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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50633899 No.50633899 [Reply] [Original]

Let’s say spread out among mostly blue chips like BTC, ETH, Link, SOL, etc. 100k? 200k? 300k?

>> No.50633954

Every cycle the number of X's get smaller.

I'm hoping for a 10x, and I'm holding Solana. Jew Bankman will make me rich.

>> No.50634018

I'm hoping for the same as well. Do you think Solana will do 10x considering the mcap?

I believe solid low caps will do that with ease. I'm rooting for many, including Xpress, which has plans to burn 35% of its CS.

>> No.50634022
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Yea every cycle profit margins def shrink last “bull” we only did a x3.2 previous ATH for BTC and x5 for ETH roughly. This cycle I’m guessing we will do a x2 if we’re lucky for BTC anyways. With that said considering Link did a x50 I’m hoping we can see it do a x15-20. Which would put me right around make it territory.

>> No.50634082

Link is a solid project but the dev keep screwing it's users up.

>> No.50634701

I'm probably not gonna make it but at this point I'd be excited for a 2x

>> No.50634864

>blue chips
choose one

>> No.50634917
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there is no cycle, mate. there's only misery and a dead cat.

>> No.50635013
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But until EOY 2023 I guess I can only out 300k in. Maybe 450k until EOY 2024.

Plan is 5 mill by 2030 to start a small business.

>> No.50635092

honestly anon all you need right now is ETH and MATIC. with the merge coming soon and polygons ZKEVM going live, theyll be at top3 in no time

>> No.50636037

There is nothing wrong with OP's list except link. It should be replaced with another solid project with good utility.

>> No.50638382

Come on man Link Fudding isn’t even funny anymore we all know it’s the /biz/ coin and has the most solid team/ idea in crypto. If you haven’t accumulated your stack by now that’s your fault.
Regardless what do you anons think? If someone has roughly 200k in blue chips rn and another 30-50k to DCA in over the next 6 months to a year could they actually make it next cycle?

>> No.50640592
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If you put in in bluechips, you need 100-200k to retire this next cycle. If you put 10-50k in microcaps like MAXX, WANNA, and L3P, that should be enough to make it in this bull run. For even more wealth, consider staking MAXX and L3P, keep your initial and live off staking rewards.

>> No.50642343

>blue chip

>> No.50642599

firstly, link and sol aren't blue chips. even ethereum is borderline.

if you only invest in btc/eth and gamble with high marketcap alts then you need to look at the total marketcap and use that. at 1 trillion today i wouldn't expect to see much higher than 5-10 trillion at the absolute next peak.

so whatever your "make it" number is, if you're only going to play with old altcoins that already had a bull market, you need about 1/5th-1/8th of that number at today's prices.

>> No.50642637

link already got too big for that, the only way you see those gains in old alts is when they collapse against btc in the bear market, and then partially make those btc losses back in the next bull run.

essentially no altcoin makes a new btc high after a bear market, so your gains are limited to it's bear market losses, which is why smart money doesn't give a fuck about old alts with the exception of things like ether.

>> No.50642779

I have $1500 in bitcoin and $200 in polka.
Am i going to make it biz bros? Be honest

>> No.50642782

>he's going to wait 5 years with no dividend and no option premium for either zero, total liquidation, or the desperate hope of a 10x, while the normal markets appreciate at 8-9% CAGR and pay dividends the whole time allowing you to pivot if things change
during this example timeframe you could have done absolutely nothing except click buy on the 1st of every month, literally no effort, just blindly bought. the risk-free rate was ZERO and the S&P suffered three downturns PLUS COVID and still cranked out 8.1% CAGR for a total return of maybe 21%
during the same timeframe, somewhere out there, some faggot cryptokek bought the 2017 peak and didn't sell the 2021 peak and would today be holding junk that did nothing for him all five years with a total return of just 24% and he put all kinds of emotional anxiety into it every single fucking day posting here defending his stupid fucking idea.
1825 days at 3 hours a day for 5475 hours of screaming uselessly at anonymous retards
with 1000x to 10,000x the risk of a total loss on any given day.
now you're going to tell me "but i'm a perfect market timer" and i should re-run the numbers with pre-2017 bubble BTC prices and assume you sold the top tick in 2021. LMAO

>> No.50642801
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i'm so MOTHERFUCKING HEATED i forgot the pic and URL https://dqydj.com/sp-500-periodic-reinvestment-calculator-dividends/

>> No.50642822

you've just realized that holding altcoins through a bear market is a bad idea?
nobody outside of late adopters actually does that.

>> No.50642892
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i wouldn't even speak to the possible advantages and disadvantages of altcoins vs. BTC, i'm just fatigued by "make it" posting
bottom line: put like 5-10% of your portfolio in crypto if you simply cannot wait to pull the trigger, because the decision is emotional and you'll rationalize it to have been the correct one no matter what the outcome.
then after you've done that, start reading or watching videos on risk adjusted return, and you won't get heemed fr fr no cap

>> No.50642944

>How much

>> No.50643211

lol, I bought pre-2017 bubble and sold at top in 2021. Easily made over 10x, you should re-run the numbers with this in mind.

>> No.50644877

>link tranny won’t listen to advice to sell bags
>asks for more advice
Why bother?

>> No.50646559

I don't think it's about how much you have but what you're investing in chad. The right assets would change your life.

>> No.50647280

I want all of it

>> No.50647648

Polygon as a project has really been doing a whole lot for itself, recently partnered with Ore Network for NFT support and management which is actually a big deal for both

>> No.50647782

really, not a bad move

>> No.50647996 [DELETED] 

Agreed fren. Making the right investments can bring life changing profits. I like to hold unto platforms that I see surviving the bear market and Railgun is top on my list since privacy would always be needed in the crypto space.

>> No.50648011

Agreed fren. Making the right investments can bring life changing profits. I like to hold unto platforms that I see surviving the bear market and Railgun is top on my list since privacy would always be needed in the crypto space.

>> No.50648303

checked, you are going to need $1m USD in a top 20 coin if you want a chance of making it. We will be lucky to see a 2x in the next bull market.

>> No.50648462

Sure it is, i like the fact that the Ore protocol doesn't limit itself to just identity management but extends across other features

>> No.50648468

>90% of alcoholics quit right before booze actually starts making them feel good again

>> No.50648755

this definitely huge, I have always know it has features beyond identity and asset management, it will also showcase its relevance in onboarding web 2 users to web 3

>> No.50648770

Nobody likes a quitter

>> No.50648855

>It should be replaced with another solid project with good utility.

either BAT or ORE fits well in this, they both have a very good working product to showcase

>> No.50649075

True. No rewards for paper hands. I'm holding my RAIL till the next bull cycle fren. The asset has enough room for growth.

>> No.50649621

What's the joy in drinking alcohol? I don't just get it.

>> No.50649839

make it is 10 mill given inflation, so you need 1 mill+ now.

>> No.50649897

Web3 is slowly going mainstream and its even making headlines in the world of sports with Ronaldo planning to build his web3 community with binance.

>> No.50649987

>all you need is ETH and a zero sum competitor to ETH

>> No.50650950

>blue chips

>> No.50651029

>Link did a x50
It did a x10 from the previous ath and it did kicking and screaming

>> No.50651065

it's a great social lubricant, and removes social inhibitions at let's say a concert, allowing you to dance and enjoy yourself without feeling embarrassed .

>.t I'm stoned and drunk at a festival right now

>> No.50651077

Dunno but I don't have enough. It's over. Unless I can by some miracle pull a few hundred thousand out my ass.

>> No.50652089

Those are just empty wishes fren. You'd be better off with an actual strategy. Maybe a little DCA or get in on platforms with long term potential. I'd be delving into NFTs and the metaverse seeing as top brands and athletes are coming into the picture.

>> No.50652134

>implying there will be a next cycle

>> No.50652223

no no, his fantasy conforms to his biases if he assumes the worst case scenario for crypto holders

>> No.50653063

why is crypto to going to end or something

>> No.50653081

i want to start one but i have to wageslave until, it sucks not having parents in my corner

>> No.50653246

Sure. The metaverse would make a lot of chads a fortune too. It's receiving massive adoption from the world of sports currently.

>> No.50653859

200k MATIC
Thats all you need