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50639346 No.50639346 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck am I like this?
I'm 27 btw.
>had 2 crushes in high school
>both wanted me
>always had a bunch of females flirt with me throughout my life even in my 20s, but I wasn't attracted to anyone besides the 2 in high school
>both flirted with me from freshman year to my senior year
>I had a slightly bigger crush on one, but she was actually a slut. Despite that, my brain couldn't help it.
>all in all even when they admitted their feelings, I wasn't able to open up
>felt depressed for years over it
>more or less moved on, but still felt nothing for other women
>bday happens
>became 27 and started thinking about how lonely I was and how I wanted marriage
>crush on the slutty one went away. She's single, but has made subtle nods about wanting a family (just posting random pics about couples starting a family from time to time)
>my brain RANDOMLY switched to having a crush on her to the other one for no reason at all
>was going to ask her out
>she is married with 2 kids now
>feel destroyed
Part 2 below

>> No.50639356

What's fucking me up is how my shyness prevented me from opening up and now I'm left with the feeling of "what could have been". I wish I had just said something because at least the if we'd broken up, I'd have 100% closure and wouldn't be fucked in the head over it. Every day for months since I turned 27, she's been on my mind. My brain keeps thinking about how kind she was, how attractive she was, and how easy she made it for me. How I fucked it all up.

How the hell do I cope with this? Every second of every day for months. The memories are still fresh as if the last time I talked to her was yesterday even though it's been almost 10 years. I've tried being with other random people. I even talked to this one for months (when I was 26). We had a lot in common. In fact, she was perfect in every way, but for some reason I wasn't "attracted" to her. No chemistry despite how hard I tried to force those feelings. I can't be alone anymore. It's doing shit to my head, but even if I meet other people, I just feel nothing. I have a bad case of oneitis and it's destroying my life. How can I stop this pain?

>> No.50639368

business and finance

>> No.50639386

r9k is what you probably want

>> No.50639414

>long story where anon learns his life got flipturned upside down and then he moved to bel-air
See a hooker.

>> No.50639439
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1. Financially speaking of course
2. How can I profit from this?
3. You're my only frens even though I argue with 99% of you and I have no one else I can confide myself to.

>> No.50639467

Your parents fucked your confidence up. Simple as.

>> No.50639472

My posts always die there and get shit traction

>> No.50639511

Just accept the fact that you're alone all along & you'll die alone in the end. I'm 38 & that's basically my life in a nutshell

>> No.50639525

Ya, they did. My self esteem is low as shit. Despite that, it's not difficult to find random people. It's just that my brain is picky as fuck. I tried to force myself to feel "love" for the last chick I talked with last year, but there just wasn't a spark. I only got that with the 2 chicks in high school. That was the last time I ever had a crush/potential for love.

>> No.50639569

No matter what you do your instincts and self-determination are baked since childhood.

>> No.50639587

because you're a boring cunt. take this shit to /b/