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50641867 No.50641867 [Reply] [Original]

Literally every cryptocurrency with maybe the exception of BTC is just a pyramid scheme.

>> No.50641885

>with maybe the exception of

>> No.50641897

What about usdt, op btfo

>> No.50641899

they have to be when bitcoin is the only unique cryptocurrency we have. everything else needs to provide value through ponzinomics like staking, or raw utility/technology, which means never ending competition.

>> No.50642301

>with maybe the exception of

>> No.50642318
File: 47 KB, 1000x563, MV5BYTY5YWQ2ZjctZjUxMC00MTk5LTkxZTUtOWZjNTMyM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is a pyramid scheme lol. Stocks pumping simply because gas prices went down lol clown world

>> No.50642320

ok? get in early then

>> No.50642328

Source?? SOURCE ON THAT CLAIM??!!?!?!

>> No.50642401
File: 515 KB, 496x498, pepe-clown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats literally entire narrative. "inflation has peaked, recessions aren't real"

>> No.50642423

clown world.

>> No.50642479

buzzword. You don't know what that means.

>> No.50642833
File: 175 KB, 798x1024, Truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with maybe the exception of BTC is just a pyramid scheme.

"the exception of BTC "... You ALMOST had it

>> No.50642854

Thanks anon, nice to see the buy signals are still strong. Remember to claim it's revolutionary and the next big thing once it's back above ATH.

>> No.50642859

Actually every cryptocurrency with the exception of BTC is a security

>> No.50642926

the irony is i think there's a world where "obvious" non-securities get taken to the cleaners while things like ethereum get away because of their sheer size.

>> No.50642928

But anon, the SEC says Eth isn't a security. They wouldn't mislead the market.... would they?

>> No.50645451
File: 10 KB, 249x330, WHinman3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH is a security. Always has been. Hinman only ever stated that "the current transactions" were not securities. Vitalik and the squad displaying all kinds of cope as they've known for a few years now that they face inevitable legal repercussions. Doesn't mean ETH disappears. But Skelly's known he's been in hot water. Bitcoin is the safe haven. (Oh, and Chainlink.)

>> No.50645470

sir gey owns 35% of the supply and another 25% is owned by random individuals lmao. it's centralised and could go to 0 in an instant retard

>> No.50646227

Chainlink's original team could get into some trouble, same as Ethereum. Yes. The token is too important to the overall crypto economy otherwise. Zero is unlikely. More dumping because founders are in legal trouble? Quite possible. High IQ individuals will take advantage of such an opportunity. Perhaps, the SEC has set all of this up so that government entities can acquire at firesale prices. It's something to consider, anyway.

>> No.50646241

Dogecoin is also a commodity

>> No.50646837

Digibyte is also a commodity

>> No.50647097

OP has no proof obviously. I'm comfy holding my MANA, ICON and THETA till the next bull run.

>> No.50647168

SEC gotta pump their ETH bags before the dump on the news of the merge

>> No.50648186

I feel the same but only if you stay too long stuck in a single crypto, my strategy of investing in things depending on popularity is working (for now), still waiting for the order to leave zha0

>> No.50648239
File: 72 KB, 1280x423, 853b513fd870694671606c15c4031fc6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btc is an unregistered security tho.
NSA knows who Satoshi is.

>> No.50648261
File: 201 KB, 1039x326, 79479ed8808eea82ee8b3458ce1bd74b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. BTC is a security of Satoshi Nakomo aka NSA.
Here's Rana Souad confessing that they have met with the creators of the unregistered security called BTC

>> No.50648451

Agreed. OP is clearly delusional as there are so many platforms with relevant use cases that are needed in the crypto space, like privacy solutions for starters.

>> No.50648633

While privacy is indeed a relevant use case, the problem that has already been stated above is that it's always at the mercy of competition, and if in the case that the privacy is ever broken, then everyone will just abandon the ship for the next best thing or just abandon it all together if something ever surpasses it.

>> No.50649418

literally every crypto is a textbook ponzi scheme no matter how you look at it - even if it makes you money

they have no intrinsic value and are tied to no product or other revenue generating collateral such as stocks

the only way you make money is if more coins are bought than sold after you buy in
its a micron of a step up from gambling

>> No.50649435

Yes, but if you know how to pull out you can make bank.

>> No.50649445

that forum post, is precisely to shut down retards like you, you monumental autistic sperglord.

>> No.50649465
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>> No.50649657

>literally every crypto is a textbook ponzi scheme
No it isn't, American.

>> No.50649663
File: 360 KB, 600x600, 09d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally every cryptocurrency with maybe the exception of BTC is just a pyramid scheme.

>> No.50649749
File: 72 KB, 408x421, 20210527_000405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with maybe the exception of BTC

>> No.50649794

Satoshi never dumped on anyone. Only founder that didn't

>> No.50649846

BTC is the best ponzi in 100s of years maybe ever

>> No.50650457

Kek, there are so many based platforms in crypto chad. OP is just spresding FUD. Don't even get me started on the innovation in the metaverse, especially from the world of sports.

>> No.50650657


Literally the opposite moron. Any crypto that offers no utility is a pyramid scheme. Bitcoin does nothing, it is a literal pyramid scheme. Cryptos that are used to exchange for a service are the ones that actually matter. But, normies, institutions, glowies and retards like you have destroyed the entire space.

>> No.50650833

I don't get what you mean by constant competition chad? Privacy protocols are a class apart and as for privacy getting compromised, I don't think we would be seeing that anytime soon as zkSNARKS cryptography, relayers and even ring signatures are used to ensure that delivery is full proof.

>> No.50650909

That would be USD

>> No.50650961

Chuck e cheese tokens are a utility token. Stack that then idiot