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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50637010 No.50637010 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50637032

i make six figures a year in FP&A at a fortune 10 company and i'm anti ((((capitalist.)))) cope and seethe.

>> No.50637058

Public healthcare is only for first world countries.

>> No.50637069
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>I'm a useless parasite and I have an opinion

>> No.50637086

You are owed nothing son. Maybe if you get some HBAR the HBF will bless you

>> No.50637087

something something 2x annual income something something 12x annual income

>> No.50637118

in a communist country i would be a mid ranking bureaucrat making your life a living hell. face it, under any possibly scenario i am superior to you and i will control your life.

>> No.50637161

lol i live in a turd world country and we have free healthcare. But yes, everything else sucks is absurdly expensive

>> No.50637171

Who pays you to post this?

>> No.50637199
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>in a communist country i would be a mid ranking bureaucrat making your life a living hell. face it, under any possibly scenario i am superior to you and i will control your life.

>> No.50637226
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> deadbeat boomers can buy a car with a summer job
> houses are so cheap its only worth 4 years of your annual salary
> be zoomer
> i have a stem degree
> make 140k a year
> still cant afford housing in my area if i worked for 50 years and eat broccoli everyday
I hate chinks and blackrock

>> No.50637248

welfare. he has a lot in common with his favorite jewish ancap author (ayn rand.)

>> No.50637300
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>> No.50637369

Why when it's the best system to create wealth for all of society? Do you think the government intervenes too much and we should abolish the Fed? If so, I agree.

>> No.50637488
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Imagine the potential normie asshurt we could harness if halfwits ever got woke to the JQ.

>> No.50637499
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Western leftoids face the wall.

>> No.50637516
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They told me IT was useful and needed... why I am I security guard...? UBI NOW

>> No.50637518
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>Everyone needs to take part in company culture
>We can fire you without notice but you need to give us two weeks notice before leaving
>take me out to golf or watch niggerball at my house and you’ll get a promotion
>we’ll assign you tasks outside of your job description, don’t be insubordinate.
>your more qualified than Jerome but we need to fill our diversity quota.
>we see you work hard and put in a lot of effort but we need more.
>talk to us before you talk to a recruiter we’ll fix everything you dislike working here

>> No.50639222

Same. It's shitty how young people are pressured into college straight out of high school before they even know themself. I majored in something useless because I was young and naive and bought the meme spread that you should just study what you love/interests you.

>> No.50639304

I have a bs in music and make 110k/yr. imagine not networking in college. If you unironically JUST went to college and only studied and took tests like a good little cuck you played yourself.

>> No.50639353

>under any possibly scenario i am superior to you and i will control your life.
lol what an edgy faggot.

>> No.50639392

Post address so I can behead you and take away all of your money

>> No.50639413

post nose

>> No.50639448

You are a wagie. That is where the anger is coming from.

>> No.50639460

In most turd world countries including mine, the "free" health care system is absolutely shit tier, and the service is inhumane, our own politicians and top bureaucrats never ever use it, they run off to US or Uk for treatment.

>> No.50639463
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>> No.50639477

just a reminder that our ancestors without education worked at most 4 hours a day and had a roof over their heads and slept early
we have been robbed of a rich life by the wealthy few and this cocksuckers continues to suck them off

>> No.50639504

Your ancestots were serfs

>> No.50639513
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Under a communist system, faggots like you would be working in a coal mine. Or better just executed,

>> No.50639521

>our ancestors without education worked at most 4 hours a day

>> No.50639544

i did blue collar labor on a production line when i was younger, i know how to run the show from an operational or a financial perspective. like i said, i would be the mid level bureaucrat making your life a living hell.

>> No.50639615

it's useful and needed when you know math and computer science theory, that or you have solid electrical engineering fundamentals and can design hardware / chips.
If you don't have any of these 3 things it's useless to go into IT because most things are automated anyway, sadly many colleges hand out shitty and worthless degrees where they'll teach you programming languages semantics unironically.

>> No.50639630
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>i posted it again momma

And again, nobody is wanting free money. We're wanting a fair wage, to be able to survive, to be able to afford housing, food etc etc. And we should get free healthcare. American tax payers are paying for it for Israel, and we cant afford to go to the E.R.??? That is evil.

And any one who thinks hard working Americans are to blame for not being able to afford life anymore will soon enough be forces to eat from the same shit sandwich...today its us the kikes are fuckin, tomorrow itll be you

>> No.50639665

This is why I need GME to moon and why GME will moon. I gambled on the field of my education and lost.

>> No.50639755

Do you find it at all strange that EVERY income level is living paycheck to paycheck? From $20k/yr to $80k/yr EVERYONE is unable to save.

The problem isn't the income, it's the spending. And the real root cause is these people are being advertised to so heavily that they're being brainwashed into spending every last cent. If you doubled their income, they wouldn't suddenly start saving money, they'd just eat out more, subscribe to more streaming services, and maybe move to a bigger apartment, bigger house, or a downtown apartment, whatever.

There's no solution until they throw out the phone, install adblock, and stop watching broadcast/algorithmically recommended media.

>> No.50639869

these days we all are

>> No.50641822
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>> No.50641895

I do agree with your last statement though. But that in and of itself is not ALL the problem. The problem is that we have (((currency))) instead of money, and kike consoomer propaganda and loans and debt pushed on everyone...etc etc

>> No.50642504


>> No.50644448

Wait I have seen this exact strawman IRL

>> No.50644507

>Throw out the phone
If you do that no bank or business or employer will touch you
I personally am fucking off to the woods but that's more or less the only option where you aren't forced to consoom

>> No.50644597

Doctors without Borders isn’t bad, unless you get one of the CIA doctors. The problem is there’s not enough of it.