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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50633494 No.50633494 [Reply] [Original]

Mega Millions lottery is up to $1.1 billion. You did buy your tickets for the draw tonight, right?

>> No.50633572

You realize the jews are just going to kill you if they cannot blackmail you into the pizzagate cult, right? They can't have a rogue billionaire doing whatever the fuck they want with impunity. You better hope you don't win.

>> No.50633605
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NGMI, Elliot

>> No.50633628

No that's retarded and a waste of money

>> No.50633635

How do I buy a ticket? Do I have to download metamask? FFS, desu if wealth isn't on a browser app it doesn't count desu tbf imho.

>> No.50633655

Imagine some 50 year old boomer living in the middle of nowhere winning after buying just one ticket while all of you zoomers cry in frustration.

>> No.50633816

I did. What's the best way out of paying taxes. Could I convert to bitcoin, flee the country and tell the feds to suck my dick? Wouldn't even be about the money.

>> No.50633847

You seriously can't be this fucking stupid. This is your brain on Trump everyone.

>> No.50633894
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Trump is a nigger loving faggot who married his daughter off to a kike. Eat shit normoid.

>> No.50633914

Bought tickets at like 485 mill and 810 mill.
Then I remembered I never win these anyway and it's just a waste of money.

>> No.50633974

Thank you for being consistent.

>> No.50634003

Just put 100 bucks into it. I feel pretty confident about my chances of winning. Ticket says that I have a 1 in 302,575,350 chance of winning. I like those odds.

>> No.50634456

I got my suicide stack lined up, my real life starts soon, I will commit suicide if I don't win and that's a promise.

>> No.50634474

none of you will win. Every single one of you in this thread have given your money away for nothing.

>> No.50634511
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You'd be an idiot not to buy a ticket at this point

>> No.50634512

Only idiots do that. You won't win anything, you basically gave charity to the government.

>> No.50635693
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, 647E794F-7CE7-4638-847B-C5CEB79CEA30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes I spent $100 on tickets to increase my chance from 1 in 300 million to 1 in 6 million.

>> No.50635826
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>buy 99 tickets
>cover every possible first number
>you have now just eliminated whole number from the lottery
gotta have a strategy

>> No.50635955

Has anyone thought of putting together a website or something with a pool of all the combos of numbers, minus the statistical anomalies that pretty much will never happen (i.e. numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6 as a draw and so on) and selling the combos to people for 10 cents each?

When someone buys the system will randomly remove one of the combos from the pool and give it to the buyer to use on a ticket. You can buy as many as you want and each one gets taken from the pool you can buy. The website would also show how many combos remain in the pool and display the statistical chance for someone to win who had bought from the pool.

If every combo is bought and utilized it would mean a practically guaranteed jackpot AND 24 one million winners. This would turn the drawing into more or less of a raffle. Would it be possible???

>> No.50636015
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>> No.50636031

QRD on megaplier and how do I invest?

>> No.50636059

say you get all 5 white balls
that's 1 million
if the megaplier is a 4x that night you get 4 million

megaplier costs an extra dollar
it does not count if you hit the jackpot

>> No.50636082

Its a retard trap. Makes each ticket cost 50% more.

>> No.50636095
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mega Bilions

>> No.50636102

I don’t get why ticket sales increase as the jackpot goes up. Like, they start at 20 fucking million. On average they’re around 100 million. That’s life-changing money already, and I doubt anyone would feel an appreciable increase in quality of life if they had 400 million as opposed to 40 million sitting in the bank.

Your odds don’t increase, so why do retarded normies start fomo’ing in when these reach like 500 million?

>> No.50636173

It’s more like coercion. Assuming you win one of the dogshit lower payouts of like $7 (btw your odds are still like 1 in 150), it’s hardly worth the risk of $2 for a $5 payout. Paying the extra dollar means you might instead win $14, which is a respectable return considering the retarded fucking odds. You’re better off literally playing scratchers, because those at least pay you your money back roughly 1 in 5 times. Draw games are just trading your cash for useless bits of paper.

>> No.50636195


Go big or go home

>> No.50637498

>Its a retard trap
the whole lottery is a retard trap

>> No.50637545

It’s going to fund education chid

>> No.50637860

Why arent lotteries put on the blockchain so that they are transparent?

>> No.50640418


>> No.50640613
File: 42 KB, 720x406, 7X5RCYJ7SNAXZG45F2G4DCLIMU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically used to play the lotto all the fucking time back then. Never won anything. I'm convinced they are 100% rigged. Now I just throw like $100 at shitcoins on a daily basis and call it a day. QOM is up next... Who knows what'll be my x30 amirite

>> No.50640891

>Ticket machine had $10 in credit leftover from the previous person so I got 5 tickets for free
Yeah, I've got the winning ticket. I promise I'll come back and pump some shitcoins later.

>> No.50642213
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i bought 10 "lines" or whatever the fuck they call it online
thats 10 tickets right?
i did the auto generate thing and the rng is obviously rigged but i hit purchase anyway

>> No.50642222

Everyone should check this out

>> No.50642254

they did that on BNB, and i think there may have been one legitimate one and the rest were just scams lolol

>> No.50642295

No, waiting for it to hit 1 trillion. Then I'll buy

>> No.50642355

When the jackpot is higher than the odds, then the entry fee is worth the dopamine hit.
>you withhold your $2, your brain hits you with regret for FOMO
>FOMO, your brain weighs what other luxury is worth $2
There's a subconscious attration to super-big jackpots, because your brain knows the odds good enough for your money.

>> No.50642484
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>> No.50642502

too bad theres no script for the lottery

>> No.50642533

For me it’s that it gets media attention. I literally never play the lottery because I never think about it. When it hits the billion range it’s all over social media/tv etc so I catch wind of it and finally get twinge of desire to play. I’m sure that’s the case for most people that aren’t degenerate gamblers.

>> No.50642538

I bought two. The way I see it some faggot always ends up winning, and they too probably don't think they'll win, they also have a 1 in 303 million chance.

>> No.50642560

its 1/303m per $2 ticket?
so if i bought 20 tickets i have like a 1/15m chance of winning?

>> No.50642651
File: 48 KB, 500x352, Bad_At_Math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You did buy your tickets for the draw tonight, right?

I DOUBLED my chances and bought TWO tickets!
Now I am almost guaranteed to win!

>> No.50642845

How much $1.1 billion do you get to actually keep?

>> No.50642860

probably like 25% lol

>> No.50642880
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>imagine only getting $250 Million

>> No.50642920
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>winning the lottery and then going to jail for trying to minecraft the irs

>> No.50642949

numbers will be something like
69 13 33 45 3 22

>> No.50643064

yeah, it's just more exposure in the public consciousness. i'd never played the lottery in any form before monday night, but i figured well shit that would be a massive jump in my social station, that'd be fun. if you're not a degen it just doesn't enter your mind
depends. mandatory 24% (i think?) fed tax (which is automatically withheld), then whatever the state tax is. so probably 30-40% total unless you live in a state w/o income tax

>> No.50643128

24% to feds, and a separate percent depending on the state where the ticket was bought.
Then there's the "income" tax for the year later on after you get your money.

>> No.50643139

>Then there's the "income" tax for the year later on after you get your money.
didn't know this part. that's such bullshit kek

>> No.50643171

The lottery firm gives you a W2-G form to report the exact amounts to the IRS, and if you try to fudge the numbers they will know (you're getting audited either way).

>> No.50643200

Radom Network, the next Chainlink

>> No.50643227

I'm winning tonight. what do i spend my 1 billion on

>> No.50643240
File: 1.31 MB, 2020x1895, 8F409B2B-2209-4031-805C-D202A10FD608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sense the winner will not come tonight but next Tuesday that is when I shall buy

>> No.50643254


It's burgerland lol they withhold your taxes before you even see the money

>> No.50643258

Radom Network, the next Chainlink

>> No.50643274


>> No.50643278


1,2,3,4,5,6 has the same odds as any other combination of numbers you smoothbrain

>> No.50643282

I'm not an amerifat can't buy it

>> No.50643319

>have to buy with cash
>no cash
Haha im smart enough not to waste my money haha

>> No.50643321

Yellow submarine

>> No.50643339

no i have social anxiety

>> No.50643403

After your bills? It's company-starting money. If you have a place you see yourself dying peacefully in, you may as well open a business there and build a community.

>> No.50643437

The logistical problem is being able to buy every combination in time. I remember reading about a group that tried to purchase 550k unique tickets when the prize was better than the odds; they were simply unable to pull it off in time. And you're trying to do this within 4 days max (assuming no one wins tonight)? It's virtually impossible.

>> No.50643485

I am going to buy shares of GameStock when I win. A lot of shares. Millions of shares.

>> No.50643595

You could probably get close to majority shareholder and show up to board meetings and drop your dick on their shitty glass table

>> No.50643649

I have no idea if that's how the math works but yes each ticket has a 1 in 303million chance.

>> No.50643683

The idea is that you advertise and get as many people across the nation involved as you can. This way you have possibly millions of people buying in. It makes it easier to empty the pool, especially if people are buying multiple combos.

>> No.50643766

Same odds, but not the same probability. It's the difference between throwing a bullseye with darts and pulling off a Robinhood. The fact that they are consecutive numbers means it is more unlikely to happen. Rolling a die and it coming up any number 1-6 is 1 in 6 but picking 1 number and rolling it 6 times is WAY different. Probability changes for specific situations. The 302 million to 1 is a flat chance.

>> No.50644193

I don't know why you used that pic. Your math is correct. You did double your probability of winning.

>> No.50644249

if i won here is the bullshit batshit fuckery i would ensue as soon as possible
>see numbers match mine, go into basement get gun, throw on plates, put ticket into ziploc bag, but in fire retardant file bag, put in samsonite case handcuffed to wrist
>go into backyard where my 22 year old sister is having a party
>expose myself to stacy
>its cool im 23
>go to the redeeem place to redeem sirs
>i would wear a mask
>wear a hyper realistic vagina or scrotum mask for the picture
>have skin dyed via henna tattoo to mask ethnicity
>cargo shorts
>two different pairs of shoes
>to mask i recently became rich I would make up a fake biz i started
>its 'Cleveland Cages- your main supplier for chastity cages and accessories'
>uuse that to buy something cool, maybe a 32 inch flat screen tv and a chromebook
>immediately start a business that is in the business of starting busiensses
>stop taking my medication and pay my psychatrist for me to ask them the questions for once
>get legally reinstated to be allowed back into gary indiana, no more entry/ distance restrictions for me
>get my inpounded razor scooter back
>pay some hot midgets to piss on my neighbors watermelon patch
i consider myself pretty chad so i think this is what should be done if it cums to fuitution also checked these digs

>> No.50644364
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Just a reminder if you win the 1 Billion dollar lotto you'll still have to pay half of that on taxes

>> No.50644407

t. coper. i will be posting looking for you when i win

>> No.50644418

Not sure if you're gubmint shill or actual retard regardless cringe

>> No.50644442

500 million is still a fuck you money m8 you will be equally jealous as though i made 1 billion. muh taxes is cope.

>> No.50644466

Federal tax bracket for 1 billion is 37% and there are plenty of states that don't take lottery taxes. Current projected pot is 1.25 billion. Sooo... you keep about 787.5 million

>> No.50644518

Scratch that... you also have to pay again when filing your taxes for that year. Yeah, it's about 470 million

>> No.50644632

If I won, I'd sit down and try and remember every friendly person that I've known in my personal life that went to school for any amount of time, and pay off their student loans.
Lame idea I know, but still.

>> No.50644648
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>> No.50644661

same, anon. i'd set aside around 50mil to distribute (in varying amounts) among people close to me. if i'm making it so is everyone dear or formerly dear to me

>> No.50644689

kill yourself paid shill
the only way these threads could be based is if they are actually the work of someone trying to force things with bottom signals

>> No.50644694

the only logical thing to do with the winnings is invest every single penny into LUNC

>> No.50644697

I choose to imagine the 80,000,000 million boomers that did that and lost the 4 dollars they spent on it or whatever.
and also I imagine the tax man taking 60% of the winnings.

>> No.50644724


>> No.50644755

I always wanted to do this, but if people asked for anything after that I'd say fuck you kek

>> No.50644761

i would not tell anyone but closest friends and then they will be offered to all live with me in a big house. thats how it will start. well first i will fly to my friends and hang out there for a while to talk about it.,

>> No.50644766

Hard to tell Trumpists from communists these days.

>> No.50644823

I work at FAGMAN, I would take a massive short position against our stock, then strategically pay every key engineer to quit on the same day, the infrastructure will collapse as interns and junior engineers struggle to keep it alive, the stock tanks, and I can double my 600mil after tax to be a real billionaire.

>> No.50644849

>first i will fly to my friends and hang out there for a while to talk about it
That sounds like a lot of extra risk-taking if the lottery is going to fund those trips. I don't know how important they were in your life for you to cohabit with them, but if all of your personal affairs have been sorted out already (debts, dreams, etc.) there's no harm in reaching out like that.

>> No.50644875

yeah definitely. i mean it's a good idea to make that clear at the outset. for most of the people i have in mind i'd try to anonymously give them something so they couldn't harass me later on. for others i consider truly close i'd talk about it with them and would ask so how much do you want? because i know some people wouldn't be psychologically able to be made into multi-millionaires overnight and may just want their debts paid off instead. or i could set up a trust for them/their future kids. something, anyway

>> No.50645159
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The draw is imminent. Best of luck to you, lotterychads.

>> No.50645183

remember us if you make it anons

>> No.50645192

if i win id make a biz island

>> No.50645236

FWIW the same applies to game shows and other contests where you win a significant amount of money. A lot of people end up selling the cars/etc that they win on those shows because they get a massive tax bill.

>> No.50645240

wen draw?

>> No.50645241

Based, but only if there’s a burn and Kwon is kicked off

>> No.50645243
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reading all those normie replies and posts about what theyd do with the money makes me feel like an NPC

does anyone really deserve all that money? when you think about it, nothing you do matters so why should this money?

aka i didnt win

>> No.50645248


>> No.50645259
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nope and i never fucking have and never will

>> No.50645264

Website has cloud fare issues from all the hordes, just be patient you didn’t win anyways

>> No.50645269

Their website fell over and died under the load, then lit on fire.

>> No.50645277

>next week
>jackpot is now 2 billionareenos!
>keep up the buying redditors!

>> No.50645279

67, 45, 57, 36, 13, 14
i got the mega ball number right at least. i wonder if anyone won

>> No.50645288

Website crashed for about two hours on Tuesday, might be longer tonight because more people bought tickets

>> No.50645296

I got 3 numbers w/o the powerball. $10 prize.

>> No.50645302

hey a 5x, good job anon

>> No.50645307

Government tax....no thank you jew.

>> No.50645310


I am such an NPC for buying these lmao

>> No.50645341

kek same

>> No.50645353

Agreed, I told myself I wouldn't play but I'm a fucking retard and bought some because of a /biz/ thread like 3 days ago

>> No.50645358

Did you guys overload the website?

>> No.50645383

These are the numbers.
See you guys Next time.

>> No.50645385

yeah their site's overwhelmed. these are the numbers i got from https://www.wjhl.com/news/national/mega-millions-here-are-the-winning-numbers-for-1-28b-jackpot/
which is corroborated by a video on youtube showing the numbers being drawn live

>> No.50645420

Also dont forget you lose like half if you take the cash up front option

>> No.50645433

>67, 45, 57, 36, 13, 14

>> No.50645465

I fucking won bros......

>> No.50645472

surely it'd be possible to analyze previous winnings? there definitely is a pattern of some sort that emerges. like the 1st number in the drawings from 05/24-06/10 added together is the 1st number of 06/14's drawing. how could that be predicted? i don't care if it's "random" they definitely pre-pick the winning numbers. there's a pattern, manmade or not, somewhere in here

>> No.50645476
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>only a few numbers off from getting the jackpot

The quick pick gave me 13, 21, 36, 58, 70 with a 14 megaball

why even live

>> No.50645505

>mfw i made so much more money trading shitcoins and now since the market has had a mega bart since january I have reduced myself to selling $300 of my ETH to play the goyim games aka mega sheckles (millions)

this is what the bear market does to a guy

I'm not playing this shit anymore

I'm loading up on some more shit coins as soon as we get another good little crypto dump. Rubic $1 EOY, but first we go to $0.03

>> No.50645506

i have tickets but Im going to bed before looking at them because I want to actually sleep and not lay in bed a loathe at being poor. at least now I can go to sleep with the slight excitement that I still may hold the winner, even it's just the million dollar winner.

>> No.50645519

we didn't win

>> No.50645541

Lotto players are fucking schizomaxxd, at liquor stores they actually do sell little booklets that have pages of past lottery numbers that have been drawn sorted by date, astrological signs, etc. 2 bucks a pop for them. Then they're constantly going on about how oo that's my number, or that was so and so's number or bday, etc. OR OOOH I SAW THIS NUMBER IN MY DREAM!

>> No.50645542
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>> No.50645663

I rarely buy lotto tickets but I go for jackpots with 500k or so. The odds of winning are like I bought $3000 mega million tickets and winning 500k would change my life but it’s not enough for people to come out of the woodworks to rob me or whatever

>> No.50645685


>> No.50645724

You don’t pay twice, fed withholds 25 percent or so then you pay the remainder when doing your taxes. You do lose a shit ton if you take the lump sum since the 1 billion is in an annuity that has a 30 year payout or some shit

>> No.50647698

That's what I was calculating... it's 24% withheld before you can touch it then 37% of what's left as earnings taxation EOU.

>> No.50649175
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i want to take it and burn it.

>> No.50649203

I propose we let this guy win

>> No.50649494

You’re wrong and you’re retarded Lmao
66 66 66 66 66 is just as likely to be chosen as 1234567890 or any other combination
Can’t believe I’m posting in this retard thread

>> No.50650009

While you're correct about the odds being that way, you can't ignore that lots of people like to play patterns too. The idea of my reasoning here is to help the pool avoid sharing with the rest of the public when those pattern numbers come around. Also, even though it's just as likely as any other combination you will see them far less because of the number of non-pattern combos far outweighing the number of pattern combos.

>> No.50651559

Those sequences don't occur any less often than any others, but you're right that it's good to avoid them since it's more likely you'll be splitting the pot if you do win

>> No.50651763
File: 35 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Lotterybros, I didn't win but it was a hell of a ride. See you when Powerball gets over $300 million, and don't stop dreamin. Your big payday is right around the corner.

>> No.50651805

si modeerf ot tekcit laer eht

>> No.50651812

Have a better chance of making it with $LSVR than a lotto ticket.

>> No.50651853

the real lottery ticket is LSVR ngl, you guys should check it out asap . Hop in the tele

>> No.50651868
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>ticket to 9-figure hell

no thanks

>> No.50651870

All into crypto, not Lottery. Bunch of apes are building an army and growing everyday, look us up in TG, LASREVER

>> No.50652175
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>giving the government money on purpose

>> No.50653625 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 838x781, Screenshot 2022-07-30 at 18-35-36 Mega Millions Winning ticket for $1 3bn jackpot sold in Illinois.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50653638 [DELETED] 
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i didnt even win a $1 bros

>> No.50653664

There are more non pattern combos than there are pattern. So by simple probability there is a lower chance of seeing them over a given number of draws than the non pattern. If there are 20 of one type and 80 of the other, then you can expect to see the OTHER 4x more often. We aren't talking about just one drawing here. The idea of the lottery pool is for a bunch of people to play every draw of the year and split all the winnings together. You would want to maximize your payouts by avoiding things that are in the minority of probability AND things that would create a more drastic split of gains with the public.

Imagine a partnership where 20,000 people pay in about 3200 each for a year of drawings from that created pool of numbers. Each person is getting 10 of the combos from the pool of non-pattern draws each combo with a random bonus number, and every play has the multiplier.

With 20,000 people at 10 lines each you get 200,000 draws in the pool. All winning at the 1,000,000 dollar level and below are multiplied by 2 to 5. The 3rd party partnership running the pool takes all winnings, pays the tax, then duvides all leftover winnings to the 20,000 players for 104 drawings in a year.

If you could average 50 bucks a person for every drawing, then everyone in the group walks away with 5100 minus their 3200 buy in. You hit a jackpot or two and you could all end up finishing the year with up to a quarter million.

>> No.50653675
File: 1.10 MB, 845x849, Screenshot 2022-07-30 at 18-39-25 Mega Millions Winning ticket for $1 3bn jackpot sold in Illinois.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone won in Illinois.
1.34B for the annuity option or 780M for the lump sum

>> No.50653730
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Can you pay more money to put more numbers on the ticket?
Here in Italy most games have what's called "playing a system", where you pay the equivalent of the number of tickets that you'd have to buy to get all the possible combinations of the N numbers you put. This gives you much better odds than spending the same money on single tickets every draw (so you're better off putting that money in a piggy bank and spending it all at once when the jackpot gets huge).
I don't play the lotto so I'm not 100% sure, but I believe that it results in you actually buying all the individual tickets for the combinations, rather than a single big ticket, which is advantageous because you can get the sum of all the (far more likely) small prizes from combinations of 3 or 4 numbers.
So not only you're significantly more likely to get the jackpot (still an extremely small chance), but you're much more likely to break even or to make a small profit.
It might be different with the MegaMillions game, but normally a higher jackpot also means that the smaller prizes are more substantial, so you can calculate the point where the small prizes are big enough to be worth the risk to you (which you can further reduce by playing as many numbers as you can afford).
If you can't do this, just buy all the combinations individually.


>> No.50653749


Then there's the whole "which numbers to play", which I haven't done any research or math on, but I don't think it makes any difference. Just use random.org to generate some numbers or google which numbers haven't been drawn for the longest, I don't think it should matter, and if there is a way to find numbers that are even slightly more likely to be picked, it's either way above our head, or you already know how to calculate that, so I have no advice on that.

By far the biggest way to improve your odds is to play a game that's just easier to win.
In Italy the best one is MIllionDay, where you can only win up to a million Euros, but you "only" have to guess 5 numbers out of 55.

It's still gambling though, so nothing is guaranteed and you could very well win zero even with the increased chances, so don't spend any money on this that you're not ok with losing.


>> No.50653860

That "only5 out of 55" is about 3,819,816 unique combinations... give or take. A 1 in 4 million chance for a single draw, but a group of people buying a pool of 20,000 combinations has a 1 in 191 chance of splitting the pot between them. 20 people do that and each gets to take home 50,000 euros.

>> No.50654179

Wouldn't you have to get each person to buy 1000 tickets manually to avoid overlapping combinations among the 20k?
Or could you do that with multiple 9-number "system" plays (each costing 126€ for 9 numbers creating 126 combinations)?
MillionDay has draws every day so you don't have much time.

I would also have trouble finding 20 people willing to bet 1k€ on a 1 in 200 chance of getting 50k€.
Even accounting for all the smaller prices we'd win, which would basically reimburse part of the 1k€, it seems like a pretty bad bet to make.

>> No.50654270

Yeah at a 1 million pot it doesn't make sense, but pools can work with higher pots like 20 million. I posted the strategy up there, and if you count all the smaller winnings for mega millions it could end up working out with the right number of people.

>> No.50654489

Advertise the partnership, get 20k people to buy in at 3200 for a year of drawings, then use that money to draw 200,000 unique combos 104 times a year.
You've now got a 1 in 60 1/2 chance to pull the 5 correct white balls each and every one of those 104 drawings. When you DO hit those 5 you then need to get the 1 in 20 bonus number for your group to take the whole 20 million (minimum) jackpot. 20 million between 20,000 people is 750 bucks each before all the smaller prizes are added in AND after the federal withholding of 25%. Now remember there are 104 drawings a year and this is just one.

Would YOU buy in?

>> No.50654581

>20,000 combinations has a 1 in 191 chagiveLmao at people who don't understand odds.
Ticket 1 gives 1:3,900,000 chance
Ticket 2 gives 1:3,899,999 chance
...and on until Ticket 20000 gives 1:3,880,000 chance. You don't divide the odds by your number of chances retard. You subtract your chances from the overall odds.

>> No.50654613

Yeah, the advantage of pools is to reduce the capital each person "sinks" into each draw (at the cost of having to split the winning with a number of other people) but with the odds of a huge total investment.
The odds are still unfavorable, but it can start making sense once the jackpot gets so high that the (kinda more likely) smaller prizes make the bet worth it.
It could be interesting to do some research on every possible lottery and find which can reach worthwile small prizes relative to the intrinsic odds and whatnot.
Kinda like what these people did:

A Romanian mathematician named Stefan Mandel got very rich doing something like that. I don't remember the details but IIRC it's no longer possible (or practically feasible) to do something lke that today.
Also, consider that you have far better odds playing a ton of tickets in one draw than to space them out

>> No.50654658

>>Better to play a ton of tickets in one draw than to space them our.

Exactly, that's why it'd be 200,000 tickets per draw. Sucks that you can't get it done these days... oh well, cheers to Mr. Mandel!

>> No.50654839

He's right.
1 ticket means 1 chance to get the one right combination among 4M possible combinations.
2 tickets mean 2 chances of getting the one correct combination in 4M.
2 million tickets mean that out of 4M outcomes, half of them are winning combinations for you, so you have a 50% chance of winning , or in other words, 1 in 2.
If going from one ticket to half of the total 4M combinations is equivalent to going from 1:4,000,000 to 1:2, it means you have to divide, not subtract.
If it were a subtraction thing, buying half of the tickets would result in you having a 1 in 2 million chance, which doesn't make sense because you're not paying to remove them from the list of all the possible drawable combinations. You're adding them to your list of winning combinations.
By your system, if you buy every combination but two (so 3999998 out of 4000000) you have a 1 in 2 (50%) chance, which doesn't make any sense.

>> No.50654847

He's only wrong about a billionaire being enough for them to care and that you would net anywhere near that much after tax and lumpsum

>> No.50654913


>> No.50654917

You won't win anyway.

>> No.50654925 [DELETED] 

>while all of you zoomers cry in frustration.
I don't cry I just vandalize shit, lmao Americans are literally gay aids nigger man babies.

>> No.50654936

>You'd be an idiot not to buy a ticket at this point
I won't win, not playing.

>> No.50654959

>cash for useless bits of paper.

>> No.50654995


>> No.50655029

Did you not read what he fucking said you illiterate retard

>> No.50655036
File: 77 KB, 334x1024, 1657871024231m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh taxes is cope.
Taxation is theft, amerimutt.

>> No.50655059

>it's good to avoid them since it's more likely you'll be splitting the pot if you do win
Are you in debt with the mob by the exact amount of the jackpot?
Why does it matter that you're winning half of a colossal sum instead of the total?
Obviously it's better to take home the full prize, but there's only one winning combination and you can only win with that (ignoring smaller prizes for simplicity), whether the prize is all for you or to be split between a number of people.

Think of it this way:
>you play the uncommon pattern and lose
The splitting mechanic doesn't come into play and nothing matters.
>you play the uncommon pattern and win
The splitting mechanic is less likely to come into play and reduce your prize
>you play the common pattern and lose
The splitting mechanic doesn't come into play and nothing matters.
>you play the common pattern and you win
Your giant prize is split among all the winners and you still get a lot of money

The splitting mechanic only comes into play if that pattern is the winning one (in which case you're still winning), and if that pattern is the winning one, then you not choosing it means you lose.

>> No.50655178

Check out $LSVR ZE Ape shall prevail

>> No.50655595

>giving a billion to some coon in chicago who probably owes $900m in child support

>> No.50657612


>> No.50658091
File: 148 KB, 1000x1000, 1657379178892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a brainlet and don't really understand. Why would the patterned numbers be any different than a non-patterned one? All the numbers have equal chance. A 1 ball followed by a 2 ball is just as likely as a 6 ball followed by a 42 ball right?

>> No.50658247

Anon doesn't understand that those numbers are just labels and other than being used to distinguish the different elements are completely meaningless.
Instead of numbers it could've been literally anything else. Names, places, car models, emojis, book titles, random strings of characters, etc.
Hell, each ball can even have one of each. What do you do when for example you find a pattern among the cars but not among the places?

>> No.50658305

Are you implying they are concerned even with smaller numbers or larger networths?

>> No.50658721

LSVR is the new meme coin movement - find the the tg and let’s moon this

>> No.50658828

I think it's rigged. The "winners" aren't really winners and in on it with the lottery company. Everyone gets fucked, no exceptions. You don't actually think (((they))) will allow some random goyim to make filthy amounts of money and gain real power do you?

>> No.50658972
File: 434 KB, 1050x1050, 1659199492215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

03 13 15 54 67 72 80

>> No.50660312


>> No.50661015
File: 17 KB, 400x414, 1424720863340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump is about as legitimate as Alex Jones. I can't believe there are people who are dumb enough to fall for that controlled opposition shill clown. They're as bad as the marxist brainwashed globohomo good goyim.

The absolute garbage that the powerful can convince people to believe in! It's incredible.

>> No.50661734
File: 51 KB, 1200x628, muskrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The New World Order is all about living forever and the secrets of the universe."
Alex Jones.
That Aless Joules is like Orango man, he's sssss baaad, bro.

>> No.50662501

No anon. Convert to QANX and stake it when the mainnet launches. You, your wife and kids will be glad you did.

What was the legitimate one though?

>> No.50662752

The lottery is a tax on people who can't do math. You're all smoothbrained mouthbreathers.

>> No.50662791
File: 204 KB, 475x439, 1591357635366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>megamillion winning odds 1:300,000,000
>1 ticket's price: $2
>buy 300,000,000 tickets for $600,000,000
>winning odds: 1:1
>pocket the $500,000,000 bonus
where's the catch?

>> No.50662965

I spend $50/year on the lottery, statistically it’s the same as buying throughout the year. It’s better to just do it all at once from a psychological perspective. This way I can instead focus my energy on building my company, instead of spending time thinking about what I’d do if I “made it” and won hundreds of millions overnight.

>> No.50663031


>> No.50663320

How do you buy 300M tickets within a few days?

>> No.50663362
