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50636648 No.50636648 [Reply] [Original]

I am fully vaccinated because I'm not a nigger.

Why haven't you gotten vaccinated?

>> No.50636666

based and same. funny how people who have the least money, lowest IQ, and fewest friends are vehemently anti-vaxx. really makes you think.

>> No.50636682

because I dont inject myself with chemicals over something that has a less than 1% chance of affecting me

>> No.50636684

>Why haven't you gotten vaccinated?
because i'm not a nigger, nigger

>> No.50636689

How is this related to business whatsoever? wrong board retard. Now that I'm here though, DCA into MATIC and ETH boss.

>> No.50636696

you will never be fully vaccinated
at this point you might as well hook up an IV bag of science juice

>> No.50636704

Niggers are more likely to be vaxxed though

>> No.50636712
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I've never even worn a mask.

>> No.50636713

Reddit election tourists ruined this website forever op and >>50636666 need to go back

>> No.50636741
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i've been here longer than you've been alive, bitch nigger.

>> No.50636750

>Why haven't you gotten vaccinated?
I am vaccinated in the traditional sense of only injecting substances that passed phase 3 clinical trials with minimal risk and minimal reason to doubt the testing methods unlike covid vaccines.

>> No.50636769

Because I’m a white man, Pedro.

>> No.50636773

ok redditfrog election tourist

>> No.50636796

I am a nigger

>> No.50636828

You are cattle. consumer cattle. And a stupid one. Imaging injecting a novel pharmaceutical product into your body because the media and government convinced you to be afraid of a cold with a 99.9% survival rate.

>> No.50636857

Because I'm not a stupid goy

>> No.50636865

No you're not, the omicron vaccination isn't even available yet. And omicron is already evolving away.
You will never be fully vaccinated.

>> No.50636941

>lowest IQ, and fewest friends are vehemently anti-vaxx.
low IQ and high IQ are anti vax, you midwits are braindead npc's that follow whatever you get told to do.

>> No.50636959

>fully vaccinated

>> No.50636980

... Said the devil

>> No.50636983
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>I am fully vaccinated because I'm not a nigger
>Why haven't you gotten vaccinated

>> No.50637009

You will NEVER be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

>> No.50637022

Imagine being this retarded lmao

>> No.50637056
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how is that based though? Only weakling need to inject themselves to survive. The strong genes have strong immune system and don't need to rely on kikemedicine

>> No.50637150

I'm sure the jannies will leave this thread up all day.


>> No.50637348

BA5 juice will be available this fall.
>really makes you think
you think conformity is a high IQ trait? tell me more.

>> No.50637404

Truth in the numbers Devil tranny faggot.

All the people I know that are vaccinated are getting covid every 2 weeks. I have a restaurant and only have 2 people that got it. Theyre are both sick as fuck all the time, I've noticed they aren't as bright as they usually are, and the rest of my crew has been 100% okay the whole time. The retardation within you is so incredibly strong. I will beat you to death I swear it.

>> No.50637549

you know them nigga boys be getting they shots tho

>> No.50637587

only chinks and lower iq whites are "fully vaxxed"

>> No.50637706

>bent the knee to the jew because he was afraid of a 1% fatality meme virus

>> No.50637754

you need to go back

>> No.50637777

You can't be fully vaccinated.
The status expires after 6 months and you need to get a booster to keep your status for a few more months.
You will also likely die after getting your 4th booster.

>> No.50637839
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This is OP

>> No.50638031
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>> No.50638058
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>> No.50638190

Cause I wanna live

>> No.50638198

>hehe why aren't you fully vaccin-ACK!