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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50639375 No.50639375 [Reply] [Original]

getting into hex was the best decision of my live, richard is better then satoshi.

>> No.50640150
File: 162 KB, 1280x722, 2022-07-07 07.19.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you own HEX, ETH, or MATIC you can claim your free MAXX tokens on their website. It's a tokenized CD like HEX but upgraded with additional utility that provides real revenue for staking rewards instead of just inflation like HEX.

>> No.50641074

When pulse? Over a year since the sacrifice still fucking nada

>> No.50641194

fuck off pajeet

>> No.50641237

This thread is advertising

>> No.50641356

"just inflation like HEX".... she has no idea. NGMI.

>> No.50641363

What is biz?

>> No.50642358


>> No.50642726


get help

>> No.50642790

havent caught up with hex in a while, is richard still flexing like a nigger on baggies? kek

>> No.50642999
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Pretty much. Since pulse is vaporware and HEX price is in the shitter not much else for him to tweet about

>> No.50643298
File: 1023 KB, 2000x1400, png_20220730_021228_0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*mouthbreather noises*

>> No.50643344

I've been paid to upvote Richard's posts on Reddit. This is definitely a paid post too.

>> No.50643430

Yeah because writing 2 sentences while posting zero links on how to buy is soooo expensive right? It takes way to much effort, imagine solving all these captchas... a nightmare.

Btw, the second part of the kitco Interview is up. https://youtu.be/vfE7UFDceqI

>> No.50643502

So you are Richard himself, noted.

>> No.50644395

name is jeff

>> No.50644419

Dumb shit worlder.

>> No.50644440

Dude we all know you're RH don't talk like that otherwise I'll expose you to the HEX/PLS/PLSX chats. You'll go down racist motherfucker

>> No.50644641

Not giving you exit liquidity. Clean up this advertising thread janny

All fields

>> No.50645224
File: 600 KB, 1279x666, fugg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what an absolute faggot

>> No.50645305

Do you get paid by Richard or are you doing advertising for him for free?

>> No.50646556

itt dumbasses that are funding some fat fuck conartists meme lifestyle

>> No.50648226

Feels like we've been consolidating for a while so it might be time for a bigger bounce.

>> No.50648335
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plz drop to a penny
come one Hex, do the needful for me

>> No.50648410

When in the shitting fuck is Pulse coming?

>> No.50648449

just imagine richard heart being brutally murdered by a horde of feral niggers
mh...... just the thought makes me rock hard

>> No.50648534 [DELETED] 

Go ahead and expose me pajeet. I'm waiting.

>> No.50648552 [DELETED] 

Absolutely degeneracy. I feel sorry for all of you. All i see is a poor horde of dumb anons that are never going to make it.

>> No.50648632

Expose me, i'll wait. And btw don't forget to stake.

>Not giving you exit liquidity
Hex is pumping since a month.

Just imagine you'll stay broke, FOREVER. I would cope & seethe too.

>> No.50648818


Lol I bet you're unironically actually Richard because this is exactly the type of guy he is

Why do you have such a burning desire to flex your wealth on Twitter? Did you make your website yourself? The Richard Heart websites some weird shit man

>> No.50649256
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>Ethereum will complete the Merge before Pulse even launches

>> No.50649303

>Eth 2.0
>Delayed for years

>> No.50650018

Yeah. In 2021 RH was raving how eth devs are “incompetent and can’t deliver anything” and how PLS is almost finished snd “will beat eth 2.0 to the market by a mile”. Look at how things are going right now. Latest update was that he has hired a separate team to develop “another version of pulsechain”. Like Eric Wall said, there are only so many competent blockchain devs, and RH hasn’t managed to hire any of them. It’s a real shitshow.

>> No.50650937
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>> No.50651326

>Latest update was that he has hired a separate team to develop “another version of pulsechain”

where did he say that?

>> No.50651413

this. ETH 2.0 will beat Pulse, making it completely irrelevant

>> No.50651593

Holy fuck just release Pulsechain already this is getting ridiculous ngl ft no cap

>> No.50651616

Can't remember if it was a recent livestream or Twitter spaces but I remember him saying he has two teams of devs working on Pulse implementation & competing to complete first. Sounds like they're still working on major changes like validator rotation logic, which will probably require another testnet and testing period. I'd be amazed if pulse launches this year or any year for that matter

>> No.50651719
File: 289 KB, 600x600, monkahmm-emote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hextards are the most technical illiterate delusional bunch of the whole crypto space but yet the most arrogant, the dunning kruger effect in fullswing. How richard was able to rile up a bunch of normies like this is rather astounding.

>> No.50651816

Seethe, cope, and dilate vapertranny.

>> No.50652068
File: 103 KB, 728x724, 124126543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up 10%

>> No.50653351

6 cents waiting room.