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50644506 No.50644506 [Reply] [Original]

The idea of people renting out houses for profit doesn’t work. For anyone.

The idea of real estate investment needs to end right now to prevent the collapse of the economy.

It doesn’t work.

>> No.50644510

commie bot thread

>> No.50644601



The economy is broken. Renting houses to people prices them out of a living wage working.

Your entire life is going to get fucked up becauss schlomo wants $3500 for a 3 bed room house.

Unacceptable. Pull your head out of your ass before civil war/revolution happens.

>> No.50645318

My Asset
My Choice

>> No.50645330

Housing is not an asset.

>> No.50645548

Flipper faggots are why no one can afford a house. They're the bane of existence. These people are making money off of over pricing dwellings. Yes it one thing to maybe own an extra house you invest as an investment, but these fucking losers are buying 5 houses a year and selling them for 100k more than they're worth because they think updating the flooring. a fresh coat of paint, and a bathroom remodel is everything. Flippers are the bane of families trying to buy homes. I hate those faggots. If you've ever met one you'd know what I'm talking about.

>> No.50645594

i already bought a house while you were watching anime and shitposting. not my problem.

>> No.50645618

Fascism solves this but no one wants it. People get what they deserve I guess.

>> No.50645630

If everyone wants to live in the same place, it's never gonna be enough.

>> No.50645631

I agree which is why the 30 year fixed rate mortgage should be abolished. So long as that doesn't happen it will never stop being an investment whose bagholders then rig the zoning laws.

>> No.50645656

None of these people understand that houses cost money to build and that coat has a lot to do with existing housing prices now.
My town is booming, but we have an affordable housing crisis like everywhere I guess. I want to build a duplex to rent to the school district for teachers and I have run the math a million ways and there is no way around charging $3000/mo for a 2bd/1ba. And I don’t wanna do that because that seems insane but the numbers don’t lie.

>> No.50645688

Yes it is.
It's called Real Estate.
It's also called Alternative Investment.

If i pay monthly mortagage to buy a house and take risk of devaluation of my house or land. I WILL use it to generate rent, if i want to. I hold the risk, I want the return. Cope harder rentoid.

Rentoids only want returns, they don't want risks. Rentoids are basically commies.

>> No.50645728

>Housing shortage.
>Buys house 100% on margin.
>Gets rentiod in.
>Pays more than the loan amount + profit.
>Underlying asset appreciates, like it has done for the past 150 years.
Seems like a lot of risk you guys take on. An easy way to sort it out without changing the system too much is to make it illegal for houses with debt attached to them to be rented out. Atm all it is, is a 2 tier system of people with access to high amounts of leverage and those without.

>> No.50645741

>pays more than the loan amount = profit

>> No.50645747


Yeah, that’s part of the risk dumbass. Go buy your first home for 3% down then rent it out after a year and buy another with 5% down, you can do this every year.

>> No.50645779

Where is the risk. There isn't any or the amount is so low it's meaningless. Even if you're forced to liquidate in a year you're in massive amounts of profit.

>> No.50645791

Just pay your rent bottom feeder.

>> No.50645793

No reserve lending/easy credit is the problem. Banks can create infinite money out of thin air and lend it to anyone who is willing to enslave themselves for 30yrs.

So it forces everyone to compete with some dumb nigger willing to pay 80% of his wage to a mortgage for 30yrs when buying a house.

>> No.50645863

I wouldn't worry OP, now that Baby Boomers are in the crosshairs on this shit there will be legislation in a year or two.

>> No.50645877

No individual or group should be allowed to own more than 3 homes. Especially foreign investors.

Homes are essential to families and life. Why do we have to subject everything to the free market? Things can be so much better. Hitler was right.

>> No.50645885

Them and the fucking “wholesalers”

Fuck those kike faggots

>> No.50645904

It's so funny that commies think that the world should work in a 'just' and 'kind' manner. That's the delusional worldview they have.

You are alive because your ancestors killed and ate each other. No one gives a dime what you think. If I have an asset I'll use it to earn, otherwise I'd just sell it, and earn interest.

Also, funny is that commies believe in 'just' commie authority. Almost all commie authority is anything other than 'just'.

In this world weak die and strong live on. That's the way it is. You either keep complaining and then die off, or you accept the reality and improve.

Dear Commie faggit.
I hope you understand and stop whining like a 12 year old girl.

>> No.50646383


You are going to have no one to rent to because lower class people are going to be unable to live and work ANYWHERE. Want to get a burger at a McDonald’s? Sorry you greedy fuck, you can’t hire people on $12/hr and charge them $3000/month and expect the economy to function you god damn selfish short sighted retard.

How is this lost on you? You’re shooting tojrsekf in the face. And soon. It’s going to explode soon you fuckin dipshit.

>> No.50646405


I’m an employer and I hate the math not working out. I can’t even pay people min wage and worry they’re not going to end up on the street because the housing market is fueling lazy fucks who want to play medieval lord.

The system cannot continue. It’s impossible. You must give people a basic need. This isn’t communism, this is logic. Without lower class workers you have NO FUCKING ECONOMY. Period.

I need them. You need them. We all need them you lazy fucks. You want to get rich? Create value by starting a real business. Renting people property isn’t a real business, Schlomo.

>> No.50646444
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Hey, retard. You need to move to another city. I used to live in a worse apartment than this one for $300 in Lubbock. I’m here are plenty of jobs there. No one feels bad for you except other rentoids in overpriced shit holes.

You’re trying to live large in the big city and you can’t afford it. Time to move.

>> No.50646461


Imagine being such a retard nigger that you try to get rich off of your property value....

Seriously, you’re the same as the retards who shopped at Walmart for decades as the Walton scumbags exported the entirety of American wealth to China....”hyuck hyuck hyuck but at least I save ma’ $1.50 by buyin foreign”...

Fucking short sighted idiot...

>> No.50646505

You're a retard. Real estate being a speculative bubble fucks everyone not flipping homes. It's retarded, but you lack the brain power to be objective

>> No.50646871

Fact is there chud, over 50% of north americas GDP in the past few years came from trading existing real-estate stock. due to modern economic theory they can print money proportional to GDP growth and that is what props up every fortune 500 company and the federal government itself who's primary source of net-revenue is not taxes but money printing.


If the pricing of housing goes down, US companies experience a massive devaluation and the government loses most of its revenue, so it cannot bail people out. the end result? sri-lanka.

>> No.50646910

But muh GDP

>> No.50647413
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1648544269534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my longings and desires lie in becoming the god of rent, I want to charge people to live in my dump, I want them to beg for a home, for memories and experiences, I want them to pay to literally live.

no one will take that away from me, if someone can abuse my ass constantly because I must pay to have 1 room and 1 kitchen then I will too, I don't care if I must invest in qom or some shitcoin, my goal is clear, I want to pay back the damage I have received.

>> No.50648619

build your own house then. you're not entitled to someone else's house they own. or die of exposure to the elements, I don't give a fuck. logic.

>> No.50648772

>Boomers facing spike in homelessness

>> No.50648831

>Where is the risk
Rent moratorium. How the fuck did you forget this literally happened just 2 years ago, dipshit? Everyone knows now the government can just impose sweeping provisions to help nignogs not pay rent if the economy goes down. It will happen in every recession now. There's your risk, faggot.

>> No.50648895

Reminder the only entities buying houses are banks (no you didn't buy your house if you're paying a mortgage)

Stop letting banks print money out of thin air to buy houses and land and boom demand goes down and so do prices

You guys are turbo retards if you don't understand this