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File: 638 KB, 2560x1958, 2560px-European_Union_main_map.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50639329 No.50639329 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't Europeans invest in the stock market?

>> No.50639348

They have no money to invest.

>> No.50639354

fpbp and the correct answer, delete the thread

>> No.50639366

They have
But why is it not a thing?

>> No.50639389

This, and also they're retarded.

>> No.50639395
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>> No.50639459

>be eurocuck
>life tax
>food tax
>entertainment tax
>luxury tax
>health tax
>car tax
>gas tax
>energy tax
>school tax
>diversity tax

Why don’t Euro-lmao-peans invest in the stock market!1!?1!11???

>> No.50639593

We pay rent, buy gas with 70%tax on it, pay 100% tax on electricity, pay tax for plastic. We don't even have enough to buy food because green propaganda

>> No.50639638


>> No.50639655

this I just saw that Europeans have completely exited the bitcoin market when you look at BTCEUR volume compared to BTCUSD. No they don't use stablecoin pairs.

>> No.50639729

Europe has no venture capital and no dumb money
They actually create private companies that rely on making profit or they go out of business
There just arent companies in EU like Uber/Tesla that los tens of billions of dollars every year without returning a profit ever

>> No.50639775

I'm Greek. We have secret spells from ancient times to control the Jews who in turn control the markets.

We've created a delusion we don't know how the markets work to hide our hand in them.

>> No.50639824

>we’re not retarded turks… it was just all a master ruse

>> No.50639897
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there was no incentive for muslims (turks) to turn to christians (greeks) in the ottoman empire.
if turks in constantinople look greek: it's christians who turned muslim for benefits or by force .

>> No.50640015

its the price you have to pay, to have access to the best women on earth

>> No.50640072

Can an American work remotely or for an American company in Europe?

I like the financial freedom america gives me, but euro culture and women are far superior. It would be nice to have the best of both worlds.

>> No.50640189

of course you can, as long as the job can be done remotely

>> No.50640346

We prefer to invest in the cock market
>t. 23 cm

>> No.50640381

We know you guys like to suck cocks, Hans

>> No.50640776

Median tax rate in america is higher though

>> No.50640792

Not true, America also has no VAT tax so starting and running a successful business is a lot more viable for the average person

>> No.50640838

Because the top 1% owns the mayority of capital and market. Just wait a few years and you'll see european GDP slowly outpace US and with it, all the capital.

>> No.50640855

I do I have over €100k in stocks at 26

>> No.50640881

EU markets are the ultimate crab
EU politics are run by childless old women and marxists
It's shite being european, the only good things are the beautiful women and the simple healthy foods.

>> No.50640985

Poorfags, NEETs and low-tier wagies have a better life in Europe too. You won't ever be rich but your society is comfy and taken care of at least.

>> No.50641010

If a single mother in Finland gets pregnant, she gets a free house and everything paid until the child is an adult.

If you cut your finger in america: you're left to die in a ditch because of debt.

>> No.50641099

>she gets a free house and everything paid until the child is an adult.

Must be nice having your national security subsidized by daddy USA. Also

>paying 50% income tax and 24% sales tax so some roastie slut can have a free house with no consequences for her actions

>> No.50641133

> the Finnish being supposedly subsidized
they are Russians in disguise on overdrive.
they can survive in isolation for centuries.

>> No.50641157

Hans must make a killing with animal brothels.

>> No.50641164

Euros are spiritual boomers who assume stocks are just gambling and prefer real estate instead

>> No.50641199


>> No.50641202

Greeks look like Arabs tho

>> No.50641212

>access to the best women on earth

>> No.50641230
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The whitest arabs look like greeks. You think Africa had the whitest Egyptians in the ancient world?

They were asian blacks.

>> No.50641265

>They actually create private companies that rely on making profit

oh my kek

>> No.50641276

No, they really don't. At least in France.

>> No.50641317
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Lmao I’d rather fuck a dog than a mystery meat muttoid

>> No.50641328

Tons of brown looking Greeks too. And tons of white passing Arabs as well. Meds look like Arabs, despite technically being European.

>> No.50641351

Who cares about this? Do you want to be a poorfag? Fuck the poor people I don't want to be them I want to be allowed the chance to do well not be raped on taxes and paid pennies.

>> No.50641352

Spics disgust me (they are basically counterfeit versions of middle eastern women). But they are objectively hot.

Only black and brown guys thirst over white women in 2022

>> No.50641371

It'd be kinda "genetically inferior", to die of skin cancer, by being a total albino in the mediterranean.

>> No.50641403

I mean, in America you walk home past insane crackheads eating food out of a can on your way to your luxury condo. Something to be said for at least taking care of your cities and society instead of focusing on getting yours

>> No.50641456

I don't give a fuck about the nigger crackheads and we have them in Europe as well. Do you want to pay for them to have a free flat they just destroy so they aren't homeless? These "people" should just die the world would be better for it.

I cannot imagine unironically saying it is better that nobody can make it so that the worst trash of the world doesn't have to sleep in the cold. Have a baby at 19? Not my problem stupid whore.

>> No.50641509

>Have a baby at 19? Not my problem stupid whore.

Sounds like it is since you live in europe lmao

>> No.50641533

Isn’t sales tax the same thing?

>> No.50641535

Unfortunately yes it is made my problem until I can get out of this poverty continent.

>> No.50641536

>state tax or higher property tax
>federal tax

>> No.50641619

My state doesn't have sales tax, 1% property tax (of taxable value, which is much lower than market value), and the feds take about $35k of my $160k salary. Much better than any situation you'd find in Europe.

>> No.50641637

*My state doesn't have income tax

We do have sales tax. But unless you're a major consoomer it doesn't impact you that much except when buying a house

>> No.50641707

State pensions, company pensions and real-estate

>> No.50641782

sounds shit

>> No.50641842

>Why don't Europeans invest in the stock market?
financial illiteracy, most folks just let their money sit in a deposit, their banks are the ones making money with their fiat

>> No.50641857

>Why don't Europeans invest in the stock market?
*) Different culture. If you don't see it with your parents or friends you are unlikely to try it yourself.
*) Higher risk aversion. Same reason we have fewer start-ups. Nobody wants to lose or fail.
*) Weaker markets. Local indices are often not exactly competitive. Companies that make it, move their listing to America.
*) State pensions. We don't have to save up for retirement on our own, so nobody cares about optimal ways of investing.
*) Terrible brokers. Until *very* recently fee structures were utterly terrible across the board. Everyone charged fees as a % of your portfolio with high transaction fees on top.
*) Trend towards higher taxation. The majority doesn't own securities which leads to investors often getting discredited as speculators. Having a poor reputation makes them an ideal target for politicians.

tl;dr: Europe is not the US.

>> No.50641906

eu politicians need to get roped and gassed

>> No.50642140

>and taken care of at least.
a lol also

>> No.50642152

I don't know about the south european countries but the nordics invest a lot per capita.

US, UK and Sweden are in the top when it comes to the population owning stocks. The EU has done shit like banning american ETF:s etc which makes it harder because you have to by expensive useless european counterparts.

>> No.50642159

>If a single mother in Finland gets pregnant, she gets a free house and everything paid until the child is an adult.
what is moral hazard

>> No.50642257

we don't get any tax advantages from it in Ireland. We are taxed on the money we earn to invest. And then taxed again on any profit we make from stocks/shares. At the same rate (~50%, once your credits are used up). Wheras property, if you're living there, can be sold and there is no tax liability. so we've always been much more interested in property investment over stocks or any other form of investment

>> No.50642322

Becaus3 even though we don't have the stupid pdt rule we have a bunch of regulations and restrictions that limit a lot of exposure to different instruments if you're a poorfag (anyone except banks). We're better than Africa lol but also this >>50639348

>> No.50642325

>we don't get any tax advantages from it in Ireland
the irony here being your countries status as the us dumping ground for low tax incentive po boxes in europe.

>> No.50642350
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>Why don't Europeans invest in the stock market?

Paying for boat loads of Africans is NOT cheap!

>> No.50642416
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>> No.50642458

The irony runs deeper. Afaik it's the third most popular domicile for investment funds after the US and Luxembourg.

>> No.50643710

as if you shoot them
even your racist president put them in a room

>> No.50643802
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no reason

>> No.50645150

>*) State pensions. We don't have to save up for retirement on our own, so nobody cares about optimal ways of investing.
americans don't have state pension? what. the. fuck.

>> No.50646236

>Euros are spiritual boomers who assume stocks are just gambling

or worse, it is a ponzi
government took care of my security=> not buying your bags
nothing personel, victims of capitalism

>> No.50646324

There was once a time where America was 90% white and almost no one was fat. But then the 60's happened.

>> No.50646353

That's not true I'm not a swarthoid

>> No.50646368

I watch that video of them drowning while trying to board the Turkish freighter now and then.

>> No.50646395

It's insane how many people in Europe don't invest at all.
My bank's savings account only offers a 0.1% APY.
Nowadays you're losing money by the truckload if you let it sit.

>> No.50646611
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>It's insane how many people in Europe don't invest at all.

The Nanny State takes care of them.
Literally, the more pathetic they become the MORE the Nanny State gives them.
The Nanny State severely hampers entrepreneurs and innovators with taxes and regulations.
Why invest in the future when the Nanny State will just take a HUGE percentage of any made wealth AND the modern social teaching is that the rich are selfish and evil people who only got ahead by stepping on marginalized people.

>> No.50646648

europoors are against investing. they are proud to work until 70 (and the age is getting higher cause their shitholes are going bankrupt and can't pay)
they are proud to have a marxist government that helps all the shitskin leeches

>> No.50646653

theres a reason we call them euro-poor

>> No.50646660


>> No.50646764

Saw some europeans answer a similar thread. European markets are different. Many nations markets are fairly stagnant and a few in decline. So less opportunity to make money trading means less trading. Following this board seems the only European country that traders post with any frequency from is the UK

I have one euro fren and all he does is buy tons of memecoins, i tried to tell him that just because he made 35k off vinu once doesn't mean he will do it again, those coins are hard to read

>> No.50646772
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I think part of it may also be that skepticism in the stock market is more common in Europe than in America, plus pension plans are more common.

For example, I was born in France, and my parents always taught me not to invest in stocks. They called it a gamble. Anytime an investment wasn't guaranteed to hold its value, they would balk. But they have a pension, so they don't have to worry so much about inflation preventing them from having money to retire, even without a more aggressive investment strategy.

Because of this, when I first moved to the US, it took me a bit to get rid of that conservative mindset. That was 13 years ago, so I'm obviously glad I did, because without investing in stocks, my financial situation today would be much different given the returns we've seen this past decade.

Your friend is based

>> No.50646791

>They actually create private companies that rely on making profit
European companies only profit thru government contracts, the level of government-corporate incest there would make most Republicans blush.

>> No.50646855

Because we are cucks

>> No.50646876

dubs of truth

>> No.50647149

Australian stats are misleading. In part-time or full-time positions, our employers have to pay 7% of our base salary to an investment fund (of our choosing) which unlocks when you retire

>> No.50647174

Seems to me that biz anons hating on other biz anons based on geographical location only plays directly into the hands of the state. Divide and conquer, and all that. I find it interesting though puzzling how a hive of normally astute minds can be so easily duped.

>> No.50647178

Because we don't have FED to pump up the entire market with money printing.

>> No.50647629

Every country except for like 4 have their own FED which controls the money supply for that country. They print money and use it to make (((themselves))) rich.

>> No.50647640

yeah, your central banks print money to give to refugees and to pay the medical bills of genetic scum, such as yourself

>> No.50647685

i am from germany and my parents always told me its bad to invest in stocks.

>> No.50647728

Uk here. Its not even that people don't want to they literally are just so uneducated that they don't even know about stocks. Financial topics here are so unknown that people can't even understand that a pension is just an investment account. They literally have no concept of indexes, compound interest or saving for the future.

Its actually quite sad and you could probably make a living from just telling people about this and taking 0.1%.

Also fees are higher but likely because no one invests.

>> No.50647790
File: 2.96 MB, 640x360, Average American Male.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be amerifat
>life insurance
>food insurance
>entertainment insurance
>luxury insurance
>health insurance
>car insurance
>gas insurance
>energy insurance
>school insurance
>diversity insurance

>> No.50647841

Unironically this

>> No.50647899

I don't know? Maybe because we aren't allowed to make profitable innovative busienesses, so we have nothing to put our money to? Our major companies are literally owned by the state or worse by some kings descedants from the Habsuburgs or whatever else. In Europe you aren't allowed to do anything, Eurocrats hate independence and new money more than /pol/acks hate everyone. So anyway many people invest what they have in American stocks since it's just better, but anyway financial knowledge here is nonexistent. It even gets funnier in my shithole (Poland). Our (((rich))) people are so poor by American standards that for me it seems like satire when they show off their wealth (e.g. new car). Ah don't even get me started on the tax on investments. Anyway fuck you Americans, you don't know how good you have it. I'd trade my citizenship for American one in a heartbeat.

>> No.50647908

You westerners are doomed, huh? Europe and US are collapsing, your currencies are a joke, and in less than 10 years you will be filled with other races. Meanwhile Yuan is getting stronger. Convert your money or fall with the rest

>> No.50647924


>> No.50647934

I pay $50/month in car insurance and $30/month on home insurance. That’s it, good try though

>> No.50647947

t. Chang Tai-Nee Dong

>> No.50647957

It's about general mentality. America was about progression, opportunity and new life for the people from the start. They only saw forwards, not caring about who they leave behind.
If you look at progression as a war then America is current battlefield (one that is growing more silent). Those who were on the frontline, plundered the first and bulit their houses of gold. Those who stayed back lived stagnant life.
So why does one carpenter do his job back at home and have mediocre pay, but the other works in the colony for golden coins?

>> No.50647958

Childhood is thinking Europe is the best place on earth. Adulthood is realizing America ultimately makes more sense

>> No.50647975
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I invested in Bed Bath and Beyond and CD projekt

>> No.50647977

Most of us trade in USD.

>> No.50648049
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Because their stock market is non-existent with no growth or innovation. If their stock market mirrored the US then people will be hearing about how you can hold your money there for a few years and it will more than double and will be more inclined to invest in the stock market than keep it in their bank account.

>> No.50648099


>> No.50648140
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yeah but it's still better than being an ugly dumb repulsive chink

>> No.50648143
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>> No.50648276

Just go to Switzerland and buy US stocks without paying capital gains tax. If you're in Germany you're obviously fucked.

>> No.50648320

He's Ukrainian lmao

>> No.50648477

Europe doesnt even have a concept of property tax like burgers, there is a tax on property you own but its not related to property worth, but size, its like 500€ for 2000qm per year with a big house on it

From what i get here burgers have no idea about taxes of europe or other countries but read somewhere they SOCIAL SECURITY so assume its high, at the same time they pay tens of thousands in property taxes and all kinds of kike scams (taxes on gambling winnings lmao) and assume they have it better, in the end i doubt there much more left than for a europoor

>> No.50648482


>> No.50648490

I'm Swedish and I dca every month... Into American stocks.

Like many have said, there isn't really a lot of growth in our native markets. Sweden has a very favourable tax system for investors (not so for salaries). Only external tax I pay is on dividends, and I can day trade to my hearts content if I wanted to without having a special account for those kind of things.

>> No.50648495

Spotted the broke yurofag

You were born poor and you will die poor because your society hates you. Europeans are a bunch of crabs in a bucket. The ones that escaped went to America.

>> No.50648527

>Can an American work remotely or for an American company in Europe?
Nah, you can't. Also, fuck off we're full you fat cunt.

>> No.50648551

>Also, fuck off we're full

Your sister tells me otherwise

>> No.50649461

They do, at about the same rate as amerifats?

>> No.50649466

>US trying to claim any other part of the world is more obsessed with """diversity"""

lol, lmao even

>> No.50649477

>participation in domestic stock market

anon, you can invest in stocks outside of your own country, most investors do so.

>> No.50649486

They do, but returns are lower because European labor isn't cucked like the mutts

>> No.50649736

Was the opposite for me. I bought into the US' soft power as a kid. The land of opportunities, dish washer to millionaire, true liberty, etc. The uncompromising individualism appealed to me. Only as an adult I gradually realized how fucking fucked the US as a country and as a society truly is. It really is a young and hotheaded country that still has so much to learn. It's a rootless society that substitutes their lack of history with rabid faux nationalism. 10min from my place I regularly walk by still-in-use houses that are older than the USA - it took some aging for me to appreciate that. The only thing remaining that I'm jealous of is actual freedom of speech through the First Amendment while we only have freedom of opinion. But I wouldn't swap all the other advantages just for that single trait.

But to each their own. It's good that we can choose between competing ideas how to run a society and state.

>> No.50650243

no need to tell us you live in an old ghetto with buildings that are falling apart

>> No.50650316

Europe is completely investable. Fundamentally Europeans are too. Their religion, Statism, is incompatible with human flourishing.

>> No.50650353

we don't want a casino economy like in america
read above

>> No.50650368

>be amerifat
>have to go to a "premium supermarket" just to avoid niggers

>> No.50650388

euro culture is superior because of europeans.
if you come here you'll ruin it since you're not european.
stay there and try to influence the culture of the place you live as much as you can.

>> No.50650399
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There is no need to. The state takes care of you from craddle to grave and you can never become homeless person without money because of the social system so there is no incencitive to make a lot of money. Even women care more about your social status/fitness than money.

>> No.50650402
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yes, compared with your plywood mccuckshack its a palace

>> No.50650403

>VAT tax
>Value Added Tax tax

>> No.50650452

>Meds look like Arabs
you're either jewish or you've never seen arabs

>> No.50650453

>that "premium" supermarket still has better prices than europoor ones that are taxed for everything like subhuman socialist cattle they are

>> No.50650471

>Only black and brown guys thirst over white women in 2022
definitely jewish

>> No.50650494

>Something to be said for at least taking care of your cities and society instead of focusing on getting yours
that happens in europe.. because we are (or were) ethno-homogeneous countries. you naturally care about your own.
flood niggers, arabs, gypsies and whatever here and suddenly no one likes to support that crap anymore.

>> No.50650515
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you eat goyslop because youre a fat mutt retard

>> No.50650529

How's the real estate market over there?

>> No.50650564

>europoors are against investing
the difference is that america is a nation of economic nomads.
while europe is a civilization.
you care about muh individualism and your measure of success is the economy.
we care about our people, our children, our civilization, and hence our measure of success is the quality of our life.
hence why americans buit the shopping mall nation, and europeans care more about qualitative aspects of life than quantitative. the gdp going up means nothing if your life is shit.
america's gdp has gone up 4 times since the 90s. can you really say that the average 35 year old american of today lives 4 times better than the average 35 year old american of 1990?
of course not.
you care about lines in a graph. we care about real life.

>> No.50650607

you're free to leave anytime you want.

>> No.50650618

we don't want casino economy.
we have america for that.

>> No.50650642

what an ignorant comment.
only a new worlder could comment such a thing.
living in the old world is like living inside a museum.
goymericans would never understand.

>> No.50650659

>Their religion, Statism, is incompatible with human flourishing.
yeah, that's why since ancient greece no innovations ever came out of europe.

>> No.50650677

our food is actual food.
I don't mind paying more for quality.
the food you eat tastes like dog shit.

>> No.50650725

because we can't unless you're ok to send thousands to some online "bank" in another country

>> No.50650772
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>europe culture this euro culture that
what ""culture""?? consuming american media and old buildings?
>in b4 seething murican
kben nederlander kk homos

>> No.50650975
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>this entire thread
>ameripoors and europoors arguing who is poorer
>no mention of disposable income
The only metric that matters is: How much money can you save a month, and would you have to spend all of it on healthcare or education of children.

>> No.50651245

bolt is a shitty company, that will die as soon as investors want their money back.
Their biggest market is in London and they are getting forced to pay their drivers pensions, holiday pay, minimum wage etc
EU wants to make platform and gig-economy workers as actual workers so their business model will collapse.
2nd biggest is in Africa, but some local app will probably take it over soon. or chinese.

>> No.50651451

without factoring cost of life that's a useless metric.

>> No.50651604


>> No.50651661


>> No.50651668

I don’t give a fuck as long as it’s paid from my pocket

>> No.50651686

Arabs are Aryans, if Romans conquered them and no christkikery ever happened that wouldn’t even be debatable, just as Persians were considered aryans

>> No.50651695


>> No.50651916

>be european
>have affordable real estate and rent
>have robust social services and public transportation that will ensure your wellbeing and independence all the way into old age
>don't need muh pyramid scheme investments to survive as an elderly person like you do as an americuck
>still live longer than americucks
>this is somehow bad

>> No.50651944

>be european
>be poor
>write cope on an american website about how you didn't really want 3/4 of your salary anyways
>seethe uncontrollably when people make fun of you

>> No.50652271

No. People are seeing for example Somalian refugees coming here and stay on a kind of welfare for the rest of their lives. Then it became Afghans. Then Syrians. Then.. They dont work. They don't contribute to the social welfare system. But they come for the social elfare system. In the future either they will stop immigration or stop all social welfare and pensions.

>> No.50652281

Excluding defense contractors and maybe some large construction firms, the companies taking government contracts are for the most part not publicly treadeable. It's shit like retirement homes, charter schools and (infamously in Sweden) refugee facilites

>> No.50652324

What we don't have is the global reserve currency status, meaning we don't have the rest of the world propping up our exchange rate if we run trade defecits. Hence we need to actually produce real stuff, not just financial products and meme apps

>> No.50652361

kek. got em

>> No.50653226

it's affordable in places where there is no work.
no work = no money to buy real estate
that's my only gripe with living in europe. well, that and retarded migrant policies.