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50658469 No.50658469 [Reply] [Original]

we're all gonna die anyways. picrel had money and no girls

rather self-improve and have sex with multiple women every week

money only changes the scale of your problems, it doesn't get rid of them

>b--but you need money to get girls

>> No.50658485

im 5'3". now try to tell me to get girls again

>> No.50658501

I knew a 5'4 guy who's had 89 girlfriends before getting married.

It's about having confidence.

>> No.50658502

I know I'll die a kissless virgin regardless, so might as well at least try to get to enough money so I can die a kissless virgin who didn't also have to wagecuck his entire damn life as well

>> No.50658508

how many showers do i need to take to get a confident jawline and a norwood 1 personality?

>> No.50658509

>rather self-improve and have sex with multiple women every week
Being a degenerate is not self improvement. Enjoy knocking up some random whore and splitting your crypto with her.

>> No.50658516
File: 361 KB, 1080x1327, just be confident bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50658521

Sure Mr. Nihilist. This is Sarah Connor on a larger scale. Everyone's dead anyway so do whatever you want. Just don't take others down with you because they do not hold the same beliefs.

People will respect you more if you're like Bodhi from Point Break. If you want the ultimate high, you have to make the ultimate sacrifice. Just do that on your own and don't harm anyone else

>> No.50658522

height and looks is all that matters in getting women. money can help too though but has to be a substantial amount. this is coming from a very blackpilled 20 y/o khhv who has done a ton of research into what attracts women.

>> No.50658523

Wrong in 2022 money can buy you sex with hotter women than your nigger ass is pulling IF that's your thing. The value of pussy is 0. Or are you one of those niggers that leeches off their gfs unable to survive without one. Anyways...
>Let's get down to brass tacks
>Follow procedure and count stacks like nasdaq
>Don't be caught snoozin
>In the early morning hours from a long night of boozin

>> No.50658548

>had 89 girlfriends
Sounds like the little guy had some demons.

Anyway fuck you OP you faggot piece of shit for starting up this thread and inviting all these virgins to come cry their hearts out instead of doing something productive with their time. You are a real piece of shit.

>> No.50658599

these guys are literally me

>> No.50658604

you're a retard

>> No.50658691

These sad biz "investors" would probably do better using their money on Texas Hold Em poker tournament buy ins at their local casino. Its a lot easier than analyzing charts for weeks, and trying to guess which shitcoin is gonna moon randomly from a pump and dump scam.

>> No.50659029

Can't scale in poker

>> No.50659099
File: 29 KB, 640x586, 1645013017873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Impressing women" is possibly the worst life goal I could imagine. How spineless can you be to build an entire lifestyle that revolves around the validation of other people?

>> No.50659389

stop being so unconfident. you are a being, you have power. use it

>> No.50659405

Nihilism is peak reddit.

>> No.50660243
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this is more like "enjoy life banging girls" rather than defeatist blackpill nihilism.

money doesn't give you picrel

>> No.50660576

having sex is as degenerate as making money. Hell, at least sex can have an accidental end of creating life.

Money is controlled and can lose its power over at the blink of an eye, but pussy will always feel the same and will always respond to masculinity.

>> No.50660798

Stop gaslighting men with bullshit

>> No.50660804

> money doesn't give you picrel

Actually, it does. Whoremaxxing is a thing.

>> No.50661098

it's not fun after a few times, the ideal is having a girl attracted to you so much that she makes things happen. Whoremaxxing doesn't give you that.

>> No.50661535

kys, jew

>> No.50662323

the jews want you to end up like Elliot Rodger.

Loads of money, no affection

>> No.50662355

Just BEE yourself

>> No.50662427

because i'm better than you, op
becoming wealthy wasn't a challenge to me, it came as easy as "living your life" does to you

>> No.50662511
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>> No.50662683

Hey guys I actually find this thread incredibly interesting because the balance of financial success and living life is always on my mind. It’s something a philosophize about a lot.

I’m actually 32 (yes I know I’m old anons) but I got lucky in the looks department and I’m like an 8/10 in looks and 6’1. Also socially normal with a lot of friends and live in a cool hip city.

Even though I’m in debt after 5 years in crypto kek kek kek, I still get dates with hot girls all the time. And after getting burnt out on shallowness and just trying to get laid I’ve gotten to the point where I really want to know these people in depth. Lots of traveling and cool trips.

But people on here have told me before that I’m like a kid who wants to eat candy all day instead of growing up and that I’m a disgrace lol. I guess you can’t win on biz. If you have a ton of money and no women then your life is miserable according to biz. And the same is assumed if you have all the women and all money. I think all you guys need to chill out.

>> No.50662712

stop being short. just grow your personality bro

>> No.50662746

Not wrong. I was way more successful with women when I was poor, I also met my ex when I was unemployed. Accumulating wealth is incredibly dull and women feel this, she will always be happier with an exciting, destitute chad who raw dogs her in a supermarket car park