part of it.
Most of those guys who have 26 properties by 26 have rich parents or have made it big on crypto or something to finance the start of it.
It really does just snowball after that

>> No.50661697

How do I deal with the strong sense of superiority from already having 3 houses paid off? The guys at work told me I act pretty arrogant.

>> No.50661711

>Storage units are best imo since you cannot eviction moratorium a storage unit
Pretty based idea actually. Is it easier to do your own thing for buying a property and setting up storage units or would it be best to franchise with UHaul or something?

>> No.50661765

based, I think 15% is okay in that situation, but youve let him know now that youre not happy so regardless of whether he gets your shower fixed id go back to 20% next time to make sure you let your landlord know how much you appreciate the hard work they do to keep a roof over your head

>> No.50661841

>live in the same place for six years
>It's the only duplex on the block that's not owned by giant realtor
>panic when i realize literally everone is paying 50% more than me despite living in identical buildings
>finally get a call from the landlord saying they have to raise my rent
>it's only $50 more
I'm going to be very depressed when she inevitably raises it significantly. Maybe I'll have made it before then, but if not it's going to mean moving back with my parents

>> No.50661911

you described the 2008 crisis and yes they all were that retarded. more retarded even.

>> No.50662328

I rent out selfstorage units and holiday cabins on small peaces of apple orchards. Both about 20% payback. The selfstorage needs more attention because people leave their trash and can´t drive a forklift.

>> No.50662377

The landlord is still on the hook for the money if the renter moves out or defaults. It's just another layer that shoulders all the risk for the bank. Also, most renters can't afford the down-payments to get a loan for the rest.

Having money and not knowing what the fuck landlording actually means. There are periods where it's nice but plenty of times where it fucking sucks. Passive income my ass. Currently looking for the 4th tenant in 6 years on one of my properties. Never been in the green so far for that property (cashflow-wise, value-wise it's massively profitable of course).

You are already adding it to the rent every month.

>> No.50662437

What about people who HAVE to rent and not buy because they plan on leaving in a year or two? There will always be a market for rentcucks, which means there will always be landlords. The problem today is that there are too many landlords.
Every single house in my town was built by the family residing in it. As in they manually built it, or paid a contractor. This used to be the norm for all of history, there was never a need for landlords. Today there is a need for them because people mobilize a lot to great distances for prolonged but temporary periods (school, high paying job in downtown, job abroad).

>> No.50662985

>This used to be the norm for all of history
This is quite rose-tinted and a very New-World-way of looking at things. There's a reason the term is landlord and not houselord. The actual norm for most of history was some old dude in a far-away castle technically owning all your shit by god's grace and you having to pay him 10% (or more) of your produce every year for "his" land and protection.

>> No.50662999

>The actual norm for most of history was some old dude in a far-away castle technically owning all your shit by god's grace and you having to pay him 10% (or more) of your produce every year for "his" land and protection.
we still have that now

>> No.50663010 [DELETED] 

Rentoids should feel grateful they can even rent, you are human cattle and should live in farms, there’s too many of you and you are a lower form of life.

>> No.50663089

You're not wrong.

>> No.50663262

I appreciate my LL. She didn't raise rent on me, so after my raise at work I have more money now! They take care of all my bullshit requests too and nobody even lives in the unit next door. It is legit. This year I will deduct my home office as well so should get some money back from rental costs

>> No.50663275

>This used to be the norm for all of history
US has no history compared to any of Eurasian nations.

>> No.50663377
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Hey, remember me?

>> No.50663601

>far away castle
You already showed how clueless and eurocentric you are, probably learned most of your history from Paradox games.

>> No.50663655

Right, because Africans, Japanese, Arabs, Indians and Chinese totally didn't build those. Yup, completely eurocentric idea to build defensive structures for local rulers, nobody else has ever done that.

>> No.50663664

I'd land value tax you out of existence

>> No.50663705

It's just an Anglo-Jewish pyramid scheme. The money banks lend out doesn't even exist up until the borrower pays it back.

Learn accounting and monetary theory

>> No.50663730

Landlords should be killed but only so that I can take their stuff and be the new landlord. Capitalism should be deactivated for 1 day a year so the country can annually sort itself out but only if I'm on the winning side every year. Then stop doing it if it looks like I will lose

>> No.50663907
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Because rentoids are inherently destructive, wasteful and lazy. That's why they'll never have a zestimate. These losers deserve to live in a pod and eat the bugs.

>> No.50664097

By castle you implied a feudal system like that in the peak of medieval Europe. Do you honestly think every single house during the Islamic Golden Age was built by the permission of some lord in a high castle?

>> No.50664110

No, Obama did

>> No.50664161
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>georgism blocks your path
Hah nothing personal kike

>> No.50664194
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>US has no history compared to any of Eurasian nations.
>Thousands of years of either being conquered or just subsistence farming with zero accomplished
Uh thanks retard, Americans actually DO SOMETHING with their history

>> No.50664667

>By castle you implied a feudal system
Was I now? News to me.
>Do you honestly think every single house during the Islamic Golden Age was built by the permission of some lord in a high castle?
No. Why would it be? I already told you, they're not called houselords for a reason. And nice goal post move from "historical norm" to "every single house during the Islamic Golden Age".

>> No.50664818

It wasn't a goalpost move retard, just one example. Jesus christ how dumb are you? What other examples do you want? Ancient Egypt? Ancient Greece? Turkic peoples in Central Asia? China? Over 90% of people were farmers that randomly built huts to live in and maybe once a year pay taxes to some bureaucrat. In the Ottoman Empire farmers were allotted land and people could freely build houses on it as their families grew. The concept of landlord is nonexistent through most of history, certainly outside of Europe. Even in Europe, before feudalism, people built houses freely, they didn't ask some lord in a castle. Chances are they would build near other houses for safety, but people would also build in remote ass places because it is closer to where they herd their cows.

>> No.50665136

It's incredible how liberal amerimutts have managed to make me sympathize with landlords.

>> No.50665182

>Eurasian nations
Europe has no history compared to Asian nations. Half of those homos go back to bronze age what the fuck where the French doing in the bronze age? Not much

>> No.50665200
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build? better. they financed it.

>> No.50665237


the biggest difference between landlord and rentoid is a credit score. renters could easily do the same thing but they are clinically retarded with debt

>> No.50665638

Cut off your balls

>> No.50665649

You work in a glory hole

>> No.50665676

> Believes Jesuit history to be real

>> No.50666072

>Americans actually DO SOMETHING with their history
Do you mean they are currently erasing and rewriting it? Yeah, that's definitely something.
"The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival" claims that the average lifespan of an Empire is around 250 years. USA is 246 years old.
If USA is reborn after its inevitable soon downfall, we can speak about USA having history. One-time empire is nothing.

>> No.50666188

Landlords do take a lot of risk. They're supposed to choose tenants carefully and scoop up the reliable people who don't have a fantastic credit score. Maybe they're young, or lost their job in a recent recession and took a year to get back on their feet. You're supposed to have a relationship with your tenant which is closer than a bank does. Landlords also take the downside risk of property, the risk that it could lose value over time.

When neither of these duties are performed, the landlord becomes only a leech on society. Since boomers started the line go up economy, #2 is basically gone. And the huge number of corporate and absentee landlords have wiped all respect for #1. At this point, the majority of landlords are worthless sinks on society.

>> No.50666205

>1 pbtid

Can’t you faggots stop bumping these shit threads?

>> No.50666215

>implying America is average

>> No.50666470

Brainlet here, how do you decide which bank to get a loan from

>> No.50666510

You shop around for rates, whichever bank has the best terms/rates is the one you go with. I talked to maybe 4-5 banks before I took out a mortgage.