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File: 13 KB, 600x400, monero-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50654241 No.50654241 [Reply] [Original]

ticker: XMR

>> No.50654442
File: 260 KB, 962x641, 1646784258830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is too old. As a Bobo, I support Monero.

>> No.50654485

Crypto is shit
After the crash I will use my riches to trade with xmr and eth. Not for speculating, but for their utility.

>> No.50654609

Bitcoin is a cryptographic fossil and a surveillance coin. It won't survive long-term, as it lacks the proper fundamentals to do so.

>> No.50654740

>too old
Age doesn't matter

we use TCP/IP and it's old as shit. Good protocols last

That said, BTC is not a good protocol, it will not last.

>> No.50654942

They are the exception that proves the existence of the rule. Technology needs evolution in order to survive. Btc has stagnanted technologically.

>> No.50655065

BTC was deliberately hamstrung at the beginning
it hasn't stagnated, it was basically a post birth abortion. small block and stripping transaction op codes turned bitcoin into btc: absolute trash

>> No.50655127

the base needs to be stable and unchanging. listen to some michael saylor he gives great analogizes.

he's also a tech expert so he knows what he's talking about.

>> No.50655487

I'm in love with XMR.
t. cryptophile

>> No.50655523


>> No.50655524

fucking kys subnigger
Saylor literally told people to sell everything morgage their house to buy btc at 69k... LMFAO

>> No.50655547
File: 246 KB, 1963x1425, cd8f96c4e8abd7f7da90c6dcd5d4116d218e0ce9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love with ZCash.
Criminals can't use it, that's why I support ZCash.

>> No.50655647

Once I make it I will put my savings into XMR

>> No.50655714

How does that work?

>> No.50655830

Simple, it's traceable!

>> No.50655834
File: 558 KB, 1200x800, 1655407040722 NoFungibilityNoFuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We basically agree on the same topic.

>the base needs to be stable and unchanging.
>listen to some michael saylor
No. He won't tell me anything I don't already know.

>> No.50655863
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 1652476297453 164572594624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes guys, a "privacy coin" criminals won't touch!

>> No.50655885

> Privacy coin
> Traceable

>> No.50655906

Edward Snowden is pro-ZCash.
He also called Monero amateur cryptography. He wouldn't lie so that accounts for something.

>> No.50655959
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, 1659042340701276 20220312_114904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snowden is shady af, along your other "sponsors".

>> No.50656022

Oh that guy who told us they listen to our telephone calls. We know that from the 1920s.
That guy who the mainstream media gives ton of attention and hypes up as a hero?
Truth doesn't get press

>> No.50656035

A backdoor is nothing to be feared. It's to protect us from junkies, terrorists and child predators. They would not use this to trace ordinary citizens. ZCash is also switching to Proof of Stake to protect the environment and to prevent miners from making the rich richer.

>> No.50656052

>junkies, terrorists and child predators
Also the entire population or Russia, domestic terrorists from 4chan and whoever else CIA decides to target that particular day

>> No.50656069

didn't read your post but that's a cute anime girl, thanks for sharing

>> No.50656102

You didn't miss out on anything, I was just baiting people to shit on ZCash to explain why Monero is better.
She cute.

>> No.50656459

Gonna be a shit day for you when having the wrong political opinion makes you something other than an "ordinary citizen".

>> No.50656546

Maybe you should just change your "opinion" with the correct opinion then.

>> No.50657629

Maybe you should kys

>> No.50657689

>Zcash is a trusted set up! and so few transactions are fully shielded there are hardly any decoys and anonymity
>ZKsnarks have no privacy leaks at all (unlike RingCT which merely has decoys) and Halo-2 update fixes the trusted setup problem

uh monero bros??

>> No.50657886

Do you think you will still be rich after a crash? Good you will invest in a privacy project same way I did but with Railgun

>> No.50658110

>>ZKsnarks have no privacy leaks at all
Too soon to tell if there's any leaks because literally no one uses it

>(unlike RingCT which merely has decoys)
Decoys based on decades old cryptography that just werks

>> No.50659349
File: 129 KB, 220x226, 1650699992903.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and Halo-2 update fixes the trusted setup problem
Nope. All coins that could have been secretly printed through the trusted setup would still be in existence after the upgrade. Unless you do a full chain-restart from the genesis block with the new technology you aren't physically capable of getting rid of the problems with a trusted setup.

>> No.50659377

The only system I'm checking right now is Life Beyond. cuz: >AAA Blockchain powered MMORPG >Open Alpha is live >Plenty of the upcoming NFT drops >True Ownership of in-game items

>> No.50660886
File: 1.54 MB, 2824x4000, black monerochan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero Market website with escrow system has been released -- moneromarket.io

>> No.50660905

i bought xmr for the first time in this crash. i dont want to buy anymore because it is above my average but i still dont have 20 xmr yet

or should i buy regardless?

>> No.50660914

I suggest you take a boat trip while you think about it. Bring your USB, it will help you think.

>> No.50660921

DCA til you hit your goal. Don't sell those 20, keep them safe.

>> No.50661224

I commissioned that pic, pay me if you're gonna use it. Also your site looks like shit

>> No.50661419

I started selling collectable/rare (retro) games and peripherals on instagram
Where do I best advertise without coming off as a jeet?

>> No.50661436

*I take XMR as payment only
Shouldve said that

>> No.50661473


>> No.50661484

Thank you for the picture and feedback. I hope you're ok

>> No.50661679

>he's also a tech expert
>BTC was deliberately hamstrung at the beginning
>it hasn't stagnated, it was basically a post birth abortion. small block and stripping transaction op codes turned bitcoin into btc: absolute trash

PS, kids don't forget to mine ETH with a gpu on moneroocean for a win-win