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File: 777 KB, 771x678, deal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50634785 No.50634785 [Reply] [Original]

pls send help

>> No.50634836

You could get a beach home in another country for like 200-300k and yet these mother fuckers are charging 8.7mil for that piece of shit?
America is a shithole

>> No.50634899

I... well technically Vancouver, BC is in (north) America

>> No.50634927

imagine how retarded you would have to be to make a 99th percentile income and live in a 5 bedroom single story cuckshed.

>> No.50634993

That’s Canada dumbass

>> No.50635008

Some Chinese buisnessman that runs a slave factory will just launder his money through that then.

>> No.50635018

His point still stands

>> No.50635022

>we're totally not in a bubble, guise!!!
not buying your bags, boomer.

>> No.50635023

Houses are like NFTs for chinks

>> No.50635040

Obviously fake photo, house in the pic isn't even close to 3000 sq foot, but zoomers can't tell cus they've never bought real estate

>> No.50635052

you had your chance to leave that shit country once Trudeau froze bank accounts of people donating to the trucker demonstration.

leave canada

>> No.50635122
File: 3.17 MB, 1920x939, Screenshot (258).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8.6 million to live literally three blocks away from this

>> No.50635129

Some people don’t really care for the big houses and nice cars Anon. The jews have told us material things and impressing others with those material things is making it in life. But is that reality? I really don’t think so.

>> No.50635135


Banks stopped Trudeau from doing that because boomers started doing cash runs and emptying their bank accounts. kek

>> No.50635177

>holier than thou anon doesn't know how to use google

>> No.50635196


>> No.50635221
File: 50 KB, 460x440, f7b29110248c8986a7a0ddb5c10a75a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BC is Chinese clay

>> No.50635234


I looked into it and pic in OP is being sold in conjunction with the above, so of course I was correct and OP isn't being sold for 8 million ad suggested. Feels good to be holier than you:)

>> No.50635261

But Reddit told me Canada was a perfect utopia compared to Chudmerica

>> No.50635353
File: 2.84 MB, 1920x941, Screenshot (259).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was right that it isn't the size they say it is because it 'actually' costs 4 million less than implied
I don't think that's how logic or physics works.
Also check this multi million dollar view from the front porch, there's a public bus stop right in front of the home.

>> No.50635577

definitely not a utopia, but definitely also not burgerael

>> No.50635592

>just burn your money, goy!

>> No.50635617

lmao even

that's shit even by aussie standards

>> No.50635621

>Trendy cucks

>> No.50635764
File: 73 KB, 1214x1140, 1503806859614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn I miss living in Vancouver bros, had some great times there, great gfs too.

>> No.50635778

>formerly Sneeds

>> No.50635857

fuckoff normie faggot nigger

>> No.50636147

they obviously came up with 3k sqft by combining the houses or doing some trickery. there is no way that that bungalow is 3k sqft. still, ill fully agree its a disgusting deal and canada is a shit hole and paying 4 mil to live by a public bus stop is retarded, but that doesnt change that no one is asking 8 million for a bungalow (which isnt 3k sqft)

>> No.50636212

How do we save the Canadian housing market?