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File: 42 KB, 1024x683, Antonio-Vivaldi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50649723 No.50649723 [Reply] [Original]

We smart intelligent people listen to classical music when market pumps.

>> No.50649764

For me it's Brahm's Violin Concerto in D major during a Bull market. My bear market playlist is quite different, however.

>> No.50649974
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i listen to fat cosplayers yelling at each other.

>> No.50650843

I've usually listen barber of Seville when the market crash and I'm enjoying it. Maybe moonlight sonata 3rd movement when I'm happy about god candles

>> No.50650856

For me it's Schubert

>> No.50650863
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>> No.50650882

I am a Liszt supremacist.

>> No.50650989

Shit I haven't touched classical for a while but it was that magical flute number for me, gunna listen to it now thanks op, keep the peasants cultured.

>> No.50651161

Practicing some Paganini and Bach with guitar while having futures grid bot (x3 short on BTC PERP / USDT) on at KuCoin.

>> No.50651380

This started to play in my head when I was imagining this board filled with pink wojaks in coming correction https://youtube.com/watch?v=KY1p-FmjT1M

>> No.50652022

>Bach with guitar
classical guitar? What can you play? currently working through these two

>> No.50652690

Beethoven's 7th symphony and there is no question. Also I haven't listened to it in 9 months and don't plan on listening to it any time soon. We are currently in more of a "Rite of Spring" kind of market.

>> No.50652719


>> No.50652790

unironically good trading music

>> No.50652826

It is either Bach masterrace or death
Bach is the highest form of music

>> No.50652843
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good taste

>> No.50652844

Harpsichord is gay as fuck

>> No.50652881

Bach elitists are fucking cringe. There's far more to classical music than baroque.

>> No.50652902
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I listen almost exclusively to opera. I prefer French and Italian (lmao at Germany thinking that they have culture).

>> No.50652970

Toru Takemitsu


>> No.50653019

plebian taste

biggest cope in history
his compositions are untouched in complexity and pleasure

>> No.50653030

That's rich coming from a fan of babby's first baroque composer

>> No.50653032

cope shitaliano
back to the Levant with your natufian ass
Germans mog your ass

>> No.50653056

He never wrote anything as excellent as Beethoven's 9th or Mozart's requiem, though the mass in b minor and St Matthew's Passion are both excellent, I have to admit.

>> No.50653064


>> No.50653076


>> No.50653086

>Beethoven's 9th or Mozart
babies first composers

>> No.50653089

says the Bach autist? Fuck off.

>> No.50653114

Bach is pro but he's too distracting. There's so much going on I can't do anything but listen. Need simpler music for trading. For drinking until I pass out right after the markets close, Hahn playing Bach is ideal

>> No.50653147

Keep crying for Bach shitskin
Keep crying for germans little kike weasel

>> No.50653154
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can someone redpill me on Hahn? She seems pretty overrated and isn't really doing anything with Bach that another violinist couldn't do. Glenn Gould on the other hand...

>> No.50653171

Actually a good post within all the screeching
His music can be quite intense

>> No.50653172

shut the fuck up you belligerent faggot schizo retard.

>> No.50653179
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why yes I am a vivaldi pleb

>> No.50653185

With Hahn its just her level of precision and absolutely unbelievable intonation. She doesn't do crazy time stretching and interpretation like Sato, she just plays the music incredibly cleanly and lets it speak for itself. She also plays in more of a modern style even for baroque stuff, using somewhat more vibrato than someone like Sato would, and a more legato bow stroke. Her chaconne recording is incredible because she plays even the chords legato, and uses alternating bowing on them instead of all downs, which sounds too disjointed

>> No.50653188

ballades no. 1 & 4
sonata no. 2
wrong note waltz
fantasie impromptu

symphonies 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
sonata pathetique
emperor concerto

la damnation de faust
symphonie fantastique

symphony 9


romantic era is just 2 gud

>> No.50653255

Thanks anon, I'll giver her a listen. I've always been quite unfamiliar with Bach violin interpretations but I guess she's a decent starting point. Are you a violinist yourself? You seem to know a lot about the technique

>> No.50653265
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>no nocturnes
Are they not your style or are you just badly missing out

>> No.50653284

The etudes are where it's at with Chopin, lad.

>> No.50653315

they're good, i just don't listen to them often. opus 15 no 1 is my favorite

>> No.50653374

Beethoven's also cool I guess

but nothing beats Vivaldi's Folia

>> No.50653413

I think you'll really love her, she is incredibly clean sounding, and you can tell that she really loves Bach. I'd also highly recommend Augustin Hadelich. Personally I am not as much a fan of her recordings of romantic era and newer stuff, because she doesn't have quite the same almost out of control passion as someone like Vengerov, but I am still super excited about her upcoming recording of Dvorak. I'm not a huge Mozart guy but if you are, I highly recommend her recording of Mozart's 3rd violin concerto (with the Pope in the audience).

>Are you a violinist yourself?
Yes, but not a very good one lol. I've played since I was a kid, but I was never good enough to have any hope of making it as a pro. I mostly just play stuff like Telemann fantasias for fun now

>> No.50653489

holy fuck was listening to that one yesterday actually, though not the version that Hahn was playing. Easily one of my favourite musical moments ever. I don't know if this is too much to ask but in your opinion what are the essential classical violin works to listen to, I'm more of a piano and guitar person myself and completely ignorant of most classical violin repertoire.

>> No.50653821

For me it's Rachmaninov - Symphony No. 2 Op. 27 III. Adagio.

>> No.50653899

for me it is Ravel’s “La Valse,” “Tombeau de Couperin,” and “String Quartet no. 1 in F”
been loving Ben Johnston, John Adams, and some contemporary composers nobody’s heard of lately too
good music for trading with bourbon desu

>> No.50653940

There's a lot of incredible violin music out there, this is kinda my go to selection, but is by no means comprehensive

Bach's 6 sonatas and partitas for solo violin are some of the greatest music written for violin. My personal favorites among them are the Adagio and the Fugue from sonata 1, and the Andante and the Allegro from sonata 2. And of course Bach's Chaconne from the partitas is probably one of the greatest classical masterpieces. Also of course the Brandenburg concertos are incredible, I especially like number 3
I am also a huge fan of Telemann's fantasias, although they aren't as widely respected. Campagnoli also wrote some really interesting stuff, but it isn't widely played. Biber's passacaglia is really fascinating too
Vivaldi wrote a ton of really incredible music. The Four Seasons are well known of course, but I also really like Concerto Grosso in D
Mozart 3 and 5 are fantastic. Beethoven's concerto in D is amazing
You absolutely must listen to Sibelius's violin concerto in d, it is breathtaking
Mendelssohn e minor is also great
And Barber's concerto is a personal favorite of mine
Also Paganini concerto 1 is absolutely incredible.

Some smaller solo pieces I absolutely love

>> No.50653974


>> No.50654240

Thank you for that anon, you are utterly based, didn't think you were going to come through with those amazing recommendations. I guess I'll return the favour with a few of my favourite piano works.

>> No.50654427

Thanks man :) I love Barenboim's piano recordings, it is incredible that he can be both a world class pianist and one of the top conductors in the world

>> No.50654443

Vivaldi's La Stravagansa is THE green chart music, for me. I listen to it and pretend I've made it. Feels amazing.

>> No.50654482

Bartok Quartet 4, Movement 5. Only correct answer. Though I would also accept 1st movement of Death and the Maiden, or Totentanz by Franz Liszt

>> No.50654502

Death and the Maiden:


>> No.50654862

Brandenburg Concerto
The Art of Fugue

Bach Family
Motteten (performed by Vox Luminis)

Symphony No. 2

Op. 76 String Quartets

Symphony No. 6
Symphony No. 3
Emperor Concerto

>> No.50654916

Barenboim is utter kino when it comes to the romantics. He has the definitive recording of Mendellsohn's songs without words imo. his Bach interpretations leave a lot to be desired however.

>> No.50655185
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happy waltz's

>> No.50655212

I play intelligent and advanced compositions on a 6th string electric. Give me my fucking pat on the back and my you

>> No.50655232

poser pseud

>> No.50655235

BWV 582

>> No.50655280

Classical music is garbage written for situations we literally never experience in modern life (i.e. balls).
>b-b-but here's one of 20 good classical tunes
Yeah we're all familiar with those few that don't suck.

>> No.50655301

Classical while lifting >>>>>>>

>> No.50655303

sounds like some gay videogame soundtrack nigga

>> No.50655305

OP here. Wow, honestly I didn't expect this thread to thrive but you guys surprised me. You all deserve to make it.

>> No.50655322

Shut up faggot

>> No.50655327

Liszt, Chopin, Handel, Rachmaninoff.

>> No.50655378

It was written in 1928, metal & videogames imitated it, not the other way around.

>> No.50655418

>Shut up faggot
You deserve to make it too. Give me a hug, my faggot.

>> No.50655420

that is a psychological phenomenon called projection.

>> No.50655433


>> No.50655458

Wagner - Tannhauser overture
> https://youtu.be/SRmCEGHt-Qk

>> No.50656403

Ngmi. Markets are changing. Start listening to Tango if you really want to make money. Astor Piazzolla or bust.

>> No.50656719

just listened to it, thanks. Was pretty interesting though I think as with all Bach it requires multiple listens to truly appreciate.

>> No.50656940


>> No.50656953

Runaway Jefferson starship

>> No.50656994
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>> No.50657027


>> No.50657062

Those are some kino piano classics, son. Let me add some more for you

>> No.50657317

In the bull I will listen majorly to the tune of privacy because that will be an issue that will need so much attention.

>> No.50657840
File: 9 KB, 381x275, D6B5D730-EE9D-4BE4-8DC4-AAB86968CC9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest crime committed against music has been Ravel being most known for Boléro. Debate me.
t. doctoral candidate in music at the most prestigious music school in the country

>> No.50657902

For me it's inventor of the metronome, Beethoven

>> No.50658901

Didn't know there were so many classical fans on /biz/.


>> No.50659221

>Harpsichord is gay as fuck
i liek wat i liek


>> No.50659464

the first 39 second of your link was fantastic
the rest was like nails on a chalkboard

why did mozzart do this?

fuck mozzart im going to keep listening to beethoven and brahms