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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50659191 No.50659191 [Reply] [Original]

I lost 25K LINK and 60K USDC on this fucking shit. how do I restart my life? or end it?

>> No.50659218 [DELETED] 
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Let's just say that if ANYONE in this thread rolls TRIPS, then you must end it all tonight and livestream it.

>> No.50659229

Link is going to zero, USDC is going to be frozen by Larry Fink and SBF. Start a new by buying gold and silver, a certain 50x over the next 15 years.

>> No.50659269


>> No.50659320 [DELETED] 

Just do it, OP.
Exit gracefully.

>> No.50659356

Gold has gone up $3, inflation adjusted, in the past 200 years. What makes you think it's going up $3200 in the next decade or so?

>> No.50659362

please tell me that wasn't your entire link stack

>> No.50659384

A gallon of milk will go up $3200 as well

>> No.50659396

I hate him so much, bros.

>> No.50659400

Because the western world will collapse worse than anyone can imagine, similar to ww2, soviet Russia, and Maoist china

>> No.50659406

>I lost 25K LINK and 60K USDC on this fucking shit
No you didn't.

>> No.50659409

You have 2 years to build your stack for the next bull run op

>> No.50659414

Yeah, you didn't lose it, Celsius is going to ROI your money through its mining op in 50-100 years.

>> No.50659434

>It's just going to keep happening exactly like it happened in the past

>> No.50659596

and staking soon
and ccip
i lost 700 link in bancor if it makes you feel better
but not that much of my stack in % terms

>> No.50659628

>it's different this time because... IT JUST IS

>> No.50659683

rolling for dubs

>> No.50659694

kek a gem

>> No.50659795
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>> No.50659925

if you're gonna kys may as well kill the guy who took it from you while you're at it

>> No.50660590

Yes just make sure to give all your money to Jews again.

>> No.50660842

If I roll trips then I post a picture of my cock, hasn't happened yet but it will someday.

>> No.50660927
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>> No.50661408

I lost 10k link to celsius and i had 10k link in bancor too. currently im trying to withdraw from bancor v2.1 and taking the haircut. So im ending up with 5k link instead of 20k. I dont know what to do. I just cried yesterday whole day.

>> No.50661448

I have 8k link on Bancor and 3k on Celsius. Been numb to it all mostly I guess. My stack was worth over 600k at one point lol.

>> No.50661463
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Man I don't know wether to laugh at you or just feel pity. What have you learned?

>> No.50661475

I hope this is fake, no idea why you would keep money in celsius

>> No.50661499

In my case, I went to withdraw in Celsius but the 24hr cool down initiated. Then they froze withdrawals later that night. It's awful.

>> No.50661704

just push reset button. simple as.

(some call it belly button. now you know what its for).

>> No.50662190
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When it turns out the banks was really your true friends

>> No.50662216

>Bitcoin introduces self-custody
>Zoomers still choose to put their private keys with jews
Maybe you should look into why you choose to not escape the jew trap

>> No.50662538
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>We all being fucked by the market in ways we can't imagine, but taking our lives ain't the solution.

I lost shit loads of money on OP. When I thought it would be a quick swing trade, but then it kept dipping hard. Now I just hold onto the little profits I make by staking RIDE on Maiar launchpad, JUNO, Atom and OSMO for airdrop qualification on dem validators.

>> No.50662559

On Keplr wallet ba. Being quite the catch but I'm definitely unlucky here.

>> No.50662566

why would you risk it all

>> No.50662574

Not your wallet, not your coins. You got burned by greed, plain and simple.

>> No.50662590

>I just cried yesterday whole day.
Imagine caring about money so much that you cry when you lose it. It's just money, anon. It's not the love of your life and it can't buy that for you. Rethink your priorities.

>> No.50662595
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>8% apy on a stablecoin is not sustainable
>it simply is not

>> No.50662727


>> No.50662751


>> No.50662755
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>> No.50663292
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Seek her out and ask her where are my funds and take it out on her. ex pornstar she can take it managing your vaporized funds and then commit seppeku.

>> No.50663356


>> No.50663379

Thank you for your service. People like you are reassuring, that Link is the key to it all. Token so desperately needed that billion dollar companies collude to rob early adopters

>> No.50663802

Don’t do it

>> No.50664019
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Chin up. You'll likely get back 30-50% of at least your USD value from what I've seen thus far. Maybe more. You might get it in link or you might get it in USD but likely what will happen is that they will give you the option of taking a haircut and getting USD back or letting it ride so you can one day get your full stack back. I'm taking the latter but that's because I only had $10k in there.

I personally believe LINK is going to $3-4 still before the bear market is over and since we have a bunch of old bitches telling us we aren't in a recession while the fed still hikes rates like it is going out of style, it means things can definitely get worse. So just buy the dip. I only lost 10k there but I have 1k link and 4 eth in bancor still so I can feel your pain. Learn to never put more than a bit of your positions at risk. You've learned a valuable lesson.

>> No.50664022


>> No.50664387

wtf is a bancor haircut lmao

>> No.50665000

hahhahahahahahah fucking retard

>> No.50665043

If you have ever driven around the US you know this is impossible. Too many self sufficient communities. They will get poorer and people in cities will die but the rural bastards can't collapse, there is nothing to collapse besides their trailer.

>> No.50665046
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>> No.50665095
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Muh 'living off on interests from our crypto holdings' hahahahahahahaha

>> No.50665123

It's too miserable anon. I can't give any advice as it might not work in your end. I'm currently holding low and mid caps with fundamentals like Kolnet, Lit, Drep, icon and other assets. I just don't understand why you were staking on centralised fuck.

>> No.50665140

Feels bad man, $25k in stables and another $20k or so in BTC and alts here. Not fun to lose, but not devastating either, everything I put in crypto is a relatively small amount of my net worth set aside for higher risk investments.

Just have to move on with your life. I've mentally just written it all off as a loss, but depending on how the Ch 11 goes we may get a portion of it back. I'd consider staying with Celsius if they have depositors a stake in the new company, part of their assets in CEL tokens, or something like that only if they got rid of all the existing management and put competent people in there.

>> No.50665204

id probably take a loan out and buy the link while its low. and then be prepared to work maybe several jobs and pay off the debt. or just resign to wage slaving.

>> No.50665223

Right...so what you're really saying is, you're retarded.

>> No.50665275

Shoot, you're wrong pajeet is scamminh

>> No.50666044

Bancor turned off impermanent loss, the only reason to use, a few months back as the shit started hitting fan.
Because market shit pants, the impermanent loss is catastrophically bad, so if you withdrawl you are typically getting half your tokens back...

>> No.50666120

take everything you have learned, which you did through self reflection, and keep going. a new fresh slate is nice sometimes.

>> No.50666373

Bearish euphoria

>> No.50666391

Kolnet will unlock the potential marketing skills for the micro influencers. Its reward depends on their performance so they better do it right and get monetised.

>> No.50666397

>Because market shit pants, the impermanent loss is catastrophically bad, so if you withdrawl you are typically getting half your tokens back...
ok but why did they shilled "no impermanent loss"?

>> No.50666519

Arstotzka Token

>> No.50666991

These guys only went bankrupt a month ago so chances are, you weren't about to withdraw your LINK anyway.
And since you were going to wait at least 6 months from now, chances are, you lost no more than $62k.
It kinda sucks losing one year of wagecucking but lessons learned and remember it could have been much worse.
I lost 60k on coinflex, too.

>> No.50667106

They had a fucking "girls do porn" star as the head of their institutional lending before degen coomers online called them out on it. If this didnt ring some alarm bells in your head and make you want to withdraw your funds immediately, i dont know what to tell you fren. I feel your pain but it honestly might be best long term for you to stick to stock market index funds and play it safe. Focus on your irl career and live a decent good life. It's not over yet

>> No.50667156

>If this didnt ring some alarm bells in your head and make you want to withdraw your funds immediately, i dont know what to tell you fren.
This too, I actually had money in Celsius before an anon told me about the GDP vid.
Fast forward 6 months later, sir gay gives them his stash, I post about her and it's suddenly news, kek. Not sure where the OG anon who told me about her went.
Either way, I immediately withdrew my money back then. It also made perfect sense, as most of DeFi was giving better safer yields.

>> No.50667213
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it is over. $250,000 gone, thats 5 years of wage slaving. i have no motivation to start again. my life is over

>> No.50667264

just fuck off already, you are as annoying in real life as in this board? good thing you lost this shit.

>> No.50667303

who shat on your side of the bed?

>> No.50668156
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I am sorry anon. Don't lose hope. I know how much it hurts to lose money. You will get over this.

>> No.50668270

Can people on Celsius recover their money? Why not?

>> No.50668317

Self sufficient communities my ass lol
Every farm you see is 100% dependent on seed/fertilizer imports

>> No.50668502


Celsius appears to have lost about half of it through a mix of incompetent and risky investments. Once Chapter 11 is all said and done employees and lawyers will probably take another 10-20% of what's left after salaries and fees. Maybe we'll get 25% back, who knows. They may also try to claw back funds from users who withdrew up to 90 days before the Chapter 11 filing which would help with making the users who didn't take their money out in time more whole.

>> No.50668521

buy gold and stop being a little bitch

>> No.50668535

I have about $20k in previous metals, thinking of sellling it to recoop some usd and link

>> No.50668643

better give it to charity if you are still thinking about buying crypto

>> No.50668889
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>try to claw back funds from users who withdrew up to 90 days before the Chapter 11
how the fuck would that be legal?

>> No.50669099


Apparently it's a pretty common thing in bankruptcies, I had no idea it was a thing before this whole Celsius shitshow started. Unless it was a significant amount withdrawan (say 5-6 figures), it may not be worth it for them to go through all the legal proceedings to execute a clawback, though.

>> No.50669454

(((How))) indeed

>> No.50669937

Didnt they already send clawback notices to voyager clients?

>> No.50670398 [DELETED] 

You can't fucking end ya life coz of some losses else lots of us will be in dah grave, I got liquidated by CZ more than 20x not to talk of some of my long-term buys in deep shambles but raising slowly and by these I mean GMT, VRA, AxlToken, ROWAN and lots more.

>> No.50670702

if you pulled out under 6 figures and aren't American you might avoid it.

>> No.50670820

Its over

>> No.50670928


>> No.50671085

If it makes you feel better I lost 8 figures bag holding Chainlink through the bull market.
If you made it once you may be able to make it a second time even it's it not with LINK.
Chainlink has been a great failure.
You can do a lot better than that and even the worst shitcoin outperformed Chainlink in the last bull run.
There is no reason the same won't happen again with Dog coins in the top 10.

>> No.50671092

If it makes you feel better I lost 9 figures bag holding Chainlink through the bull market.
If you made it once you may be able to make it a second time even it's it not with LINK.
Chainlink has been a great failure.
You can do a lot better than that and even the worst shitcoin outperformed Chainlink in the last bull run.
There is no reason the same won't happen again with Dog coins in the top 10.

>> No.50671108

You will learn from this and paid the fee for the lesson.
But why did you ignore the Celsius porno star meme?
When a CEO hires a whore to manage funds you know he ignored due process and used couch promotion.
Why would you trust someone so morally corrupt with a token you chose because of high morals?

>> No.50671134

>If you don't know where the interest is coming from you are the interest.

Warren Buffet exclusively invested in companies he could understand and had a backing in the real world and until late ignored tech companies.

>> No.50671261

Do you guys think that someone will kill Alex?

>> No.50671372

It's never over until you give up.
You are still alive and your heart is beating with all its strength to propel you into a better future.
Believe in yourself and learn from your mistakes until the end.


>> No.50671413

I remember 2 people with over 2 million Chainlink in their wallets from years ago but haven't checked their wallets for some time.
If they held through this bull run then they would have lost 9 figures on their Chainlink investment alone.

>> No.50671431

When was the last time you saw a psychopath going to a prison or getting murdered?
Until they all get justice this world will continue to rot.

>> No.50671487

The first smaller wallet I found with 500k Chainlink sold everything in the last year and has no Chainlink since 70 days...
He is currently 25% in BTC and the rest in USDC...

I should have copy traded him...

>> No.50671834

Good news I found a late 2020 Chainlink whale who bag held through the bull run too and started adding again 2 days ago to his position:

>> No.50671862

His cost average is at $2.2.
He went from $4.5 millions to $101 millions back to $15 millions.
How did he manage to avoid suicide?

Feels good to find a bigger whale who was more stupid and greedy than me.

>> No.50671905

this is why Schadenfreude got worldwide adoption.

>> No.50671922


>> No.50671975

>just wait 15 years bro.

>> No.50673519

Losingall my money is a small price to pay to fight antisemitism

>> No.50673533
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A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Come my brother. There is still time.

>> No.50673709

>Clawback notices?

What the fuck is that? What if they had spent the funds?

>> No.50673764

Good thing I withdrew everything after they no longer accepted US citizens, then put everything into UST Terra Luna.

>> No.50673907

This is shitty at all levels more reason why i prefer decentralized platforms, there no motherfucker coming back for your funds.

>> No.50673963

Same goes for me even with DeFi i make use of spool to route my portfolio to several protocol to reduce my risk and save me transaction fees as well, this has saved me a lot of stress and gas fees.

>> No.50675553

can i just ask. what exactly was your target sell price for chainlink? were you planning on selling at all or did you think at some point the price will stabilize and you could live off staking . 8 figures for one person even after 50% tax is alot of money man even for one person. i just find it hard to justify the thought process of not selling multiple opportunities over several months after a 200x can be chalked up to anything other than insane levels of greed. please enlighten me.

>> No.50676385

You're thinking smaller than many of us. I think I speak for quite a few others when i say that i don't consider Chainlink to be any normal sort of investment. I truly believe that it will bring generational wealth of dynastic proportions to those who, like me, really mean it when they say 'never selling'. This 'never selling' also extends to defi and cefi. I never put anything into those projects. Nor did others like me. Timing this market is impossible anyway, and the only sure way of getting it absolutely right is to never sell, and only keep buying. Opinions like yours are ten a penny, and have been voiced here many, many times. They always prove false, and people have been separated from large portions of their stacks for doing just what you suggest. Hence this thread.
If you don't get this, that's fine. But mark my words. You're wrong.

>> No.50676404

imagine being worth over a million dollars and then thinking you can get a 100k every year risk free

how fucking retarded are these people

>> No.50676953

Ok. i screencapped your post. i hope that it pans out the way you imagine because you have nearly 5 years of your life dedicated to the success of this project and however many more years to come until chainlink shows the level of success you describe. i will say though everything you just said you could be talking about gme stock, gold, bat, any L1, omisego, shiba inu. you get the idea. To turn it around i would say quite confidently that opinions like Yours are ten a penny. but like i said i hope that im wrong and link is how you make it. thats all