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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5062599 No.5062599 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /biz/, my local telly shows "The Big Short" (2015) tonight. Should I watch it?

>> No.5062632
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nah watch an anime instead

>> No.5062694

Yes it's really good.

>> No.5062730
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yeah, I don't trust you.
you look like a trustable pal. Okay then!

>> No.5062731

It is a good movie that shows how (((they))) fucked the economy up and got bailed out in the end. It politicizes the whole thing in the wrong way, though, so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.5062744

yea it was breddy gud, but if you want a more accurate snapshot of the housing bubble watch Margin Call, even though that film only covers the final crash

>> No.5062751


its good just pay attention to the subversive jewish tricks. the character in your pic is based on a jew that made the directors change his name to a white name so people think whites caused the crash.

>> No.5062789

it's funny because the guy who wrote The Big Short is now a NeverTrumper blogger for NYT and run-of-the-mill crybaby

>> No.5062821

i watched the movie and i thought he was obviously an angry little jew man

>> No.5062827
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daijoubu, anon-kun
dont forget that your not alloud to post here unless you've watched at least 200 animes

>> No.5062840

Name ONE (1) single anime about business, particularly that of investing, that is even worth a single nanosecond of my time and I'll consider it.

I'm waiting.

>> No.5062849

some others worth watching

too big to fail (2011)
inside job (2010)
margin call (2011)
money for nothing - inside the fed (2013)
trading places (1984)
limitless (2011) - only somewhat related, but still good

>> No.5062878

>so people think whites caused the crash

whites dindu nuffin they good boys

>> No.5062884

Spice and wolf

>> No.5062899

c the money of soul and possibly control
or kurosagi if manga is more your thing

>> No.5062950
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>watch out for the little angry jew
got it

>watching at least 200 animes
no wonder the average iq is as it is around here... I did watch that valley of the winds anime though. It was okay.

>trading places (1984)
classic. I love the movies from that time. So innocent, compared to today.

>> No.5062983

>trading places

imagine being able to pull off the ultimate shill like dan and eddy did in that film

>> No.5063008

I'd add Floored (2009), an amazing documentary that gives insight into trading