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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50654603 No.50654603 [Reply] [Original]

>TV Show to last five (5) seasons with a total cost of over one billion dollars (1,000,000,000)

Can smart anons please explain to me the business and financial decisions behind this? Surely this price tag will not generate a return on investment from Amazon Video Subscriptions and LoTR merchandise sold on the Amazon store. What is the thought process behind it, is Amazon so big they are happy to lose money on this?

I would ask on /tv/ but this is more related to the business end, and every LoTR thread on there recently is 300 posts of offtopics memes or racism

>> No.50654632

cattle debt slaves love this kind of shit

>> No.50654699
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> Surely this price tag will not generate a return on investment
You're missing the entire point. Video rel.

>> No.50654706

Original three films were the greatest trilogy of all time and nostalgia bait for this generation from 20 years ago. Think of it as the Star Wars prequels except actually bad instead of endearing. They are hoping to rope in the millennials who enjoyed the originals and their generation alpha and zoomer kiddos.

This is a financial misplay to the highest degree, the creators of this series have no idea what made the originals special and what made them successful.

>> No.50654718

>not one image of a white man with a black woman

cherry picked

>> No.50654721


>> No.50654722
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>> No.50654878 [DELETED] 

>the greatest trilogy of all time
Debatable. They're very good for the most part and for the most part better than the book, but they have quite a few cringe/silly moments in them that shouldn't be in there and sort of ruins the films (mostly the retarded comic relief shit with Legolas and Gimli). I would say, all things considered, despite the massive differences, that The Hobbit 1976 alone destroys the LOTR trilogy (and the The Hobbit trilogy too obviously).

>> No.50654906

>the greatest trilogy of all time
Debatable. They're very good for the most part and for the most part better than the book, but they have quite a few cringe/silly moments in them that shouldn't be in there and sort of ruins the films (mostly the retarded comic relief shit with Legolas and Gimli). I would say, all things considered, despite the massive differences, that The Hobbit 1976 alone destroys the LOTR trilogy (and destroys the The Hobbit trilogy too obviously).

>> No.50654970

they're hoping that it attracts more people to prime. they have 200 million prime subscribers worldwide and LORD OF DEM RANGZ is an international phenomena, doesn't seem like it'll be too hard to generate a profit.

>> No.50655104

I'm just not going to see it. I'll reread the lotr and the silmarilion. Peter Jackson produced a masterpiece. This show can just go and burn in propaganda hell. Zero love for the source material. Indoctrination and a profound promotion of meme propogation.

>> No.50655105

It's great but there's a ton of lots events and lore to cover that we're not in that trilogy. So if this show can hit all that other stuff well it could be successful. We'll see though. It all depends on how good that first season is, I care about the acting the most. That's why I'll go back and watch the earlier seasons of GoT. The acting is great and of course they had the books to go off of.

>> No.50655173

>greatest trilogy of all time
Book trilogy maybe, films are just okay

>> No.50655423
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>Surely this price tag will not generate a return on investment from Amazon Video Subscriptions and LoTR merchandise sold on the Amazon store.
the fucked up thing is that it might, if you consider the long-term. the subscription system as a business model has become increasingly common because people seem like they don't like cancelling their subscriptions unless something really irks them. there's always a "just in case" or another benefit they might get by keeping it, or they may simply forget to cancel. in this way, you can see the importance of building LIFETIME users. to the point of the cost here of a billion dollars, if the cost of prime is 140 a year, they can make that money back if they get 1 million new subscribers that hang around for at least 7 years. considering they already have 200m subscribers, they make enough to fund this series 20 time in a month, and it's not hard to imagine that they'll get to 201m in the time that this series airs and enough hype generates for it, regardless of the actual quality

>> No.50655945

The offtopic modern 4chan racism that you see posted in relation to the new Lord of dem rangz TV show is natural since the Jews who are writing the script have zero clue or even care that Lord of the rings is an aryan Christian epic in the style of beowulf and not about gaysex or niggers.

It was inevitable that the Jews would move to undo the good that the Jackson movie adaptations did when Christopher Tolkien bit the dust and the rest of the family was offered a gazillion dollars for the ip rights no strings attached. This isn't about money, and wage slaves love this kind of light fantasy entertainment alongside dating shows and so on.
Fuck Hollywood.

>> No.50655988
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>winning business model in 2022 is make sure the customer is too stupid to remember he's paying you

>> No.50656027
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wrong board but ok ill bite

>see black guy in cast
>immediately know

>> No.50656056
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They literally print money. Actual audiences to watch your filth are not required anymore.

>> No.50656153


>> No.50656184


>> No.50656188
File: 220 KB, 641x355, 62BA7690-A05B-4420-9FA2-89A4C2292B06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>print money from nowhere
>essentially stripping it from the goyim through inflation
>use it to debase and destroy all their cultural foundations, myths, morals and popular media
>if you ever need more money just print more
>LOTR series exists as the most shining, hopeful and inspiring white-dominant cast currently in circulation.
>poison the well

>> No.50656193
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>The Hobbit 1976 alone destroys the LOTR trilogy
I don't know if I'd go THAT far, but it is indeed a good movie and probably underrated.

>> No.50656222

Look up ESG index and who controls it.

>> No.50656244

its a loss leader, they're paying upfront for content and hoping to recoup through growing Prime subs long term.

they might not for AWHILE, but if they can bleed netflix into debt and it folds then Prime Video becomes top spot (well after Disney)

>> No.50656428

Ruining Tolkien’s masterpiece to push diveristy is worth the 1 billion to them

>> No.50656491

>Making money
That's boring, erasing white culture is priceless.

>> No.50656533

Amazon can waste YOUR money (because you are buying from them don't lie to me)
I think they will be fine if they burn 200 million

>> No.50656735


>> No.50656990


>> No.50657037

netflix still outproduces the other services because they also focus on a lot of foreign content that is made for cents on the dollar compared to hollywood and attracts a larger global audience
especially disney is a pretty bad business with focussing exclusively on the burger consumers sentiment
in the end this whole space will consolidate

>> No.50657054


>> No.50657065

the guys at 0:23 and 0:25 don't even look that brown desu. polcels reaching as always

>> No.50657562

Fed prints burger shekels (usd), loans them to the government (buys treasury bonds), government gibs them to blackrock, blackrock market buys amazon stocks if amazon makes more pozzed shit, amazon does it, loses money on the show but the investors and owner make 100 times more on stocks.
The goy pays taxes to pay interest on those printed shekels, the goy watches his best fantasy story turned into a kike nigger abomination and the goy eventually eats the bugs.

>> No.50657575

So it's a loss leader to keep the goyims from revolting. Top kek

>> No.50657610

this show has nothing to do with LOTR. I've never really watched LOTR but i bet the golem thing will be white and legolas will be a nigger.
even if i end up watching it, i will be doing it jannie style (for free).

>> No.50657694

Its good, but I rate the Dollars trilogy higher.