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50637085 No.50637085 [Reply] [Original]

>Economics is a soft science

>> No.50637100

Economics is political dogma

>> No.50637180
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>>Economics is a soft science

>> No.50637217

i would respect economics as a "science" if it was purely retrospective in nature, like history or anthropology. central banking and its consequences have been a disaster for the goyim race.

>> No.50637415
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>i would respect economics as a "science" if it was purely retrospective in nature, like history or anthropology. central banking and its consequences have been a disaster for the goyim race.

>> No.50637434

Economics is Jewish kaballistic magik

>> No.50637439

Economics is astrology

>> No.50637455
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>>>Economics is a soft science

>> No.50637469

Economics is not real, it's an illusion

>> No.50637474

What is economics?

>> No.50637490

there is no such thing as an economy

>> No.50637492

confusing the tax payer

>> No.50637505

Current state of economics is like monkey apes trying to figure out the science of physics. The intention to fully understand is there but the capabilities are just not there yet. Doesnt mean that there should be no endeavor in that field, it just means that they should not be allowed to ruin the lives of billions around the world. But i guess there is no other choice atm

>> No.50637509
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drawing lines on a graph with no clear inputs and calling it "analysis"

>> No.50637526
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The left sucks so bad at memes, they just copy anti-left memes and try to apply them to conservatives. Why is that? Obviously, economics is soft if you can just change definitions like "recession" whenever you want. Checkmate, libs. Who's the chud now?

>> No.50637540

everyone knows the austrians are right but lying and using political power will get you more money and still more power

>> No.50637585
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>>>>Economics is a soft science

>> No.50637615
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the study of scarce resources and their alternative uses

>> No.50637619
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>every science is a soft science

>> No.50637634

It's a lie
It doesn't even exist
Economists made it up simply to get paid for doing nothing and to initiate new members into the ultimate NEET cult
All the economics you have ever seen is actually just hurriedly put together charts by their interns to cover the fact that their bosses do NOTHING

>> No.50637713

You have been duped into believing that economist is a real profession
It is not.

>> No.50637736
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>there is no such thing as an economy

>> No.50637813


>> No.50640026

economics isn't a science. it's not falsifiable
it's bullshit kikery like Pscyhology

>> No.50641952
File: 7 KB, 192x189, ggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shitcoins are SO degenerate! Like so funny and degen and like sooo inappropriate lmao
>VINU and SHIB are like so funny their telegrams are filled with these doge memes but like they are edgy??? lmao
>Oh they got a discord too?!?? Cool!!!

>> No.50641958

nobody talks like this. it's literally all in your head

>> No.50642237
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>nobody talks like this. it's literally all in your head

>> No.50642449
