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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50631641 No.50631641 [Reply] [Original]

Enjoy your centralized shitcoin

>> No.50631767

arent they just staking customers coins though?

>> No.50631894
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kleros would solve this, unironically.
trustless verification of wallets through a capped max holdings of entities. truly logical wallet limits are impossible to enforce because of the subjectivity and outside environment that truly determines if a wallet is held by the same entity (she'll companies, wallets, business interests) the subjectivity and hazyness needs a way to be judged.

>> No.50631914

Ohnono, if all the cexes teaming together and using customer eth they ll control it ohnono and skelly will fork all out and maybe, just maybe niggers will finally learn not to use cexes.....

>> No.50631975

The reason for Meffereumz getting more centralized than ever is slashing. Slashing sounds good in theory, but it only drives people to stake their shit on centralized platforms. No one would risk their money by setting up a basement validator.

Avalanche did it way better btw, you just don't get any rewards if your uptime is not good enough, but your initial is always safe -> more decentralization.

>> No.50632032

forgot to mention that current staked ETH is only 10% of all circulating ETH, so there's still 90% available to be staked so that doesn't mean shit

>> No.50632069

This is why Rocketpool is pumping right now

>> No.50632134

Mostly everything is pumping rn….

>> No.50632300

>preocessed in kleros court
>close the pc and walk away

>> No.50632459

This. It's not even on mainnet yet, of course people are going to turn to convenient liquid staking tools when locking away their ETH on a testnet.
I'm surprised it's only 58% of the staked ETH.

>> No.50632539


What's the most that can be lost on one node? If it's a whole number, it really is way too much.