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50619157 No.50619157 [Reply] [Original]

>Smartcon ticket is $1500. Don’t like it? Fuck you
>A-actually tickets are $777 because we’re generous
>o-ok ok if you put in this code we will accept $250. Deal?
>if you come you get to have Big Mac with sirgay. Please come. Please
>You better fucking attend smartcon. Here are 7 reasons why. Please come or you’ll regret it!

>> No.50619221

Do they now realize how poor we all are due to missing the entire bull run?

>> No.50619226

what kind of loser would attend such a thing anyway lmao

>> No.50619305

They've been growing increasingly desperate these last few months. Sergey & team definitely know it's going to be underwhelming (like it always is), and this is the last bit of hope & cope that LINK holders have been holding on to. I mean for fuck's sake, they have Rory listed as a speaker.

>> No.50619391

this. It's the speakers that did it for me, they've got the same fucking swift guy from last year who's just going to give a bunch of vague platitudes and listen to Sergey ramble, as well as an old ass has-been ex google ceo. If there's no sustained pump after smartcon I'm selling most of my bags.

t. 47k 2017 marine

>> No.50619544

>It's the speakers that did it for me
Spot on. I can tell that almost all LINK discussion is dominated by newfag moonboys these days. Funny thing is, they're the ones who talk about SWIFT/ISO20022 the most, while they understand it the least. Pisses me off how they think it's this ultra bullish news yet couldn't concisely explain how an oracle network would be integrated into their infrastructure and what their actual motivation is for seeking to integrate DLT.

>> No.50619669

knowing they gave away free tickets to some spastics from twitter, not going to bother. Maybe watching some videos for free a month or three later

>> No.50619821

>knows the show is gonna be shit
>is going to wait until after the show to sell anyway
way to squander your knowledge

>> No.50619919

>bot thread
domo arigato mr heroku san

>> No.50620176

Everyone who would ever sell has sold
Why do you keep creating these threads you loser?

>> No.50620256

If we don't get staking in q3 and smartcon is a nothing burger, link is going back to $1

>> No.50620465

smartcons arent ever for announcements

>> No.50620657

That doesn't change the fact people will expect something and it'll dump

>> No.50620702

>the single biggest event in crypto
do you think there are link holders that actually believe you and this will result in them selling? retard

>> No.50620788


>> No.50620833

Nigger, I don't give a fuck if anyone here sells, buys, or shoves their linkies up their asshole. Why is it impossible to have a conversation about this specific project, and if you don't repeat a bunch of moonboy bullshit you're immediately dismissed as a "fudder"? Yes, sure, I'm a paid tranny bulgarian Jewish fudder. Hope that makes you feel better. Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.50620863

7 months came and went and nothing was released. Are there any delusionals left who think Chainlink Labs will release staking, CCIP, and an abstraction layer for enterprise within the next 5 months? As history has shown, Smartcon will be a nothingburger and at most the team will proudly announce that staking is coming in the upcoming year (coming this year in the staking roadmap blogpost was a typo and Sergey did not lie Jan 1). Oh by the way, paypiggies are still needed for liquidity even after Sergey and Co. dumped tokens during the bull market to amass le war chest for the next 10 years. Enjoy bag holding for another year. Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.50620937

Nah im actually selling on the baby testnet staking pump. Prob only gonna be 30-40% tops before it fades back down. A week after its announced, price will be even lower as everyone realizes its barely even staking. Ive had enough of this gay ass project. Have fun w your big mac hangouts faggot

>> No.50620951


Fuck sergey

>> No.50621225

it's only been 1 day since you guys reformed your discord and you're already back in full force relax a little

>> No.50621317

Do you really expect anyone who held the entire way down to make smart decisions?

>> No.50621409

>dumped tokens during the bull market to amass le war chest for the next 10 years
Funniest part is that despite fucking LINK holders out of a bullrun he's still going to dump another 50 million tokens in the next few months. It's like a last hurrah

>> No.50621502

>Why is it impossible to have a conversation about this specific project
because people like you need to get their paycheck. that is the reason, it is you brainless retards spamming the same blatantly false shit every 5 minutes for years

>> No.50621607

I only came back to /biz/ last week, before that haven't been on the chans since august 2020. Not everyone is on here 24/7.

>> No.50621665

they're gonna give out suicide stacks to random attendees, but you didn't hear it from me

>> No.50621739

I might go just so I can fuck a hot NYC pornstar escort

>> No.50621797

If Sergey fucked Link holders oit of the bullrun by dumping tokens, then why did Solana, Fantom, Matic, Uniswap, … all perform really well during the bullrun despite dumping a lot more tokens into circulation than Chainlink?

>> No.50621827

If all of fake /biz/ was hyping Consensus because they were planning to go short, does that mean they are fudding SmartCon because they plan to go long?

>> No.50621941

Because those had actual use for the people who bought them

>> No.50621950

PS: Arbitrum Nitro Rinkeby merge just went through smoothly meaning we’re less than a month from Arbitrum nitro mainnet. Two more weeks, even.

>> No.50621959

Unironically networking with Schmidt and SBF is worth the original price, assuming you are a developer and not a /biz/ autist.

>> No.50622013

Because they have hype, despite being vaporware scams.

>> No.50622084

Wow surely this time ed felten will deliver something than unmitigated wet shit!

>> No.50622114

imagine thinking any marine can afford this shit top kek

>> No.50622123

and? Its eth, fuck eth

>> No.50622135

Why are you so angry lmao Arbitrum is the leading L2 by TVL

>> No.50622154

Same here.
My play was waiting until staking, but that's 2 years away at best.
I don't have that time. Godspeed for the rest.

t. 27K 2017 who already parted with 1/3rd

>> No.50622159
File: 710 KB, 1026x1131, F4D7029E-67AC-438A-BC4B-DD8C93B6FDE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol best fucking post on /biz so far

>> No.50622187
File: 3.66 MB, 3536x3368, 1657407093158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, sure, I'm a paid tranny bulgarian Jewish fudder.
this but unironically

>> No.50622257

>solution: make the boards less interesting by filling them with content that looks like it belongs but is meaningless, diluting the sense of community
And suddenly I know why there’s so much garbage tier filler using old pepes and wojaks and cringe /biz/ phrases “lol, lmao even” that nobody has used for years.

>> No.50622400 [DELETED] 

the fact that there is still any link discussion at all on this board and it hasn't been completely abandoned is a testament to how fucking awesome linkies are. they're running industrial grade fud campaigns and psyops to get us to sell but we won't. this is a link board and always will be. get fucked fudders

>> No.50622422

the fact that there is still any link discussion at all on this board and it hasn't been completely abandoned is a testament to how fucking alpha biz linkies are. they're running industrial grade fud campaigns and psyops to get us to sell but we won't. this is a link board and always will be. get fucked fudders.

>> No.50622483

Checked sir. By the grace of the Vishnu my village will eat steaks this year.

>> No.50622498

Checked. The funny thing is, as an ico linkie I’m probably as demoralised now as I have been at any time since 2019, on the basis that it just feels like it’s going to be years and years until we see a fully mature system.
But for me demoralisation has nothing to do with selling. It’s just the time I’m not obsessed with LINK and get interested in other things crypto and non-crypto instead. Selling never even enters into it.
I honestly wonder at who the target market for fud even is any more. Retail is gone. Newfags are gone. Oldfags are quite simply never selling. Who are they trying to convince at this point?

>> No.50622546

>Oldfags are quite simply never selling. Who are they trying to convince at this point?
I have a 20k stack I bought in 2017 and I'm selling for ETH this year if we don't see appreciable price action. I've missed an entire bull run. I've waited long enough.

>> No.50622561

I’ve seen so many hundreds of OGs sell their entire stack in a /biz/ post, it’s honestly a miracle that there are any of us left.

>> No.50622574

Tranny kys

I enjoy these threads. Link fud is insolvent. They are desperate.

>> No.50622581

Well I don't want to sell I want to make money off LINK. Just doesn't seem like it's happening any time soon. If I trade for ETH at the end of the year I'll likely be able to buy back in as ETH continues to out perform LINK for the forseeable future.

>> No.50622589


>> No.50622595

>delusional beyond all reason

>> No.50622607

emotionally invested bagholder.

>> No.50622623
File: 122 KB, 1192x578, F8F1629A-76BF-401D-B26B-5EBE47CE1991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes fellow OG I too am going to sell my 2017 stack, along with thousands of other OGs who are selling right this second, to chase other opportunities. Bleep bloop boop. And I suggest anyone reading does the same.
Who are you talking to? Lmao. Who do you think believes what you’re saying?

>> No.50622652

Your emotional investment is akin to a religious cult. Anyone who expresses doubt (rightfully so after missing an entire bullrun) is seen as an enemy faction out to get you. It's kinda crazy how emotional you guys respond.

I'm here to make money. I'm not a "LINK marine" or whatever else you "never selling diamond hands hodl!!!" r*dditors call yourselves these days. I'm a guy with LINK bags and I want to make money off of them. The part where I make money isn't happening. Although I technically will make money if I sell them since I'm up so much from 2017, I'd be up way higher if I traded for ETH in the last 2 years. I'm not trying to change the world or find friends in my super cool religious cult called LINK. I just want profit.

>> No.50622661

says the eth bag holder. still far below 2018 highs, even doge and ltc got multiple sat ath

>> No.50622676

I don't hold ETH yet though lmao. I will at the end of the year if LINK doesn't pump though.

>> No.50622684

You’ve been holding large amounts of link since 2017 and you’re saying me holding link is akin to a religious cult lmao

>> No.50622699

alright fellow link marino..

>> No.50622754

2016 holder here. 250k

Probably will end up selling if SmartCon doesn’t produce anything - missed out on so many opportunities because of holding link

>> No.50622756

>You’ve been holding large amounts of link since 2017 and you’re saying me holding link is akin to a religious cult lmao
Yes, you are in a religious cult because you think my disappointment in holding an asset for 5 years and not getting the return I was expecting is unjustified. I see other assets consistently performing better over the past 2 years (ETH) and it entices me to trade my LINK bags out for ETH ones. Rational behavior, but you consider it some kind of assault against your religion and are personally offended by it.

>> No.50622775

How did they post that in the future :o

>> No.50622779

The same loser who took time to write that in a link thread who obviously holds link.

>> No.50622792

I’m just more interested in why so many LINK OGs talk about selling their huge stacks here, while never offering proof, and yet I never seem to go up in wallet at all.
If all the OGs are selling then why am I moving down wallet ranks?

>> No.50622805

It’s tomorrow in Australia, anon, though in date only.

>> No.50622816

I’ve never understood the point of lying on an anonymous forum. You own 2k link, you bought in 2019-2020, and you aren’t even considering selling. There. That wasn’t that hard, right?

>> No.50622829

What proof do I have to offer when I haven't sold yet? This entire convo is happening because you're very upset I stated I *might* sell later this year if LINK fails to deliver once again. Am I not allowed to express any hint of doubt without being an evil agent out to take down your precious religious cult? If I expressed I had doubts in Christianity to a priest he wouldn't start screeching I am going to hell he'd try to offer me his wisdom and see if he could alleviate my doubts. LINKies on the other hand go straight to the screeching about eternal hellfire. Hence, you're cultish.

>> No.50622864

domo arigato mr heroku

>> No.50622878

It took you 5 whole years to figure that out? All the “Sergey is god” memes we made in 2018 didn’t give you a hint?

>> No.50622894

Deep down I always knew but I thought I was getting some dunning kruger and thought I was right about LINK and that'd it make me rich enough to retire within 5 years or so. 5 years later and LINK is worth 6 dollars. At some point you realize you aren't as smart as you think you are. I do think in another 5 years LINK will have blown up, but I don't feel like getting out performed by everything else for another 5 years until that happens.

But since I haven't sold, and LINK has some stuff in the pipe this year (Staking, CCP) maybe, just maybe I won't have to sell because my investment will start performing. Or maybe it won't and I'll get the fuck out and swap bags for ETH. We shall see.

>> No.50623080

damn OP ain't lying but 1500 and even 777 is too much for smartcon. Like who the fuck cares that much? but like other anons have stated god damn these are bearish times

>> No.50623167

down 95% vs eth faggot cultist

>> No.50623174

What do we say in English though?

>> No.50623195
File: 142 KB, 945x825, 97924911-5A99-4293-AADB-EBDBACD2C1DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact that there is still any link discussion at all on this board and it hasn't been completely abandoned is a testament to how fucking alpha biz linkies are. they're running industrial grade fud campaigns and psyops to get us to sell but we won't. this is a link board and always will be. get fucked fudders.

>> No.50623225

we say domo arigato mr heroku thank you for another gpt3 chan thread

>> No.50623236

Nooo a soijack of me I will finally sell my 20k 2017 stack. that pushed me over line

>> No.50623269

i will never buy your bags rory
leave this board and never come back

>> No.50623294

Nobody here asked you to buy any link. Maybe those voices were in your head.

>> No.50623309

your tone is very defensive and irritable. Are you sure you're all right?

>> No.50623317
File: 130 KB, 1000x1000, 3D3FC8E1-943D-4BF8-B013-551C973562F0_1_102_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy the new series of dumps bagholder


>> No.50623318

I’m fine thanks bro but I appreciate you checking in. We’re all in this together and have to care for each other.

>> No.50623339

I guess so, but I always see the same types of pointless interactions between chainlink holders and those that hate chainlink who claim they don't own any. It's very tedious and predictable as if the exchange was happening between two bots. Certainly lowers the quality of any discussion about Link and will most always derail the thread.

>> No.50623340

Oh shit that changes everything, time to sell my whole stack! Again! I’m selling my whole stack every day these days.

>> No.50623354

Neither side has anything better to do with their time, anon. Why get bots to do what neets will do for free.

>> No.50623358

Eth is down 90% on link since its ico

>> No.50623359

Guys we had a good run but I think it’s time to sell :^)

>> No.50623593

LINK threads feeling more like GME levels of delusion by the day, it’s getting sad at this point. Any criticism is met with hostility.

>> No.50624333

Anon, tell me, what tools are out there to bring API data to your smart contract? How would you generate a random number on a blockchain? How do you implement crontab jobs?

>> No.50624354

>Any criticism is met with hostility.

Well that's normal when the threads are nothing but criticisms

>> No.50624361

It’s a smart con, gotta give it to sirgay.

>> No.50624389

Can someone explain to me why Link is needed? I get oracles are all cool and shit but why does it need a token? Why wouldn't they just accept ETH as payment? Why is staking needed? To lighten the blow of Sergey's relentless market selling of link?

>> No.50626035

chainlink sucks

>> No.50626243
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>> No.50628049

>oracles are all cool
it's literally just a JSON parser on the blockchain

>> No.50628072

lol you wouldn't shilling this hard if you weren't a bagholder from when it was $30

>> No.50628132

Same, simply never selling

>> No.50628135


>> No.50628153

this is beyond pathetic and desperate
fucking out of touch pieces of shit

>> No.50628156

My hope for the swift guy is that he can't just say what he did last time. Last time he just rambled on about the market in general and made it clear there was nothing actively going on with chainlink. He literally can't do that again so i'm 80% sure they've got some work to talk about.

>> No.50628184

Sergey is unironically 2nd coming of christ, some might even argue hes the anti-christ

>> No.50628300

they really seem desperate at this point.
the best advertisement for a crypto project is pumping it's own price but I guess they don't have the power to do that

>> No.50628336

>i'm 80% sure they've got some work to talk about.

they'll have some high level conversation about smart securities being a thing in 5 years

>> No.50628338
File: 111 KB, 1446x728, 5B134C98-64F1-4289-B7E3-A55EB080A51A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The funny thing is, as an ico linkie I’m probably as demoralised now as I have been at any time since 2019, on the basis that it just feels like it’s going to be years and years until we see a fully mature system.

>> No.50628351

A con if there ever was one.

>> No.50628494
File: 3.36 MB, 5868x1970, 1659052333649554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone's in a cult, it's the Link fudders.

>> No.50628811

>smart securities being a thing in 5 years
well that means we are halfway there at least. 5 more years of pain and humiliation and I might finally be able to afford that little place in the country.

>> No.50629017

if you don't do even the most basic of research no one is going to help you. help yourself.

>> No.50629181
File: 128 KB, 1213x648, 1659084356704078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get oracles are all cool and shit but why does it need a token?
>Why wouldn't they just accept ETH as payment?
Ask the guy who created ETH lmao

>> No.50629389



>> No.50630253
File: 12 KB, 306x306, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Retard. DOGE is a meme. ETH will rise once the merge is done. Diversification is key. Long term holds like ALBT are good. Partners like AVAX, OCEAN or EWT.

>> No.50630588

If you buy a ticket but change your mind is there a way to sell it on the secondary market? Or are you stuck once you buy?

>> No.50631103

They should have made a limited amount of tickets all in NFT format (with a royalty fee for chainlink labs).
They should have made a bonding curve mechanism to ensure early birds got a ridiculously good price.
They could have decided which NFTs get to have lunch with serg using Chainlink VRF.
Then those NFTs could have been traded before the event, probably at a hefty premium.
That would have been good publicity, a good usecase of Chainlink VRF and an interesting source of extra income (royalties for secondary market trades on tickets).

But they didn't.

>Captcha: SN2GN

>> No.50632258

those are all really great ideas and I'm certain if you applied to the role that handles that at Chainlink Labs you would immediately be sent to the trash pile