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50643333 No.50643333 [Reply] [Original]

I turn 28 next week.

I’ve got no friends. I make $58,000 per year. I’ve never had sex. I have gotten skinny fat due to wageslaving and extreme exhaustion, likely undiagnosed depression. My sense of taste and smell have been ruined for 18 months due to catching COVID, meat smells repulsive, peanut butter is vile. I haven’t experienced happiness for over 10 years.

I have to get my life together, I have to. No more waiting. I cant go on much longer like this.

>> No.50643357
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quads of truth

Sounds like you're vitamin D deficient, maybe start there. I also heard smelling different essential oils can help you get it back

>> No.50643374
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vain digits
a frog in the well
another sun sets

>> No.50643406

Don't worry OP, just 40 more years before you get to not retire.

>> No.50643407

Are you me? I also turn 28 next week and also make 58k per year.

There's not much time left for either of us.

>> No.50643408

only you can change if you really want to
learn excel and sql. you can easily get a 75k+ job knowing these

>> No.50643504

checked and i'm in the same situation except 2 years younger and i'm still a NEET, yet to get the shitty wagecuck job. I wish i had friends.

>> No.50643506
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Cut all expenses; live in a van if necessary. Go on government freebies: usually this means back to school, where upon you can access all kinds of free medical and therapy and food handouts if you but ask. Friends aren't real, spend what little money you have on a lifecoach to force you to be accountable to you long term goals, and to force you to stop giving in to short term pleasures like a little bitch. That is the most important part: life coach, military style. your goal is to get a job you enjoy, buy cheap land then build a modest cabin.

>> No.50643512

Join us t . me / +9C8L7XhNIWdlYzUx

>> No.50643565
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Im only answering because of your digits and its the same boring answer as always. We already know what to do, now its just doing it.

Lift, reduce fapping and porn, cut expenses and invest as much as you can during bear market lows/accumulation zones, get 1 hr of direct sunlight every day to recharge your vitamin D and solar plexus, start looking for other jobs you like more so you can keep investing, get out into nature often to ground yourself and unfuck your electromagnetic field, get a hobby that pumps your adrenaline, testosterone, and is mentally stimulating such as boxing, shooting, hunting. Get in touch with your heart and sexuality and allow yourself to find and be with women and seek one you love and loves you back, and start a family with the intention of making the world a better place for your kids and in raising them to be themselves, but as a better version of humanity.

A- seek Christ. "Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you"
B-realize this is almost a game, and every change starts with and projects from the mind and your thoughts. Start meditating and consciously and deliberately changing your mental state, mood, and energy and start creating the reality you want from there while deliberately choosing the energy and vibrations you allow into your life, at least as best you can.

There you go anon. You asked and the answer was given, now its up to you to execute the trade and take the profits


>> No.50643642
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I take two of these daily and they don't do jack shit for me, what else am I missing

>> No.50644040

idk jackin off too much?

>> No.50644059

It's not for everyone but joining the military's not a bad option. If you have a degree you can try to be an army or navy officer, assuming nothing is wrong with you medically.

>> No.50644089

Depression is made up.
You are FEELING depressed but it is not a mental illness. Get ur shit together. Stop feeling sorry for urself and make it fucking happen.

>> No.50644110

Everything in this post is accurate. The point i would most emphasize is to seek Christ and the rest will fall into place. Not sure how to do that? Ask for help through prayer then pay attention to what happens next.

>> No.50644142

I just turned 28 and I cant stop smoking weed what do I do

>> No.50644170

go fucking lift retard

>> No.50644174

have you tried fentanyl? its bretty good

>> No.50644198

>reduce fapping and porn
these should be completely eliminated until you are actively having sex desu

>> No.50644199 [DELETED] 

Radom Network, the next Chainlink

>> No.50644224

Sex is extremely overrated. Especially if you don't care about the girl at all and just want to coom.

If you're a virgin, better to have sex with a couple girls so that you know what it feels like and so you know you're not missing out. Then just fap

>> No.50644226 [DELETED] 

Radom Network, the next Chainlink

>> No.50644244 [DELETED] 

Radom Network, the next Chainlink

>> No.50644257
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First step is already done, you realized that something has to change. Come on, you can do it!

>> No.50644282

Wrong anon. Fapping wastes your vital energy. Having sex with a woman transmutes that energy. Having sex with a woman you love who loves you transmutes that energy even more and is the ideal.

Having degenerate sex with whores will most likely drain and degrade you. Celibacy only works if it is voluntary and desires and energy are transmuted into prayer and contemplation. Celibacy where you fap to tranny hypno porn on vr for 5 hours destroys your soul and energy more than getting a hooker once or twice a month.

>> No.50644284

you're like exactly where I was at 28

don't worry it gets worse, I lost my job a couple months ago and have literally no money left because crypto dumped so hard

so its either i start waging at amazon or lose all my crypto

meanwhile women are making tens of thousands on youtube and tiktok shilling garbage

>> No.50644300
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Have you tried dabs of 99% crystalline THCa? That nullifies depression. Also you should go to a music festival and live a little. Start a passion project to retain your humanity. Read some fiction to get your mind off drudgery. Idk man those all work for me just trying to help, fren.

>> No.50644312

ok then

>> No.50644349

Am in similar situation no clue what I should do though. Get a higher paying job? Why so I can work harder doing boring uninteresting shit I don't care about? Don't need more money wouldn't improve anything about my quality of life. No friends but how does a grown man make friends? Work? Never made friends with any of my co-workers besides going out for lunch together. Everyone has their own shit going on no time to hang out like when in school. Haven't been on a date in years the mere notion of it almost seems incomprehensible, plus past experiences with women haven't been as rewarding as I'd hoped. I don't like my situation but not sure what specific actions would make things better. Quit fapping? Work out? Get sun everyday? Tried all that everything was just as shitty as before.

>> No.50644358

Has to be food sourced to work. Those are made from mining waste.

>> No.50644379

Love isn't real. I agree with you on the porn destroying your brain and degenerate sex part though.

"Love" is what gets you into horrible situations that you regret and wonder what you were thinking later

>> No.50644381
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Been there, still there except for when i go into the mountains. Buy a back pack, water baldder, map and compass, jet boil, some mountain houses and go out into the woods for a week, no phone, no currency generating position, just go exist man. Its addicting. Whenever im back here in the Matrix, all i think about is being free in gods creation again. We were never designed to live like this

>> No.50644399

Yes, it's women's fault that you're an ugly failure. Stay mad poor incel retard ahahaha

>> No.50644416

sorry to break it to you, but it only gets worse. you ran out of time around age 23

>> No.50644434

First step is the basics of self-care, unironically. Start lifting or even do push-ups/pull-ups/planks/squats as a starter workout. Do it consistently. Get at least 7 hours of sleep and don’t sleep in too long. Start eating better: high protein, high fat, low sugar diet. Get the sugar from fruit and raw honey. Otherwise you should be eating a lot of meat, dairy, eggs, and some carbs (but animal products should be the bulk of your diet). Also, GET ENOUGH SUNLIGHT. As >>50643357 said, you likely have a Vitamin D deficiency, and depending on your diet I’d guess maybe a Zinc deficiency as well Vit D3 shops are great, but in order for your body to actually synthesize the vitamin D introduced to your body via pills, you will need natural sunlight exposure as well. Don’t do it so much you get burnt but be consistent. Try to get 15-20 minutes every day if possible.

Diet/exercise/sunlight alone will make you multiple times happier, more productive, and more willing/able to take care of everything else in your life. From there I imagine there will be more work as far as changing other daily habits and mindset about productivity/work/progressing in career and goals, but for now just focus on diet/exercise/sunlight. Don’t overcomplicate things too much, just start with that and take it one step at a time. Good luck Anon.

>> No.50644467

This is leftist nonsense.

>> No.50644542
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Already given up on life, only reason I'm still here is that I have the privilege of residing in 6 figure hell. Most likely will kill myself before 35 but who knows.


>> No.50644563
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>"Love" is what gets you into horrible situations that you regret and wonder what you were thinking later

>> No.50644566

You sound like you just came from r*ddit

>> No.50644582

I only do it once a week, if that

>> No.50644599

Damn just once I my life I wish I could meet one of you incels and we could make a trade. I have no idea how many women I’ve slept with but I’ve always been poor. You teach me how to make 1 million dollars and I’ll teach you to fuck. Deal?

>> No.50644604

Try one a day retard, it's literally on the box.

>> No.50644614

Ok liver king. But I ironically I’ve doing all the things you mentioned for a while now and I feel literally amazing.

>> No.50644624


>> No.50644626

>undiagnosed depression
Depression doesn't exist according to the science now chud have sex

>> No.50644640

Ok liver king. But I ironically I’ve doing all the things you mentioned for a while now and I feel literally still feel like garbage

>> No.50644656

>heckin drugs!
>heckin music!
>heckin passion projects!
>heckin marvel capeshit fiction!
You sound like an insufferable faggot.

>> No.50644657

I've known excel and sql since I was 9, why am I poor?

>> No.50644659

I'm you except I don't even make 58k/yr.

>> No.50644660

Based. Wish you luck anon. Go to a doctor and a dietician, start TRT and become a chad. Wish you luck bro.

>> No.50644676

Ultra based quads. Put your life together. Set some short long term goals, but WRITE them in a fucking board or somewhere, or you'll never take them seriously. I.e. run three times a week for a whole month. Think of a book you wanted to read, invest one month in reading it from time to time. Eat well, cook a hearty meal for yourself for a week. Your body deserve and require nutrients. Do a schedule of all these things. And don't be too hard on yourself, you're human, with all is flaws. A fag miserable piece of shit 4chan poster like the rest of us, but human kek. Try to laugh. Life somehow made sense to me at 35. I'm 37 and i feel great. It's easier to socialize, speak with girls, have sex. Life will get better, but it might take a while. Hopefully you'll see most of problems you face now are in your head, and you'll think "god, everything was really too easy, why i was so autistic?" Good luck, champ

>> No.50644678

Procure testosterone injections maybe idk

>> No.50644702

Vitamin D supplements cured my eczema.

>> No.50644713
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My taste and smell have been off for 7 months due to covid as well. I started doing the olfactory training with oils that was used in this study: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/lary.30101

>> No.50644787

>i will teach you to fly if you teach me how to weave threads said the bird to the spider

>> No.50644840


I’m 28 too, I’ve had sex and make about 275-300k depending on bonus, I own a house, have 500k saved up. sounds nice right? But I’m 5’4 and single. Gonna have to get rejected a million times in dating apps before I can find a half decent looking gf again. Everyone has issues.

>> No.50645372

If youre a retard that thinks hormones making his peepee hard=love then yeah

>> No.50645467

Liver King is obviously on an absurd amount of steroids and his style gets to be really cringe, but much of what he’s saying isn’t wrong. Carnivore MD is a much better influencer with a similar message. They’re actually in business together I believe with their supplements. They’re decent supplements, but pretty much 100% unnecessary if you have a meat based diet which they actually admit themselves.
Tldr Liverking is gay but he’s right about animal products/sunlight/cold showers

>> No.50646758


>> No.50647054

Christ, I’m 28 and make 30k a year and you bitches are whining and moaning. I got a small fucking port but I’m not gonna be rich anytime soon that’s for damn sure. Life’s a fucking gamble and you win some you lose some. The worlds going to shit, yeah, but this is uncharted territory. There’s new ways and scams to make money appearing every day. Go outside and rub some fucking dirt on your chest and go make something shake. Go bang a hooker or two. Do a fucking 8 ball in a Applebees restroom on a Tuesday afternoon. Do whatever it takes to find the gumption to get your shit together.

>> No.50647293

I can only help you with the skinny fat part. Get a rowing machine. Simple one will suffice. Start with 20 mins, up the time by 3 min every time your workout (should be every other day). Once you reach an hour and can do that no problem you can start either doing more time or do some HIITs to keep things fresh. You can shut off your brain completely when rowing, the movement becomes automatic. Either watch something listen to a podcast, whatever. It's great. Fuck lifting

>> No.50648271 [DELETED] 

try to fill your emotional emptiness with more money, that's what millionaires do.
you can start with things like zh4o by taking advantage of the dip

>> No.50648279

Frogpost threads are terrible.

>> No.50648286

try to fill your emotional void with more money or exercise, that's what millionaires do, use champ to learn soccer rules, join a gym, things like that will eventually get you to start socializing with a lot of people

>> No.50648639

Based and mountain-pilled.

>> No.50648700
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move to asia, become a sexpat

>> No.50648717

Just do it. Stop using your pc for 3 months and get fucking drunk, afterwards you go on a rave party and be there for 2 weeks just drinking and smoking and chill with some dudes and when you drunk, just shout weird stuff to women they want fun too so just try saying anything, if they laugh they are interested
Gl anon

>> No.50648762

I just read the rest of this thread and fuck all this muh eat healthy muh go jogging faggots dont listen to them they are dead npcs just distracting themselves forever. Do as i said you need to live brah life is too short and it just get shorter

>> No.50648823

I dab 100 times a day, have been going to music festivals for 10 years and had sex with over 20 girls. I make six figures and am generally the most eligible bachelor in the world. STILL I will say that it's all cope. Nothing will ever fill the God-shaped hole in your heart except LOVE. Love isn't something you receive, it is something you give. You receive God's love merely by existing, even while suffering. So love Him in return, and transcend.

>> No.50648891


dear lord the things i would love to do but be too embarrased and self concious to do to her face

>> No.50648904


yea youre fucked bud why dont you tell us how you really feel

we arent that shrink you talk to 3 times a week you can be honest

>> No.50648941

what an infantile bitch

>> No.50649013

Fuck Christ and Fuck you faggot. Religion is for children.

>> No.50649026

The soul doesn't exist, but nice try. Now go awaken the antichrist by diddling some more kids pastor.

>> No.50649034

non-sugared oats with whole milk and a spoon of honey ontop,- add a few raw nuts of your liking, for breakfast.
Eggs, broccoli, croutons, virgin olive oil with raw orange juice for dinner.
A couple fruits and a yoghurt or small portions of prepared whole foods for lunch.
Try your best to get a 10-12 hour room where no food is eaten,- as part of your sleep hours.
Breakfast breaks the fast (really obvious, innit?)

>> No.50649059

Breakfast in microwave,- essential for making it decent.

>> No.50649251
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>dude just improov go to the gym two times per day join 12 different book clubs become rich and extremely passionate harp player bro
all this empty normalhomo casual advice is useless considering that the vast majority of people that are in relationships are none of those things, probably even more boring and interest-less than a standard kissless virgin

just get with the terms that some people are simply meant to die alone

>> No.50649279

> le undiagnosed depression
zoomer fag

>> No.50649287

I'd recommend coast guard or air force over those branches based on all the stories I've heard from vets. Course a LT is better than enlisted in any branch.

>> No.50649329

>I turn 28 next week.
happy bday in advance, anon!
>I’ve got no friends
no liabilities, no leeching. Lucky bastard, anon!
>I’ve never had sex
just have sex with yourself. It's exactly the same, oh and you can't get any diseases. It's a win-win, anon!
>undiagnosed depression
that, only a certified and qualified doc can diagnose. No self-diagnosis, anon!
>My sense of taste and smell have been ruined for 18 months due to catching COVID
ohh shit I knew it, you are the government, anon!

>> No.50649442

i love how zoomer retards will write 80 paragraphs of le life advice, but will never include 'stop spending 10 hours a day staring at a smartphone' because theyre all smartphone addicted losers who cant give up their happy escape screen.

>> No.50649482

When you get depressed, just think how much worse things could be. For example, your income could be half as much. Or you could have married and your wife promptly got an incurable disease — she’s in the hospital right now.

>> No.50649547

I’m sorry to hear this. At 28 I was in a pretty terrible spot myself. I was lost. I was heart broken. I was sick, physically and mentally. I had no job, no money, no friends, no gf, but worst of all I had no faith. Faith in Jesus could have saved me from all my troubles. Instead I turned to drugs which led me down an even darker path. Fortunately ten years later I have found my way back to Jesus. Life is so much better. Sometimes I look back to that time and it makes me sad because I suffered so much when the answer was always there, right in front of me and freely given. Anon my hope for you is that you don’t make the same mistakes. God bless you.